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Saving Lives Through Free Cervical Cancer Screening and Counselling


Cervical screening is a way of preventing cervical cancer from developing, and diagnosing the disease at an early pre-cancerous stage. One of the methods used in cervical screening is the Pap test (or ‘smear test’), among others.

Screening tests look for pre-cancerous changes in the cervix that could develop into cervical cancer. If the abnormal tissue or cells can be removed, then the disease can be prevented from developing and causing problems. The tests can also diagnose the disease by identifying cancer cells that are already present.

Such is the reason why the Hub is organizing a Health Sensitization Campaign in partnership with like-minded practioners such as Mildmay Uganda and Reproductive Health mainly focused on Cervical Cancer.

This event is scheduled to take place between the 17th and 21st of July at the Hub, Oasis Mall.

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Of Unfulfilled New Year’s Resolutions


2014 is coming to a close and I remember as we were getting ready to usher in this year, I set some resolutions that were to guide me in the year that had the summer Olympics and World cup (See I’m a sports fanatic).

Some of my resolutions I made were:

  • Drink more water.
  • Exercise more.
  • Read more and watch less TV.
  • Have a child (maybe name her Olympia)
  • Reconnect with people I’ve lost touch with.
  • Learn how to drive

How many of your resolutions can you check off your list?

Out of the ten resolutions I set for myself, I can only check two.
Wait only two? Francesca you need to get serious.

It’s been about twelve months since we all made promises to ourselves on New Year’s Eve to improve our lives and be happier people. Have we done this?

To some, the “new beginnings and fresh starts” notion makes us feel more capable than we actually are. As we wind up this year, my question to all who set resolutions is have you achieved some or nothing has changed in your life?

Will you set the same resolutions for 2015? If so can we set those that are realistic like reunite with an old flame, a friend from high school whom you’ve lost touch with? or someone from your past that you owe an apology.

Remember not to repeat these mistakes while setting 2015’s resolutions as researched by Aviv Shahar. Here are some of the reasons why 83% of all New Year’s resolutions fail:

  1. Habits are stronger than intentions.
  2. The resolution was not made with a truly committed action plan.
  3. You did not develop a support system to help carry on the resolution through the ebbs and flows of life.
  4. The resolution was a reaction to something outside yourself and was not based in new self-insight and knowledge and therefore lacks enduring power.
  5. Accountability check marks were not built into the resolution.
  6. You never believed in yourself and your intention in the first place.
  7. You have a track record of unfulfilled promises with yourself.
  8. The resolution is focusing on an area of weakness instead of building on strengths.
  9. You are trying to fill an absence rather than build a presence of something in your life. There is a difference.
  10. You have not created a ‘point of no return’ strategy.

So as you set next year’s resolutions,make sure you can achieve them.

What to do Once Pulled Over by Ugandan Police During Curfew time


When the Covid-19 pandemic surfaced, a lot of things that we were used to changed right from the way of lives to the laws regulating us. Currently in Uganda, it is an offense in not only traffic laws to drive past general curfew time, that is 7:00pm and being found on the road with a not sounding reason, you may fall into the punishing hands of the police. One of the punishments for this is parking you aside the road for the night, paying a fine and even being charged in the courts law and serve some time in prison.

Meanwhile, travelers on tour purposes including those that Rent Cars for self-drive in Uganda can be allowed to operate beyond 7pm but not so late as long as their vehicles are legally licensed and registered for tourism purposes. While driving past curfew time, you can find a number of road blocks where Police has a right to pull you over for some few questions.

Yes, we all hear police is your friend and it is ideally what it is supposed to be. But this could be a different story once caught driving past curfew time. Most encounters of motorists with the Police at such times do not always turn out well. Again, avoiding the police once they pull you over may not be the best way to stay safe. It is therefore important to know what to and not to do so as to reduce the chances of a causality to the barest minimum!

Don’t Ignore their call

Even though there are no barriers on the road block to force stop you, once you are pulled over simply abide. The police is on the road doing their job and a clean conscience mind has nothing to be afraid of so don’t make them think otherwise. Be a law abiding driver and stop. Ignoring their command to stop can be considered an offense and the bigger you force them go lengths to figure it out, the bigger the gravity of aftermath.

It is better for your time to be wasted than for you to get hurt.

Don’t take your hands out of sight

Whenever you put hands away from the sight of any police man, there is a possibility for him to think you are reaching out for something harmful, so please keep the hands in their proper sight. Remember these road blocks have different types of security officers from traffic police, normal police, ever equipped military police to army men. Some have the no nonsense Local defense Unit – ‘LDU’s’ officers. You never know that any of them can think of you while trying to take your hands out of their sight.

It is hands that people use to do actions, you might be acting on impulse to reach for something that is not harmful, and get yourself hurt for nothing. If they are on the steering wheel, hold them onto there. Simply talk to them. It is a good idea on to try to bring anything to Police until they ask for something.

Don’t panic and Stick to your words

This simply not to lie to them. We all lie for various reasons but it is better to do so if you are to stick your original story. Though lying does not automatically make you a criminal, it can show that you are hiding something. Some times panicking can lead you say words you weren’t meant to say. It is better to Say things as they are. The confidence and calmness you exude will make them let you go in peace.

Keep away from Arguments

If you have ever been close to a Ugandan police officer you will conclude with me that they are one of the most short tempered people among those you have ever met. Arguing with armed men is not a wise idea. Therefore, you should always watch your tone when talking to them. Try to keep it low and calm. When you are in the wrong, try to plead for forgiveness since these lads need respect at all times.

However, don’t just act like a fool and accept everything they say when it is not the truth but instead of raising your voice and arguing, keep calm and gently pass your message across.

Don’t charge at them

This goes hand in hand with arguing with Police. If you know you are in the right but they are driving you to feel a criminal, try to keep the temper.

Yes wee all get upset and tempers arise but there are limits to everything. No matter how annoying an officer of the law might seem, you have no right to charge at him. Some even reach an extent of getting out of the car and charge at officer. Please, don’t the line as this could make them react in strange ways. Just calm in your car as abide to what they tell you whether it is parking aside.

Abryanz Allegedly Slapped by Hotel Manager


Fashionista, Abyanz was involved in a scuffle with hotel manager over the weekend, this website can confirm. Sources tell us that he was one of the celebrities who flocked Serena Hotel Kigo to celebrate singer Spice Diana’s birthday.
However, to Abryanz this will be one of his worst experiences and a reason he won’t attend any parties anymore. Dressed in all black, the famous designer had his shirt- collar rudely pulled from behind by the hotel manager.
‘He was queuing up for lunch with his plate only to be pulled by the manager who mistook him for a street kid gate crashing on the party ‘ said a blogger on site.
Other sources at the same event have it that he was actually slapped by the hotel manager. Luckily, he never retaliated and retreated only to be consoled by BFF Judith Heard.
On whether he will press charges against the manager, Abryanz instead asked for time to think about it.

Uganda Cranes Coach Guilty of Sexual Offences


Uganda coach Milutin Sredojevic has been found guilty two counts of sexual assault, in Gqeberha.
He was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment, suspended for 5 years
It is alleged that he inappropriately touched a 39 year old woman at the Wolfson Stadium

All You Need to Know about Gorilla Trekking in Uganda


Around only 1000 mountain gorilla still exist today. Although our closest living relatives, ironically, it is man that poses the greatest threat to their survival. For years gorillas have been ruthlessly hunted for their hands and heads, which are sold on as macabre souvenir ashtrays and lamp shades. Additionally, large numbers have been killed whilst trying to stop poachers stealing babies which are illegally sold on to zoos, where their survival rate is low. This has affected Uganda Safari industry.

Gorilla trekking is a wonderful experience, allowing you the opportunity to have a close encounter with these gentle giants of the jungle in their natural habitat. The trekking will take place either in Uganda, Rwanda or Democratic Republic of Congo – depending on local conditions and the availability of the gorilla permits. You need not feel that you are exploiting these animals by paying good money to go trek to see them in their natural habitat. In fact the ever-growing number of tourists keen to see the gorilla proves to be an important factor in their survival. The gorilla permit fees help to set up and finance patrols that are instrumental in protecting the gorillas from poachers and their lethal snares.

Gorilla Permit Costs

On our African overland safaris, gorilla trekking is an optional activity and the cost of the permit, transfer and local service fee is to be paid upon arrival. We also offer a 4 day Gorilla Express lodge accommodated safari in Rwanda, please note that on this trip the cost of the gorilla permit, transfer and service fee is included.

The cost and availability of gorilla permits varies by country and park and currently ranges from USD 400 – 1500. You will also need to budget for visa fees (costs vary), transfer and a local service fee (approx USD 60 – 75) and to renew your Ugandan or East African visa upon re-entry should we have to go to Rwanda or DR Congo. The government often increases the permit and transfer costs without notice, so we ask that you budget for the highest amount, so that you don’t suddenly have to find additional money to partake in this wonderful experience. We recommend you budget a total of atleast US$ 1200.

The reason that the permits are so costly is because each park only issues 10 permits per gorilla family per day, to ensure that the gorilla’s exposure to humans is limited. 100% of the gorilla permit cost is used by the government to continue in the excellent work they do in protecting and promoting these wonderful animals.

Tours companies are not in control of the price of gorilla permits and therefore cannot be held responsible for any increase in fees. If the political situation in this region should change, there is the chance that the itinerary would be amended and an alternative scenario advised prior to departure if possible.

Trekking to see the Gorillas

The trek starts in the early morning and after border formalities you are transferred to a ranger’s station where the trek commences. Your rangers will lead you through the cultivated lands and then into the dense rain forest and as close as is allowed to a gorilla family. The rangers monitor the gorillas on a daily basis and have a fairly good idea of where they are. However, they are free roaming animals, and their sighting cannot be guaranteed. Trekking can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 8 hours and it can be quite strenuous, so a reasonable level of fitness is required.

To ensure the gorillas do not get too used to the presence of humans and because they share many of our genes (and are therefore able to catch our diseases), the maximum time permitted to spend with them is 1 hour. You will have plenty of time to watch their activity and to take photographs. The rangers will be able to provide you with a background to the family you are visiting. Once your hour is up, you trek back out of the rain forest to your meeting point. Clients considering joining this trip should realise the demands and unpredictability of the areas visited. These factors may contribute toward restricting or delaying our trip and viewing of the gorillas. Often, the trek through thick, dense jungle can be somewhat strenuous and due to the nature of the gorillas and their habits, viewing cannot be guaranteed.

IMPORTANT: Although the groups of gorilla that are sought out on our jungle trek have been habituated, they have not been tamed and their behaviour is not demonstrably different from that of non-habituated groups. Nobody forces them to stay with us for the allotted hour, and they can fade into the forest as you appear, if they wish to do so. Further, as gorillas are EXTREMELY sensitive to human disease, the park authorities will not allow anyone they consider to be in poor health to visit the gorilla groups. Additionally, no children under 16 years of age are permitted to visit.

Best Cars for Self-Drive in Uganda

Africa Car Rental

Renting a car to take on a self-drive road trip has become so trending globally. And what can make one trip so memorable is to have that best car for self-drive in Uganda. In Uganda there are several cars that one can choose to take for that dreamt self-drive road trip, there is nothing that empowers than one having that freedom to seat behind the wheels of the car rental and dictate where to drive. As most of the travelers have decided to go rent a car to have freedom and privacy on their safaris. There wider range of thing to consider taking on your self-drive safari all over the country.

Before embarking on renting a car in Uganda it’s so important to understand various car fleets available to rent in Uganda. Considering the purpose for your trip, let it be business, research, charity, or adventure, there are fleets fitting each purpose which range from the 2wd, to 4×4. That also range with different travelers class of Luxury, Mid-range to Budget travelers. When considering recommendable best cars for self-drive for safari in Uganda are as listed below.

Toyota RAV4

For trekkers roving on a relaxed budget but opting to rent a car for self-drive should consider renting a 4X4 RAV4. This is suitable for solo travelers and also can accommodate up to passengers, though its simplicity but it can cruise even into the hard remotest roads of the countryside. Its fuel consumption is very low not constraining one’s pockets, its one opening for economy travelers and can reserve some dollars in the pocket.

Toyota Land Cruiser TX

This also accommodate economy class, it’s one of the stronger among the best cars for self-drive in Uganda. Toyota land cruiser TX can accommodate up to 4 passengers and it comfort is guaranteed, the vehicle has 5 doors with bigger boot to accommodate quit a number of luggage. Relatively the vehicle rates are affordable very accommodative for the midrange guests and very capable to cruise through the very hard routes in the country.

Toyota Land Cruiser V8

One of the best cars for self-drive to rent when considering a luxury trip. The vehicle is very comfortable to use with luxury interior which can accommodate up to 5 passengers. The kind of this 4×4 car model can accommodative to a family of less than 5, has enough cargo space for and guaranteed air conditioning system and the vehicle is designed to cater for luxurious travelers.

Toyota Land Cruiser Hard Top

The hard top land cruiser is customized for African adventures as they can drive to hardest point of any country. This car model is always available for both luxury and midrange travelers, the car accommodate up to 8 passengers. Before renting this hard top land cruiser safari car should note that most of the companies here them with their driver and you must inquirer to know if can be offered for a self-drive road trip.

Safari Vans

The vehicles offered can include super customs/ Toyota Hiace/ drones/ are all available for the purpose. These are comfortable for a group of about 10 people, the 4×4 safari van is best fitting for people who are planning to travel in a group. This kind of model is designed is various ways to accommodate luxury and economy travelers. It’s important also to know if the car hire company can offer the vehicle for self-drive as those kinds customized for luxury are sometimes hired with a driver.

Akon Winds Up Trip to Uganda in Style


Uganda Tourism Board, the Government of Uganda’s tourism marketing and regulatory agency over throughout last week held talks with Senegalese American musician and businessman, Akon on all matters tourism investment.

Akon, whose real names are Aliaume Damala Badara Akon Thiam was in the country at the invitation of by Ambassador Abbey Walusimbi, the Senior Presidential Advisor on Diaspora Affairs to explore various investment opportunities in the country.

During his stay, UTB CEO, Lilly Ajarova hosted Akon and his wife Rozina Negusei for a familiarization trip to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, the most visited national park, together with MgahingaGorillaNational Park are famous for the Mountain Gorilla and host 53% of the world’s population of gorillas. Queen Elizabeth National Park is home to over 95 mammal species and over 600 bird species.

Describing the gorilla tracking in a media interview, Akon and Rozina said, it was a rare, tough and beautiful at the same time.

“We had an amazing time—a beautiful experience. “It was amazing, I got an up-close and personal shot with the gorillas… you don’t see shots this close.”

At another media address in Kampala, Akon said: “I cannot believe what I have experienced while in Uganda, the kind of welcome I never knew Uganda had and I’m determined to expose how beautiful this country is to the rest of the world.”

Commenting about the UTB-Akon talks,Ajarova said that Akon’s visit follows another February 2021 meeting between Ajarova and Akon’s wife and entertainment entrepreneur, RozinaNegusei.

“One of the key opportunities discussed with Rozina then, and again with the couple was an opportunity for a huge potential for a back-to-Africa (in this case Uganda) International Music Festival,” she said.

She continued: “We also discussed marine tourism- given Uganda’s abundance of water bodies, the redevelopment of the Equator—UTB has profiled up to 6 areas of investment as well as the construction of especially luxury accommodation facilities in and around our 10 National Parks in addition to a favourable business environment such as government incentives, widely available and affordable labour, all, combine to make Uganda, one of the best places to visit and invest,” she said.

She also said that UTB, hopes to leverage the multi-platinum selling singer, rapper, songwriter, record producer, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and actor’s celebrity and wealthy networks, first to create awareness about Uganda in the North American markets especially and subsequently influence investments inflows as well.

Ajarova said that the North American Market, that includes the United States of America and Canada, according to the just-released Uganda’s Tourist Expenditure And Motivation Survey (Tems) 2019 Report, by the tourism minister, although North America tourists constitute only 9.3% of overall tourism numbers to Uganda, they, together with European and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand) were largely leisure travellers that spend between 8 to 14 nights.  Nearly one-third of all leisure visitors were much more likely to stay in either Uganda’s Safari Lodge or Tourist campsites.

In an interview with Associated Press News, an American newswire, Akon said that Uganda was rich with potential and indeed confirmed that his company was interested in and would host an international music festival in Uganda.

“Uganda is definitely a hub for investment. We’re looking to put together a huge festival here,” he said, adding: “We do want to be able to invest in the local artists. One of the reasons for the festival is to expose the local artists here in Uganda because they play a big role in the East African music alongside Kenya and Rwanda and Congo as well too.”

Akon also hinted at plans to build what he called an entertainment city in Uganda.

“That is on the list of things that we are doing. That is one of the reasons why we are doing the Akon Entertainment City here; because we want to be able to focus and showcase the entertainment all throughout East Africa,” he said.

UNWTO launches Road to Recovery for Tourism


The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has released a set of recommendations calling for urgent and strong support to help the global tourism sector not only recover from the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19 but to ‘grow back better’. The Recommendations are the first output of the Global Tourism Crisis Committee, established by UNWTO with high-level representatives from across the tourism sector and from within the wider United Nations system.

Recognizing that tourism and transport has been among the hardest hit of all sectors, the Recommendations are designed to support governments, the private sector and the international community in navigating the unparalleled social and economic emergency that is COVID-19.

“These specific recommendations give countries a check-list of possible measures to help our sector sustain the jobs and support the companies at risk at this very moment. Mitigating the impact on employment and liquidity, protecting the most vulnerable and preparing for recovery, must be our key priorities,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili.

Recognising the diverse realities in each country as well as the evolving nature of this crisis, the document will continue to be updated. 

Preparing for recovery now

We must support the sector now while we prepare for it to come back stronger and more sustainable

“We still do not know what the full impact of COVID-19 will be on global tourism. However, we must support the sector now while we prepare for it to come back stronger and more sustainable. Recovery plans and programmes for tourism will translate into jobs and economic growth.” added the Secretary-General.

The Recommendations for Action are the first comprehensive set of actions governments and private sector actors can take now and in the challenging months ahead. Mr Pololikashvili stressed that “for tourism to fulfil its potential to help societies and whole countries recover from this crisis, our response needs to be quick, consistent, united and ambitious”.

Responding today and preparing for tomorrow

In all, this new guide provides 23 actionable recommendations, divided into three key areas:

Managing the Crisis and Mitigating the Impact: Key recommendations relate to retaining jobs, supporting self-employed workers, ensuring liquidity, promoting skills development and reviewing taxes, charges and regulations relating to travel and tourism. The Recommendations are made as a global economic recession looks likely. Given its labor-intensive nature, tourism will be hard hit, with millions of jobs at risk, especially those held by women and youth as well as marginalised groups.

Providing Stimulus and Accelerating Recovery: This set of Recommendations emphasises the importance of providing financial stimulus, including favourable tax policies, lifting travel restrictions as soon as the health emergency allows for it, promoting visa facilitation, boosting marketing and consumer confidence, in order to accelerate recoveryThe Recommendations also call for tourism to be placed at the centre of national recovery policies and action plans.

Preparing for Tomorrow: Emphasising tourism’s unique ability to lead local and national growth, the Recommendations call for greater emphasis to be placed on the sector’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Agenda and to build resilience learning from the lessons of the current crisis. The Recommendations call on governments and private sector actors to become build preparedness plans, and to use this opportunity to transition to the circular economy.

About the Global Tourism Crisis Committee

UNWTO formed the Global Tourism Crisis Committee to guide the sector as it responds to the COVID-19 crisis and to build the foundations for future resilience and sustainable growth. The Committee comprises representatives of UNWTO’s Member States and Affiliate Members, alongside the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The private sector is represented by Airports Council International (ACI), Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), International Air Transport Association (IATA) and World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) to ensure a coordinated and effective response.

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