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Meet Fyonna Nsubuga


At 13 years Fyonna moved to the UK with her two young brothers to unite with the rest of their family.  She has been song writing since the age of 15, her earliest compositions include; ‘Beautyteen’ and ‘Never Had’ (which are is to be released on her upcoming album),’ Dance with me’ (unreleased), ‘Raining’ (unreleased) and so forth.

At the age of 18 Fyonna started to sing after joining a music course. She studied and took a series of extensive music performance and vocal training, music theory, and musicology while on ‘High National Diploma in Popular Music Practice’ at City and Islington College in Camden, London.

Fyonna and her friends from college formed small bands of 5 to try out different music genres and fusing styles (from Latino, Jazz, Soul/RnB, funk,Indie rock and Afro), organising and putting on live shows outside college. She was also chosen by her college as one the five students requested to represent the College at the BBC Radio 1 music week program situated at London Metropolitan University in Holloway.

When she was 19 Fyonna joined Tab Impala (London based African band), which she still occasionally performs for as a vocalist. Tab Impala band have played a greater part in grooming Fyonna as a musician as well as enhancing her skills vocally and performing live in the world music sector. As part of the band, she has been able to do backing vocals for a string of Ugandan based artists while they were on tour around the UK. These include Iryn Namubiru, the Late Paulo Kafeero, Chance Nalubega, Winnie Munyenga, Queen Florence and so on. She has  also toured with the band around the different cities within the UK, back and forth between the UK and the US.  Most recent to tour to the US was Kyeyo Project by G&G Productions USA in Boston MA.

Despite her tight schedule of music outside school, Fyonna has still managed to cope with her education. At age of 24 now, she’s completing final year in BA Hons Entertainment Business Law at the Buckinghamshire New University.  She chose to do this course as she wanted to do something that combined music management and legal aspects within the entertainment business, and this degree just happened to be exactly what she needed.

Currently, Fyonna has her first debut video out with single ‘Lay Me Down,’ which was released on the 7th.03.2010. Next one to be out soon is ‘Free Me’ feat Jhustle of ‘Kroniklz’ (UK based Lugaflo group), followed by ‘Nkumaze.’  All three songs are in English and Luganda and taken from her upcoming debut album which will consist of songs written in the above mentioned languages as well as Swahilli.

Fyonna is also voice acting in the Ugandan gorilla animation film ‘GALIWANGO (Obulamu Bwe Kisodde)’. She’s voice acting as mother character to the main character Galiwango.

New Sleeping Sickness Drug unveiled in Kampala


A new sleeping sickness drug has been introduced, a research group announced in Kampala on Tuesday. Nifurtimox-Eflornithine Combination Therapy is the first new medicine in 25 years against a disease that affects 60 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) group said in a statement. “Not only is this new therapy more adapted to patient needs in remote areas, but it also cuts the cost of drugs, hospitalization, and transport,” the group’s director Bernard Pecoul said.

The new treatment reduces the number of intravenous infusions from 56 to 14 and shortens hospitalization from 14 days to 10, said the research group.

Until now, only two drug options were available, one of which was painful to inject, arsenic-based and toxic, and killed around five percent of patients.

The other required one-hour infusions administered every six hours for two weeks.

According to DNDi, the new medicine is a simplified treatment comprising oral and injectable doses.

Sleeping sickness is caused by the Trypanosoma parasite, transmitted from cattle to humans by the blood-sucking tsetse fly and is fatal without treatment.

An advanced stage affects the patient’s central nervous system and causes neuropsychiatric problems, convulsions and serious sleep disturbance that lead to coma and death.

Uganda Attracting the Highest Foreign Investment in East Africa


Uganda has received the highest foreign investment in East Africa and is currently the fastest-growing country in the region, the United Nations survey has shown. The report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTD) showed that Uganda’s FDI grew from $733million to $787 million between 2006 and 2008.

Tanzanian and Rwanda grew from $597million to $744million and $16million to $103million respectively. This was followed by Kenya in the fourth position with $96million up from $51million in 2006, whereas Burundi closed East Africa’s ranking with $1million.

Speaking at the launch of the report in Kampala last week, the Director of Uganda Investment Authority Dr. Maggie Kigozi said Kenya occupied a low ranking because of many domestic investors involved in entrepreneurial activities as opposed to Uganda.

“Kenya has strong domestic investors as opposed to any of the other East African Countries, but with or without foreign investors, their economy still boosts,” Dr. Kigozi said.

Get to know PRESS


Born Ugandan, Press began singing in church at the age of ten. He went to St.Maria Gorreti Katende,Old Kampala High School and Sseta High School where he finished his A’Levels. Press began street performing at DV8, and started touring High School under ‘Rainbow Promotion’ under DJ Rota.

Later Press moved to the United Kingdom Where he is still pursuing his passion as well being a Soldier and a medic in the Rifle Regiment. He might not yet have any awards for his music but singer Press is a proud holder of a medal for serving in Afghanistan.

As a song-writer, and with his boundless talent, Press makes music of epic proportions; he revisits simple, but profound aspect of the human experience. Press started on a solo career and he recorded his first single ‘Empisazo’ and Nakupenda with Rabadaba from Swangz Ave studios. he is currently slaving over his maiden album which he believes will be a ground-breaking one.

120 Judges Deployed in Uganda to Clear Backlog


One hundred and twenty judges most of whom are magistrates are to be deployed to help to clear the chronic backlog of cases both civil and criminal that have plagued the judiciary for years. The co-ordinator of the Justice Law and Order Sector, Paul Gadenya has said that there is a backlog of over 40,000 cases some of which have been going on for years. He said that about 24,000 of these are civil cases while the rest are criminal cases.

Most of the civil cases are in Kampala while most of the criminal cases are upcountry.

Gadenya said 20 judges, 60 chief magistrates, 30 grade one magistrates and 30 grade two magistrates will be relocated to work on the backlog.

CBS FM Defies Museveni Conditions to Re-Open Radio


Kingdom rejects government conditions for reopening radio saying President Museveni should instead apologize for closing down the station.

By Apollo N. Makubuya, Attorney General of Buganda Kingdom

General David Tinyefunza’s missive to General Salim Saleh of January 12 and General Y. K Museveni’s demands for the owners of CBS to apologize for the September 2009 riots, as a precondition to re-open CBS Radio, must be puzzling and disturbing to many. In particular, one wonders why the Army Generals and the Cabinet are at the forefront of the CBS closure/negotiations and not the Statutory Broadcasting Council.

Why is CBS requested to apologise even when it has not been accorded a full public hearing? Why are the Generals not so keen on the trial of the trigger-happy security personnel that killed 27 Ugandans during the riots?

Will an apology by CBS proprietors alone atone the victims and answer the accusations made against it? And, why are the Generals very keen for CBS to withdraw the court case against the government as a precondition for its licence to be restored?

There is no doubt that, where fault is established in a due process, contrition is a honorable and proper thing. However, in the case of CBS, several of whose personnel await trial and whose case(s) against the government are pending, the demand for an immediate apology must be seen both as premature and ironical.

Ironical – because the very government that makes the startling demands itself owes the country several apologies including for the breach of the Constitution; the wanton loss of innocent lives; the wrongful arrest and detention of many innocent individuals and denying them a right to bail; the illegal closure of CBS and other radio stations and the clamp down of critical voices in the media and elsewhere.

The demands are premature because the Generals and the Cabinet have interfered with and not allowed the Broadcasting Council to wholly and independently deal with the matter.

General Tinyefunza accuses CBS of preaching “bigotry, disunity, hatred and genocide”; actively de-campaigning government programmes, campaigning against the Land Act and the redevelopment of Kampala City, campaigning against non-Baganda from western Uganda, attacking the person of the President and others and for the call for the killing of non-Baganda!

I consider that these accusations are generally untenable. The accusation of CBS preaching “outright genocide” is however more disturbing and dangerous. In fact General Tinyefunza has made this accusation before in Parliament.

Such grave claims cannot go unchallenged. It is intriguing why, instead of arresting and trying the culprits, if they exist, the government simply seeks that CBS’s proprietors must acknowledge in writing “admitting errors and committing themselves to change” and the current management “must be replaced.”

The onerous conditionalities handed to CBS – largely lifted from General Tinyefunza’s missive and made as “negotiations continue”- including the demands that it be relocated from Bulange; that it shouldn’t be referred to as Radio Buganda or Radio ya Ssabasajja; that Buganda’s Anthem should not be played on Radio and the Kabaka shouldn’t be referred to as Magulu Nyondo, Nyanja Temanyirwa etc all vividly demonstrate the government’s unfriendly intentions towards Buganda in general and the Kingdom in particular.

And, seen together with other State actions on the matters such as the Ssabanyala; Ssabaruli; the refusal to return stolen properties and the illegal arrests and detention of Mengo Ministers all demonstrate a systematic and strategic campaign by the state to weaken and ultimately destroy the Kingdom. Sadly, within Uganda’s contemporary setup, Buganda Kingdom is not the only victim.

If it were not for these intentions, no menacing demands for apologises would be made on CBS ahead of a full and public and impartial inquiry into the September riots. In any case the Generals must surely know that any contract or confession founded on menaces, threats or blackmail is unenforceable or inadmissible.

Also that it is illegal and futile to ask anyone to contract to waive their right to seek justice in courts of law. The demands made against CBS amount to it being condemned unheard in a case where the Generals are the complainants, the witnesses, the prosecutors and the judge!

I am convinced that one day, when an independent and impartial inquiry is made, CBS will be exonerated and some people will be required to apologise for undermining the Constitution and the rule of law; fanning ethnicism and tribal conflict; refusing the Kabaka to visit Buruli and Bugerere in Buganda; the killing of innocent people; the unlawful closure of CBS Radio Station and for many other transgressions on the people and the Kingdom of Buganda, amongst others.

Needless to say – because Buganda Kingdom respects the rule of law, abhors impunity and cherishes peace – if such inquiry found CBS or its agents responsible for any breaches, then the Army Generals, and others, will well be within their rights to demand an apology.

OJ Uk based leading DJ/ Artist


VJ OJ  aka isaac is one of Uganda’s Uk based leading DJ/ Artist who has collaborated with artists such as RADIO, WEASEL, KUKLEE, MYCO CHRIS, MC MOSEH and many more. Working on his debut album which include; Musanyuse, Bebuza, Don’t Go, Dance with me, Caroline (singles already out) and his latest single Ensujju which has caught all Ugandans living in UK by suprise.

He is widely credited as a key figure in developing the experimental instrumentals and applying them into his video experience. He has been nominated as the best UK African DJ/ Artist of the year 2010

Oj is the hottest thing happening in the Uk at the moment as he moves the crowd with his unique live video mixing style at Club VoltsUk and his video remixes are well known all over the world.

To vote OJ text vjoj to 07799207266 please vote him to keep the Ugandan Flag up as he is the only ugandan nominated in these awards (DJS and Artists Awards UK 2010)

Nominated Best UK African DJ/ Artist 2010

Rains Devastate Uganda Rwanda Highway


Heavy rains have collapsed sections of a highway in southwestern Uganda linking it to Rwanda, slowing goods transport between the two landlocked countries, a roads official said on Thursday.

The East African country has received unusually heavy rain since December, leading to a wave of devastating landslides in mountainous regions and damaging farms and transport infrastructure.

Heavy rains in eastern Uganda triggered a massive landslide last week that killed over 80 people after burying three hamlets in the Bududa district. Landslides have also occurred in the country’s southwest and western regions, causing limited damage.

Chilli Galz: Uganda’s Hottest Girl Group

Chilli Galz

They are currently the hottest gal group on the Ugandan entertainment scene. The five hot sexy, talented and young babes are referred to as the new Obsession because of the sexy babes and the provocative dance moves.

Chilli Galz

But that is where the similarity ends, the Chilli galz seem to be more organized, more professional and critics have predicted a longer and more productive future for the group compared to the obsessions.

The Chilli Galz surfaced on the music scene with their debut hit single Omulungi Yoono that rocket all airwaves for months.

They are also working on more new songs. These girls have started performing at some corporate gigs and are a regular fixture at the Casino Simba, where they perform twice a week.

The Chilli Galz may not be as glamorous as some girl groups we have seen. Yet, musically, they present themselves as a real force to reckon with.

Chilli Galz Uganda

(From left is Nabaccwa Mariam (Kabs), Sheila Uzamukunda (shyla) , Zahara Omar Toto with the guitar,  Peace Ayebale Charity aka P-Tyra, Yvonne Karuyonga (Ivy)

The group being another project of the Ngoni duo, its music is more of the urban and local Kampala contemporary music genre. They perform twice a week at Simba Casino. The group comprises of Peace Ayebale Charity aka P-Tyra, Sheila Uzamukunda (shyla) the two pioneers Yvonne Karuyonga (Ivy), Zahara Omar Toto and Nabaccwa Mariam(Kubs). We have good news for you guys, none of these girls is married!


The king of Uga-Ragga



Rabadaba is the latest Ugandan music sensation. he just introduced a new style dubbed Uga-Ragga, indeed his the king of Uga-Ragga as evidenced in this new video that is characterised by a new and u…

Rabadaba is the latest Ugandan music sensation. he just introduced a new style dubbed Uga-Ragga, indeed his the king of Uga-Ragga as evidenced in this new video that is characterised by a new and uniquely captivating music style on the African Continent.

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