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Don’t Familiar Me. Keep Me Out Of Uganda Politics

Sex and Politics

Legendary Editor,

My name is Sex. Recently I came to light in a very bad manner in certain top political circles. I think it was the former Vice President of Uganda who talked about me indecently. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m all for indecency and getting kinky and stuff. If I were restrictive, people wouldn’t like me much. And I like to be liked. I’m used to being publicly ridiculed every single day by some tabloids but please keep my name out of politics.

See, there’s good sex and then there’s political sex. I am good sex and would love the public to keep it that way. Political sex was banished by one of the ancient Roman emperors for reasons best known to him. But it was rumoured that political sex used to produce most of the emperor’s enemies which frustrated him and forced him to decree that no one was allowed to have sex unless it was strictly for non-political reasons. And that’s why I was created.

Rapists and defilers have political sex. So do zoophiles and MUK students. So it really hurts to wake up one morning just to be stiffened by some news that a politician had me. You want to know what happens when I am had politically? Look at all political sex products: Your president, Kirunda Kivejinja, Nasser Ntege, Basajjabalaba, ninety per cent of the MPs and almost the entire cabinet.

So please madam Specioza sijui Wandiwhat, you either have me properly in your bedroom with no sign of anything political or you just leave me the heck alone. And having me with another politician is also out of line. If you’re into politics, you must neutralise me by having me with a non-politician.


Big Brother Amplified: For Those Who Don’t Watch It

Big Brother Africa Amplified

Most of the responses I got from my last article about Big Brother were very positive. They were ranged from “Oh, Ernest Bazanye, you are so wonderful. Ooooh, baby!” to “We would like to put you on the register for the next Heroes Day.”

However, some of it was not as nice. Some people in particular took exception to the fact that parts of it seemed made up.

Okay. You’ve got me. I make up these things. I don’t really watch Big Brother, so I have no choice. I fabricate all my Big Brother recaps.

One of the people who wasn’t happy about this called me on Monday.

  • Hello, is this Baz?
  • This is Baz. Who am I speaking to?
  • Baz, this is Big Brother calling from South Africa.
  • In that case, don’t call me Baz. We are not friends. Call me Mister Bazanye.
  • I should probably be calling you an evil bastard after what you wrote about me the other day on your ka-site. You think we don’t read it in South Africa?
  • You man, I talk so much shit on this site about so many people, it’s hard to keep track. Which particular diss are you talking about?
  • You told everyone that I made one of the housemates pregnant. You said that I had been sleeping with Bhoke and she had started to experience morning sickness.
  • Heh heh. Biggie. I have some bad news for you. That’s not your kid.
  • What? But she said I was her one and only.
  • Um… no. Maybe you were her one and only for that hour, but that baby is half Ugandan. Wasake is actually in Kampala right now shopping for pampers and bibs and baby booties. Big Brother, are you … is that crying on the phone?

I wanted to know what was going on, so I turned on my … okay, I don’t have a DSTV. So I turned on my neighbour’s TV and tuned into the channel to see what was going on.

When we tuned in again about an hour had passed. Bhoke was asleep and Big Brother was somewhere shooting heroin to calm his nerves. The housemates were gathered around Nalukenge who seemed to be distributing some clear liquid from a saucepan.

Miss P: What did you say it was called again? Rock Blue?

Sharon O: It’s cored Wallagy. It’s a rockaw blew we mark in the vurlajjies art horme in Ugarnder.

Vumbai: It smells like alcohol. It must be a local brew they make in the villages at her home in Uganda.

Miss P: Then why doesn’t she say so?

Sharon O: Tharrts wart ah sard!

I soon discover that Big Brother had refused to replenish the housemates booze supply, so they had to fend for themselves. However, because I have a job and I can’t sit home idle watching this crap all day, I left to build the nation and only returned a few hours later to see what was going on.

Wendel and Lomwe were gazing into each others eyes and whispering.

Wendel: I love you. But don’t worry. I don’t mean that in a gay way.

Lomwe: Dude you so totally mean it in a gay way. You couldn’t be more gay if you walked in here with Elton John superglued to your bum. But I am not afraid. Nalukenge’s Rock Blue is making me see everything in a different way. Your eyes as soooo soft…

Sharon meanwhile is in the centre of the swimming pool speaking loudly.

“Me you see me here me Nalu? Wen I go baaka to Uganda and de see me allo dem de will say eh! Nalukenge Shallon of Wabulanendyembwa Virrage she alluso can be wen she can fry on da aeroplane and go evenny up to zere inni sausi. De willo evenny give me a jobbu of pulizenta in capto efwemu mwe muli awo.”

So, tune in to Big Brother every week night on Lighthouse Television for full coverage.

Exclusive Interview With Sharon O Nalukenge from Big Brother Amplified

Sharon Nalukenge

You are used to me doing real interviews these days. For example, the other day I interviewed Enygma. Then I interviewed Daniel Omara aka Odoch Jasper aka star of The Hostel aka rumored boyfriend of four or five different women in Kampala and surrounding areas. I am about to unleash for you yet another interview, this one with … eh. I can’t say. There might be people in the matooke plantation listening ready to jack my swagger. You go twelve steps into the plantation and you will find How To

That was a cryptic barb. It was meant for them, not you, my dearly beloved reader. You, DBR, just be there, make yourself comfy. I’m bringing nice interview soon any time.

I was saying… I usually do real interviews, but this time I will not be able to. I’ve been conscripted to interview Sharon O Nalukenge, currently serving her country in Big Brother Amplified Bikozebitya, but there are two reasons why no one has scored an interview with her yet.

  1. She is locked up in a house in South Africa (duh!) with no access to the outside world, so she would  not hear my questions and…
  2. She doesn’t talk, so I would not hear her answers.

Aate I was poised to give you a very powerful and moving interview, one which would expose the inner Sharon even better than the little skirts she wore during Obsessions performances. One that will show you the Sharon behind the make up, and I don’t mean questions like “turn around please”. I was going to get psychologically probing questions that delve deep into the psyche and unearth the secrets of her soul, reveal the mysteries of her mind. But then there are two reasons why I stopped trying.

  1. Why the hell would you care what is in Sharon’s soul, psyche and mind? Are you that bored?
  2. I don’t think there is anything in her mind.

But I have to run an interview of some sort. That’s what it says in the headline. So what I have decided to do is ask questions to somebody else.

Q: Sharon, you have a very distinct way of speaking. It is very unique. Very rare. What does it sound like? Since you are not here, I am going to pass that question over to Paul in the corner. Paul, what does Sharon O sound like?

A: I don’t know. Who is that?

Q: Sharon, a lot of us remember your earliest speech, the one you made upon your entry to the Big Brother House. You said to Eek, and by the way, fuck that guy—I hate him so much—that you were a fan of “Gary Turner Carroway Goowear”.  So I guess what I would like to know now is this: if you were to answer the phone right now, would you be like, “Hi, I’m stellrrrrrrr?”

Since Sharon cannot answer we turn back to Paul, who is the only person in the office right now. Paul?

A: Seriously, who the hell is Sharon O?

Q: Thank you. Now, Sharon, you have survived nomination quite a number of times. Some people have suggested that it’s your strategy in the game. Whenever you are nominated, there is somebody who is more disagreeable to the viewers than you, and that is how you survive. Do you think it is this “low key” persona that is responsible for your success so far, and do you think this is a good lesson to give to the kids in Uganda? That boring people can help you succeed? Sharon, is this the message you want to send to the girl child?

A: I’ve googled Sharon O on my Ideos and I’ve come up with the following answers: Sharon O’Hara, Sharon O’Dowd, Sharon Osbourne… Which one is it?

Q: That was Paul. Thank you Paul, you can now go back to unplugging the toilets. The interview is over.

A: There were stubs from Somali marijuana cigarettes that were causing the blockage. You should not try to flush them down the toilet.

Q: YOU BASTARD! I do NOT hire a PLUMBER to tell me what and what not to do with my TOILET! I’m going to count to three. If you are still here when I open my eyes, then I swear whatever gods you worship have mercy on your head because my foot will move so fast…

A Message From The President

Letter from the President

Yesterday I was called by the Nation Media Group and told that they had appointed me president of Uganda and that I was needed on NTV for an interview immediately. So I took a shower presidently, put on presidential socks, underpants, jeans, rock t-shirt and took a presidential boda boda to Serena.

Without even much as a cup of tea, they started firing questions from those ends of the gate while a policeman stared at the bike’s side mirror in search of guns.

“President Mununuziiiiiii!” came Agnes Nandutu’s deafening shriek from the general direction of the studio. I got concerned about her lack of care for her throat and talked to the guard.

“Boss, but why does she do that?” I asked.

“Who, Agnes? She does it every morning to wake up the reporters to start working.”

“She’s already in studio this early? I thought she works in the evening.”

“No, she’s at home.”

I was escorted to studio to face a visibly tired, hungry and angry Maurice Mugisha. His clothes were all torn up. The official story was he had been told to fight hard to secure an interview with the president, a directive he took a tad too literally.

“So President Mununuzi…” he started to ask.

“Just call me President M. And please stop using the quotation marks. They look like alien fighter jets trying to outcompete my new QXF47 Sabasaba Eagle Thunderbolt Currency Bomber fighter jets.”

Angry Maurice: President M, why are you letting this country go to the dogs like this? You haven’t learnt anything after all this time in power?

President M: But I’ve only been in power for 25 minutes.

Hungry Maurice: Just answer the damn question. I want to go and eat!

President M: How is that any of my concern?

Tired Maurice: Mister President, nyamba bambi! Just please help and answer my questions chap chap so that I go and borrow a generator before the only open trader closes his shop.

President M: Let him close. Me I do my shopping from outside countries.

Frowning Maurice: So you really don’t care that the economy is going down and people are suffering without food to eat?

President M: Me I eat local food.

An artistic impression of what Maurice feels like right now

Frustrated Maurice: You are the president of this country. You’re supposed to care about your people, not just you.

President M: But I do. My wife is writing books, my kids are happily married…

Head-shaking Maurice: What do you have to say about the collapse of the shilling?

President M: It’s good. It’s very good for the economic inflationary negativeness of buying and importing against the exportation quotient.

Confused Maurice: I don’t understand a word you just said.

President M: You don’t have to.

Resigned Maurice: Okay, just one more question sir. There’s an impending strike by city taxi drivers and conductors over the failure by your government to address the continued collapse of the economy. Do you have any comments on that?

President M: I have a car.

Relieved Maurice: Okay sir. Thank you for your time.

President M: And thank you for putting me on NTV. I should make you a minister.

Maurice: Minister of what?

President M: Let’s first make you minister then we shall see how to squeeze a ka-ministry somewhere in there.

To Love A Broke-Ass Man

Run Away Bride

Your mother is wrong. So is your five-figure-salary earning boyfriend. He’s just trying to hold onto the miracle or idiocy that is you.  Just when he thought he’d have to forever settle for his mother as the only woman to ever love him, you came along, loved him, and have now fooled your pretty head into believing that rent and power bills will be paid for in mushy currency. And with all this free education going on, you think he will send the kids to UPE and USE schools.

You my fellow female are in denial. Just like those singers who think endless studio time will turn their croaks to decent tunes, woe unto you. In fact, wululu unto you. And no, Miley Cyrus cannot sing. You need to re-acquaint yourself with that Destiny’s Child song. Not brown eyes. That’s probably the reason you’re in this mix to begin with. Here’s why all men blessed by the poverty god should be avoided.

It’s the biggest ring I could afford. See it? There…in the lower right-hand corner

  • There is not a lot going on there. This should be obvious. But you’re in love with a broke dude. Clearly with you, not many things are clear. There is a five figure salary to cover transport, barely make rent and take you out to nice places. On your birthday. If you’re going to keep paying for your own nice dinners, it makes sense that you can do this with your girls. At least, they pick up their tabs.
  • All things bright; and clear. Tadoobas don’t count as lighting. You might be having mukene (cat food) for dinner and don’t need light to illuminate your lacking plate but on the special days he buys meat (his birthday) you’ll need proper lighting to enhance the celebration. Nothing romantic about paraffin fumed dinners. And UMEME imprisons power stealers these days.

You told me there was no load shedding at your house you fool! I want a divorce!

  • The kids; numbers don’t lie. Half of UPE-attending kids can’t read for “£$%. Daft kids are okay. Daft, broke kids are not. Think galo, yowa-speaking children, smeared in samona. And they will be yowas. Sad, right?
  • Love, o Love; girls and women. Ladies and those like me. Love doesn’t conquer all. Money doesn’t buy happiness. But it buys shoes, and bags. Love doesn’t turn mushrooms into chicken. Nothing does. The coke ad lied. Love only makes your blood rush faster. It helps you identify with Celine Dion. It does not serve as a barter trade currency. Hence,”some of our love for some of your tomatoes?” will not work. No. Not even just for ntuula.
  • For the haters; some of you swear that all men are dogs. We’ll assume they are. So it makes perfect sense that you put up with a loaded dog vies-a-vie a broke one. That way when he pulls a Tiger Woods on you, you can fly to Dubai on a shopping and think-through-things-spree. On his tab. Just how do you punish a broke man turned dog? Let me tell you how; you don’t get with that in the first place.

The Urban Legend Sports Quiz


You think you know sports? You don’t? You think you don’t know sports? Well, even better then—the more ignorant you are the better your chances of scoring high in this, The Urban Legend Sports Quiz. Get all the answers right and you win a free all-expenses paid trip to Maui and an autographed copy of Beyonce’s new CD.

(Note, that is Maui Night club in Kyenjojo and a copy of the new single from Masaka singer Beyonce Namugga)

Which United Kingdom football club has won the Barclays Premier League the most number of times in the past ten years?

a)      Arsenal. Lol!
b)      The one which scored the most goals
c)       Guinea Bissau. Wapi. Losers. Hah!

What the hell is David Beckham?

a)      The Spice Husband
b)      Underwear model
c)       The gayest heterosexual in the northern hemisphere

Lebron, Kobe, Carmelo, Dirk. Are there any NBA stars with normal names?

a)      Yeah. Michael Jordan
b)      You forgot Chauncey, Anfernee and Shaquille
c)       But those guys have huge hands, and many of them are given to sexual harassment. Don’t walk past them if you are a chick with a nice bum that you don’t want grabbed, because they train all day to clasp big round things.

Rugby Cranes are the Ugandan national rugby team, and they recently had a game against another African nation.  This was attended by several patriotic Ugandan fans. Why was this?

a)      Sports patriots are suspect. Some of them just go to ogle the guys
b)      Sports patriots are suspect. Some of them just go to ogle the babes who ogle the guys
c)       Sports patriots are suspect. Some of them just go to play rugby to ogle the babes who go to ogle the guys.

Lewis Hamilton was the first black Formula One racer to

a)    Win a Formula One race

b)    Win a Formula One Championship

c)    Win access to the panties of a Formula One groupie chick of a different ethnicity

Which of the following is not officially recognized as a sport, but should be due to its being awesome?

a)      Ninja Warrior on Sony Max. That stuff rocks.

b)      WWE especially when Rey Mysterio Jr is fighting.c)       Sudoku.

TOP 10: Losing the Plot… the Kitchen

Losing the Plot

Sometimes, you go through life as happy-go-lucky as a fly on a honey jar. Then you realize that the honey is stiffening and you are trapped. You come home one day, enter your kitchen and the sight that meets you is so mind boggling all you can do is make this retarded ass face.

Welcome and many Happy Felicitations you cretin, you have just lost the plot

If you are a bachelor, losing the plot where your kitchen is concerned is not difficult, it is frighteningly easy. One day you just come home and find your kitchen has committed suicide.

I have taken it upon myself to throw down a few pointers. This is friendly advice. Presenting the top ten ways you know its time to do something about your fshnucking kitchen.

1- The dishes
Now tell me you filthy motherfrucker, did you think they were going to wash themselves? Did you think that scraping off last weeks dried spaghetti with your fingernails qualifies? Look at him sniffing them. Like socks. This punk would rather go and buy new plates than wash the ones he has. The punk is actually throwing them in the bin. What the hell are you doing, go wash the things, you are losing the plot.

2- The bin
Take the trash out Brainless. Pretending you don’t see the rubbish, just because it is growing hair. You think you have a pet now huh? You think you have a small furry mammal squatting under your sink? That’s no pet. That is Darwinism. Take out the frucking trash, you are losing the plot.

3- The sink
There is a shoe in the sink. Now tell me.

4- The visitors.
Every time your landlady comes into your kitchen she first makes the sign of the cross. Well, she isn’t that religious and you know it. You want to know why she crosses herself? You want to know why there is terror in her eyes? Ok. I will tell you. It is because Satan himself lives in your kitchen. That is why.

5- The furnishings
Now what is a bong doing in your kitchen? Hmmm? Honestly, give me one good reason why there is a bic pen tube and a shriveled pineapple stuck together with masking tape in your kitchen. Goddamnit you fcuking retard, the reason I brought your attention to it was so that you could remove the motherflaker, not eat it. I swear this guy! Alright go ahead, eat the bong. Christ, and I hope you get tapeworm.

6- The smell.
This is not even funny. Your kitchen walls used to be blue, now they are grey. You are bleaching the walls with stink dumbnuts! Don’t pretend everything is hunk- dory just because your nose stopped working a month ago. There must be a reason why the skin on your face is peeling. You aren’t doing research for the Chemical Department of the military, do something, you are losing the plot.

7- The pests.
Cockroach puke. How bad does it have to be for cockroaches to puke? You are something else you know that? You know people can’t even bewitch you now? Even evil spirits are afraid of coming near your kitchen.

8- The food.
This is how low you have fallen? This is where things have reached? You are raiding the mouse trap for food now? Congratulations.

9- The nightmares
I am not saying that dreams are bad, or that they are good. No one needs believe in dreams, they are just dreams, but if in your sleep you hear voices coming out of the taps, wailing voices, maybe you need to pay some fekking attention and go pay your fekking water bill you Idjit.

10- The appliances
No. I do not think wrapping grasshoppers in newspaper and ironing them  counts as cooking. No it doesn’t.  Say what you want.  I am done here. I can’t take this.

Guinea Bissau Recognize Game

uganda Cranes Fans

The Uganda cranes are set to beat up visitors from West Africa this weekend. It has been advertised as a soccer match but the Cranes have been planning to soccer it to the visitors for quite a while now. The different soccer pundits here at ULK had this to say:

Enter Ernest, sporting white sneakers and a full tracksuit:

We can safely assume that you are going to support the Uganda Cranes in their upcoming blood-match against the Guinea Bissau team, which doesn’t have a name according to Wikipedia, and therefore shall be referred to herein as The Guinea Bissau Biscuits. We safely assume that you are going to support the Cranes in their upcoming match against the Biscuits because you are a Ugandan, and it’s the law. If Man U played against the Cranes you would still have to support us.

If Rihanna played against the Cranes, however…

Anyway, we shall not call upon Ugandans to support the Cranes because those who are not patriotic have already been teargassed (a bit of political humour there. Heh.) and everyone left knows the drill, so let me address this to the Guinea Bissau readers of ULK. These are the reasons why you losers should support Uganda Cranes.

Reason One. You are dead.

Kagoda. You know the name.

Kagoda has been seen in the training camp. If he is goal keeper, you should support the Cranes. It’s going to be something nil. Do you know how many bullets Besigye stopped after this guy got into the game? Exactly.

Reason Two: We Are Unbeatable.

The team has been going through rigorous endurance training, including playing overtime matches against each other in high heels. You can’t win. Support the Cranes. Susan Ochola De Roy, a mainly useless woman who has a lot of money and therefore gets attention from the press, is reportedly impressed by the stamina and agility the Cranes players and she says, well, she says “I have a lot of mouth” and “I love alcohol”

Reason Three: You Might As Well

The word “Bisawo” in many local Ugandan languages means “scrotum”. Whereas the word Cranes in English means a nice-looking bird. Support the Cranes.

Deep end soccer analysis. The stuff that goes well with a beer and Simsim balls. But the analysis does not end here. Enter Streetsider, juggling a ball. A soccer ball.

Reason Four: Tulina skill

These Bisawoans do not stand a chance for various a reason, Reasons be various. For example look at me juggling this ball while I type this post. I am typing in mid juggle, that is a like half a computer key per second. You think that is badass? Guess what, when I went to the Cranes training camp, there was a guy (a) juggling two balls while (b) a random groupie was gurgling two other balls as (c)he finished a zinge of Ug Waragi while (c) doing long division sums out loud back to back.

Oh yeah, and he isn’t even on the team. He is just the guy who cleans the shin guards. You Bisawoans be there.

Reason Five: The Lake is near

We have gotten better at bewitching. Those days we were just novices. We have been to the lake (which lake btw is even bigger than your whole country) doing our distillations. You think this swagger is for nothing? Ever seen a football burst out laughing just before you kick it? Imwe numu zana zana.

Reason Six: We da hardest

For us here in Ug we are hard chaps. Think about it, our president is a gangster, he even raps. Our national beverage is Royal Vodka, we dodge bullets on our way to work, we eat nsenene and worse, hold up there is a picture I need to in-sss-eee-rrt…. there we go!

… and worse

Ok now mess around.

Reason Seven

We have Angella Katatumba, of late this lady has developed this habit of singing national anthems. After she sings it, you Bisawoans will be so star struck by her awesomeness you will just stand there just. She will fizzle your brains my friends. And like her, most Ug chicks are hot. If you want to get with any of them you will have to lose that match. Believe me, it won’t be up to you.

Hating on a dead chap. THEY STARTED IT!!

Osama Bin Laden Killed

Osama bin Laden(may he rest in fishes) passed away last week. You have heard of this I am sure.

There are other rumours though, all sorts of rumours flying around. Concerning who Osama was and the nature of his death or if he like, you know, really died. Convincing stuff some of it. This fella could be anywhere. Every time I take a dump I have to stop myself from checking to see if a turbaned old bearded chap is winking up at me out of the toilet bowl.
I have compiled a list of the top ten juiciest rumours at the moment for your sake. Don’t be so skeptical. This might not be random paranoia. Keep your mind open. Just make sure Osama doesn’t fall from the sky and land inside.

WARNING: I might have embellished and even completely fabricated some perhaps not so minor details.

1- Top of the list is that Osama bin Laden is alive and still in hiding. He is in my toilet bowl, just out of sight. This is a fairly new rumour/theory but very believable. Your toilet bowl isn’t safe either.
2- Another version of this theory is that Osama is in the studio, with Tupac. He chull out on the terrorism biz, (everyone sells out sooner or later)

Till the end ma friend

3- Theory number two is that Osama never was. He was a figment created by the powers that run the world to instill fear into the hearts of men women and peaceable toilet bowl dwelling bacteria so that they would sanction the shameless bombing of oil rich parts of the world.
4- And the reason there are no pictures is that the graphics guy who has been doing the Osama work  chose this time of all times to run away with Obama’s real real real birth certificate.
5- Bin Laden is an alien intelligence from an alternate future. He cannot die. He just out-evolved the body he was using. He is coming back as Prince William and Kate Middleton’s baby.
6- Either that or Kate Middleton wanted Osama bin Laden’s head as a wedding present.

Shaddup! you dont know what kind of pressure I was under

7- He was sacrificed to summon reptilian spirits for Obama’s next election. The date of his death/sacrifice, 1/5/11 is a mystical Illuminati date. I put my thinking cap on and realized… 1/5/11 is one five and three ones. One five!! Three ones!! That says it all really. You don’t even have to think that hard about it.
8- There is one which says that he was a true son of the terrorist revolution who Terrorism God chose to take away because the virgins were starting to go bad. They were stinking to high heaven.
9- Donald Trump kidnapped him and Obama is bluffing. Osama will be appearing on Celebrity Apprentice throughout the presidential campaign as a merry eff you to the Obama man.
10- He was a merman spy sent to earth to cause chaos and mayhem. Until the SEALS found him. (sorry brain jam had set in. )


Kayihura Commends Jesus For Not Walking To Heaven

Kale Kayihura

The inspector general of police, Maj. Gen. Kale Kayihura has lauded Son of God, Jesus Christ for his politically peaceful ascension to heaven after it was reported that Jesus used a cloud to go home instead of walking there. This was during a press conference earlier this morning at police headquarters, State House.

…he just went up pooofff…no walking…

Kayihura’s comments come in the wake of the recent countrywide walk-to-work protests by opposition parties. The police boss called upon the public to follow Jesus’ holy example for the general good of the country. He, however, did not specify whether Ugandans should also use clouds in their daily movements.

“You see why such people like Jesus are famous worldwide?” he shot. “You see? He respects the NRM and its police force. Even when he was going to the grave, he did not walk there. He was carried in a coffin.”

Kayihura threatened to arrest a Monitor newspaper journalist and charge him with sedition and unlawful obstruction of holy speech after he tried to correct him that Jesus was not buried in a coffin. He then immediately ended the press conference and threw a mineral water bottle at a Power FM reporter after he clarified that Jesus also used to walk to work to preach the gospel.

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