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74 Years From Today, Umeme Becomes The New Sausage


You remember when I told you (here) that I could foresee things? I had a dream.

In the year 2085, when the shilling has been load shed, electricity becomes the official currency in Uganda. And the following takes place.

Yusuf haggles on Speke Road

YUSUF: You want how much?

SUPPLIER: Two electricities.

YUSUF: That’s for short or for long?

SUPPLIER: For short.

YUSUF: Naaaweee! Ok I’ll add a battery.

Property tycoon Lugard vibes a girl

LUGARD: Me you see me here?


LUGARD: You will be wise to love me. I own enough electricity to iron 10 shirts and even boil a whole cup of tea! I’m rich!

VICTIM: Eeeeeeeehhhhhhh maaaamaaaaaa!!!

MPs have a bloody debate

SPEAKER: Calm down, honourable members…

MP: How?! NO!

SPEAKER: Right honourables, this is not…

MP: Excuse me madaamu supiika sir! In my consityuwense here alone…

SPEAKER: Constituency…

MP: Please let me finish! In my consityuwense here alone the people there are very poor that they can’t afford food to eat! And the government wants to waste tax payers’ electricity on buying more fighter jets?!

Newspapers publish the day’s news

“Bad Black arrested for stealing UK billionaire’s electricity.”

“Telecoms cut rates to 3 volts per second.”

“BOU to release 100k electricity note.”

“Govt ministers pinned for swindling CHOGM power.”

“Man wins lottery, becomes voltaire.”

“Bumilicious girl lures horny gologo man for yoyo, steals his electricity.”

Outside a free treatment clinic

No longer supported by donor funding.

All patients please come with your own electricity.

Sevo campaigns for another last term

…I promise to fund the Makerere students’ project to make a car that runs on fuel. Even teachers will finally be sorted. My government has put aside billions of electricity for them. You want another rap?


You want another rap?


Mpenkoni mpenkoni mpenkoni…

Oh Brother, Where Art Cow?


A leading daily has reported that 100 cows belonging to the head of state and foreign affairs minister were stolen. The Rapid Response Unit (RRU) picked up some people and is currently holding them for their suspected involvement in the theft. While the RRU Rushed to the scene of the crime to capture suspects, we rushed to interview the surviving cows on their account of what really went down. We found them mooing in hushed tones, un-willing to speak to anyone with less than four stomachs.

Nope, they didn’t budge when we sent her either.

The cows did that thing girls do to that girl who shows up at a fancy event in a dress like hers; pretend they aren’t there.  This did not put us off; we needed to bring you the news at all costs. We held our microphones in place, refusing to budge; Agg-rey El-Che would break the monotony by wiping drool off his mouth. He later confessed that teats do that to him.

Finally one of the cows walked away from the pack in a huff; “If they won’t rreave us arrone, we mightas werro terro ‘em the goddamn story” he said in a drawl, as he lumbered towards us.

ULK: Nice that you could join us errr….

Cow: …Jones…MOOre Jones. What can I do you for? (Though judging by the lack of teats, and Agg-rey’s reduced drooling, this was clearly a bull)

ULK: We were wondering if you could tell us what went down…

MOOre Jones: Well it was a classical case of love at lust fight…

ULK:  Err…Do you mean love at first sight?

MJ: Mooooo…(nodding vigorously) I mean what I said. Let me tell you…

(Ambles closer, lowers voice)

Well, it was that season when we drop everything to do the monkey dance. The jungle boogie. You know, leave chewing cud, let the enzymes in our stomachs settle and focus all our energy on (adopts Barry White tone) maaking luurrvvee. Kutesa’s cows had come over to participate in what was going to be an epic mooorrrggy…we’d flown in Prossy the Slutty cow for initial entertainment, then as soon as the lights go out-since it was our day of 24-hour load shedding-we’d start the chawin….

(Disapproving coughs from the other cows…)

(MJ looks back at his buddies. Decides to skips that detail…)

Prossy the Slutty Cow

Prossy the Slutty Cow

So we are starting to get busy when all of a sudden we hear these noises of approaching humans….

They were screaming that they wanted some presidential teat…

Kiss And Tell: Part IV

Kiss and Tell

In retrospect it seems wrong to say the relationship  was rocky, because how can you say something was rocky when it was built on such a fragile and shaky premise? For anything to last it has to be built on a firm foundation, and firm is one thing we were not.

And foundation was one thing Anna only knew when she was going for her photoshoots.

This means that we both lied. When I first saw her on the cover of Maxim, I was drawn to  her  flawless complexion.

When I first met her in a facebook chat online, she told me, she was drawn to my huge bank account, my fleet of maseratis and bugattis, and my latest CD, which had just been certified platinum and contained one of her favourite songs at the time: “Got Your Back” featuring Keri Hilson.

A relationship cannot survive for long based on lies, so when we met and I found out that without make up she looks like a tree I knew that we were staring at the end of things.

And when she found out that I wasn’t really T.I., that sealed the deal. She told me to go back to Uganda and refund the money she had given me.

That was the last I ever saw her.


The ULK List Of Fake People In Uganda

List of Fake People

Yesterday, a friend on Facebook pulled me away from my profile page for a sec with psst…you, and then whispered, “Bt u, wtz ur deal wid rechal k, straka, kazora, and sevo? U guyz nvr stop dissing. Even red paper”

Please kind fans, understand that what I feel for these chaps is so far from hatred. I love them to bits because they are important to the growth of ULK and all its fans. I’ll explain.

Rachel K

When Rachel K takes rock music and turns it into her toilet paper, I feel like kissing her for it because then she has given me something to write to ULK fans about.

Without her, you guys would live miserable lives without anything to laugh about. Her deeds, because they make you laugh, are good food for the soul. So it’s everyone’s responsibility as a citizen of Uganda to love Rachel K.


It’s a well-known fact that humans love scandal. There’s just something about bad things that gets our blood pumping.

When we hear that a pawpaw is presenting on TV, we suddenly find reason to live again. Coz then we know we can spend the rest of our mundane lives looking at this pawpaw and feeling better about our own lives. After all, something somewhere out there is going through worse.


Every part of the world has a Kazoora. America has Paris Hilton, the UK has Bad Black, Israel and Palestine have Justin Beiber, and Africa has Junior Kazoora.

The role of each of these continental representatives is not to be laughed at. No. That’s Rachel K’s duty. These ones are created to make magazine and newspaper sales. That’s why media moguls love them. To sell big, they need a face and a scandal to go with.

Just watch how many page views this article gets within 24 hours just for having Kazoora in it.


People like this man better when he’s not serious. It’s true. Look at the trend from ’86. He took to the podium and said he had taken over as president, and people smiled and cheered because they thought he was joking. Then he became president for real and they all looked at each other like “Eh!” Roads and electricity even started cowering in fear.

Fast forward to 2011 and he releases a hit single telling them he’s still president. Then again, they clap and cheer thinking he’s joking because they think he actually does better as a rapper.

A few weeks later he’s back in office and again, they go “Eh!”

So if we crack a joke or two about him, we know people will laugh and cheer and like us even more. But if we come out with a full-on serious headline like “Sevo is your president”, our fans will stare at each other and go “Eh!” And we don’t want that.

Red Pepper

Because we know that some day Africa will have a toilet paper crisis and our fans will turn to us for a solution. We pride ourselves in foreseeing things. Buy Red Pepper, people. Buy Red Pepper.

The Hostel III: The Dark Odoch Rises

The Hostel TV Series

The second season of the greatest television show ever to enter your eyes in Uganda if you don’t count Boston Legal, Boston Public, Greys Anatomy, Friends, HIMYM, Hustle… okay, the greatest locally made television show ever to enter your eyes… if you don’t count Point Blank as an independent TV show, and if you don’t consider Grace Nakimera videos, well, the second season of a really great television show…

…If you don’t count the moments when it drags, and the parts when the ad libbing is a bit off track…

You know what, the second season of the Hostel is back. Crack cocaine – this thing addicted us last time, and now look, it is back to repeat the offense.
With new ingredients moreover.

Sober, Odoch, Twine, Hope and Annette are joined by two women with remarkable things on their head this season.

There is MacConnor, a Kenyan student who is here to illustrate the need for East African coorperation by symbolizing how the Kenyan education system is so sorely lacking that it’s up to us Ugandans to teach Kenyans how to speak in English.

MacConnor, who is also the Last Airbender, starts her speeches in English but as soon as the director’s back is turned, dives directly into her mother tongue. She spends half her screen time speaking in Kalenjin, which no one in the hostel understands. We hope she is not enrolled in the university to study Communications.

Joining the cast as a full time member is Martha, the Wig Kahuna. Last season she was seen every now and then carrying a large, flamboyant, noisily-coloured and– let’s not mince words– morally reprehensibte wig in and out of New Age Hostel.

She retired last season’s wig, Or gave it back to the circus clown she had borrowed it from, and is now sporting what would make more sense as part of a carpet.

Wiggy Smalls is now a full time cast member, as both resident of New Edge Hostel and Twine’s girlfriend, petulantly asking for a tub of shit to be dumped over her head in both roles. You watch and see how long before you want Anette to shank her the way they taught her to do in prison.

The first three episodes have not established much about Odoch Jasper, aka the Alan Shore of this programme, Annete is trying to deal with being an ex con who has to live with The Notorious W.I.G. and her a colossal brattishness, Arach is looking fine like didn’t you know and Sober is just the way you left him, though he has a radio show on XFM now.
That’s the update I have for you. Now, like this post so I can pay my electricity bills.

African beauties with no winning purpose

Agbani Darego

The pre-finale hype surrounding the exploits of our Miss World contestant Sylvia Namugenyi came to nought at the London Sunday November 6 finale. Only a handful of the beauties from 113 countries, the 30 that made it onto the leader board, stood a chance at winning the jewelled tiara crown. Miss Uganda Sylvia Namugenyi was nowhere amongst listed as ace hopefuls in the new marking scheme. Contestants had to aggregate points from a number of pre-finale events that included athletics, swimming and a talent show.

Namugenyi’s Facebook cheerleaders had created the impression that our girl was racking up valuable points to getting a shot at the crown. But the leader board revealed otherwise initially getting all the 113 beauties compete for a Top 30 slot after which these were whittled down to the Top 15 and later the Top 7 from whom the Top 3 were announced to yield the ravishing but non-English-speaking Miss Venezuela Ivian Sarcos as the eventual winner of the crown. Miss Phillipines, arguably the one with the loudest in-house cheerleaders was first runner while Miss Puerto Rico came third.

Namugenyi’s visibility at the Earls Court glitzy event, which had a delayed screening on Citizen TV, was reduced to two fleeting headshots. There was the introductory one at the start when all the contestants’ are revealed according to their nationalities, and a random one after the winner had been announced. The fact that “U” is one of the last letters in the alphabet guaranteed her “front row” visibility. Contestants from the “T-Z” countries were introduced last thereby guaranteeing that they stand at the front every time the 113 beauties appeared at a go.

But it was token participation from Africa yet again in a contest that seems to prefer fairer girls to darker complexioned ones. Angola, Botswana, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe had contestants at Miss World 2011.

Only South Africa and Zimbabwe managed Top 15 slots. Miss South Africa was the lone African amongst the Top 7 who made it Q&A segment as part of the 2011 Miss World crème de la crème. Miss Ghana also came away from the contest with tangible results after her “Beauty with a Purpose” project to start an education initiative for Accra’s slum-dweller toddlers got a thumbs-up.

Otherwise for the most part of the two-hour show, it was fairer faces over darker-complexioned ones, something that seemed to lend credence to Miss Uganda 1996 winner Sheba Kerere’s gripe about “racism” at the now 60-year-old beauty showcase. One couldn’t help but notice the cameras seemed to prefer the “white” contestants over the “black” ones even during the highlights cutaways. The isolated moments where the camera locked onto a black contestant, the screen “captions” revealing her nationality were deliberately left out.

Nigeria’s Agbani Darego is the lone Black African to have won Miss World in 2001. She was also the only black person amongst the judging panel at this year’s Diamond Jubilee event. For Miss Uganda, Sylvia Namugenyi, it is either a [post-Miss World] life of oblivion like most of her predecessors or one with a sense of purpose where like Miss Kenya last year she could bring attention to herself by inviting Miss World 2011 over to officiate at an event that celebrates Beauty with a Purpose. Miss Kenya 2010 already beat us to turning jigger eradication into the next celebrity international pastime.

Man Excited After First Suicide Attempt Succeeds

Suicide Attempt

A city man only identified as Shupeed from Makerere excited his family and area residents after succeeding in his very first attempt at suicide.

Sowaat, his 65-year-old father told ULK that this was the first thing his son had succeeded at in all his 35 years of life. “For the first time ever, I am very proud of my son. No one on this village has ever done something and succeeded at it the very first time. No one!”

When asked where he got the inspiration to pull off something no one had the courage to do, Shupeed intimated to our reporter that suicide was something he only saw on TV and in movies and thought it was a thing for Americans.

“Me I didn’t know that even a normal poor black man like me could do such a thing. I thought it was only for rich, spoilt movie stars who had nothing else to do with their money but spend on suicide.”

“At first I was nervous,” he added. “But then I was like what the heck! What’s the worst that could happen? So I jumped from that floor up there…I think it’s the 11th floor or something, and landed with a big thud right there. I think you can still see my blood and brains splattered allover the cement. I was going to clean it up but you guys came early.”

Shupeed called upon the public to always believe in themselves and get rid of the thinking that some things are meant for the rich alone. It’s the only way they can become successful and win the respect of family and friends like he did.

Sky is the limit for Ronald Nsubuga


Currently shooting his third single video – “I’m missing you”, Ronny has been there, done that. A graduate in Multimedia and design, Motion picture Production and  Sound Engineering, free-lace club DJ, and now upcoming Musician, the sky is the limit for this 27 year old.

Born Ronald Nsubuga in  Uganda, Ronny comes from one big lovely family of five boys and four girls.

Attending school in both Uganda and South Africa, Ronny, one would say has always been a head of things, being one of the first Ugandans to acquire skills in Information technology and multimedia as early as the last 90s and now music. Ronny has a number of Multimedia products attached to his name which include websites, multimedia learning materials CBTs etc

According to his mother; Mildred Nsubuga, his music abilities started showing at a very young age, making his own guitar out of tin and wood, continuing with that love to school and church. While in his church, Wellspring Christian fellowship, he was quickly recognized by his church leaders and started serving the church under different tasks including operating the AP system and playing the guitar, according to Herbert Wanjala, a leader at the church, located in Bweyogerere, a suburb in Kampala, capital of Uganda.

Ronny grew love for both music and film production, and that’s how he ended up going to South Africa to further his new found ambition.

Prior to that, he had worked on a number of amateur music and film production projects.

He has since worked on a number of production projects including; music videos and TV shows, short films and drama, Sound engineering, multimedia for Organizations like NCDC, an organization in Uganda that designs curriculums for schools, etc.

Ronny is also not new to mischief, as a student at Kyambogo College School and a fun of Ragge music, he always got into trouble with school authorities, for leading his class-mates into producing Ragge sound, banging class-room tables, much as this always got him into trouble, it made him popular with his peers, remembers Samaya Sammie, one of his old classmates.

DTF Day 3; Dance Givens and Clichés


It has become a given for dance choreographer Jonas Byaruhanga to shuffle his Keiga Dance Company performers at their annual Dance Transmissions Festival (DTF) appearances. Exclusive To No One featured a new crop of (six) dancers, most of them rookies displaying wet-behind-the-ears contemporary dance talent. Their piece was an indicted on an ivory tower notion at Makerere University, Uganda’s top tertiary institution. It’s the one where students pursuing “nobler” courses like medicine, engineering, law and journalism looked down on their contemporaries pursuing careers in the arts.

“Musiru Ddala Ddala” (vernacular for extremely airheaded) is the stigma those pursuing programmes at the university’s Music, Dance and Drama department have to carry around. In the Keiga piece, the protagonist is a high school boy asserting his desire to be a dancer. The antagonist is the society that forces prospective dancers into more lucrative blue/ white-collar profession represented by the colourful garb and lingua franca synonymous with these so-called noble professions/ occupations.

It’s a tough call for the dancer in a society where the pursuit of a university degree is a rite of passage. Commoditised tertiary education means employment prospects override passion-driven occupations. But Byaruhanga does little to rescue weak dance execution by glossing it over with his superior dance technique. He could as well have done a solo with everyone else as a mere prop. Thankfully, there was renowned Latino dancer Sam Ibanda and So You Think You Can Dance (Holland) contestant Shafique Ssegayi to smooth over the stiff dancing by music video dancers amongst the Keiga pack.
Japan’s Testsuro Fukuhara’s appearances are also becoming a DTF cliché. His choreography is hard to digest for audiences at a nascent dance showcase. He put on a solo piece Space Dance this year. Last year, he literally danced in space, squeezing his portly frame through a [stretch] cloth tunnel hoisted above the audiences’ heads in the auditorium and ending on stage. This year, he came off as a fraud eliciting more conversation about his gender (the bald-headed dancer has a thing for wigs) than his Kung-fu-like routines. But then again it could be that the Butoh technique is not for baby formula audiences that saw it as nothing but a comic display of what dancing at zero gravity may look like. He utilised the entire breadth of the stage all-right but his music grated on the ear.

South Africa’s Mhayise Productions, Dayimanei gave DTF a worthy finale to the three-day festival. The cow-horn formation from Shaka Zulu history comes to mind in this homage to the legacy of the Nguni cattle. The female dancer literally wears cow horns on her arms in this hybrid multimedia dance theatre genre that is set around a cow dip.

A corset worn above a cow skin dress that ends in a tutu; choreography that infuses video projection, recorded soundscapes, music, live percussions and drumming; this male/ female duo was right on the money in enchanting the audience with izibongo, physical theatre and movement within the frame of an African yet contemporary dance theatre performance!

The post-festival conversation should now shift to the sustainability of DTF, which has now anchored itself as one of two showcases for contemporary dance in Uganda. It is a nascent festival, which should strive to create a well-oiled contemporary dance machine despite its glaring funding challenges (much of the support for this year’s festival was in kind). How about Byaruhanga looked at the raw talent on NTV’s Hotsteps Season IV reality dance TV show? After all some of today’s fine [contemporary] dance talent came out of Season I; Rainmark Escriva (a dance tutor in Sweden), Antonio Bukhar Sebuuma; Phillip Buyi now with Tabu-Flo Dance Company and Rosemary Atim.

The Expectation : Unrealistic Sexpectation of People


There is a scene in the film 40 Days and 40 Nights in which Josh Hartnett brings Shannyn Sossamon to orgasm with only a flower.

This scene is bullshit. I have sent lovers home with hands still-twisted into awkward, cramped positions because they insisted on getting me off. Then there are those long, lonely, horny nights, when I just want to cum so the voice in my head will shut the fuck up and go to sleep. My arm feels like it is about to fall off, one ass-muscle is spasming from fatigue, and when I finally get there it is the sexual equivalent of losing a qualifier match with a nil-nil score: Dead-on-arrival and disappointing like when you blow your hardest on a vuvuzela and all that comes out is a sad and strangled, farting sound.

I refuse to believe that Josh Hartnett, who let’s face it, is as sexy as giggling kittens, could get any woman there with Lexington Steele’s dick, let alone a flower. And so expertly that God looked on, saw that it was good and said, So sweet, I forgive you for breaking thine Lenten vows.

No. I feel dirty just thinking about it.

Still, there is something to be said for anticipation; “Sexpectation”, if you will. Those moments before a good night out when you are drinking your Guinness in the shower[1] or slipping on your fuck-me knickers and imagining, in lurid, high-def, digital detail the things you are going to do to that boy as soon as you find a dark-enough corner.

Anticipation like walking around at work with your nipples hard, chafing against the inside of your bra because you are really clicking with someone new, and they have promised to serve you dinner tonight wearing an apron and only an apron.

Sexpectation is the reason some young women wear tiny dresses when they go out and then “forget” their panties.

It is important. I salute all those good wait-for-it feelings because they are also the reason that men with beautiful, successful wives get caught fucking the buck-toothed, bow-legged housegirl. It is also the reason that the guy who is checking you out from the other end of the bar is infinitely sexier than the guy he will be six months from now, once you’ve found out that he gives lousy head and does not always bother to match his socks.

According to Schrodinger’s Pussy, before you walk into Boda Boda on 4/11 you both have and have not had the time of your life and unknowingly taken the Hitchhiker home for a night of wild sex. What? That doesn’t make any sense you say? Don’t argue with Quantum Mechanics. Get yourself to the Legendary Party tomorrow, you never know what may happen.

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