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A Legendary Christmas Story | Part I

Visitation of Gabriel

Ho Ho Ho! (What was Santa thinking having that for a trademark laugh? Matter of fact, no, this is not the way to start a blockbuster story when kids are looking.)

Take II

Brethren, jingle bells (That’s better). As our way of saying thank you to all our legendary fans for making it to this great day with us, we premier the festive version of legendary awesomeness in the form of the greatest Christmas story ever told. Hope you came with your eyes. Let’s roll!

Chapter I: Breaking The News

What? Me? Pregnant? Where?!

“Oh Mary! You complete me. I love you! I love you full full condition. Nothing is going to change the way I feel about you! You hear me? Nothing! I wanna love you forever!”

“Joseph! Do you really mean that? Do you really?”

“Yes, absolutely. There’s no way that’s gonna change. No way! Nothing you could tell me would sway me!”

“Well there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you, but I didn’t know how you’d react.”

“Now, now sweetheart. Fear not. I’m sure we can overcome anything, no matter how big, no matter how heavy. We are together in all this. What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is ours.”

“I’m having a baby, and it’s not yours. Frankly, I just found out it’s mine…”

“Say what???”

A few hours ago…

Chapter II: The Sheep People

Meanwhile in Bethlehem, Artie, French and Bobo, three shepherds, are sitting on a hillock, staring at their sheep.

“Look at them. How can anything be so dumb and not choke on its own ears?”

“I know. If I wasn’t a shepherd, if I didn’t actually see these things with my very own eyes, I frankly would not believe they actually existed. You would tell me about them, and I would swear you are lying. Look at that one.”

“What is it doing?”

“It is trying to mate with that blade of grass, I think. Oh, it has given up. Now it is trying to eat that ewe.”

Suddenly there is a bright light in the sky.

“Son! What is that! That is not a question!”

“Oh no! My ex-wife has found me!”

“Relax guys. It’s just Superman. Probably time-traveling because it is 4 BC and he hasn’t been invented yet.”

“You’re sure it’s not a bird or a plane?”

One sheep looked at another sheep and said, in Sheep language: “And they say we’re stupid.”

How was Golola Moses made? A Fairy Tale

Golola Moses

This morning I was out in the yard at the ULK offices, looking into the sky waiting for it to look back, when I was approached by a motley bunch of urchins. Are you Streetsider? They demanded.
I replied in the affirmative.

We have a question, said the leader, a rambunctious ragamuffin like this.
“Is it true that Golola Moses, the African Assassin is actually strong enough to tear pages out of Facebook. And that he uses those pages to light his sigiri?
“Well,” I replied “while he CAN tear pages out of Facebook. He really doesn’t need then to light his sigiri. Since his temper is of the hottest, all he needs is to get mildly angry at a sigiri and it will light itself.”

An Artists Impression of Golola Moses
An Artists Impression of Golola Moses

Is it true that he irons his clothes with the palm of his hand ? Asked another young scamp anxiously.
I mulled over this one, I didn’t know for a fact whether he actually did iron his clothes with the palm of his hand, but I had to admit it made perfect sense.
“What is Golola? Who is Golola?” The urchins clamored. “Where did he come from? Can you tell us?”

Hot Temper: another artists Impression
Hot Temper: another artists Impression

Seeing as I am a firm believer in not letting the younger generation live in ignorance; I put on most school-teacherly face and proceeded to tell them a bit of the history of the great Golola Moses of Uganda.

The breakdown
On the day he was born, (We failed to verify that he was born at all; but that is how the rumor goes) he immediately jogged home. It was his very first roadwork. On the way home, he happened to sneeze; causing three pythons that lived in the vicinity to die instantly.

As a baby, a cobra bit him. What the cobra didn’t know was that Golola Moses was the sort to bite back. (Golola Moses, as everyone knows, was born with a full set of 32 adult teeth).

As a boy, he was notorious at the neighborhood well. Every-time he looked into the water… the well would wince. To this day if you go to that well it will ask you politely not to mention the name Golola Moses.

In school when they asked him why the Bunyoro Kitara Empire collapsed, he would write Golola Moses and get 100% in the test.
At his first job…

“What is his secret?” interrupted one young rascal whose eyes by now resembled magnifying glasses

“Golola Moses has always been a humble but fearless man. In fact when Fear bumps into him, it quietly walks away or pretends to be playing snake on its phone. This is the reason he has come this far and that is the reason he is now representing Uganda.” I replied gravely. “Also, he believes in himself so completely that should he decide to float, gravity will have no option but to let the guy just fly away.”

“Ah! Golola must win today!” Exclaimed another urchin. This Hungarian can’t manage!
“Don’t be so sure,” I cautioned, “Andras Nagy is no joke. He has kept a low profile but our snoops report that he sweats acid and that his biceps are made out of solid cocaine. When he farts the fart comes out as an actual balloon with the word Stinkmeaner inside.”

So who will win? he responded.
“Of course we all want Golola to win, and we will all be supporting him through and through tonight whether at Hotel Africana, from our sitting rooms or on our portable radios. But we shall have to wait and see.”

Adopt A Pothole Today

Pothole in Kampala

Do you spend several of your hours awake considering adopting a pothole but then you push it to the back of your mind? Do you have a loving home which you could offer a pothole in need of adoption?

Typically, people from all walks of life can adopt a pothole and save it from a life of turmoil and suffering; take it off the streets.

“There are many myths around who can and cannot adopt, but the fact is that people from all walks of life can.” Respected Councellor

Make your voice heard. Look through the pothole orphanage and vote the one you’d like to adopt.

Do you have a pothole to put up for adoption? Feel free to upload the details here. Don’t forget to include his/her details and your name.

Big Eye US Fiancée Threatens To Dump Him


Above Dubai based music promoter Sheila

Big Talent crew member singer Big Eye Mayanja must be spending sleepless nights trying to figure out a way to eat his cake and still have it. Shortly after the news of his relationship with the music promoter Dubai based sugar mummy Sheila Patience came out, his long time financier and partner Kandy Sparks gave him an ultimatum.  He was to either dump the aged music promoter or Kandy would call it quits.

This coming from the woman who has facilitated his music dream from way back isn’t just an idle threat and has left Big Eye on the edge. We hear Kandy was totally heartbroken by Big Eye’s unfaithfulness because she was totally devoted to him and his career and would give him whatever sum of money he asked from her.  She couldn’t believe that he would overlook all she had done for his career and go out with Sheila just because she bought him the lousy Noah he is always seen cruising.

Kandy comes from one of the loaded families in Jinja and she left the country at the age of six when her parents relocated to the US and that’s where she has been staying since then. We hear she is planning to open up a night club in Kampala which will be added to the clothing store and two posh saloons in Jinja town. Our paps reveal that her father is the proud owner of the top Ugandan restaurant in Ohio and also has three mansions in the US and one is rented by sensational Jamaican dancers the Ovamars who were featured in Elephant man ‘Sweep’ video. Kandy is also a niece to Jinja mayor Ismail Kezaala.


MTN Marathon 2011 Exposé


ULK didn’t participate in the marathon, we massacred it. We ran the entire 84km; 84 because our newest employee, the one we always hire at this time of the year, made it for the 10, 21 and 42km races. We were denied prizes because there’s a rule that doesn’t allow one to win more than one race; our rights!

Another Public Service Announcement

Public Service Announcement

We see them every day, pass by them and curse them out, oblivious to the fact that they are not there because of their own choosing. If they had an option, they would no doubt be anywhere but the roads. Fate screwed them over, so we have no right to turn our noses up at them.

But you can make a difference. You hold the key to making it all good again.

Spread the word, make a difference

Starting today, you can go out and adopt a pothole.

Why potholes?

Adopt a Pothole

Potholes are self sufficient. They do not need much and have a propensity to grow on their own. You do not need to feed them.

They don’t fall sick and can stand any and all sorts of weather. Rain or shine, potholes are going to be alright. No pothole ever coughed because of the dust. In fact, damn things eat it all up.

Take the first step, name your pothole, any pothole and when you get the chance, check on it once in a while.

Help spread the word, share your pothole name on twitter #myugandanpothole or facebook, or share this page/poster.

Adopt a pothole today, don’t let the government take this away from you too.

I’m Desperate For His Love

Please Love Me

Uncle Agony dear,

I have this boyfriend and we have had a relationship for two years. I Iove him so much! I have never met him face to face as he lives so far away and we just text once a month or so. He sent me a snap and he is so handsome. Since receiving it I love him even more.

But now he has stopped sending me texts, and I am desperate. What must I do? I don’t want to lose him, as I love him so much! Please tell me how I can keep his love.


Unnamed dear,

What’s this? You fell deeply in love with some guy you’ve never even met just because he sent you a picture he probably got off the internet, then he stopped sending you texts and you’re just going to sit there and watch while he does this despicable thing to you?

Make him jealous. Get a picture of some other guy, take it out on a date and take pictures of you kissing and doing nasty things to that picture, then send him the pictures. That should rile him big time. Remove him from your Facebook friends even. I guarantee you he’ll send a text saying sorry and even start following you on Twitter.

Your bond will become stronger and nothing will come between you two ever again. Maybe just a bad internet connection.

How Skipping Class Will Ruin Your Life

Skipping Class

While you’ve considered and even done the heinous crime of chopping class and staying in your bed to umm, sleep, we at ULK care very much about your educaishan. For one, we slip misspelled words into our articles so you can display the fact that you actually went to class and paid attenshan. Let out a mean laugh and point an index finger at your dumb-ass friend who didn’t see the ‘attenshan’ thing.

Now that we have his eyes (because girls are nice, pure creatures from planet Ogufas and they don’t skip class); now that his bloodshot eyes are on us, we proceed to tell him firsthand what will happen to him if he skips class. We know these consequences because some of our Facebook friends occasionally let their defenses down and inbox confessions

“Urban Legend Kampala dear, I know my update says ‘Ayayayaya, what should I do with all this money? Lemme bulasiti!!’

But the truth is I’m doing an Onesmus on the landlord. “

Ahaha, Urban Legend Kampala has jokes

So, dear reader, this is what will happen to you if you skip class to extract boogers.

  1. You will be a broke useless wart. People will say ‘hi’ from a distance and hunch over to type into their tablets ‘lol! He iz hiya smell smelling brokeness’ as they walk off quickly.
  2. You won’t get people’s jokes. That day you skip class is the day the teacher (hehe, teacher) talks about the anatomy of a joke. Those in attendance will be schooled on what makes a joke funny, on which jokes are funniest, on when to laugh out loud with all 73 teeth showing, when to just show the teeth and not let out a sound,  when to laugh while bending over and hitting the person who made the joke and when to say “Harr harr, you make me funny you.” If none of this rings a bell, you picked the wrong day to skip class Sonny. Don’t be that person everyone laughs at a joke all the while knowing they are going to have to explain it to you

Ahahaha, He doesn’t gerrit

  1. Your kids will think you are dumb. While everyone’s children will show off their dad during “Show and tell”; “Look fellow 3-toothed friends, when I grow up and stop eating mud and peeing in my pants, I want to be like this guy, my dad!” (Excited screams all around). Your kids on the other hand will show off your neighbor’s parrot “because she speak proper English”. Don’t skip class
  2. You’ll be that person that thinks “morning after pills” are for hangovers

The coffee that could have saved the world…


A Mug of coffee was drunk this morning; somewhere in one of the coffee shops of this fine city.

The empty mug in was adamant in his claims that the coffee that he had lately hosted was special in some cosmic way and that the drinking of aforesaid coffee was of paramount importance to mankind. To quote, he said mankind was doomed.

“You don’t understand!” Jeremy said sobbing, “that 0.23 liters of hot water, sugar and dried crushed coffee seeds; that 2.3 liters was special!!!!i could tell from the way it bubbled and kicked within me. (Maybe the coffee had made him pregnant?)

Either way attempts to console him were futile.

“I tried to tell the madam who was drinking from me to take a moment and think about what she was doing,” he continued; “but alas, she couldn’t understand me. It seems she doesn’t speak Mug.”

Nota Bene: We have UPE to blame for that. If it wasn’t for UPE all of us would be chatting away in the ancient language of Mug. Can you believe? We fucking know what Nota Bene is but we cannot trade pleasantries with our crockery. It’s enough to make you weep.

Moving on…
A psychiatrist was procured to evaluate this Mug’s mental stability. The authorities seemed rather disturbed (as they should) that an ordinary mug should mourn so deeply the death of a coffee that wasn’t a relative, close family friend or at least a friend with benefits.

A psychiatrist was procured and left in the room alone with Monsieur le Mug. Everything was hunky dory; psychiatrist was sitting in a straight backed chair holding a clip board and the Mug lying on a leather couch thinking about his childhood at the speed of fifty dollars an hour. It was postcard perfect if you ask me. Which you haven’t but that doesn’t matter because I have already told you. Mua Ha ha!!

That was totally uncalled for and very journalistically unprofessional of me. I need to be punished.


When the authorities came back twenty minutes later they found the psychiatrist on the couch and the Mug seated in the chair holding the clipboard and muttering threats.

I tell you that coffee was of cosmic importance but you don’t listen!! Psychoanalyze me again and I will put you in a cup and drink you! Bitxch!

The authorities (the very same) were finally prevailed upon to investigate his assertions as to the coffee’s Messiah like properties. The madam who had originally purchased the coffee was located and put to task to reproduce the coffee she had drunk as it might be some epic shizz.

Unfortunately we will never ever TRULY understand what that cup of coffee could have done for mankind. coz its gone. Within it might have been a message from the aliens, a cure for cancer or some other equally epicness. but we will never know…
And that is the end of my story.

Ugandan roads added to list of endangered species

Bad Ugandan Roads

In what many assume was just a matter of time, roads in a tiny third world country in Africa have been declared endangered species. The declaration, a long time coming, was made at the recently concluded demonstration over load shedding in Uganda.

“I was on my way to protest, I even had my flashlight to help me deal with the impromptu rain… then I fell into a pothole. If my neighbor hadn’t come to my rescue, I am almost certain I would have drowned. Our roads have truly become endangered” offered Jim “Mureefu” Kalyango, a 6ft 3” gentleman that has since developed a deeper appreciation for life.

The Work’s Ministry was not too keen on issuing a statement, however, Gerald Odokonyero, a ministry official who spoke on condition that his identity was kept anonymous, claimed that there was much celebration in the corridors of power.

“Me, I was here sitting in my cubicle in room 4 on the 1st floor, Desk 3 when the news came in. All of a sudden, the official in charge started screaming out, ‘we are famous, we are famous’ and proceeded to call his friends in tour companies for them to offer tourists deals to the pothole capital of the world…”

Attempts to confirm these claims proved futile and a follow up call was met with the news that Mr. Odokonyero had been relieved of his duties under unclear circumstances that may or may not have involved disclosing sensitive information. This journalist has reason to believe that there may have been a leak.

Roads interviewed were mostly unsurprised, however, there were some inconsolable ones that were, to be honest, in a sad state.

“Kale we have been here, serving people. We shoulder massive loads, but what do we get? Scorn and infections. You can see I’m being eaten, can’t you? Does it look like I’m enjoying it…. Go away, I’m inconsolable. And when you write, tell them I was in a state of disrepair…”

It’s not all bad news… there are some that have taken the news with some hope and a smile.

“Those chaps need to stop complaining. We need homes…we need shelter… we need food,” a notorious pothole claimed.

“We are not the kind to be here and laugh at people’s misfortunes, but it’s always a good thing to feel that eyes are no longer on us. The attention is good sometimes, but it certainly feels nice to have the pressure taken off of us…” Offered Nanduttu’s delusional thighs.

It is not the first time that Uganda, has come under fire for failing to protect rights and previous submissions to the endangered species list from this third world country include Nanduttu’s vowels, Rock Music and Bad Black’s natural skin…and what’s left of her original breast.

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