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The Mystery Of Moreese’s Hair

Maurice Kirya

If you have seen the picture, you must have be wondering, like all inquisitive Ugandans, what’s going on with Maurice “Moreese” Kirya’s head

If you are hipper than the others, you might even say “wasgono”. That’s a funny word.

The mystery of Morees’ hair is a perplexing one, and from the strange expression on his face we can tell that we are not the only ones perplexed. Many men have cut their hair before this. None have left the saloon with that look.

It looks like the peace that settles in your soul once you have finally made up your mind that the people who did this will pay. Yes. Every last one of them.

So we got our journalist suit out of the cupboard and set off to investigate, to uncover the facts, to dig out the story behind the story.

We failed to find it. So we did what certain journalists do when they fail to find the truth. We just peddled rumours.

Rumour I

Jealous of his success, a clique of rival musicians hatched a plan. We would name them, but you have never heard of the losers, so it will be a waste of time. That’s why they are jealous of Moreese in the first place: because at least people know who the hell he is. For them, this is the first time they are being mentioned in the mass media (stop hating. ULK is totally the mass media) and even then, they are not being named in full. We just know that they are collectively known as The Philistines.

Rocky Giant is not one of them. He is busy trying to get his goat business off the ground. Leave him out of this.

So what The Philistines did is they found a chick, called Delilah, and sent her to seduce Moreese.

“Haaayi. Are you Morrrrs Krrry? I am ur fun! Lol!” she said, fluttering her eyelids and speaking in both a Hot Steps accent and like a campuser on facebook.

The singer passed his hand over his locks and grinned, replying in the way he replies when he is accosted by his fans.

“Bat wat do u col dat muzik whc u doooooo?” she asked, the eyelids still fluttering, the lips pouting.

Kirya responded and she pretended to be fully engrossed in the whole labored description of soul and afro soul and she even nodded and coooed at the word “mwooyo”, a word he uses to describe his music.

“Waaaaw. Thartts soooo….” Here she sighed and her bossom became temporarily larger. “Waaaw. Mrrrrrrs, do u hav ur jitta @ ur plase an wi go dere?”

Then she cut the man’s hair off when he was sleeping and took it to the Philistines because they believed that was the same thing as stealing this power. Kumbe they had just pissed him off.

Rumour II:

He has been playing Hitman.

Rumour III:

It was a wig  all along.

Rumour IV:

This is the first step to the next step in his career. Prepare to meet M-Kill-Ya, the Gangsta Rapper

Rumour V:

Once upon a time there was a young singer in the depths of dark Africa. He sang his songs, and strummed his guitar and loved what he did. Then one day an evil American heard one of his songs, swooped in and stole it, then used it in one of his own protégé’s albums. The singer swore revenge. But he was not ready. He first had to be ready.

So he found a wushu monk in the only shaolin temple in Africa (it’s in Nyarushanje village those ends of Rukungiri when you pass Kanyonyi’s house and then you go dooooown.)

For seven days and seven nights he did not sleep. He trained. He trained and trained. He ate kung fu. He drank Kung fu. He thought kung fu. Until he was Kung fu. And finally the sensei said,

“Molis. You leady!”

And he was.

Freaky Weak-End

Freaky Weekend

If they make more weekends like this, we may start to power the country from the sweat worked-up by revelers.


The East African Xplosion

Klear Kut, no relation to Fresh Kuts, had a massive show on Friday that had every Kenyan that can sing on our stage. News trickling in from our overseas correspondent in Kenya revealed that things were so bad there that the nation was listening to Indian movie soundtracks as they waited for their artistes to return.

For a nation with alcohol-imbibing restrictions, you’d expect the artistes to be low. But they were high. On energy. I think. Mad Traxxxxxxx did that ‘Get down’ jam that has like 20 dance moves innit and you always somehow know 3-less than the person next to you. We all know the ‘i-partey-hard’ rule explicitly states that you can never, ever have less dance moves than the person sweating it out next to you.

Nonini and P-Unit did their thang. My buddies from that place that owns Migingo land knew all the words to their songs but at a concert, screaming till you froth is evidence enough that you are a bona fide fan, no need to sing along.

Incidentally, P-Unit and Klear Kut have a jam together. I just used the word incidentally. Seeing as my entourage and I were fashionably delayed, we only got to hear Vampino, Jackie and Lillian as we reverse-parked the Hammer. We were however in time to listen to Salvado, the MC of the night, drop some lyrics off the cuff.

The Mith, Navio, JB, Langman and Papito aka Klear Kut ballet-danced onto stage at about midnight in pink, pointy shoes and matching brightly-colored fedoras with polka dots. We had warned them not to watch Bruno before the show but did they listen?

ED: This writer didn’t take his meds. Also, he wears spectacles and he didn’t have them on. Langman and Papito are currently being held against their will by Nikita at an undisclosed location. They didn’t make it for the show. And Klear Kut were actually in black suits, not that stuff this high writer has put up there

Klear Kut got on and did ‘All I wanna know’, the jam that propelled them into groupie-having Ugandans. They then did this thing of 3 shows in one; where the rest leave the stage and leave one Kut on stage. So we had a show from each of them…it may interest you to know that Navio did that Hot temper jam sans Golola. There we were holding onto our not-too-punched drinks waiting for the man himself to spring into the ring.

Klear Kut in full flight

She got so excited, she joined P-Unit on stage

Power Vs Warriors

Power won. They’ve got the power. From the number of screaming female fans, they must be pretty tired men by now. No more power, like the rest of us.


Beach Rugby

There was beach rugby at Sports beach Entebbe. Judging by the people fishing handfuls of sand out of their undergarments, I’m sure the games were eventful but it was impossible to stay focused since there were girls wearing swim-suit bandanas there. You know about 2-piece swim suits? Some girls replaced the lower half of their swimming costumes with…yes, bandanas.

Man Catches Comedian Not Being Funny

The Oasis

A little-known Ugandan stand-up comedian yesterday shocked passersby after he was caught not being funny by one of his fans. The fan reportedly spotted him at Nakumatt and then ran up to him to laugh but after looking into the comedian’s eyes, the fan saw nothing even remotely funny and didn’t hear the comedian crack a joke or two.

The comedian walks without being funny
“Me I was there being idle in Nakumatt parking when I saw him walking past that elephant at the entrance,” the fan told us. “I immediately knew something was wrong because everyone he was passing was not laughing or even smiling.”

“So I walked up to him and thought maybe he needed some inspiration so I volunteered some instructions. I shouted at him to be funny but he just looked at me and laughed. That’s not how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to leave the laughing to me.”
According to the fan, an icon was supposed to assume what the fans liked about him 24/7. So this comedian was supposed to be funny everywhere every time; on stage, in the shopping mall, in the toilet and in the bathroom.

“Even when sleeping, he is supposed to sleep funny, have funny dreams, wake up being funny, take a shower in a funny way, have funny breakfast and drive in a funny way to a funny workplace that is full of funny tables, funny stationery and funny people,” confided the fan.

When we reached the stand-up comedian for a comment, he was flustered because he thought we had also come with high expectations and even tried to crack a joke that ended very badly. “Ah! Man you guys are just not serious! That joke was funny and honestly, if you can’t appreciate it, then you should leave,” he said.

“What did that dude mean ‘be funny and I see’? That’s like asking Kazoora to steal a watch and I see. Or asking Amama Mbabazi to swindle something and I see. Or asking Robert Kalumba to have some common sense and I see. Or asking the president to refuse to retire and I see. It doesn’t make sense, man.”

The angry comedian promised to kill any fan who came to him again with such high expectations. “I’ll crack their ribs!” he vowed.

A Legendary Christmas Story | Part IV

Flexing for a Room

Chapter V: Flexing For A Room In Bethlehem

Honey, see what the credit crunch has done!

In a security office somewhere in Bethlehem…

“Sign up! They said! It will be a great way to channel your aggression! A lot of good that did me!”

“I know what you mean Brother Nathaniel, why just the other day I was asked to deal with an 818. Can you believe that? After all that training, I am reduced to dealing with shepherds. And then they are let off with not guilty on grounds of insanity. Turns out they were “following a star”. There’s been a lot of that astral fascination going around lately. Just the other day Jupiter and Venus were so close to the moon, it looked like a smile.”

“A smile? What foolishness is that you speak of Herman?”

“You know, when you turn your er, frown upside down. Like this. Anyway, point is, my brother says that sort of thing will never happen again. Not even in 2011 years!”

“That is oddly specific”

“Tell me about it. Then get this. He says there will be a bright star that will herald the birth of the Mess…”


The intercom on the desk cackles to life!

“Code IV!!! Repeat! Code IV! Security!!!!! Come to reception now!!!! Hey, I love these upside down ‘i’ thingies. Do you think they will catch on in the future? Is this thing still on?


Nathaniel looks at Herman. A gleam of excitement in his eyes, “ A code IV! Do you know what that means? I can barely contain myself!”

“By the Roman gods that we suspect are pagan! A code IV is unprecendented. We are not equipped to deal with this sort of thing. This could change the very fabric of history itself. And yet, someone must take care of things. Quick! To the hotel!”


As they make haste, they are interrupted by three odd looking characters with crowns on their heads. They look suspiciously like kings.

“We are kings!” says one.

“Hang on. Brother Nathaniel, did this gentleman just cut into the story? Can he do that?”

“I don’t know Brother Herman. These kings of the Orient possess a certain mysticism that is enigmatic in nature. I know not whether we want to deal with this now. But wait! What’s in the bags?”

“Er, gifts?”

“I thought as much. Very well, on your way!”

“But Nathaniel, are you not being lenient?”

“My dear Herman, what would you have me do? Write them a parking ticket? Those things have not even been invented and for the life of me, I don’t know where I pulled that phrase out of!”

Minutes later at the hotel…

“What seems to be the problem? I just found out that Usher is in town and we must deal with this ASAP”

“It’s a Code IV!”

“So you say, but we don’t see…by the unborn God! Is that lady pregnant! And is that what I think it is in the bag! This Code IV is unlike any other. It’s a sequel!”

“Yes. An evacuation order is in. er, order! Right this way madam, sir!”

“Really Joseph, you chose a fine time not to ask for directions!”

“Calm down Mary. I have faith. Something good will happen!”

The couple is promptly shown the door.

“What is that?” asks Mary.

“It appears to be a door type thing. Do you think we should open it and walk through?” Joseph asks.

“Seems to be the only way this story will move on.”

And so it comes to pass, they walk through and seek accommodation on the other side of this ‘door’ thing.


A couple of houses later…

“Yeah. Okay look its not you, it’s me. I have no problem giving you guys accommodation, but this whole credit crunch thing has kinda thrown me off!”

Joseph and Mary look at each other. Inquires Joseph of Mary, “You think this is foreshadowing something in the not so distant future?”

Says the Bethlehem Sheraton keeper, “Nonsense! This crunch thing can not, will NOT happen ever again, not even in 2011 years! But to show you I mean you no ill will, I will let you spend the night out back. I have a good feeling about you!”

“Thank you kind sir! May the Lord shower blessings upon you!”

“Er, yes. Now come, let me show you your quarters before those census people come back and do a recount. Where do they think we are, Florida?”

The manger…

“Well, I guess I’ve seen worse…”

“Really! What have you seen that could possibly be worse than this?”

“Remember that African edition of MTV Cribs?”

“Oh, oh. Joseph…”

“What is it Mary? What’s wrong?”

“Joseph. It is time. I think….”

A Legendary Christmas Story | Part VI

Escaping from Herold

Chapter VII: King Herod Jams To Swallow That There’s A Famous Baby

Kill those bu-kids! Msssstttcccheeeewww

*Bang bang bang!*

“Who is it, dear?” Mary asks of Joseph?

“It’s the popo, honey.”

“What’s a popo?”

“That is an archaic slang term for the police. The writers of this series have used too much modern language in the dialogue they have written so far. This time, one of them has decided to make an effort.”

Joseph opens the door and starts bargaining.

“Listen, officers. I can explain. First of all, it was all Rahmet’s idea. Look, I’ve got a family to look after. Can’t we talk about this? We can help one another. I didn’t even know it was illegal. I swear. It was like that when I arrived.”

“Mr Heptutet, you have the right to remain silent.”

“We don’t have that in our constitution.”

“You have the right. I just gave it to you so you can shut up for a minute. Now, we have reason to believe that you have illegal materials on the premises.”


“For crying out loud, this isn’t a Benny Hill sketch. Don’t do that thing of saying I told you to shut up so you can’t answer my question.”

“Okay. Um, no, officer, I have no illegal materials in my house. All the stuff is at Rahmet’s place. Don’t tell him I snitched.”

“Note that down, partner. We have to pay a visit to Mr Rahmet down the street.”

“Yes, Detective.”

“Mr Heptutet, we understand that you have recently come into possession of a newly born son.”

“Have I? Really?”

“Where is your wife, Hermopli?”

“Um…Hermopli? Um, sheesh. I don’t even know. I got a new wife here, you see. Young Dispesis here. She’s brand new. Just 15 years old. I had her delivered about seven months ago and have been having a blast since, so you understand why I don’t even know where the hell that old bag Hermopli even is.”

“Doesn’t she live here?”

“Yeah, I guess. But I really don’t pay attention to the furniture and the livestock and the women. I have slaves who take care of that.”

“So, Mr Heptutet, you were not aware that your wife, Hermopli recently gave birth to a boy?”

“Really? She has always been giving birth to girls. It’s about time she gave birth to a real person. You know, sorry to go off on a tangent, but I wonder if there will ever be a day when women are considered to be more than property. I mean, a day when they have equal rights.”

“Yeah right. This is no time for jokes, Mr Heptutet. Step aside. We need to search the premises. Hey, slave! What’s your name?”

“Nefrusoput, sir.”

“Nefrusoput, who is hiding with you in that room?”

“Nobody there but us chicken, sir.”

“Slave, bring forth that woman and her newborn child. We have instructions to kill every newborn male in the city.”

“Officer, let me ask. Is that right? How can a king just wake up and kill everyone’s children and no one complains?”

“If you don’t like it, go invent human rights and democracy.”

And that marks the final chapter, legendary peeps. Have yourselves the coolest of festivities. If you want, anyway.

Top 10; The Best in Hip Hop Uganda


This is a review by our resident hip hop expert (who happens to not be a very good one) on the leading MCees in the game as far as the UG scene is concerned.

Word B!

Let it therefore be known that this is not meant to be an authoritative article. This shit won’t be quoted in the Source.


There will be some mad props flying about in this fucker-of-a-mother (God rest her soul). Bear with us. These are just jokes. However, should y’all be so moved by the Holy Spirit of Hip Hop to bless us with Cristal and bitches, we shall accept them with much thanks… all the while praying that aforesaid bitches are STD free.

Thass Wassup Cuz!!

There will also be some dissing. We repeat, these are jokes, bear with us. We know how y’all roll. We don’t want niggas jumping us in the club, popping caps in our asses. We have individually conferred with each of our asses and the jury is back with a report that; NO… our asses are not overly attracted to caps of any sort.

Ayo, gotta pause dat!

Without further ado, I present to you, IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER The Urban Legend Top Top Ten illest, lyric spittin, mystic bewitchin’ beef grillin’, and juice squeezin’ MCees in the game…

Enygma AKA the punch-line king.
They say his rhymes torture the microphone in the booth. Basically other Mcees come into the booth and find a lump of molten metal wishing it was still a microphone…
Even Enygma doesn’t know who Enygma is. When he is brushing his teeth in the morning, instead of a reflection in the mirror, all he sees is a question mark dancing back at him.

Mun G aka Kyabo too G!
Better known as the secret lover of half the babes on Campus; Mun G is a new but powerful force on the Hip Hop Scene. His treatment of pop culture and witty rhymes has put him in his own league.
They say his fingernail clippings and bottled breath raise impressive prices in the halls of Mary Stuart and Africa.

Babaluku Aka Cool Baba.

The Wise Old Man of Ug Hip Hop, he radiates positivity and a social conscious vibe. Through his Bavubuka Community, he has inspired many young bloods to put aside their destructive lifestyles and think about their future.

it is said that at night, his dreadlocks come to life and start conversing amongst each other.

Keko (AKA Kay…full stop… Ko)
We have seen her rise to the spot of hottest MC on the scene in 2011. She has also won a slew of awards including a Channel O Award.
The reason the Swag Queen has so much favor can be traced back to her Mary Hill days. Keko (then Jocelyn Tracey) would freestyle prayers in the chapel to the great outrage of the School Chaplain and the great enjoyment of Jesus Christ in person. Ever since then JC has had her back.

JB AKA J-Baller
Is a rapper with a special gift. When he spits the sky splits open releasing winged demons blasting icy breath and flashing eyes red hot with fury.
The secret is the goatee. The goatee is where all his rap mojo lives. The goatee is indestructible. Scissors, garden shears, graders, grenades… the goatee doesn’t want to know. All those looking to take down JB; you know where to start.

GNL AKA Soda Ginger Ale
GNL has been a trendsetter from the start. His unique style has created a comfortable balance between Hip Hop Swag and African wisdom,
Hnmmmm… For some reason I can’t think of any dissy things to say about GNL. His witchdoctors are really doing a good job.

The Mith AKA Confetti Tom
. People call him a beast and with good reason. He is half walrus and half grizzly bear (So it says on his passport). He has reigned on the Hip Hop scene for forever and he doesn’t seem to be about to throw away his book of rhymes.
His aversion to wack mcees is famous. He used to murder them with rhymes but of late he doesn’t even bother. He just sits on them. Mbu squashing beef.

 Navio AKA Bad Boy from Rubaga
At childbirth, the first thing he did was cough in a baritone. Ever since then the famous baritone has been Uganda’s favorite ambassador all over the globe bringing in accolades for UG and UG HipHop. Go Navio.
Navio is also known as the first mainstream MC to take the bold step of tapping into our local culture. Though his first collabo “I Snatch da Millet” feat. Kintu and Walumbe didn’t do so well, he has since proved to be a master in that particular niche of the art form.

Eddie Atlas AKA da African

Boasting an impressive flow this fairly new MC isn’t one to play with. He also has undeniable street cred; having done tracks with Kool G Rap, Nipsey Hussle, Memphis Bleek and Havoc of Mobb Deep .

he has a new album coming out. This is going to be his album art.

You saw it here first!!

Yoweri “Kags” Kaguta. AKA El Monsignor, AKA the Excellent One
The master of the game. the greatest to ever bust a cap, drop a sweet punchline, the Lord of swagga, El Monsignor himself… He has made it in the industry with only one hit.  We are made to understand that his debut album, Another Other Rap; drops sometime in 2016.

Catch some of these legendary Mcees (Navio, Jb,the Mith, Keko) as well as a host of other international artists(Madd Traxx, P Unit, Patrobas etc) at East African Explosion on the 16th of December at Garden City. Its the only way to say goodbye to 2011.

Be there.

Annnnnd that is that, we are out, Mr Obeezy sir, any last words?

Ayo, Peace in the Middle East, Word is Bond.

Klear Kut’s Humble Origins: An Eyewitness Account

Klear Kut

One of the most common Ugandan habits is this thing called tying on celebs. Once a person becomes famous, everybody crawls out of the woodwork such as Mutundwe and Kyebando, claiming that they know all about such and such a singer, actor, rapper or internet website writer. To quote Streetsider, “What Baz is saying is true.”

However, what you are going to read is not tying. It goes beyond. Let me assure you that Klear Kut and I go waaaay back. I saw them loong ago and I can prove it through a series of paragraphs. As follows.

Klear KutI was a young MUK Educ student on teaching practice, struggling to manage a classroom of rowdy international school students. I had only been informed that morning that, contrary to my expectations, the ban on caning was actually seriously enforced in international schools, not like Fozzie Bears Senior Secondary School, which had been my first choice.
So the class was busy wiping the floor with me. Whenever I would ask a question they would answer it, making me feel like an idiot.

For example, I would ask, “What factors lead to the migration of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom in the interlaucustrine region?”

Somebody would put up their hands and answer. Msssw.
I would ask, “What is the square root of 4563?”
And someone would put up their hand and answer. I would not even know if their answer was correct because, I mean, it’s the freaking square root of 4563. Who knows that shit?
Then I would ask “What is photosynthesis?”
And again hands would shoot up and answers would be given. Some of them I would not even understand, because international school students have like axa and back then I was really local. That sort of thing would confuse me. I would ask about photosysasy and they would answer about phoddosynthesis.

But one thing in the class was really perplexing me. Three guys in the back of the class.
“Woo izi dat one yin da back deya dat she is wearing gaggolz?” I asked. Man, I know how some of you when you me when I meet people with axa you find yourselves trying to catch up. With me it’s the opposite. That’s when the Buwambo Village Kyaddondo busts out for real. “Dat boy deya she is wealing gaggolz. Wat is da liason?”

Somehow the class understood that I was asking about the boys in the back who were wearing shades.

The whole class put up their hands. They answered: “It’s called ‘Swagg’, yo! Recognize!”

“Watyis da names of dat one?” I asked, pointing at the one who was grinning as if he had a lot of money.

“His name is Thomas,” sighed one chick who had spent the entire lesson staring at him, reapplying her mascara every two minutes.

“Chomash? Thomweth? The Mith?” Back then English names were a challenge to me. I was used to Nabiwatta and Sekumulango and Eggyi.

The Mith just got up and pulled a wad of notes out of his pocket and threw them at the class. Then he sat down, grinned and said, “They call me Confetti Tom.”

Navio from RubagaI hastily pocketed the notes I had managed to collect and turned my attention to the next one: a tall light-skinned dude with cornrows and about eight girls hanging off each arm. “You youngaman, allwov dos are you gallofleens? Now if you are of schoolugoingy edge, who is defilingy who?”
He replied, “I am this bad man from Rubaga.”

And I just thought. Ebyo nabyo bwebityo? Evyo navio bwevityo.

Suddenly one kid leapt up from his desk in the corner. He didn’t have to say anything. I could recognize instantly what was happening. It takes one nuggulist to know one and I could see that this student was burning with the darkest and most potent nuggu possible.

He snarled out a rhythmic diss freestyle and leapt over the desks to where Mith and Navio were and prepared to … I don’t know what he meant to do but before he could even start, a punch of the sort we expected from Golola last weekend showed up out of the blue and connected with his fist and he flew all the way over the desks and landed back in his chair, the impact of landing forcing his Geography book open to page 12 The Formation of The Andes.

The fist recoiled back into the arm of the guy who threw it, and he tugged at his chin. At the time he was as school student so there was no beard.
“Yye gwe aani musajja ggwe? Nga olimukambwe!” I stuttered in awe.

“JB, aka J-Baller,” he said.

Now, I have lied to you about only three members of Klear Kut because they are the ones around. I have not told you mbu I went to another class and found Langman and Papito. Maybe next time. For now, don’t miss The Mith, Navio and JB who will be tearing it up at the Xplosion this weekend. Alongside Madtraxx, Nonini, P-Unit, Lillian, Jackie, Jackie’s awesome legs, Rabadaba, Rabadaba’s security detail, House of DJs, House of DJs big phat Monique-phat beats,  and others such as female fans in tiny dresses. Garden City Drive Through Cinema. Even go to facebook and like the event page because I now know some hip hop lingo I can assure you, in the appropriate language, that it’s going to be disengaged from the hook!

Believe It Or Not: 12 Amazing Facts About Uganda

Uganda Police

Uganda was ranked highly as a favorite tourist destination in 2012. We thought we’d compile a few facts to help our dear visitors.

Fact number zero: I don’t win, I don’t lose. I just be.

  1. A Ugandan president is called a Museveni, no matter the outcome of the elections.
  2. The parliament was built without intelligence in it. It was only until 2011 that the august house started developing certain unverifiable signs of intelligence. However, officials worry that the available space may not be enough to hold the intelligence.
  3. A minister is any public figure that can ably swindle public funds and get away with it.
  4. 70% of police officers have eyes that can detect guns and any metallic objects in cars just by looking at the passengers.
  5. It is illegal to have electricity 7 days in a row.
  6. A government contract is only awarded to a provider if they cannot competently provide the service. Anything short of that will lead to immediate termination of the contract and severe penalty.
  7. Kabakumba Masiko is a ninja.
  8. You can get arrested for refusing to commit a crime.
  9. Walking is prohibited in certain parts of the country.
  10. Roads are constructed with potholes in them. Those without potholes are denied further maintenance until a thorough investigation is carried out.
  11. Criminals in the private sector are loved by the people while those in the public sector are loved by the president.
  12. It is imperative to have a nationwide violent strike at least once a year even if the strike essentially accomplishes nothing.

Special announcement:

While everyone else bores you with funny Christmas wishes and promotions, we are stepping up the game.

We traveled back in time and saw it all. Stay clicked for the baddest, awesomest series detailing what really happened when Mary found out that you could get pregnant just by being a virgin.

Christmas starts Dec 14th. Spread the word…

A Legendary Christmas Story | Part III

Walking to Bethlehem

Chapter IV: Footing To Bethlehem

Joseph rides Mary


“I say my good man, did you just receive a short message off your gadget?”

“Indeed I did. I Chuck Wiseman the third, did receive a message of cellular origin on my mobile. I shall now proceed to read it out loud.”

“Dia cousin, we hdng out 2 c da messiah! Holla!”

Chuck Wiseman III heaved his large stomach, and the rest of himself as well, out of his plush leather office chair. Or tried to. He had just had a hefty burger meal like the ones that be at Ranchers in Garden City (awesome!) and, because of this, he slumped right back into the chair and thought to himself, “There must be a way to do this without moving”.

“You could try video-conferencing sir,” said his assistant, primly and with barely disguised contempt.

Wiseman thought about it and liked the idea. It involved no motion and therefore was splendid.

“Haro Wiseman! How is weather in Amelica!” crackled one video. On the screen grinned the long face of Dr C. B. Ng, professor of Astronomy at the National University of Indonesia.

“Weather’s great here on the EAST coast,” said Wiseman. How’s the world of Academics over there in the Far EAST?”

“Vely Good! Vely Lewarding!” replied Dr Ng, who, it was beginning to seem, only ever spoke in exclamations.

The other monitor flashed into life. A red-nosed, red-eyed, tousle-haired face appeared on it. “Asdfk sfdgsd oropisd ougsdr bndfsr, y’know?” said the man on the screen.

“Dr Ng, meet Dr O’Leary. He is a leading researcher from EAST Dublin university,” Wiseman said.

“Oh? Learry? Preased to meet you O’Really!” grinned Ng.

“Hertsrd fsdaf gwera rodfou touir, Doctor,” was the reply.

“Why he talk rike that?”

“He’s Irish,” explained Wiseman. “Now, you have received the news. The event our studies predicted is upon us. Time to head for Bethlehem.”

“Hsdfaer wer wer gosersad gour goose asdfa monk. Har har har harh!”

“We fry by jet!”

Some hours later the three doctors trooped into The Bethlehem Sheraton and walked past a man and his pregnant wife arguing at the reception.

“What do you mean no room?”

“I’m really sorry sir. We’re booked solid. What with the census and Usher coming to stage a concert in town. There is just no room.”

“This is ridiculous. My wife and I came all the way from Bethlehem for this census and we really wanted to see Usher do Moving Mountains. Plus, she’s pregnant. I demand…”

“EEEigh!!!” the receptionist suddenly started, staring at Joseph’s luggage “What is that in your bag? Oh no, by Jupiter! I can’t believe it! Call security! Tell them it’s a code IV! Now!”

A Legendary Christmas Story | Part II

Shepherds Message

Chapter III: The Sheep People Get The News

From the bright light a sound emerges, kinda loud kinda booming, like those priests in your churches.

“Greetings earthlings. We mean you no harm. We come with news that will later be the inspiration for your descendants’ songs!”

“Bobo come quick. It’s one of them X-Files. It’s so clear. Hi-Def ain’t got nothing on this. Come quick I say, and while you’re at it, drop that sheep.”


“We bring you news of a saviour that’s about to be born. We need to be sure, but if you leave now, you should get there after the drama! Peace homies! And what’s that guy doing with that sheep?”

“Artie. I don’t know about you, but this has got to be the most surreal thing ever! And I gotta tell you. I have seen quite a few surreal things in my life. Like the wig on that lady’s head. What are you doing? And what’s that do-hicky in your hands for?”

“I’m sending ze, how you say, text to my comrade Chuck Wiseman of ze Wiseman Brothers. Does it boza you?”

“Not as much as that pathetic excuse for a French accent. So are we doing this?”

“Zat sounds like a mighty fine plan, but how do we get zere?”

Bobo chimes in, “Look up there! There’s a bright glowin’ thingy in the sky! Can it be…dare I believe my one working eye?”

“Yes, Bobo, the power company slipped up and restored the electricity in that internet café. Come, we must make haste and use Google maps!”

One sheep looks at another, “I don’t know about you, but something doesn’t quite feel right about that dude. And why do you suddenly have such sharp teeth?”

“Er, all the better to eat you with?”

“Nigger please!”

Not so far away…

“Hey, any of you hear that? I could have sworn one of them sheep just said nigger! That one right there. Next to the wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Uncomfortable silence.

“To the café!”

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