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MTN Partners With Multiplex to Launch Mobile Money Parking Payment Service


MTN Uganda has partnered with Multiplex to introduce a payment option for parking fees via the MTN Mobile Money platform.

Vehicle drivers in Kampala will no longer have to go to Multiplex branches in order to make payments for outstanding dues. All they have to do is dial *165# on their mobile phones to make instant payments.

MTN Uganda Chief Marketing Officer Ernst Fonternel said MTN’s priority is the convenience for its customers in all spheres of life when it comes to making payments.

“It is for this reason that we have introduced simplicity of payment of parking fees using MTN Mobile Money.” said Fonternel.

In order to access this service;• Dial, *165# to get the Mobile Money menu
• Select Pay Bill
• Select Multiplex
• Enter car Registration Number (you will receive a balance due message for Multiplex)
• Type the Amount you wish to pay
• Enter a reason for payment e.g. parking (you will receive a payment prompt)
• Enter your Pin to confirm payment (you will receive payment confirmation from Mobile Money and Multiplex)”.

MTN Mobile Money has enjoyed unprecedented success since it was launched four years ago, now registering in excess of 25 million transactions each month. As per the GSMA 2012 Global Mobile Money adoption survey, MTN Uganda ranks 2nd in terms of number of active Mobile Money customer accounts in the world.

The Lunar Eclipse finally Make Acholi Famous!

Acholi Dance

It was announced earlier that Uganda would be getting its first ever total lunar eclipse somewhere in Acholi land next month. This news was received with proclamation that 30,000 tourists will come into the country to see the total lunar eclipse. We contacted the Minister for Internal Affairs and asked him a few questions about this total lunar eclipse and his is what he had to say.

We finally famous…we finally famous!

US: So, good news, Uganda getting a total lunar eclipse, what do you have to say about that?

Minister: I am glad you came to me. Finally, I can now add to my C.V that I was the first minister to bring in a total lunar eclipse in all of Uganda. I can now brag to my other ministers. In fact, I just sent a petition to government to increase my salary for bringing in a total lunar eclipse. You see, I went to the NASA and asked them personally if they can bring the lunar eclipse to Uganda and they allowed. This makes me a man of importance in this country.

US: So minister, you’ve still not answered our question?

Minister: You see, when I was in primary school, our teachers used to tell us about these things, and now, I can go and tell my teachers finally that I brought them a total lunar eclipse. I am now cool like that.

US: But aren’t your teachers not teaching any more Minister?

Minister: Well, I will go to the school and ask for them to put a monument of me as the first Ugandan to bring the moon to Uganda.

US: But Minister, we know that the total lunar eclipse is going to be in Pakwach?

Shit, who took the lights out?!

Minister: Eh! You are serious. Let me call the president and tell him that we need a minister for Pakwach Lunar Affairs (PLA) now. You see the government needs to capitalize on such opportunities. We are going to create more jobs for the people in Acholi.

US: What about the 30,000 tourists you said would be coming to see the lunar eclipse?

Minister: 30,000? They first need to ask visa from my office and if they don’t give me my ka-chai, I cannot allow them into my country. Besides, we also have other tourist attractions like Jennifer Musisi’s lawns and trees with tires in them in the city centre. I really like that woman but she’s hard to ku kwana.

US: Jennifer Musisi’s trees with tires?

Minister: Wangi?

US: So, Minister, what about the people of Pakwach, what do you have to say to them about the lunar eclipse?

We really need to stop and ask for directions.

Minister: For a long time when I was studying social studies, I wanted to know why those people were black. I think now that the total lunar eclipse is coming, those questions will be answered. In fact, we have sent a research team from government to buy land where the total lunar eclipse shall fall. Then we shall tell NSSF to buy land there. That land is very important. The country needs to invest in land where the total lunar eclipse has fallen.

US: Thank you minister for your time.

Minister: Ate my ka chai. This interview is not for free.

US: Actually, the people from Pakwach are the Alur.

Minister: Ok bye.

NSSF Torches Corporate Social Responsibility As We Know It


So, on 0ctober 24th, Uganda’s largest piggy-bank, the National Social Security Fund, held The Torch awards at the Sheraton Kampala Hotel to recognize the work done by private institutions and individuals. Over 100 people and institutions registered for nomination (including those that thought they could piece up a project in their briefcases and hope it seems legit on nomination night). Their efforts were commended but only those projects that were found legitimate were awarded. Five winners were awarded from the 15 nominated projects. Seeing how the numbers were narrowed down, the awards themselves come off as legitimate… which is a good thing I think.

Anyway, the night kicked off with a cocktail party complete with drum wielding traditional dance troupes; you know the ones that are paid hefty sums of money to help keep the atmosphere semi apocalyptic! It is here that sharks draped in business garb and members of the fourth estate (yours truly) downed a good portion of your money at the open bars. Thankyouverymuch.

After that guests were ushered into Sheraton hotel’s Victoria ballroom. And it is there, three tables from ours, that Prince Wasajja, HRH Naginda, NSSF MD Richard Byaruhanga and several other NSSF staff, clad in their well pressed old people clothes and drinking from white chinaware sat and watched the proceedings of the nigh
The stage was already set and waiters were waiting at snapping distance. I was served some stuff that tasted like salty porridge with mushrooms in it. I had to tell myself…
“Self, you are at the Sheraton, what is the worst that can happen! Come on don’t be local, just eat the damn porridge!”

The hosts of the evening were Roger Mugisha and UBC’s Jane Kasumba (I wonder what she is still doing at UBC with her gorgeous NTV legs). The duo endeavored to stay away from that accent thingy that has become a fad with Emcees nowadays, and I believe they did a good job. And isn’t it amazing how Roger Mugisha made the switch from Slim Master P to Johnny ‘freaking’ Cash! It is actually that fact, of him transforming from a casual worshiper of Satan to a perfect Christian suit that makes him a fascinating MC.
“We receive over 20 proposals a week from people asking us to contribute and offer support to all kinds projects. Including their weddings…” says Richard Byaruhanga, Managing Director, NSSF.

“The Torch Awards is something we came up with so that we help those projects that we feel deserve to be supported, and also cut down on the paperwork— this is a new and unique form of CSR and we hope other companies will emulate this,” he added.
Dinner was served, with Qwela band belting off some of the most awful sounds I have heard at a dinner. Ever. Okay, not ever! But it is one thing to stay calm and not do a thing even if you very well know that you can just simply walk up to this guy and punch him in the mouth.
I must commend the Sheraton Hotel for having an entirely local menu that didn’t suck! Awards were presented to winners, and we heard speeches from HRH Slyvia Nagginda and Comedian Herbert ‘Museveni’ Segujja. Segujja’s impersonations of Museveni are something of impressive, but they also keep you on the look out. I mean what happens after the real sevo walks in…

PSA: Ask Not What Buganda Can Do For You…

Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for this kalango.

The official way of looking at it…

Oct 2013: Kabaka of Buganda commissions the MTN Uganda Mobile Money collection platform for the Buganda Kingdom development initiatives

Our take:

Welcome to another exciting edition of WHO WANTS TO SPONSOR A MONARCHY? I see you scratching your head wondering, ‘another’? That’s right, another, this is that exciting event that’s got the whole world doing a little something for their royal family. The UK is still collecting facial expressions for the queen mother and as we write this, they are first approaching smiles. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, SMILES.

But this craze is not just in bulaya. Walahi, even here next door, the wonderful albeit clothes deficient people of Swaziland are still breeding beautiful young girls for the king to pick whenever he feels like it. The government is getting involved too; they have banned the importation of bras into the South African country. And men are getting in on the action. Last we heard, there has been a resurgence in the use of the popular pick up line, “let me introduce you to a friend that will treat you like a princess”.

So where do you come in? It’s simple, Uganda, like most countries that are NOT Russia, has kingdoms. And like most kingdoms, that are NOT America, these are headed by a king or queen…or a tree. The wonderful people at MTN have made it easy for you to help the Kabaka go about his development initiatives. Oh, and here’s the best part, you won’t even have to vacate your seat. You just need to whip out your phone, go to the Mobile Money menu and send your contribution to help with developing the place.

You know how you keep looking at kids, wondering what they are taught these days? Well, my friend, that little brown thing wearing glitter and denying that she stole your Long Island Ice Tea, could benefit from a school.

Think of it this way, if you buy her a drink in the club, or even hand her money, you’re corrupting her morals. Now you can look her in the eye and say, NO! I will put up with your shit no longer, I will send you to school and before she can roll said eye, whip out your phone and contribute to one of the Kabaka’s projects.

How about our crammy hideous horrible roads? While Jennifer is working on them, and putting together a carnival, you can do something about them too! Scroll back to that line about whipping out your phone and making a difference.

For more information on how you can do something, click here.


We may have gone overboard with the whole school kid thing…

Speaking to his subjects, Kabaka Mutebi pointed out three major projects that are in need of development including; re-building of the Masiro, renovation of the Bulange buildings and funds for the Bulungi Bwansi projects among several others. He urged the people of Buganda and well-wishers to embrace this innovation from MTN and donate generously towards the development of the Kingdom

…but that doesn’t mean you can go ahead and splash dime on those young úns willy nilly. They have to work for it. ..and leave first thing in the morning.

I don’t like doing it with her

I Don't Lik Her

Uncle Agony dear,

My wife is addicted to sex. That’s not the problem. The problem is I am addicted to pornography instead. I no longer enjoy having sex with her and the more she wants it, the less I’m interested. What should I do?


JJ dear,

TMI man. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Over 3000 Tourists to View the Solar Eclipse in Uganda


ore than 30,000 foreign tourists are expected to visit Uganda for a rare viewing of the solar eclipse next month in the northern part of the country. The country’s Tourism Ministry officials say they anticipate the event to attract several international eclipse trackers to Uganda to the districts of Nebbi, Arua, Gulu, Soroti and Masindi that will provide the most vintage locations for viewing the rare occurrence of a total solar eclipse on Sunday 3rd November, 2013.

According to the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the final event of 2013 is the most interesting eclipse of the year. It is one of the rare hybrid or annular/total eclipses in which some sections of the path are annular while other parts are total.

“However, the November 3 eclipse is even more unique because the central path to begins annular and ends total, Uganda will experience a ‘Total Eclipse’ as part of the overall ‘Hybrid Eclipse’,” says NASA. Owiny Primary school Panyango Sub-county in Packwach,West Nile has been identified as the best place to spot the eclipse alongside other towns like Arua, Soroti, Gulu and Masindi in Uganda.

This area is part of the Murchison Falls Conservation Area covering over 5,000 Square kilometers, where enthusiasts of the eclipse can experience a day in the wild US$1472 per person (Minumum 7 Persons).

The 3 Days 2 nights -Experience Eclipse of the Sun on November 3rd 2013 a Total Solar Eclipse on Safari in Uganda – Murchison Falls National Park at the hamlet town of Pakwach

Day 1 st November Charter / Afternoon Launch trip 08:30 Early morning, pick up from your Kampala Hotel and or the airport . Transfer to Kajansi Airfield. Take your flight to Murchison Falls N.P. Transfer from Pakuba Airfield to Paraa Safari Lodge.

After lunch at Paraa take the afternoon launch trip to the bottom of the falls. – Plenty of Birdlife, Malachite Kingfisher, Fish Eagle, Cormorants, and Saddle billed Stork, Hippo, crocodile, Buffalo, Giraffe, and Elephant. Anchor at 300 M from the bottom of the falls past the spot where Ernest Hemingway the famous 20th century writer crash landed after his plane clipped the telegraph wiring. The breathtaking falls in the backdrop provides an excellent photo shoot moment. Dinner & Overnight at Paraa Safari Lodge

Day 2 -3rd November DAYS HIGHLIGHT- Morning Game drive/Afternoon Eclipse 0:6:00 Early morning wakeup call and breakfast Game drive in time to catch the animals, Ground/ Abyssinian Hornbill, Grey Kestrel, Elephant, Buffalo, Hartebeest, Giraffe, Duiker, kob, Lion and the elusive Leopard. Before or after you experience the eclipse you can visit sites along the Albert Nile before you return to your Lodge for dinner & overnight.

Day 3 – 4th November Departure You will be picked up by Cessna caravan from Pakuba airfield for return flight to Kajansi airfield Kampala. Transfer to your Hotel or to Entebbe International Airport for your onward flight Cessna 421C Golden Eagle – 5X-VIP & 5X-ASU 7 passengers maximum Cessna Aircraft Corporation, Wichita, KS USA Engines: Continental GTSIO-520s, 375 HP (each) The Golden Eagle is the epitome of the “Cabin Class” twinengine airplane and represents the culmination of piston aircraft technology in Cessna’s legendary 400 series .

The final iteration of the 421, the C model, boasts a highly efficient wing, pressurized cabin and full ice protection. The elegance of her design (and two immensely powerful engines) allows this ship to cruise at 230 MPH up to 30,000 feet, leaping well above the turbulence and weather in quiet comfort. Our 421s are both equipped with radar, dual Garmin GPS navigation systems and executive interiors.

Should the unfortunate need develop, they can also be rapidly configured for air-ambulance operations with a full stretcher, AC power supply for medical equipment and patient oxygen.

This Is What Will Happen To You At Campus

Makerere Uinversity Students

Campus is opening soon and freshers can’t wait. But with all the inviting anecdotes you’ve heard from friends and older siblings, I understand why you would be excited about joining campus, and contrary to what you may perceive from this, it is not intended to burst anyone’s bubble, but just to affirm expectations.

Hereinunder is a list of 8 things that are going to happen after you’ve started campus. While this may be the best time of your life, depending on how much money your father can afford to spoil you with; on the flip side, the same would-be-beautiful-memories may find their way in the same grave you buried those of that, your high school sweetheart who dumped your sorry behind because you screwed up.

  • You are going to milk as much money as possible from your parents just so you can stay in the same fancy hostel as your friends from affluent families.
  • Your self-worth will then be absurdly tied to how smart the phone your older siblings can buy you in comparison to friends’.
  • The size of your TV screen will invariably determine how many visitors of the opposite sex you’re going to attract to your room which will turn out to be quite a big deal as you’ll find out.
  • The adjective “cool” will be reduced to being used in relation to what ‘happening’ places one knows and their likelihood of stealing their parents’ car on a Friday evening.
  • The use of the acronym “YOLO” aka You Obviously Luck Originality will also be grossly abused to being used in defense of acts of irresponsibility and abject stupidity.
  • You will also realize that idiocy will become a virtue; people will gloat about hangovers in dimwitted Facebook status updates written in a peculiar retard-like language that reads sumthin lyk dis with a YOLO hashtag.
  • Pitiful as it may be, expressing commitment to your intended purpose and stay at the university will attract so much shame and ridicule from the esteemed members of the “cool” social circles, ultimately impairing your social standing. You will accordingly be advised to get a “life”.
  • For those still laded with a capra hymena, chances are that you’ll have that precious cherry you’ve preserved for the last 20 years popped in the icky Casablanca loos by a stranger who will take advantage of your heights.

My only hope, for your own sake, is that you’ll remember to squeeze time in your rather busy schedule to cultivate a few employment worthy skills. Because if your father doesn’t have a slot for you in his company, should you not be lucky enough to know people who matter in the real world; then woe upon your pitiful self.

After you’ve thrown that lavish graduation party and written 13 job applications; you’re going to flop your uncreative tush in your father’s couch and resign yourself to watching Vampire Diaries for another two years.During this time, I guarantee you, your campus memories will be nothing but a poignant reminder of time and money wasted trying to keep up with people you may not even know anymore.

48hrs For Processing Visa to Dubai via Emirates


It will take you 48hours to get a visa to Dubai, UAE through Emirates airlines as you are booking for your air ticket.

This is possible at the Emirates Uganda office making where the airline submit successful application for visa on behalf of the traveler.

“Supporting our Ugandan travelers to acquire the Visa for the UAE is part our service to facilitate t ease of travel and visit the UAE. Our team is committed to making travel hassle free by handling the process for our passengers within a short period of time”, said Khalid Al Zarouni Emirates Country Manager

A number of Ugandan travelling to Dubai for their imports tare reported to have taken advantage of this because to them it simple, quick and convenient.

Emirates operates an Airbus A340-500 on the Entebbe – Dubai route with a capacity of 258 seats in a three-class configuration, offering twelve luxurious First Class suites, 42 seats in Business Class and generous space for 204 passengers in Economy Class.

Safe Word Ideas: Safe Words to Use During Sex

Safe Words During Sex

As he was taking off my clothes he said,

“What should we use as a safeword?”

“Ummm, how about ‘no’.” I responded, between kisses.

The idea of me yelling “Cabbages. CABBAGES!” or some other random word mid-fuck was as off-putting as the smell of day-old come. And I didn’t think I would need a safeword, not with mild-mannered, nerdy Craig, who wore his trousers closer to his nipples than his waist. Craig who I had met when he (literally) bumped into me, at Cafe Mokka, his glasses steamed over from the hot coffee he was carrying. Craig who I had had to stalk and strong-arm into this moment; finally peeling off his checked shirt to reveal his skinny, toned torso, becoming the heat that steams up his glasses. I put my hand down his overextended trousers and was pleased with what I found there. It’s always the skinny, quiet ones. A look came over his face, like Uganda Cranes have just made it to the World Cup final. Safeword? I doubted we’d be needing one.

So it is with the surprise of a sheep being shorn that I suddenly found myself being flipped over a few minutes later. Pleasant surprise, that is, because it is rare in a first-time encounter to find someone with the confidence to take charge, the charisma to lead the troops he is meeting for the first time into battle. He plunged into me, not like a Jamaican teenager trying out something he saw on TV, but with the experienced ease of a deep sea diver.

There we were, rutting away like pleased pigs in mud, when mid-stroke he pulls partway out of me and says this:


“I want to fuck you in the ass.”



“No, not this time” I say clearly, and add a <Moan> that is meant to convey: “but look how much fun we’re having doing this.”

Now, no offense to all you Butt Pirates out there, but anal sex is not for everyone, nor is it for any time. My asshole is a bit like a Savedee on her wedding night; you can’t just shove your dick into her. My asshole has to be romanced first. You have to buy her presents (quality lube) and allow her to shower so that she can feel clean in the eyes of the Lord despite the dirty things you are going to do to her. She needs to be stroked and kissed and convinced, whispered sweet nothings to:

“I promise I won’t hurt you baby.”

“I promise I’ll go slow.”

“I promise I will stop as soon as you tell me to”

My asshole needs to be told that she is beautiful goddamnit!

She needs to be introduced to the idea of being penetrated slowly, and softly, first with a pinky and then with other fingers increasing in size. She has to be worked up to the big one.

I realise that these are a lot of demands for the average African man who has watched too much porn and just wants to see what all the fuss about buttfucking is about, so usually, if someone asks mid-coitus, I just say, “No, not this time.” Still, if the right guy comes along, and is willing to seduce my asshole, then why not give it up for a special occasion?

Craig, however, was not that guy, and this; a random Sunday afternoon fuck amidst his smelly socks and a calendar with an image of the crucified Jesus staring sadly at me from the door, was not that special occasion.

So when I feel the unique and piercing pain that signalled my lovely anus being violated by a foreign object, the first thing that comes to my mind is “CABBAGES! CABBAGES! MOTHERFUCKING CABBAGES!”

Flames To Riches: How To Get Money From The President

Poor Ugandan Children

Dear Mister President, please give me some of that fire money. Those people you gave money are not the only victims. I’ve also had several encounters with fire.

When I was 3 years old, I burnt my left foot while playing with a candle. That’s why I don’t look very happy in this picture.

But it was my father’s fault. He warned me against playing with candles instead of warning the candles themselves. For that, I’ll need 5 million.

Then just yesterday, I ate food that wasn’t well cooked. They said the fire was not enough cos I had ordered late. If I wasn’t so kind, I would have exchanged very bad words with that fire. But I’m humble, so I’ll just settle for another 5 million.

Then this is my goat Christmas Lukwago.

‘Lukwago’ after the Lord Goat of Kampala City and ‘Christmas’ because we plan to eat it on Christmas. It got burnt when it tripped on a hot frying pan as the neighbour chased it out of his compound because, apparently, it was eating his grass.

If he didn’t want his grass eaten, then why the hell did he have it? I would have asked for 5 million but what will a goat use 5 million for? Give it 10 million.
So in total, that brings us to about 23 million shillings with taxes. But just add another 5 million because my relatives will think I’m mean if I don’t share and I also have to take out my friends to celebrate.

Now, should I wait for my sack of money or will you appoint me minister so that I steal it for myself?

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