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14 People To Watch in ’14 | Part 01

Judith Heard

Taking a cue from one of the dailies, we have gone ahead and assumed that you guys have nothing better to do with your lives than have someone tell you who to look at and for what reason. It’s not you, it’s us. We are pricks that way and you are our unwitting prey. Apologies. But hey, seeing as you made it this far, here are the people that will do something sometime this year….


The singer was most recently involved with a guy many claim to be a South African doctor of some sort… We are not comfortable ascertaining of witch persuasion. As we write this, there are photos clogging my ‘whatsapp’ account and getting in the way of my New Year’s messages. Rumour has it that there’s also a sex tape, but my supplier around one of Kisementi’s pavements claims there’s no clear copy yet. We don’t really care for celebrity porn because it just leads to the sprouting of Kardashian-esque tendencies, so we will keep things simple and watch Juliana for her body of work, and not for her body.


The former Sports Club Villa manager has accusations of sodomy hanging over his head and was until recently hiding outside our borders. For whatever reason, he chose to come back, was arrested, promptly thrown in to a cell and probed in what may or may not have been the best 36 hours of his life. Word going around is that he was recently dismissed, ending a scenario a member of the public equated to being akin locking the proverbial fox in the henhouse. This puts the public in a compromising position seeing as, when it is passed, the law will require you to identify homosexuals or risk being thrown to jail. If you see him, for your safety, look the other way. That’s “look” not “turn”.

Bad Black

Shanita has gone through the kind of crazy transformation over the past couple of years that would have the legendary King of Pop asking her to slow her roll. The reason she makes this list is borne of concern more than anything. When the public first met her she was a rich Chocolate Brown, then she got thrown in the pen, took on a shade of yellow (the uniform, try to keep up) and after her release, assumed the shade of a geisha. We are appealing to the public to watch Bad Black in 2014 because with the way she is going, it is apparent she is going for transparent.

University Lecturers

Remember what we said about the students being competitive? Well, the lecturers sort of are like that, except that they don’t seem to suffer the same rebuke. Really, you’d think John Q Public would wag a finger as they admonished the lecturer thus, “Shame upon you! A Big Boy!”. But for some reason, we all put aside our grievances with lecturers and sympathise with them. Sure you could see the cobwebs hanging from the punch-lines of regurgitated ‘jokes’, but somehow you suddenly feel for them when they strike.


We paid her no mind in 2013 and the year ended with nude pics of the (and I really loathe this word) socialite. J-Heard’s our friend and I think in the interest of keeping her privates out of the public, we will do well to pay more attention to her. And in all sincerity, by the time this goes up (the article) (not the other thing) we could very easily be the only people who will not have not seen her. In the words of a soccer manager that decided to turn himself in, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”.

University Students NOT from UCU

University students are notoriously competitive. When one lot goes on strike, you can bet your ass, another will follow suit. With the whole sex-tape thing from last year, we can only expect that other institutions of higher learning will want to top what was done. In a big way. We can practically see the next producer ditching his cameo role and participating in some other capacity. They really should bring back English Language lessons, otherwise we will have more hip-hop lingo messing up our vieiwing experience, “Yo! Now drop it like it’s hot, as in…”

The Princess

In case you were wondering, yes, for legal reasons we cannot identify her by name. We will not even drop hints. All will say is, thus far, her leaked pictures are the only ones you will not be embarrassed about being caught with. No, really, if someone walked in on you in the middle of your ‘date with palmella handerson’, you would not fumble to hide the picture and issue an apology. In fact, the closest you will come to contrition will be the following line, “You guy! First switch on your Bluetooth and I hook you up. Anti you don’t have data?”.

A Legendary Christmas Story | Part V

A Legendary Xmas Part V

Chapter VI: After The Baby’s Birth, King Herod Gets Jerasy & Murders All Kings

In a palace, not too far away, there was trouble afoot. A king was pissed as only a pissed king can be.

“Your Majesty, you should reconsider. This killing of kings thing is getting played out. Why don’t you kill a pauper or something? Heck, I could order a nice Ugandan boda boda rider. How about that? Does Herod want a boda? Just say it, ‘I can has bodz bodz’.”

“Silence! I will not be denied. I think we have downplayed this whole messiah thing long enough. Heck, they have gotten to the 5th part of the story and no one has mentioned me. 5 Parts! All this fuss over a baby boy is making me sick to my stomach. I haven’t seen such excitement over a boy since the Catholic Church insisted that altar kids be members of the same genital group as their superiors!”

There was silence as those present allowed this revelation to sink in. Silence that was broken by the arrival of one of the kings.

“Skibidibai, It is I, Ragga Diggi Diggi Dai, with greetings to you, that is up on high!” he blathered.

King Herod looked on in bewilderment and turned to one of his advisors, “Who is this guy? Maurice Mugisha? I’ve been told he bursts a rhyme that’s so fly.”

One look at the new arrival confirmed the advisor’s fears, “It is Ragga Dee, the king of the dancehall!”

“Kill him! No, wait. That might be too harsh, banish him to Uganda!” exploded Herod, “And while you’re at it, cut down the number of kings in the previous installment of this story so there’s less confusion. And for crying out loud, find out what’s in that flippin’ bag in the previous part of the story!”


In a barn, not too far away (when you factor in planes, trains and automobiles)…

Joseph was tending to Mary who was on the verge of giving birth. That she hadn’t yet was sorta odd given that the coming of the messiah had been mentioned ages ago.

“So how are you doing?” He asked his beloved, concern showing on his face.

“Not bad. Actually, the only thing that’s bothering me is Sura’s screaming. It’s so shrill it could move a mountain.” she replied. Her eyes not betraying her ire. Her words did, but her eyes didn’t.

To keep their mind off things, they made small talk.

“Hey remember when you found out I was pregnant…” Mary began.

“You call that small talk? Can’t we talk about the weather, or how phenomenally awesome it is that…” cut in Joseph, only to be interrupted by Mary.

“Why don’t we talk about the thing in the bag?” She asked. Not so much because she really wanted to know, but because she was pregnant and there’s a tendency to bring up talk that bugs.

“Leave the bag out of this!” came the retort.

“Why Joseph? Why?” Asked she only to realise that it wasn’t Joseph that had spoken these words, but rather the person narrating this story. She would have pondered longer on this, but there was simply no time. That and there was the small matter of the guest that had come in unannounced.

“Gregory House. King of daytime series.” their guest began.

“Daytime series? What are those?” came the question.

“Well, daytime if you happen to be in the third world and the only time you can get your grubby hands on them is in the middle of the day. So what seems to be the problem? Oh, a pregnancy? No need for an MRI or a scan. I can’t wait for the next century. There may actually be an interesting case.”

And like that, he left.


At a reception nearby…

“I’m afraid we are gonna have to lock you up for at least three nights!” Nathaniel stated matter of factly, a smug look on his face and a food stain on his uniform.

“Nuh, mayne, we don play lyk dat. Y u gonna go an do tha’?” asked an agitated T.I.

“For one thing, you are inconsistent. You’re supposed to speak with the last letter missing on all your words and on top of failing to pull that off, you’ve started to speak in SMS.”

“Cummon dawg. I can do whatever you like! I’ma stan’ up guy! Album in stores now!”

“Book ‘em boys!” Nathaniel spat out. Realising, as he did so, that there was really no one else to assist him. Well, with the exception of Herman who was busy arresting Usher.

“We have heard complaints from the Geographic Society of Geography Scholars. They are not too crazy about this mountain moving nonsense of yours.” he said he as he placed the cuffs on the superstar’s wrists. “Truth be told, neither am I. Your music sucks!”

“Hang on! What happens to me? When I was growin’ up, we was so poor, we couldn’t afford to get arrested. Niggaz slept on the floor!”


“You must be that Chris Rock guy. You can go!” Nathaniel said dismissively. “Anyone that carries his own laugh track doesn’t deserve to be arrested.”

“Wheeeeeeeeee!” baby Sura began. “Wheeeeeeee, y’all!”

A tired Herman looked over at the Justin Beiber wannabe, “What is it this time?”

“Nothing, I just love to scream. It’s sort of my thing.”


In the barn of miraculous happenings…

“Did the angel tell you where we’d find a medical practitioner on such short notice?” asked Joseph of his pregnant wife.

“No. But somehow I think that part is not going to be the focus of any stories told from this day forth.”


Then suddenly, there came a knock. In fact, two knocks.

*Knock knock*

“Who’s there?” asked Joseph

“Thlee Kings of Olient R” came the reply.

Before Joseph had an opportunity to ask for details, a quarrel had erupted outside the door.

“No, doofus. That’s only in the song. When we introduce ourselves we are merely Three Kings. It is only when we feel the need for exposition and such that we include the ‘R’”.

“How do you mean?” Asked one of the three kings, who, truth be told, history never accused of being wise.

Sigh. “We thlee kings of Olient ARE! See?” came the curt reply. “ret’s tly this again.”

*Knock knock*

“Who’s there?” asked Joseph again?

“Three Kings Of Orient”

“Kings of Orient who?”

“Er, that’s it.”

“I don’t get it. That’s not funny. Who writes your knock knock jokes?”

From behind him, Mary let out a groan. Joseph opened the door for the men with bad jokes and rushed to Mary’s side.

Duties & Responsibilities Of The Uganda Police Fire Brigade

NRM Oyee

Owino market has caught fire for the fourth time and everyone is hurling blame at the Fire Brigade for not acting in time, always.

Well, for starters, they are called the ‘Fire Brigade’ not ‘Fire Fighters’. Yes, fire is their business but not flames. Flames are not good people. So don’t get it twisted. According to the constitution, the Uganda Police Fire Brigade is responsible for:
1. Firing employees.
2. Firing up crowds.
3. Getting fired up for parties.
4. Singing Fireman by Lil Wayne.
5. Watching Man on Fire by Denzel Washington.
6. Cheering wildly as this guy from Fantastic Four does his thing.
7. Firing teargas when Besigye walks.
8. Firing answers when journalists fire questions.
9. Looking for fire to light their cigarettes.
10. Calling the radio and asking the DJ for Firefly by Owl City.
11. Downloading porn using Firefox.
12. Anything but stopping fires. Cos fires are adults. They don’t need to be coerced into stopping.

Top Uganda News, Personalities & Events that Made 2013


2013 an eventful year full shock, intrigue, and downright absurdity. Our celebrities did their best to make everyone see that we haven’t seen anything yet. While some celebrities elevated their status quo and others became increasingly more annoying or have transitioned from the hot list to the not list.

This is a roundup of the people and events that happened in this year that will forever remain etched on our memories.

                      Jose Chameleone
Singer, Joseph Mayanja a.k.a Chameleone kicked off 2013 with accusations that he had burned a UPDF officer’s son, Robert Karamagi, to death. It was allegedly that Chameleone, burnt Karamagi with Aviation petrol on December 26, 2012 at his Seguku home, accusing him of trespass and attempted robbery.
It should be recalled that the Directorate of Public Prosecution (DPP) closed the file after police failed to bring enough evidence to pin the singer with murder and advised police to investigate afresh and come up with credible evidence to pin him. Police have embarked on fresh investigations into the murder case to ensure that the singer faces the right law of the arm.
Todate the report has never come out though the singer never got peace at his Seguku home and was forced to quit his residential and started renting.
                          Stella Nantumbwe
The twenty two year old beat 21 equally gorgeous babes to be crowned 2013/14 in June and represented Uganda at the prestigious Miss World beauty Pageant.
Like it or not Stella will always be remembered as Miss Uganda 2013. Born in Masaka, Stella, a business computing graduate from Greenwich University was also Miss Uganda Central.
                               Radio & Weasel
Popularly known as the dynamic duo, Radio & Weasel are loved and loathed in equal measure. But one thing for sure is that they are talented and have ear pleasing lyrics.
Having become the first singers in Uganda and East Africa at large to be nominated for the prestigious Black Entertainment (BET) awards in June, Radio & Weasel made history. The Goodlyfe singers were nominated in the Best International Act (Africa) category alongside 2Face Idibia, Toya Delazy, Donald, R2Beez and Ice Prince. Although Ice Prince real name Panshak Zamani beat the ‘Amaaso’ singers to the award.
Late this year they also got nominated in the Channel O video music awads though they missed out on the prestigious entertainment medals out to Kenya’s P-Unit’s You guy,they represented Uganda really well and that is a huge achievement for the local entertainment industry.
                            Iryn Namubiru
While Juliana Kanyomozi imprinted her mark on the music industry as the certified queen, her former partner Iryn fell even further and found herself incarcerated for alleged drugs trafficking.
Having put the drug debacle behind her, her relationship with NTV anchor Gabriel Epenu thrust her back into the tabloids. To crown her year of scandal, her launch was attended by only a handful people. We have no doubt that she will be glad to see the end of this year.
                               Titus Tugume
This battle hardened Uganda people’s Defense Forces (UPDF) fighter Titus Tugume is currently a laughing stock after getting thumped by comic motor-mouthed Kick boxer Moses Golola. After thumping wannabe kick boxer and Sylvia Owori’s lover Malik Kalisa twice, Tugume booked a fight with Golola.
The UPDF fighter vowed to crush Golola and shut him up once and for all. To prove how serious he was, Tugume brought a coffin to a press conference before the much anticipated fight at Freedom City claiming his opponent would be carried out of the ring in the casket. However, Tugume was forced to swallow his words when Golola thumped the living lights out of him  eighty seconds (80) into the fight with just a single punch.
                             Bad Black
Love or hate her, your opinion is the least of Bad Black’s concern. The former big spending city socialite made headlines all year long for being in and out of jail. Bad Black was arrested for embezzling about Shs11b from her ex-lover, Briton David Greenhaughl.
After serving six months of the four year sentence, Black was granted bail to go and have her breasts treated abroad. However, after leaving Uganda, she abused her bail terms and went into self exile.
A few months, Black was rumoured to be hiding in Malaysia. After over three months of silence, she started posting pictures of herself on her Facebook page claiming she was pregnant. Black also claimed to have undergone surgery to correct her nose and later her skin colour to turn brown.
It was after this that Bad Black claimed she was lighter than American singer Beyonce. She was also briefly arrested in Kigali, Rwanda but was later released. However, Interpol finally caught up with her and brought her back to Luzira Prison where she is currently serving the remainder of her four year sentence.
                       Battle of Champions
Of all the battles we have had, this year’s Battle of Champions featuring Goodlyfe duo Radio & Weasel against nemesis Bebe Cool has been the most significant. To start with, fans had an opportunity to watch two of the biggest singers in the region battle it out lyrically on one stage at Kyadondo Rugby Grounds.
Besides the entertainment, this year’s battle proved that blood is indeed thicker than water by reuniting former pals turned enemies Goodlyfe crew and Leone Island. Singer Jose Chameleone turned up to support his protégés Radio & Weasel against Bebe Cool. Radio & Weasel fell out with Chameleone five years back after breaking away from Leone Island to start Goodlyfe crew. Since then, there has been bad blood between the two camps although Weasel is Chameleone’s younger brother.
Hours after the battle, Goodlyfe crew was spotted partying with Chameleone’s Leone Island at Kabalagala based Club Venom. Radio was snapped posing for pictures with Chameleone as Weasel did the same with younger brother AK47.
                       Charles Denzel Mwiyeretsi
Described by many as weird, Denzel made history becoming the first Ugandan Big Brother Africa representative to be evicted after just seven days in the house. When the reps were announced, Ugandans expressed joy hoping Denzel and LK4 real name Isaac Lugudde Katwe would give the rest of the competitors a run for their money.
A week after he was evicted, Uganda’s other rep Lugudde was also sent packing making the two the worst reps ever Uganda has ever sent to the continental reality television show.
                       Sharon O
The former Big Brother Africa representative made headlines when it emerged that she was romantically involved with South Africa based businessman Ivan Semwanga who is also Zari’s hubby.
Sharon O was also said to have dumped her long time lover and baby daddy Ronnie Mulindwa for loaded Ivan. The news was broken by Zari herself on social media and she insisted that she had blessed Sharon O and Ivan’s relationship.
Unconfirmed rumours also suggested that Mulindwa ‘sold’ her to Ivan in exchange for a brand new Mercedes Benz ML and a mansion.
            Princess Ruth Nsemere Komuntale
Who knew that this gorgeous princess’ prince charming would turn out to be a complete A-hole? Who would have dared imagine that the Shs 11bn fairytale wedding was a herald of a nightmare? But that’s the unpredictability that makes life interesting.
We are just glad that Komuntale is over her less than a year marriage to Christopher Thomas and we can all have a merry Christmas.
                     Kiprotich Stephen
The long distance runner defended his fame by winning a second gold medal at this year’s World Athletics Championships in Moscow in August. The marathoner had also won gold at last year’s Summer Olympic games in London.
                                         Bebe Cool
The singer ended the year in style with a windfall from  Kampala High Court which awarded singer Moses Ssali aka Bebe Cool damages amounting to shs380 million following his shooting three years ago by a police officer.
Here at Exposedug we wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2014


Kicked Out: What Next For The Lord Mayor Lukwago?

Lukwago Erias

Many men love attention. Some love to cry like little babies and have naked women run to their rescue while others prefer to just become Lord Mayor.

Unfortunately, Erias Thuglife Lukwago has been robbed of this responsibility. The poor idiot has been – how do you say ‘kicked the shit out of his seat’ without sounding mean?

So what’s next for someone who was supposed to just be attending ceremonies but got kicked out for not attending them properly?

1. Start your own ceremonies.

The position of Lord Mayor is only ceremonial. So when one’s ceremonies are taken away, why not go solo? Throw a massive birthday party and turn one of the speakers towards KCCA screaming, “Take that, b#@&?%$s! I gat my own ceremonies now!”

2. Or you could just start an events company.

3. Become an MC.

What better way to be ceremonial than to become a Master of Ceremonies? The Fire Base Crew recently placed an ad in Monitor & New Vision asking for an MC with a KCCA background. Only that the ad didn’t run. Being a Lord Mayor was an added advantage because, you know, they are all talk.

4. Buy your own teargas.

One of the privileges of being Lord Mayor is you enjoy free teargas whenever you walk the streets. But who needs donated teargas when you can buy your own, right? And then walk like a boss cos, believe it or not, in Uganda, having your own teargas is a sign that you’ve made it big in politics.

5. Become a presidential advisor.

In Uganda, anyone can be presidential advisor. All you have to do is be a political failure. Even a baby rejected by the Electoral Commission for lack of minimum requirements could become a Presidential Advisor on Diaper Affairs.

The Kinks in Kampala’s Cocks

Kampala Cocks

There is a guy in Muyenga; living on his own in a really great house, apparently no wife and kids, I met him at a charity event for fuck’s-sake. He was even a fun chao; quirky, improvising positions, non-porny dirty talk, funky and confident rhythm like a James Brown classic; “Whoooooooo! Get up! Get on up…”

The only thing wrong with him was his arrow-straight dick. For those of you who haven’t had a long and varied career meeting dicks and the assholes attached to them, dicks are not usually straight. They usually have some kind of bend to them, some variation, or weirdly placed vein that wriggles alive in a way that makes you giggle, at just the moment when you should not be giggling. This dude’s 3rd leg was straight and smooth the way a Ken doll would be… if Ken dolls had genitalia.

The first time I slept with him was the last time. I didn’t want to end up in a septic tank.
I firmly believe that a guy needs to have a little bit of kink in him. Nothing too crazy involving inanimate objects, fire or nipple clamps, just a slight conk and a lemon twist for your drink at the end of the day.

The first time I slept with B, for example, I immediately promised myself and my laughing girlfriends that I would never do it again. His stroke was so very technically correct, and he was so solicitous and polite, asking “are you ok?”every 5 minutes that it was more a good gynaecological examination than a bad shag.

Then I learned that B likes to have sex in public places and I was intrigued. Yes, enjoying the thrill of the possibility of getting caught, without actually getting caught by police is as difficult as you would imagine in Kampala, even at 3am. Still, once we found the right place your boy was inspired.

“Oh! …ah, mmm, ah….. B! … I didn’t know you had it in you.” I told him, in between impassioned breaths “…and now it’s in me!”
Sure enough, the thrill is addictive, but like most addictions, is difficult to sustain. After we ran out of back alleys and bathrooms to bone in, the sex between B and I went back to being flatter than last night’s Tonic Water. Such a pity, he was fantastic against the wall behind a club, but lousy in bed.

When I was doing B, I wasn’t a grown enough fucker to be straight with him and say, “listen B, don’t be afraid of a little kink.” African boys are too quick to be like, period sex eww, and act like anal sex is something only shepherd boys and gay guys do. Let your freak flag fly.
Now I know better. Don’t sit on your kink, lest you end up like Frank, who buys his babe expensive handbags and takes her all over the world, but likes to burn her with cigarettes while he is doing her doggy-style. That wouldn’t be so bad if she liked getting burnt by a cigarette while she’s being done from behind. But it didn’t sound like she did when she called me crying from a boutique hotel in London. That’s kink gone bad. I told her to wipe her tears with dollar bills. I don’t think she was much comforted.

Kampala to Host East Africa Media Awards Ceremony


All is set for the 6th East African Media Summit which will be held in Kampala, Uganda next week.

The East African Community and East African Business Council (EABC)-organized Summit will open on November 28 at Imperial Royale Hotel, in Kampala, Uganda.

The 28-29 November 2013 Summit whose theme this year is Taking EAC Agenda to the People: Enhancing Media Knowledge and Participation will bring together at least 150 media owners, chief executive officers of media houses, publishers, editors and journalists from across the region.

The conference will discuss  on among others how best can the media tell the East African story, the way forward on the establishment of East African Media Advocacy Body, Establishment of East African Media Council as the Regional Regulatory Body and how can EAC partner with the Media to bring regional integration agenda to the people.

Also on Thursday evening, winners of the Third EAC Media Awards will be announced and rewarded for their excellence in reporting the EAC integration.

The Awards ceremony and Gala Dinner will take place at the Speke Resort Hotel, Munyonyo in Kampala, Uganda.

Twelve journalists from the five EAC Partner States are competing for the EAC Secretary General’s Award, which is the overall prize, and for prizes in six other categories that include Business (EABC Chairman’s Award); Agriculture and Food Security; Health; Environment (Green Award) ; Political; and Higher Education reporting award.

The objectives of the Media Summit are to update the media practitioners on the latest developments in the East African integration process; discuss the role of the media in promoting the EAC agenda and; work out the best mechanisms for collaboration between the media industry and the EAC

MTN Scoops Best Corporate Award


MTN Uganda’s Chief Marketing Officer, Ernst Fonternel observed that winning this award demonstrates MTN’s dedication to delivering a bold, new Digital World to its customers with World-class Internet including Uganda’s first and fastest Internet connection, namely MTN 4G LTE.

“Our various country-wide superior connectivity options make it extremely convenient for our customers to stay connected with family and friends. At MTN, we understand the customer’s desire to interact online; we value their feedback and continuous engagement to ensure that we provide products and services that are relevant to them,” Fonternel stated.

The Corporate Award category, which was a highlight award of the night, was centered on awarding the best Corporate Company that fully maximises social media as part of its operations and marketing strategy.

It looks at the company that has made the largest investment in online engagement and reward of its customers.

This award seeks to reward and recognise the company that best uses social media to create and connect with an online community – from building it to nurturing and rewarding a loyal following- keeping in line with platform’s various rules and regulations being creative fair and true.

Fonternel explained that using social media for business today is as important as learning how to use emails, was 15 years ago.

“Social media has given MTN another opportunity and avenue to reach out and actually connect with its audience,” he added.

MTN’s vision is to lead the delivery of a bold, new Digital World to their customers.

MTN Uganda is embracing this vision through constant enhancements to its Data Network to deliver World-class Internet so as to constantly delight their customers to make their lives’ a whole lot brighter.

“We encourage everyone to join our community and enjoy the journey as we strive to deliver this bold, new Digital World to our customers,” Fonternel concluded.

Over the last year, MTN Uganda has maximised user engagement by significantly growing its followers on the different social media platforms.

MTN is the leading telecommunications company in Uganda on social media and continues to rapidly grow its following.

MTN Uganda has more than 200,000 followers on its social media sites including Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

This is noteworthy as Facebook’s penetration of the country’s population is still very low, at less than 5% and approximately 15% of Internet users in Uganda.

Approximately 50% of the Facebook users are between 18 to 24 years old. In Uganda, there are more males than females using Facebook at 67% against 33% respectively.

The MTN online platforms run engaging promotions like; giving out airtime, providing essential information and responding to customers’ queries through a team of dedicated staff.

This year alone, MTN has run successful online campaigns like the ‘We Believe’ campaign which was nominated for Best Campaign.

Recently, MTN run a YouTube music video competition which saw the winner walk away with a whopping Shs 10m for creating the best and most original music video under the theme “We Believe”.

Earlier in the year, on April 30, MTN celebrated its 100,000th follower on Facebook and hosted a social media party to thank and reward its users who have made it a successful online brand.

Madhvani Foundation Celebrates Cream Alumni


In his remarks, the Chairman Madhvani Foundation Scholarship Committee, Hon Anthony Butele expressed his appreciation for the students who value the foundation scholarship opportunity.

“When we recruit students every year, we are critical of their performance and integrity, our expectation is always to see them succeed and also perform excellently because they are tomorrow’s citizens of this nation,” Butele said.

He then added: “I want to congratulate them and also urge them to participate actively in the Madhvani Foundation Alumni Association in order to encourage the rest who come after them”.

The students who include Birabwa Joanita, Acana Miriam, Akakwasa Arthur, Emwogu Thomas and Mugisha Farida successfully completed their courses and graduated recently.

They were awarded with membership certificates of the Madhvani Foundation Alumni Association by the vice chairman Emmanuel Ngolobe at the Madhvani Group offices today.

The Madhvani Foundation Scholarship has been in operation since 2003/04 academic year with the primary objective of maintaining and promoting scientific and technical education among the people of Uganda.

It supports both under and post graduate underprivileged Ugandan students who prove themselves academically.

The scholarship covers tuition fees only from second year to completion for undergraduates; and for the entire program of study for the post graduate students from the time of the award.

Over 150 university students were taken on this year with a Foundation scholarship worth Shs 650m. The Award break down was 135 undergraduate and 17 postgraduate scholarships to students from across the country and the  analysis indicated an 11% increase in beneficiaries from Eastern Uganda between 2012/13 and 2013/14 making them the highest recipients of this year’s awards with 53 slots (representing 35% of the total).

Recipients from Central region came in second with 42 slots, Northern region with 31 slots and Western region which had the most slots last year got 26 positions this year.

“We look forward to having your contribution to the Madhvani Foundation and Uganda as a nation as you start on your work journey. There is so much you can pass on to the next generation to make Uganda’s professional fraternity a pride,” Butele said.

Butele further noted that in the Alumni Association “we have career development activities to motivate and empower both Madhvani Foundation students and graduates, offering a platform for employment opportunities; talent identification and development and inspiration”.

The Madhvani Foundation Alumni Association (MASS) is a voluntary organisation made up of former beneficiaries of the scholarship scheme.

The association was launched in July 2009 with a purpose of bringing together all former students who have successfully completed their studies for networking opportunities.

The University Mixtapes!

University Mixtape

Sometime last week, some UCU and MUBS students made a mixtape of their bodies. It was so off the charts it went viral underground. The best part is, now people want the full album. Their mixtape was awesome it got people talking. It was so awesome we momentarily forgot Kendrick Lamar’s Control verse. Yeah, that serious. It was so awesome you need to read this too. So, I thought to myself, why not make a mixtape of my own.

Track 1: Burn Them feat Game.

Now, if you are into making mixtapes with bodies, remember burn, delete, delete from recycle bin. Have NO evidence. We all know some of you have it on you bucket lists, not sure how deep (the buckets) they are, but if you have it, make it and burn it. Remove all evidence of causing an eclipse because you don’t want people travelling to your Pakwach and asking for district rights for having such a magnificent sight.

Track 2: Get off my Phone feat Ludacris.

I don’t know about you, but mixtapes are personal and so are the gadgets used to make them. Screen protect, lock, swipe and delete all whatsapp groups that might have access to your phone. Make sure you hire security to guard your phone while you are sleeping and stop being nice to friends who want to make phone calls or text their friends from your phone. They just might be texting and whatsapping themselves your video.

Track 3: In the Bedroom feat 50 Cent

I walked into my bedroom and thoroughly checked for any hidden cameras. None the less, if you made any mixtape and don’t want to take credit, make sure your faces are not shown. Make sure that your face is also not part of the rapping such that people think its fake. This track is especially for people who are courageous enough to download BBM on android phones.

Track 4: Imagine Us (read a***) feat Kirk Franklin

Mixtapes of the bodies are never supposed to go viral. Let alone, we are not supposed to release them to the public that’s why they are always made underground. I just don’t understand people who do this thing above ground (during the day and in the light unlike in the dark). Again, mixtapes of the body are not done in HD like one of the rappers seemed to indicate while being wrapped by another. So, if you have high tech gadgets, keep them to yourself.

Track 5: Yesu Bera Naffe feat That woman who sang this song

For those with morals, kindly revise your bucket list. For us(not me)  who still want to make our mixtapes of the bodies, please, kindly go ahead. But listen carefully to the lyrics of the songs above.

Track 6: Solidad feat West Life

Where’s the solidarity? I also don’t know but if your friends are quick to give away your mixtape as fast as these ones did, and also make an appearance on the crazed black pepper newspapers for rappers to give you shout outs, telling us how you started from the bottom and rode up to the climax, then this song is for your hurt soul. It surely will speak to you.

Anyway. . .

I want to give a shout out to the readers, even the kafulu who’s poking their head just to read this awesome article. We love you and stay tuned for the next mixtape coming to a whatsapp near you.

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