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Sure Telecom Launched Under Smart Brand Name


Smart is the name of the brand that has launched Sure Telecom services today. This brand offers telecom services and charges only 74Ugshs per call using 074 as the prefix code with a ‘Let’s Talk’ Slogan.

Smart strongly believes that their journey will strongly impact Africa, and have made Uganda their managing country among the three countries. It will be launching in Burundi tomorrow and has a branch in Tanzania already.

Smart the brand is under the Industrial Promotion Services (IPS) Kenya, a subsidiary of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED). With this launch AKFED is to expand its unique and proven social enterprise business model into Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda with a focus on innovation and customer service.

The launch of Smart is to combine AKFED’s experience of making long-term investments with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship and building economically sound enterprises, which provide employment opportunities and improve the lives of people. In East Africa, AKFED’s investments include the Serena Hotels, Diamond Trust Bank, Jubilee Insurance Group, the Tsavo and Bujugali power plants, and the Nation Media Group.

They did not announce their data rates or any other products their are offering. According to the Brand Manager they will be launching their products next week for public knowledge.

Smart’s Sure telecom joins Mtn Uganda, Airtel Uganda, Orange Uganda, Uganda Telecom, Smile Communications and others in Uganda’s telecommunication sector.

Uganda Gorilla Highlands Sets New Tourism Initiative


Uganda gorilla Highlands has set a new tourism initiative aimed at promoting the region using digital marketing.

These highlands are located in the Southwest of Uganda and had already introduced the area using a range of novel tourism products ranging from canoe safaris over the launch of hiking trails to homestays with Ugandan farmers, and now the digital marketing campaign is to take this to another level.

Miha Logar, the brain behind the Gorilla Highlands campaign and passionate activist to bring more tourists to the area is presently working on this campaign with his team, which, when complete, will seek to brand Gorilla Highlands as both an attractive tourism region in Uganda but also promote the various eco-friendly activities the group has put together in recent months. Among those are others like Hiking, Unique Rift Valley landscapes (volcanoes, lakes, rainforests), Dugout canoes, Rich history (Nyabingi and the Rasta connection, Katuregye and other anti colonial rebellions, Dr Sharp’s leprosy colony, Idi Amin’s legacy), Cultural variety (Batwa aka Pygmies, Bakiga, Bafumbira), Birding and of course the prized Mountain Gorillas besides other primates which are found in the region.

According to the information received from him the campaign concept has been outlined as follows:

‘We are marketing the Gorilla Highlands (GH), the southwestern tip of Uganda comprised of Kabale, Kanungu and Kisoro Districts, from the perspective of pro-poor tourism. Our mission is to successfully brand and promote the region in a manner that brings an increase in responsible, sustainable, culturally sensitive tourism that will work to have a direct positive benefit on the bottom of the pyramid inhabitants of the Gorilla Highlands.”

Miha went on to mention the objectives of the new marketing campaign, incidentally all financed by local fundraising activities and the support of a growing number of sponsors who wish to be associated with this novel way of promoting this part of the country:

– To position the term “Gorilla Highlands” as a universally accepted name for the region

– To expand the perception of the region beyond mountain gorillas

– To reach a level of tourism appeal comparable to Kilimanjaro at the African level or the Himalayas at the global level

To find out more about the Gorilla Highlands click on www.gorillahighlands.com (or alternatively click on Gorillahighlands and Twitter) from where it is possible to access parts of the organization’s award winning e-book, see the e-version of their pocket guide booklet, a video map or the area and outlines of the hiking trails which lead from Kabale over Lake Bunyonyi all the way to Kisoro and Lake Mutanda.

Gorilla Highlands is meanwhile also putting together a Chef’s Competition due to be held in Kabale sometime in April, where local talent from this part of Uganda can show off their skills and produce meals using predominantly local ingredients. Expect to read more about that however nearer to the time when the competition is being held.

3rd Annual East Africa Banking and ICT Summit To Be Held In Kampala


The 3rd annual East Africa Banking and ICT Summit will be held in Kampala as Cyber Security Africa has partnered with National Information Technology Authority-Uganda to host it.

According to the information on NITA-Ug’s website, this event will be held at Sheraton Hotel Kampala on 25th April, 2014 with the theme ‘STRENGTHENING BANKING AND ICT DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA’.

The global event series for Banking and ICT Summits entered its third year, this year. The summit will provide delegates with Technical & practical sessions, lectures and showcase for Banking and ICT innovations, and unique networking opportunities.

This year’s banking and ICT summit will discuss various topics including: mobile banking, security solutions, forensics, ATM security solutions, cards and payments security solutions and fraud and risk management solutions.

The event will help all players in the financial services market, Information Technology Security providers, Government agencies and other organisations to identify the technical, environmental and business risks that could lead to service vulnerability, weaken consumer confidence and ultimately cause brand damage and serious revenue decline.

The banking and ICT summit will also discuss the importance of a multi-channel strategy and creating customer-centric payment methods, ICT Infrastructure security & testing, network design solution and best practices as well as the cyber security strategy to protect an interconnected world.

For more information kindly contact us at info@cybersecafrica.com

ICT Association Of Uganda Set For 1st Annual General Meeting


The ICT association of Uganda will have it’s first Annual General Meeting  this Friday at the Association’s offices in Hive Colab, Kamwokya.

The association was launched last year and with an aim to contribute to Uganda’s technological development by bringing organisations and key ICT Stakeholders under one body capable of supporting ICT research and advocacy for projects and policies concerning adoption and usage of ICTs by the undeserved and unreached in Uganda.

According to a report from Pc Tech Magazine, the association is preparing to elect its first substantive Board of Directors. In a quote Interim Chairman Simon Kaheru said;

“This is our first AGM as an Association and will be crucial in enabling all members to observe the rules of proper governance, as well as provide transparency and accountability of the first few months that we have been in existence. The Association is young and still in its formative stages so it is important that we do things correctly right from the beginning. We intend to be active as an Association and as individual members for a very long time to come, and we will stand out in Uganda as we do so.”

For details about the registration please visit the Association website.

UMEME Rolls Out Prepayment Meters in Uganda


Umeme Ltd recently secured $190m (Ushs 485 billion) long-term financing to support its US$440m (Ushs 1.1 trillion) capital investment programme.

The programme will among others finance the national prepayment meters rollout which is ongoing currently.

Umeme staff at work

The financing which is the largest-private sector corporate financing in Uganda to date has been obtained from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Standard Chartered Bank and Stanbic Bank.

It comprises of $170m term loan priced at LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) plus 5%, with IFC and Standard Chartered Bank each providing $70m, and Stanbic Bank providing $30m.

It also includes $20m revolving credit facility with SCB providing $15m and Stanbic Bank providing $5m.

The term loan with a 2.5 year availability period is repayable over 7-10 years and carries a principal grace period of 3 years.

Umeme Managing Director Charles Chapman said the financing will be used to strengthen the distribution network to cope with the current demand and in preparation for new generation from Karuma, Isimba and others planned by government.

The funds will also be utilised to reduce energy losses and increase distribution efficiencies, increase access to electricity through new connections, and to drive safety improvements and enhancements.

Umeme Board Chairman Patrick Bitature described the signing as a milestone for the energy sector which has never had anything of this magnitude invested in the distribution network.

He hailed the financiers for their confidence in Umeme and assured them of visible transformation and good governance in the utilization of the funds.

Mr. Bitature pointed out that the financing reflects the evolution of Umeme’s capital structure from reliance on shareholder funds, to DFI funding and now commercial lending which demonstrates confidence in, and sustainability of, Umeme’s business model.

Women and the Obsession of Soap Operas


The impact soap operas have on Ugandans is increasing day by day especially among women. Some have reached an extent of turning their relationships into soap opera rehearsals, which is causing more harm than good in many marriages and relationships?

A soap opera is an on-going episodic work of dramatic fiction presented in serial format on radio or as television programming.

Soap operas were originally introduced as American radio programmes during the 1930s and were transferred to our television screens after on-going success in the 1950s. They were originally sponsored by soap manufacturing companies such as Proctor and Gamble, hence the reference to ‘soap’.

They were produced with female viewers specifically in mind with the intention of selling soap powder to the traditional house-bound woman. These early radio series were broadcast on weekdays during day time when most listeners would be housewives; thus the shows were aimed at a predominantly female audience.

However, it is now common to find men joining their wives and daughters to watch their favourite soap.

In Uganda, the telenovelas have today become like an addiction that without it one cannot function properly. It has become part and parcel of one’s daily routine that one cannot risk missing to watch an episode.

What has even made it worse is the Telemundo Channel on DSTV/GOTv which shows these soaps 24/7.

I think the main reason why women have turned their relationships into soap operas is because of the way love is portrayed in these movies.

Love is the one thing that makes a woman happy. Be it love of a child, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend or a parent. They have corrupted people’s minds and now they have started acting them into reality. But what most don’t know is that they are just movies, they are acted according to a script.

So these women/girls want to act in their own movies however, they forget that there are others forces that interrupt their scenes unlike in a real movie where a director will make the actors repeat the scene until it is acted his own way.

What makes me wonder is why most if not all of these soaps are based on love and there is always that bad person who is always against the main character (star). These bad characters always end up dead or jailed or embarrassed. Yet in life, not all bad people end up suffering, some keep winning or get away with it.

Just take a look at our government officials who embezzle billions of money, what happens to them? They are dragged to court but at the end of the day, they are given bail and that will be the end of the case. They go back home and enjoy their stolen dimes. Others kill people and implicate the innocent who are locked in the coolers of Luzira prison for ever.

So basically it is love that attracts women to these soap operas. I guess they compare them to their lives and want to perfect their relationships.

Question is why are women obsessed with love? I leave the question to you the reader.

Men have complained of many women especially their wives and girlfriends who want them to change them into “Salvador”, a character in Second Chance that made females create so many fantasies. However, these women forget that for a relationship to be all perfect, it requires effort from both partners. Are they (women) being the most loving and caring partners to their boyfriends and husbands?

Don’t expect your man to turn into ‘Salvador’ if you are a nagging wife, boring in bed and unromantic. Step up your game, challenge him and he will be forced to act like Salvador. Otherwise, if you don’t change yourself, all that fantasy will stay in your dreams.

These soap operas are imaginations; the scenes acted are wild dreams that perambulate the minds of the script writers.

Some parents have even started naming their children names of soap icons such Miguel, Salvador, Barbarita, One, Isabella etc. Soaps have changed people’s dressing codes. When Second Chance was airing, most women started buying Caribbean skirts all in the name of looking like Isabel.

After watching these soaps, people go and practice what the soap has taught them, especially when it comes to dressing, names and manners.

I think the effect of these soaps has created more harm than good in many relationships. Feel free to prove me wrong.

Hiking Away


The hitchhiker has not had sex in months

I know, I know. Up is left and down is right. The pope is boning Paris Hilton and Lexington Steele has retired from his illustrious porn career to become an International Human Rights Crusader. Am I even still qualified to write this column?

In my defence, work was insane at the end of last year. Then we finally broke off for Christmas and it was trips to the village and sharing beds with cousins, and while I am open to many things, incest is not one of them.

Finally, New Year’s Eve rolled around and I thought, this is it! The hitchhiker is finally going to get some! But then I woke up on the morning of the 31st bleeding from my crotch. You know, “raining”, “rebooting the ovarian operating system”, “flying the communist flag”, “enjoying shark week”, “getting a visit from Aunt Flo”, “riding the crimson wave”, “trolling for Vampires”…

*blank stares*

You know, my period?

Normally, a hitchhiker is delighted to find out that she is unpregnant, but the timing was just unfortunate. An old fuck-buddy whose dick I remembered fondly had resurfaced from whatever swamp boys disappear to when they stop calling. I dealt with my anger and cramps by starting to down Waragi and Krests at midday.

The fuck-buddy in question, who we shall now refer to as he is saved in my phone, Bad Brian, had asked me to let him know what my NYE plans were so we could later meet up. The reason he is saved that way in my phone is twofold; Bad Brian as in, so good in bed he’s bad, as well as bad as in bad influence. Brian has a very nice girlfriend. He introduced me to her once outside Casablanca. Then he dropped her home around 1 am, and came back to drunkenly suck my face in that little room with the cushions on the floor (I wonder how often those cushions get cleaned).

I do feel bad for his lovely, leggy, lied-to girlfriend, but I am no martyr. Anytime “Bad Brian” comes a-buzzing on my phone I think, Lord I want to be a better woman than this, but the flesh is both weak and wet and willing.

So, drunk as fuck by 6pm and bleeding genitalia notwithstanding, I put on my best party dress and fuck-me heels and headed out for the night. At least I would have someone to kiss at midnight, if nothing else.

That’s where my memory becomes hazy and non-linear. Champagne makes the world go round, but Waragi makes the world go round and round and round. NYE was a blur of house parties and happiness as Kampala’s young people tried to forget Al-Shabaab threats, and broken 2010 resolutions.

7:30pm: I walk into a house party shouting loudly about Golola Moses’ gologo, then notice that the room is eerily silent. Realising I am the drunkest person in the room, I head straight for the snack table and stuff my face with some crisps. A guy in nerd-chic, Lupe Fiasco glasses and Chuck Taylors is watching me load my paper plate. “Hi” I say, smiling. The chick talking to him gives me the up and down look and grabs him by the elbow and steers him away from me and my heels. “Umm….ok?” I turn to the group on my left. No cute boys, but the conversation seems interesting enough. Something about cells and people who keep going in and out of them. “Yeah… like, what’s up with T.I, you do your absolution song and then end up back in jail?” I say, at what seems to be an opportune lull in the conversation

Another strange silence…

“No… cell, as in bible group?” It’s always the chicks who take such pleasure in correcting me.

“Aaah.. .Cell… Are you guys… from the same cell?”I can save this conversation… I think.

“Yeah… we all are” girl with glasses says, gesturing around the 9 or so people in the room.

“Oh… that’s nice” I back away slowly toward the door and give the emergency signal to my girls, one who has already sunk into the couch in some deep tête-à-tête with a dude, the other who is in the kitchen trying to figure out where the booze is hidden.

10:42pm: We arrive at some house, I think in Naguru, big enough that the security guard is checking bags at the gate. I get in an argument with the guard at the gate. “It’s a house party for fuck’s sake!”

10:51pm: My friends and I get kicked out of said house party before we’ve even entered the gate.

10:52pm – 11:28pm: My friends and I have a long discussion in the car about where the hell we are going to go now. Fridah is blaming me for getting us kicked out of the party, I am trying to explain to her how all this bag-checking is simply “security theatre” and we have to stand up to it before we become a totalitarian state. (Fridah tells me that at this point I started attempting to recite the “first they came for the Jews and I was silent” speech, but could not keep my minorities straight. I have no recollection of this).Finally my other friend Betty interrupts by yelling “WE’RE GOING TO MISS THE FIREWORKS!”

12:00am: We watch the fireworks from somewhere on top of Naguru hill. Betty tells me later that at this point I tried to make out with her. (I claim not to remember this, but actually I do.)

12:42am: We end up at our usual Kafunda, dancing to Ngenda Maaso with the old drunk and trying to stop him from grabbing our asses.

2…ish: I flirt with some guy who is a full 2 inches shorter than my high-heeled self, mainly out of boredom. He tells me “I’m not like other girls” though I have heard this line more times than I can remember, for some reason it seems original and especially true tonight. So I shove my tongue down his throat. He starts asking for my phone number and in a sudden moment of sobriety I run away and hide among my friends.

3… or was it 4am? I finally remember that my phone exists. 4 missed calls and a text message from Bad Brian sent at 10pm: “Where r u? @ a rooftop party in Muyenga. View is amazin & I have no one 2 kiss at midnite…”

14 People To Watch In ’14 | Part 02


Master Ragga Gangsta Ivan Lee started the count last week, and I’m here to finish it. Cos they call me The Finisher. The Ender. The Fullstopper. The Period. Wait! Okay, let’s move on.

Aamito Stacie

Frankly, I didn’t know about this girl until I was told this morning that some Ugandan somewhere had won something.

The conversation went something like:

  • Who has won?
  • The Aamito chick.
  • Won what?
  • Africa’s Next Top Model. You didn’t know?
  • Like a singing competition or?
  • No, dwanzie! Modeling stuff.
  • Good for her! Who again??

So yeah, watch out for this one. She just creeps up on competitions and wins things fwaaa.

Janet Museveni

Back in 2013, she didn’t go for public HIV testing with her husband like she was supposed to. Cos she was still training. But after she’s done, she will unleash the biggest and grandest of all public HIV testings.

Kale Kayihura

The police chief’s love for teargas blossoms every other month. I heard he proposed to it late last year. Now he plans to introduce it to friends, family and the general public all year long. Although he has been introducing it for a while now. But you know relationships.

Alex Ndawula

Two thousand years ago, Jesus made a promise that He will one day come back. Around the same time, this Capital FM muchacha made the same promise. But even with the advent of stiff competition from other DJs and MCs, we haven’t lost hope that the self-proclaimed baddest badman on radio will make the promised comeback. One day.

Kid Fox

An unexpected guest on the list but still list-worthy mostly cos he represents a big chunk of failed artistes. As a diehard fan, I have, for the longest time, waited for Kid Fox to sprout into, say, Adult Fox but been hurt every year as my hope was crushed. Same as my other best musician Red Banton. From the beginning, I knew Red Banton’s career was doomed to stop. Cos, you know, Red? Traffic lights? I’ve never understood why he didn’t just change names to ‘Green Banton’. But there’s still hope.

Sexual Intercourse

I know we’re supposed to be talking about ‘people’ but judging by the rate at which sex tapes are being released, we can only assume the sex is acting on its own. Especially since the owners of the sex hide it inside the tapes but are somehow always shocked to find that it escaped and talked to reporters.

Unfortunately, this trend is bound to continue unless people start having sex in heavily secured environments like police stations or Besigye’s house.

Tamale Mirundi

He’s probably the most controversial presidential spokesperson in the world, a title he has rightfully earned from the way he bizarrely twists conversations. He’s that dude in school who barged into a conversation about the latest Apple technology with talk about the growth of agriculture in Uganda and how he also likes fruits. He’s that kind of guy. When he’s asked to make sense, he agrees that yes, he knows about Hisense televisions but doesn’t know how to make them.

The Sir Samuel and Lady Florence Baker Historical Trail


On 10th January 2014 , David Baker and his brother Christopher Baker visited Paraa Safari Lodge for a two night stay as they embarked on placing historical markers on the trails used by their Great great grand Father Sir Samuel White Baker and His wife Florence Baker in Murchison Falls National Park, Uganda.

Their visit was part of the launching of “The Sir Samuel and Lady Florence Baker Historical Trail” meant to coincide with the 150th anniversary of Baker’s expedition in Uganda.

This second visit followed that of last year carried out during the months of January-February 2013 during phase two of the Great African Expedition which was spear headed by African Explorer and Anthropologist Julian Monroe Fisher and his team that included David Baker, the great-great-grandson of Sir Samuel Baker and his daughter Melanie.

This team was accredited with correcting maps of Uganda by establishing the true location of Baker’s View, the location where Sir Samuel Baker became the first European to see Lake Albert and to subsequently name the lake for Prince Albert.

Coca-Cola Rated Next Season 2 Launched


The Coca-Cola Rated Next Season 2 music competition was launched on Thursday morning at the Coca-Cola depot in Namanve, Mukono.

The competition which was started last year encourages aspiring musicians to participate in hope of winning a recording contract with Fenon Records.

The Vision Group CEO, Robert Kabushenga during thew launch announced that over a half a billion shillings has been invested to spread Urban TV signals across the country starting with East and Northern Uganda followed by Western Uganda.

Daniel Kaweesa was the winner of the Coca-Cola Rated Next Season One and this morning he performed his hit Zouk at the launch.

Rated Next season two auditions start next week with judges being Maurice Kirya, Siima and Sewali. There will 7 auditions across the country starting with Mbarara. The winner will get 50 million shillings and a recording contract with Fenon records.

The Coca-cola rated next TV shows will be showing on Urban TV on Sundays at 7pm from the 3rd of February.

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