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Desire Luzinda Releases Her New Video ‘EBYAMA’

Desire Luzinda

Hold on so many of you still think Desire is still that BAD GIRL? Then you are wrong. This time round is not what you think or what you expected. Desire Luzinda has just released her much anticipated video ‘EBYAMA’ and she had a piece of advice for you too “EBYAMA Video is Finally out with that unique touch.

In this song, the naughty singer gives advice to lovers on how to manage their ‘love secrets’ something that his Nigerian Ex lover failed to keep.

The song has received mixed reactions. Some people think that this is a comeback song after her recently leaked nudes. The song is a true story relating to the leaked nudes of videos and pictures of the bootylicious singer that were released by his Nigerian Ex Boyfriend.

Sadists believe the singer leaked her nudes to promote this so much awaited song. However we think this is one of the urban legends that Ugandans can call ekiboozi!

From our Urban News Desk, we wish you a HAPPY NEW 2015. We should learn to keep secrets in life.”

Watch Video Here;

Helen Lukoma and Dean Nsubuga In Major PDA

Hellen and Dean Lukoma

Recently engaged couple Helen Lukoma and Dean Nusbuga looked every bit smitten with each other at the grand opening of the Jinja based Club Rouge.

The couple dressed in matching white outfits was inseparable the whole night and even at one time were caught by cameras kissing while on the dance floor. The Hostel star Helen and Dean got engaged a few months following a brief separation.


Chameleone to Use E-Payments for His Concert


Well it seems the Ugandan Music Industry keeps trending day in day out right from organizing VIP concerts and right now to adopting the use of electronic tickets(E-Tickets).

Gagamel CEO & Founder Bebe Cool was the first to use this system in Uganda for his previous Serena Concert and money was being deducted automatically from guests accounts as a means of saving time and saving money too. The account holder has to provide his account Names, Number and a CVV code which is usually a 3 or 4 digit code and the money is transferred at ease.

There are alot of rumors trending about Chameleone’s “One Million Concert” as many say the stakes were raised too high and doubt a large number of attendance but guess what? Katsha, a Ugandan South African based model just purchased a table at a whooping $20,000 which if converted to UGX at the normal dollar rate (2500) sums up to 50,000,000 shillings.

Could this be a stunt pulled by Chameleone to speed up payments? because it totally sounds strange and very many Ugandan goons like Sudhir Rupharelia wouldn’t settle for less than that and could come out to challenge to challenge Katsha even adding more to the

The show is set for 18th December, the same date with Zari’s All-White Ciroc party and Ivan Ssemwanga’s Arab Money party and basing on it’s standards, it’s main target is only wealthy people and not poor people.

Miss Uganda tipped to be Miss World. This is what her old friends and citizens said

Leah Kalanguka

When her beautifulness Leah Kalanguka was announced Miss Uganda, locals, naysayers, haters, ugly people, idlers and a horde of important people in the government of social media seemed surprised and, poof, they were up to the races; spilling vitriol and engaging in hate drivel. Their sisters, all along, were tethered by the bedside and they couldn’t go for auditions. They missed. They climbed up ladders and shouted themselves hoarse. Mbu she wasn’t beautiful enough. Mbu her face looked like she was mulched. Mbu she looked as if an ox walked all over her face. Mbu she was as if terraced.

However, news filtering in have it that the deemed mulched Leah might run away with the Miss World crown. She started from the bottom and now she is thoooose ends. We tried to call the Editor of Daily Mail (who ranked her) to comment about it, but his phones had blacked out. So, we combed Leah’s area of residence where we chanced upon folks who knew her when she was toothless and concerned citizens of this beautiful nation. This is what they had to say. Read below.

Mpatalyona Richard (her ex). I used to tell her that she was the most beautiful woman in the world. The whole world, even Busoga inclusive. Even after she moved on, she meant the world to me. When is the voting and I vote?

Kirikuwiine Esteria (her best friend). You mean Layer? Nga she never told me that she was standing for that post! Kyoka that ka-girl. I won’t even vote for her *shoves mouth in the nose*

Byoboona (her former classmate). I knew it. She used to draw the map of the world at the back of her 32-paged books.

Balyanango Joseph (Business Associate): Oh, have you been talking to her? She is lost. I don’t even know where she went. Please tell her that the other hen she loved so much gave birth to 12 chicks. The eagle took the 13th.

Bebe Cool (a homeless citizen): Ask me about Zuena, please. Booombocl…wait, is she related to Bobi Wine?

Bizzu (Former, out-going, semi-current, ever around Miss Uganda): Now haayreers can go to hell. Shiz ma gal en shi ganna win.

Desire Luzinda (Former Miss Popularity Contestant): Much as I drew attention from her to myself, I think, she is a bewriful girl. She is gonna win the trophy. Peace!

Frank Gashumba (A loud object): Is she more beautiful than Sheila? First confirm. If the answer is negative, then vacate my house.

Sheila Gashumba (Facebook friend): What Frank said.

Army Commander (Her sponsor): Leah is the bomb, eh. If she returns with the crown, I might consider sending her to Somalia to help sensitize people about farming peacefully.

Fr. Lokodo (Morality Enforcing Department): Forgive me, Father, for I have seen.

Cecelia Ogwal (Former Miss Uganda): Who?

Lake Victoria Sold: What the Government Might Tell People

Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria. The biggest pond in East Africa. The ninth continental lake in the world. A lake that brings together the three major East African states-Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. A lake that is a home to gazillion fish, a few crocodiles, a fictitious whale, millions of frogs, Mgingo Islands, billions of molecules of water, et al. A lake discovered by John Hanning Speke. The locals that lived on its shores (then, Lake Nalubaale) never knew that they lived around a lake. As John Speke came here on vacation. He was taking an early morning stroll, head lowered on his phone and tweeting to his folks in Europe telling them how Africa is really a jungle. A bright African sun warm on his bearded face. He, absentmindedly, stepped in water, nearly drowning. He was stunned, surprised even. He called the locals and they joined him in surprise. He had discovered it. Ah, re-visit your history books.

And that lake, folks, is being sold off. The government can sell anything, duh. It can wake up and sell your mangoes and you won’t do anything about it. It wears the pants in here. It runs this town, like Jay Z would say. It is selling off the lake. The fishermen have been told to migrate to Lake Kyoga. The citizenry might be up in arms in denial, though. However, this is what the government might tell them.

We are selling off the lake so that the investors can expand it to other countries, like Rwanda, Burundi and Southern Sudan, who have joined the East Africa community. The investors are willing to expand it.

Don’t say we are being picky on who to sell it to. Anyone willing to buy it can bring a saucepan, jerry can, cups, spoons, or your hands and buy all you want. The prices are low.

Because those are fake beaches full of mud and smelly water and hyacinth. We went there over the weekend and got disinterested and bored. We decided to sell it off.

Because the investors told us that they can take that water back home and come up with something really cool that can benefit this country financially. We didn’t think twice. We sold it.

Because someone walked in our office, found us taking dry tea, and sold us the idea. We decided to sell it off. Maybe it’s because of the dry tea we were taking. Ask Tamale Mirundi and see.

Because, uhm, Equatorial Guinea.

Because we are the government of Uganda. We sell things.

Because we wanted to tell Kenya and Tanzania that we can sell it and they do nooooothing.

Why are you even asking?

Why Create New Districts? An Interview With Govt’s Department Of Districts

Create No New Districts

To date, Uganda has granted asylum to more than 110 districts, making it the districtest country in the world. But even then, recently, a parliamentary committee recommended the creation of five new districts. To explain the meaning of this, we kidnapped a government official from the department of districts for an interview.

Thank you for honoring our invitation, sir.

It was irresistible.

Let’s delve right in. We want to talk to you about districts.

No problem. You want one?

Uganda now has 111 districts. And yet you’re still creating more.

Yes, a lot of people are winning.


Yes. We have this promotion. It’s a Christmas promo we do every year. Next year we’ll give out ten new districts.

What’s the promo about?

It’s dubbed ‘Who Wants A District’ and participants have to be Ugandan to qualify. Those who are not Ugandan are required to lie that they are Ugandan before they become eligible.

How exactly are the districts given out?

They are transported from parliament-we use Fusos mostly-and taken to where the winners stay. Depending on the level of winning, the districts can come with added bonuses. The top winner gets a district complete with people inside, the first runner-up gets an empty district, and the second runner-up gets just people.

Where does he put the people if he has no district?

Well, that depends on him. We try not to tell them what to do with their prizes.

I see. Aren’t you concerned that with all these annual promos, the number of districts may, at some point, become too big?

There’s nothing like too many districts, my friend. Districts are like air. Can there be too much air?

That’s not really a fitting analogy.

Exactly. Without air, we all die.

But I don’t see how…

Look, do you read the Bible?

Occasionally, yes.

There’s a verse that says, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

That’s Steve Jobs.

What it basically means is those who don’t have districts are followers. And we as a country want to be leaders.

I think you’re reading the wrong Bible.

And that’s why we need districts.

DJ Shiru Kiberu: Uganda’s Pioneer Live Television Veejay

DJ Shiru Kiberu

Uganda’s Pioneer Live Television Veejay

Having DJ Shiru Kiberu play at any event is always an absolute pleasure. He has unlimited energy behind the decks and his choice of music is always spot on. He never fails to rock the joint and his infectious personality carries over the decks into the crowd, which always makes for a jumping party. Popularly known as Shirumatic to his legion of fans across the country, Shiru is a very talented and determined DJ to his fans.

He may be small in size but he makes up for it in the fame he has garnered as the No. 1 spin master. Everyone has heard of DJ Shiru, but I’m sure when most of you meet him for the very first you can swear he is not the one. He has spinned the discs at the biggest shows staged on the land –being the in-house DJ for Silk Events’ organized shows! From Bennie man, to Shaggy, R. Kelly, name it. He is not so keen to talk about his education but he trained in Deejaaying at Rainbow Promotions –which was owned by his brother DJ Rota. He started small, escorting his brother at shows where he played and slowly he learnt to and started doing his thing. Today he is one of the most sought after Deejays. Exposed Magazine brings you Shiru in an exclusive interview!

EXPO: Who is DJ Shiru

SHI: I am a versatile DJ who plays all types of music. Am not like other DJS who specialise in a particular type of music. I am good at Lingala, Hip-Hop, R’n’B, Zouk, Old Skool, Dancehall, Techno, Bongoflava that’s why when I am at a function everyone is guaranteed to have a good time.

EXPO: Many people consider you the best house music DJ in the country today. How does that make you feel?

SHI: That’s a great achievement for me and it makes me feel proud of myself. It’s a fact because I have won awards in different categories and even the DJ competitions. It did not come on a silver plate but hard work, dedication and passion for deejaying have driven me to this level.

EXPO: How have you managed to keep ahead in such a competitive field?

SHI: A Combination of talent and creativity as well as continuous improvement throughout the years have paid dividends for my DJ career.

EXPO: What makes you unique and so special?

SHI: There a few things I have initiated in the music industry as far as deejaying is concerned. I introduced local music remixes that forced many musicians to start doing another version of their songs to give it taste. Sometimes, the original song might not be a hit but then a remix can. This can be seen with Kenzo’s stamina and Chameleone’s Vumilia. I introduced video mixes in clubs after my short stint in UK. I started live television Veejaying. I have done numerous non stops that are used by most amateur DJs in upcountry discotheques and several radio stations in the country.

EXPO: When and why did you choose to become a DJ?

SHI: I started deejaying in 2002. I decided to take on the deejaying career as Hobson’s choice after failing to get school fees to complete my HSC, where I was doing PCM. Having a brother in the field (DJ Rota), I felt I had an upper hand to guide me. I was groomed from his Rainbow Promotions till when he started taking me to different school trans-day discos, where I matured into a club DJ. It was really what we can term as low standard deejaying.

EXPO: What has been your most memorable gig so far?

SHI: I have played at so many big shows in the country ranging from PAM awards, to street Jams, shows graced by big international artiste like Shaggy, R.Kelly, Bennieman, Akon, Wyclef to mention but a few, But my memorable gigs are the, Chameleone tribute show to fallen promoter Rakeem Owori in Stratford Rex in London and the 2007 end of year Brick’n’Lace ‘love is wicked concert’ at Hotel Africana.

EXPO: What has been your most embarrassing moment while playing?

SHI: It was during some PAM Awards event when machines went off several times due to power failure, as a DJ, I felt bad throughout the event but the crowd could not realize what I was going through.

EXPO: What is the most difficult thing a DJ can experience, and through your experience what can one do to avoid such an instance getting worse?

SHI: Down-right hatred from different stakeholders such as musicians, fellow DJs and other old-guards. But ignoring them and concentrating on doing what I do best has been my option.

EXPO: Would you care to tell us what goes through your mind when you play to a packed crowd?

SHI: I feel happy when I see people enjoying and appreciating what I do. It is the best moment for any DJ.

EXPO: What is your greatest fear in your field of work (as a DJ)?

SHI: Hatred from the industry and maybe failing to get recognized for my talent

EXPO: Besides deejaying, what else do you do?

SHI: I have a radio and TV live link-up show at the vision owned Bukedde TV/radio on Saturdays. I have my offices at Zainab Azziz building where I do remixes and DVD mixes, from during week days.

EXPO: How long do you want to continue deejaying?

SHI: To me, deejaying is an art that comes with a great feeling, So, as long as the energy is there, I will still rock. At this point I can’t say or state the time when I will quit. But as you know no one can cheat age. The older one gets, the harder it becomes for one to continue deejaying.

EXPO: What place’s out of the country have you played in and how was the response?

SHI: I have been to different countries such as Dubai, UK, Nigeria, Zanzibar and South Africa. Like I said, I am a versatile DJ. Wherever you take me I can stir the crowd because of my knowledge of so many different music genres; that’s why I have never disappointed the promoters who take me.

EXPO: What is the state of Ugandan music productions as far as you are concerned and what would it take for it to be recognized internationally?

SHI: The industry has improved tremendously, That’s why these days some Ugandan music is played on MTV base. The Navios, Chameleone and Bebe Cool are soon getting to the next level in Africa. Basically in Africa it is already established and that’s why there are now collaborations between Ugandan musicians and the Zambian, Nigerians and South Africans. And, I think internationally, we are getting there soon because in Africa, Uganda is ranked 3rd after South Africa and Nigeria.

EXPO: In your opinion what is the state of clubbing today as opposed to say 10 years ago?

SHI: The number of club revelers has increased unlike years ago. Clubs appealed to ‘high school students,I am a campuser-I am still young working corporate’ crowd, but now even old people are there and city tycoons are socializing and networking.

EXPO: What would you like to see happen to the deejaying fraternity?

SHI: I would like too much support of local DJs by club owners and patrons. I am sick and tired of seeing big companies prefer to hire foreign DJs to play local events. We have seen many foreign DJs flown into the country. The likes of DJ Switch, Benny D and DJ Pinye, seriously for what?

EXPO: Are you dating someone at the moment and if so who is she?

SHI: No comment, all I can say is that I live with my girlfriend, who is the mother of my twins and we are happy together.

EXPO: What about the UK based Sheba who was to have introduced you to her family in oxford?

SHI: Sheba is just my Good friend period.

EXPO: Rumour has been going around that you have a ‘kraal’ of kids?
SHI: Of course that’s just a rumor but the fact is that I have only four kids.

EXPO: What is your advice for any one who wants to become a DJ?

SHI: Forget about sleep. Most of Deejaying gigs are at night, So, automatically sleep has to be sacrificed and like any other job it’s not a bed of roses.

EXPO: What’s next for you in terms of deejaying?

SHI: Only time will tell, but I’m trying to spread my wings further by grooming some talent through my Shirumatic academy. I have so far released two cadets from my academy .Yasin DJ and Lwasam of Dembe FM. There are individuals who passed through my hands like UK Volts DJ OJ and Peter of Platinum9.

Liquid Telecom Increases Internet Reliability Across East Africa


The Liquid Telecom has completed the East Africa Fibre Ring which has increased the internet reliability in the region.

This is the first regional fibre ring to connect Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and back to Kenya.

This fully redundant fibre ring will ensure that businesses across the East African community now receive continuity of Internet connectivity and a much more reliable service.

In the event of a fibre cut, internet traffic is now automatically and instantly re-routed around the ring, giving consistently high speeds and continuous uptime, enabling online trade within the East African community and globally.

The new East Africa Fibre Ring ensures more reliability and security of data connectivity, internet and business services than has ever been available, with Liquid Telecom showing measurable service improvements and superior SLA’s to businesses.

According to Nic Rudnick, CEO of the Liquid Telecom Group, said this fibre ring a historic service improvement for the people and businesses of east Africa, especially those in Rwanda, DRC, Burundi and Uganda, who will not have experienced such reliable internet previously.

“Customers will immediately start to feel the benefits from our $20million investment in the region. The completion of the East Africa Fibre ring takes us another step towards building Africa’s digital future and giving better value for everyone using our network”.

The new fibre ring forms part of Liquid Telecom’s Pan African fibre network, the largest single fibre network on the continent, spanning more than 17,000km across country borders and connecting areas where no fixed network has existed before.

Kick-boxer Star Ssekamwa Disappears In Greece

Kick Boxing in Uganda

Word reaching us from Greece capital Athens has it that Ugandan Kick boxer Ismail Ssekamwa who flew with the team for the World kick boxing federation 2014 disappeared after news of his sex orientation broke out.

Sources reveal that Ssekamwa who has been allegedly to be close to gay people and linked to homosexual groups might have escaped to his pals of the same sex orientation in Europe.  A close source reveals that ever since Uganda’s president Yoweri Museveni signed the Anti-homosexual bill  into a law toughening penalties for gay people, the kick boxer has been unsettled and very secretive in the training camp.

Homosexual acts are already illegal in Uganda. The new law allows life imprisonment as the penalty for acts of “aggravated homosexuality” and also criminalizes the “promotion” of homosexuality.

So all indications show that when the news broke out here in Uganda it was just a blessing in disguise for the young kick-boxer to be out of the country at the time.

 Other sources at the camp reveals that Isma is expected to have sought asylum in the nearby towns , where the Ugandan team stayed for part of its visit. Isma’s visa is expected to expire in a weeks time and he is obliged to leave Greece before the expiry of the visa or face deportation.


MasterCard Foundation To Help YALI Reach African Youth To Spur Growth In Continent


The MasterCard Foundation has committed $10million to help support The Obama administration’s Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) reach out to more than 10,000 young men and women in Africa.

On Monday, President Barack Obama has commended young Africans attending the 2014 Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) summit in Washington D.C. in the United States for their efforts to transform the continent.

This initiative is set to invest in the next generation of African leaders to spur growth and prosperity, strengthen democratic governance and enhance peace and security across Africa.

President Obama plans to create a network of YALI Regional Leadership Centers in Africa’s leading universities including Ghana, Kenya, South Africa and Senegal.

“These Centers will provide practical training and development opportunities for emerging leaders on the continent, as well as a platform for their voices to be heard.”

MasterCard Foundation has made commitments totaling to $177 million in 17 countries to initiatives that are providing young people with demand-driven job skills, life skills, mentorship and access to financial services.

These skills and services enable young people to find more secure and productive forms of employment or establish successful micro-enterprises.

The announcement was made during a conference dubbed ‘The Presidential Summit of the Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders’ in Washington.

The three-day conference, July 28-30, brought together 500 of sub-Saharan Africa’s most promising young leaders to meet with U.S. entrepreneurs, government officials, and civil society representatives. The Presidential Summit follows six weeks of academic study at 20 institutions across the United States as part of the Washington Fellowship.

At the event on Monday, the US President changed the name of the summit from Young African Leadership Initiative (YALI) to Mandela Washington Fellowship For Young African Leaders, in honour of the late South African leader, Nelson Mandela.

The summit, attended by at least 500 youths from across Sub-Saharan Africa, started with a speech by the Secretary of State, John Kerry, before the conversation session between the YALI fellows and President Barack Obama.

The initiative is President Obama’s signature effort to invest in the next generation of African entrepreneurs, educators and activists.

In collaboration with USAID, host institutions in Africa will provide instruction and collaboration space, expert training, and coursework for the Centers.

The Center in Ghana will be supported by a consortium of civil and private sector organizations including Africa 2.0, Africa Capacity Building Foundation, Ghana Private Enterprise Federation, and the Center for Policy Analysis, led by the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration.

The Center in Kenya will have a robust training curriculum with direction from a partnership that brings together Deloitte’s global management and strategy skills, the established curriculum and capacity of Kenyatta University, the public administration training of the Kenya School of Government, and Africa Nazarene University’s youth engagement and outreach.

The Center in South Africa will benefit from an education alliance led by the University of South Africa, with support from the University of Pretoria, which brings expertise in governance training, and Innovation Hub, which provides entrepreneurship support.

The Center in Senegal will assist young entrepreneurs through the African Center for Advanced Studies in Management’s experience in professional management studies, the West African Research Center’s youth leadership training experience, and the Synapse Center’s support to young leaders.

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