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Top 10 News Stories For the Month of March 2015

Top 10 News Stories

Much to my consternation, the year is still young and as such it’s making stuff up as it slowly trudges along. Unfortunately, in the process, a lot of the stuff it’s chucking out at us happens to be a rehash of stuff we have seen or experienced before.

On the plus side, we can sort of predict what’s to come… using algorithms, a mysterious dusty book from way back when and time travel. Here’s what you can bet will be in the news this month.

Ever since this month yawned and woke up from its cold bed on Monday, it hasn’t gone back to sleep. It is an insomniac week. It needs its sleeping pills. However, a lot has happened in the paltry of days that have passed. If you never noticed, slap yourself hard in the face and thank God for MBs. Moving on, this is what has happened so far that people won’t stop jabbering about around their pots of malwa in their little, filthy bufundas.

Another batch of nudies or sex tapes.

Musicians have been tackled, so have TV presenters, it’s only fitting that the nasties scale the walls of politics and claim a representative of the people. I’m not a gambling man, but I think the first prominent member to rear his head in your WhatsApp thread is going to be a former mayor. What will make it disturbing is the fact that you will not know whether you should laugh or be disgusted…or sorry. This cocktail of confusion will give way to…

An apology for the sex tapes…

For whatever reason, people have developed an annoying tendency to apologise for their leaks… Zari too, and if you watched her video, you would understand why it doesn’t make sense that she issued a statement. Issuing data refunds would have been more effective as would putting her back in to it next time, but I digress. The lead star in the new video will be despondent and say he is sorry that his “private parts are now in pubic”. We will laugh at how hysterical it is that he can not pronounce the word PUBLIC, but out mirth will quickly give way to anger as soon as…

The police will order a probe in to this new sex tape….

Which doesn’t make sense when you think about it. If you’re reading this, you are probably contributing to their salaries through some tax or other, however you have to ask yourself, why are they detaining people for more than 10 minutes under the pretext of questioning. Come on, how much time do you really need to ask a suspect whether that’s them appearing in the video/picture posing with a tin of doom saying, “you’ve been dirty, I’m the cleaner”.

I imagine out of the embarrassment, the accused will rush in with a full blown statement printed out in Times New Roman, double spaced and with a passport photo attached. Even if the interrogation went thus, “is that you? Are you sure? Are you reallllly sure?” It would be a miracle if it went beyond an hour…. And that’s factoring in the request that the person in question pose for selfies with some random traffic cop. What you really should be paying attention to is…

Another cabinet reshuffle…

In case you missed it, the president of the republic engaged his cabinet in a game of musical chairs at the end of last month… it was particularly interesting because it soon became apparent that the people in the game had no idea they were in a game and from subsequent interviews, it was evident that the president was not playing. It might have been that my WhatsApp message was truncated and as such I didn’t get the full list, but I imagine it’s only a matter of time before another seat is removed and some hapless individual has to face the music… but these things are not too bad. There’s always . . .

Jennifer’s body

KCCA has made it clear that they mean business and have gone around closing establishments that are unhealthy, breaking buildings and threatening to arrest boda boda riders who fart while their customers are on the phone… Alright, I may have imagined that last one, but the point is, the Executive Director is on a mission to prove she means business… Unfortunately the road to my place is not aware of this and still goes on to rape the tyres of cars and devour those of boda bodas in a sadistic ritual involving its children, the potholes…If you think that’s contrived, wait till you get a load of…

The Next Telenovella

Beneath The Lies gave our celebrities something to do (for those that could actually act, anyway) but NTV (also known as the TV station that hosts Fabiola’s hips) has struck gold with their latest idea. Simply put, it takes that feeling you get when you’re watching a show and thinking, “I’ve seen this before….” And shouts at you, “heck yeah! We just made it local”. Basically they are taking one of those Hispanic soaps with a tacky name such as, “The Wind Beneath The Flower of Death in The Valley” in the English language and something in Spanish that sounds poetic enough to make you want to have unprotected sex with it in poor lighting, apology letter in tow…. shit, that sentence went on for too long…

Right, so basically NTV has taken a show and decided to make it UGANDAN. This is a smart strategy for a number of reasons. For one thing there’s the digital migration nonsense that will see an uptick in local content, but why I think it is a clever move is this…. While The Hostel may come under scrutiny for poor acting, this new show will know it’s on the right track when people deride its stars for not looking genuine.

Make it rain

The rains are back. They never sent a WhatsApp, or a DM. They just came, unannounced. Most city dwellers were sweating mbu nti there are being subjected to too much sunshine, which causes rickets, by the way. And soon, they might be balding because the sunshine was scorching. Amidst the wails and pleas, NWSC showed us mbu it is the custodian of water, that Desire is overrated and it gave us Zari. Also, just like that, without notice. It cut off water supply within the city suburbs. In the process, a new cologne had been invented (thanks to not showering) and most folks couldn’t wait to get to office and use office toilets and brush their teeth in there. However, God looked down at us and said, “My creation, also!” He told the askali to open the gates and the rains poured. It has been cold. Too cold. The bachelors and the bachelorettes and the freindzoned and the chucked and the singulars have been at pains with the coldness. The poor souls in Bwaise couldn’t comment by press time.

Sheikh Muzaata’s mouth

When he opens his mouth, he never closes it. And when he doesn’t close it, it causes chaos. Sheikh Muzaata has caused a storm in a tea jug when he commented about the etoofali money-making scheme and the president, not with the hat, but with the weed, didn’t take it lightly. The president in this case, if you’re slower than two snails, is Bobi Wine, smoked and chewed some cud and barked back at the Sheikh. They barked and barked, like stray dogs upon seeing a female dog walking past them without saying hi. The barking is still on.

Minister Philemon Mateeke, the fashionista

He was appointed State Minister for Regional Cooperation by fellow agemate. At the handover ceremony of the office, the youthful minister (who looks too old) pitched up at the offices, sauntered in like Oswald Boateng. His choice of dressing, an oversized coat that covered his fingers and touched his knees, his tie that looked like a camel’s tongue, his shirt that looked like it was pulled out of a rhino’s mouth caught everyone’s attention. The picture went viral that it is now copyrighted. The minister, however, hasn’t come out to say who his fashion inspiration was. He remains tightlipped. If he says it is Sevo, we shall let you know.

Also in the news, President Museveni met Amama Mbabazi’s wife, you know. They shook hands and smiled and winked at each other and sat and waited for 2016.

Museveni Pauses Game Of Thrones, Reshuffles Cabinet

Museveni Kaguta

It’s not complicated. Someone messed with President Museveni’s iPad and now his iTunes shuffle feature won’t work. Something had to be shuffled. And so he shuffled.


Hi. My name is Eric, and this is the Uganda Cabinet Reshuffle 2015.

Museveni kept his position as president. A very lucky man indeed. So did H.E Bobi Wine, beloved president of the Internal Republic of Kamwokya.

The Vice President is still, as expected, unknown. Unfortunately, the Editor didn’t care much to ask us to Google him. “I don’t think he’s known there either,” he said as he walked out for his nose-picking break.

And since the boss is out, who cares about these lists? Unless you have a relative in there or you just want to check whose bank account the next public funds will be sent to. Does anyone have the new episode of Empire? I’ve only watched like…oh, he’s back.

Father Lokodo is still State Minister For Sex. He was set to be moved to Internal Affairs before they realised ‘Internal’ means ‘in the country’, not ‘in the bedroom’.

Unfortunately, Maria Kiwanuka, founder and chairman of the phrase ‘Madam Supiika Sir’, is no longer Minister of Finance. The few who stayed awake during budget readings are now cursed into eternal slumber. During her tenure, Miss Kiwanuka saw a great many improvements especially in the way wigs are worn and the way the budget briefcase is carried like Denzel Washington walking away from an explosion. She is now in the more dormant role of Senior Presidential Adviser for Finance.

Remember Jim Muhwezi? Who was found mismanaging Global Fund money back in 2006? He’s back as Information Minister. Hashtag Schwarzenegger. His main role as Information Minister is to inform you that he didn’t eat the money and even if he did, and you do what?

Hajji Nasser English Ssebaggala maintains his position as Portfolio Without Minister and for that, he gets a lollipop.

Rape Minister Ronald Kibuule was transferred to the Ministry of Water. They say dehydration has an adverse impact on mental function.

A few other notable people were also maintained in their current positions. Janet Museveni is still a rich wife, Desire Luzinda is still a sex tape, Ragga Dee is still not wanted on radio and Erias Lukwago is still as if somehow maybe Lord Mayor. A bit.

That’s it for today. The rest you’ll know about in corruption scandals.

Uganda Shilling Gets a Shelling


KAMPALA, UGANDA -If anything could go wrong for a country that imports more than it exports, it is the depreciation of the local currency.

The Uganda Shilling is one example of a currency that has taken a beating from the United States Dollar. In just January of 2015, it depreciated by 4% to reach UShs2940 per US Dollar. These are levels last seen in 2011, when Uganda experienced unprecedented double digit inflation. But the depreciation didn’t start in 2015.

How did we get here?

In February 2014, President Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act into law. The Nordic countries, specifically the Swedish Finance Minister Andres Borg warned of severe economic consequences for Uganda as the Act came into law.

“In my mind I think there are some unfortunate economic risks when it comes to discussions on aid. Uganda has a perception of being in a place where political statements that could be positive in attracting investments in the long term. But I think this is a situation that is creating reputational risks on the perception of Uganda,” Borg said.

A price was to be paid indeed. The Uganda Shilling in just one week took a tumble, shedding value by almost 4 percent. It hit the USh2600 mark. The Bank of Uganda (BOU)  intervened to prevent  the free fall by buying the dollars. In the 14 months prior to the depreciation, the Shilling had been making gains resulting in reduced volatility.

The signing of the law had led to a barrage of threats to withhold aid to the government. The cuts were miniscule but the threats had led to uncertainty, an admission Prof. Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile, the Governor BOU made at the time.

“There are potential risks of stronger inflationary pressures including those arising from possible further foreign exchange depreciation,” he told reporters in March 2014.

Riding on reserves of US$3bn – about 4 months of import cover – BOU was able to dig into them to reduce these pressures, a factor that Prof. Mutebile emphasised at the time.

“The bank is always prepared to intervene when it feels that the market is being destabilised. However, will always intervene whenever necessary,” he added.

By end of March 2014, the volatility had ceased. The act was being contested in the Court of Appeal. The bench of judges would later in a ruling of three to one nullify the Act for being passed without quorum. The Shilling then begun making gains on the Dollar, but only for a while.

In October 2014, depreciation made in a return and by Mid-November 2014 it breached the Ush2700 barrier. The factors for this second depreciation were considered to be both local and international. The peak shopping season had started and being an import led economy, led to a high demand for dollars.

This local factor is often experienced at the beginning of November through to the end of December. Often, the shilling depreciates, but rather gradually. This time, in one month the shilling had depreciated from an average of Ugshs2610 to Ugshs2750.

Stronger dollar globally

It has, however, come at a time when there is increased international demand for dollars. All other currencies like the Euro and Pound Sterling weakened against the green back on account of increased demand.

In the East African region, all the currencies have weakened, though not to the magnitude as that of the Uganda Shilling. The Kenya Shilling has fallen to levels last seen three years ago. In Tanzania, the situation is almost the same. According to Bloomberg, the current depreciation of the Uganda Shillings makes it the worst performing currency in the 48 African Countries whose currency they track.

The Financial Times was recently quoted as writing  “ the Uganda Shilling gets a shelling” considering how fast the currency has fallen.

The negative effects

From these factors, according to Steven Kaboyo, Managing Partner Alpha Capital Partners, are not a good sign for the dollar. Uganda does export at least US$209m monthly [September 2014] according to BOU statistics. This still dwarfs the US$545.84m monthly imports in the country.

The current account deficit is at US$489m in the second quarter of 2014 up from US$436m in the first quarter. The gains made from exporting coffee, tea and tobacco among others are offset by the increased demand for imports.

“Going forward, the reality is that currency headwinds are unlikely to turn into currency tailwinds soon because of the lack of strong fundamentals, primarily the current account deficit,” Kaboyo says.

Imported goods prices are on the rise. In Kikuubo, a busy trading area in Uganda and the hub of some of those imported goods, prices are on the rise especially for commodities like rice, electronics and shoes. For some of the traders, even rental prices have gone up.

One trader noted that they were previously paying Ugshs56m (us$19500) to the landlord in rent. His landlord charges rent in dollars. Now, he says he pays about Ugshs63m an increase Ushs7m) in rental fees each month. He sells to Ugandans in Uganda Shillings, meaning that he needs more shillings to pay the same rental fees in US Dollars.

Analysts have warned of the possibility of imported inflation as a result of the Shilling depreciation. The consumer pays the heaviest price in this instance as they have to pay more for commodities. Inflationary levels have so far been lower than projected, at least according to Uganda Revenue Authority.

Fuel prices would have increased by now, with the shilling almost shedding Ugshs300 since June 2014. The fuel price has been largely contained by the falling of global oil prices that have more than halved since the August 2014. This has kept fuel prices rather stable and falling by Ugshs300 since the start of 2014. The shilling depreciation impact on fuel prices is still one excuse the companies use to explain the sluggish drop.

“The other factor that also affects the price is the depreciation or appreciation of the Uganda Shilling. Our income is in Uganda Shillings, however, our purchases are in US Dollars  therefore when the Uganda Shilling depreciates this has an impact on the prices,” said Hans Paulsen the CEO Vivo Energy, the Shell Licensee in Uganda.

The real estate sector has also been hurt.

“The effect of this will be that finished properties will become very expensive especially for the average Ugandan whose earnings are fixed in local currency,” reads a statement from Lamudi, an online property services company

Adding, “The prices of rentals in the country are also bound to become unstable. Many rental prices are set in dollars and when converted into the local currency, these prices are unstable.”

Already, some companies are adjusting prices to cater for the depreciation. Pay TV subscription for DSTV have been increased by almost 4% as a result of the weakening Shilling.

Additionally, electricity tariffs are set to rise in the next three months, as the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA). In the quarterly review of power tariffs, the depreciating Uganda Shilling has been considered the largest contributor to the increment.

Are exporters benefiting?

Uganda doesn’t export as much as it imports. Our exports are dominated by coffee, tea, tobacco, fish, base metals and cotton. These are mostly formal exports that end up in Europe, the Middle East, China and USA. The exporters should be smiling; however the statistics from Bank of Uganda (BOU) indicate a fall in the value of exports in the first quarter of 2014/15. Exports fell to $623.69m in Q1 2014/15 from $678m in the Q1 of 2013/14.

For the tea exporters for instance, global prices have been depressed at least since June as a result of low demand especially from the Middle East. The fall in global prices of tea mean that the value of the tea exported is much less. The appreciation of the Dollar has been off-set by the falling prices of tea globally.

Avoidable situation?

In order to stem the depreciation of the Shilling, BOU has intervened several times. According to the market analysts, that has propped up the Shilling slightly to avoid it hitting the Ugshs3,000 mark. For some analysts though, the move by the Central Bank came a little too late.

The latest intervention was in the week ending January24 where the BOU intervened with an injection of US$45m higher than what it has been selling.

“Already panic has set in, and speculation is part of it. BOU should have been more proactive when the currency started moving,” says Kaboyo.

BOU had noted that the depreciation was being facilitated by speculators and their intervention in the market was partly to curb the speculators.

“…the Bank of Uganda has noted some speculative tendencies that have exacerbated the depreciation of the Uganda shilling. Therefore, the Bank will take measures to tame the depreciation arising from the speculative tendencies,” the statement from the bank reads.

In the long term, it has been noted that Uganda should boost the export sector if it is to benefit on a larger scale from the appreciation of the dollar.

Traditional exports like coffee remain dominant and efforts to boost processed “Made in Uganda” products are yet to yield the much needed results. Additionally, analysts point out that if Uganda could manufacture some goods, boost the textile industry and processed food, that would limit the number of imports into the country.

For now though, Uganda will continue to pay the price of a stronger dollar until some fundamentals in the economy are sorted.

Letter to Senior Six ‘vacists’

Letter to Senior Six Vacists

Yo, wassup, peeps? You be how, all ye? Are you kawa? Maato? Suzie? Jo? I know you be on pressure now ‘cause Bukenya has released those things and stuff be’s tight like bums. How is vac, anyway? Did you lose your virginities? If you had lost them in P2, did you lose them again in vac? See, vacation is where you do all crazy things because, if you are a guy, your balls are heavier than before and your parents will look at you in fear because your voice is deeper than a crater lake. If you are a girl, you have now morphed into a chic with a considerable larger behind and two larger things on your chest and so, the law allows you to put on a wig.

In vacation, I understand you played more computer games than their founders. I mean, for the rich kids, that is. For the poor, broke kids, you played hide and seek. It is fun. Actually, hide and seek is more fun, than those overrated gadgetry. Are you even on WhatsApp? Of course you are. If you aren’t, you lied to your friends that you are on WhatsApp, but your iPhone has bizibu. It is understandable. You have bizibu yourself. Did you go partying? If you didn’t, slap yourself hard in the face and say, “I am a fool.”

Now the results are back. You had your names on Coca-Cola bottles, but your names were not on your school’s notes board, because you failed GP. Because by that time you were sleeping. Because you only got 2 points. Because education is overrated. Because Bill Gates didn’t go far with education but he is now too far with dimes. You see that? You subscribed that school of thought. And here you are, your fingers dipped in your nose. You will be fine, Kaggwa.

In vac, before I forget, I hope you wrapped some latex on that stiff thing. Did you, Aizo? Come on, Isaac, talk to me. Did you wear? Because in vacation, you have all the sacks of time and you can decide to give time to fellas who don’t have it because you have it in plenty and you are bound to screw up. It will screw you up. Kati, the bibuzo. Don’t worry about them. You passed. You are happy. But they shouldn’t blur your sight. Enjoy the moment now like a sea fisherman, because you don’t know what the sea will be like tomorrow. Campus is right at the corner and there, sir, sh** will be tighter.

They have no prep, but they have lectures you must attend. They have no bells, you will have to borrow clocks to keep time. They won’t call you for meals in the dining hall as though rolex stalls were evicted. They don’t have uniforms, carry a mini skirt. They are not girls in maroon and pink things and go-back-to-school stockings, there are aspiring socialites there.

Vantage’s Fund II Commits $10 million to Uganda’s Simba Properties


KAMPALA: The funds are directed to five prime property developments in Uganda, three of which are operating and two of which are under development.

Vantage Capital, Africa’s leading mezzanine debt provider, recently announced it had provided $10m of funding to Simba Properties Investment Company (“Simba Properties”), the property investment arm of Simba Group in Uganda which houses five prime property developments in Uganda, three of which are operating and two of which are under development.

The properties are: -Protea Hotel Kampala: a 70 bed hotel which has been operational since 2007, -CNOOC Building: a five storey office block  which has been operational since end of 2011 and Elizabeth Royal Apartments: 30 high end apartments which Simba Group started leasing out from August 2013.

The two properties under development are: -Hotel Naguru: a 140 bed luxury hotel on top of Naguru Hill (another prime location in Kampala) which is anticipated to be operational in Q4 2015,  -Moyo Close Apartments: 14 high end apartments located in Kololo which are anticipated to be completed in Q1 2015.

In addition to property, the Simba Group has business interests in telecom (Simba Telecom), energy (Electro-Maxx and True North Power), agriculture (Simba Farms), mining (gold) and other industries (such as Simba Electronics, Simba Travel Care and Zuku TV).

Simba Group was started by Patrick and Carol Bitature in 1998 and has grown into one of the leading domestic investment groups in Uganda.

Patrick Bitature, the Founder and Chairman of Simba Group said,”Vantage brings an important and exciting new model of financing to the East African region. Simba Group is pleased to have found a strong mezzanine financing partner who provides medium-term growth capital but does not want to take our hard earned equity.”

Mr Mokgome Mogoba, Associate Partner at Vantage, said “We are proud to have invested with the Simba Group, a leading and influential group of companies in Uganda with a strong commitment to the country and to the East African region.”

Mr Warren van der Merwe, Chief Operating Officer at Vantage, added “Simba has managed to build an impressive and successful group of businesses, through a combination of entrepreneurial flair and highly professional management. Theirs is the kind of story that underpins our Pan African investment strategy of supporting mid-market family-owned businesses that are seeking to raise growth capital without having to dilute their shareholding. This is the kind of Group we would like to back in future transactions.”

The investment in Simba Properties follows Vantage’s pan-African strategy of focusing on high-growth African markets such as the East African Community members, Ghana, Nigeria, and some of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries.

Simba Properties is Vantage’s first investment in Uganda and the twelfth mezzanine transaction in Vantage’s second fund, which is now more than 85% invested. Vantage has commenced the raising of its third mezzanine fund, which is targeted to close by the first quarter of 2015 at $250 million.

Kampala to Resume Railway Services


Rift Valley Railways (RVR) officials have confirmed that the Passenger Train Services are set to start in October 2015, with more than six coaches (wagons) ready for use, according to Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) spokesperson Peter Kaujju. Each wagon will carry more than 120 passengers.

“RVR has started demarcating stages at various points from Namanve to Kampala in the east of the city, then to Kyengera in the south,” Mr Kaujju added.

KCCA, together with Uganda Railways Corporation, RVR, Uganda Electricity Distribution Company and police on Monday commenced the removal of the makeshift structures erected along the railway line reserve area.

Sseya’s Resignation Letter

Sseya's Letter

From: My names am Cold All Hajj Nasser Ssebbaggalla
To: Those of NRM

Re: Resignational Letter

Well Done

Me as Sseya am righting here to officially declare how am withdrawing my behind from you NRM.

This is due to many fax. Me I don’t like speculations, unless it is speculation of glasses to make me look more in delligents. I only deal in fax.

Fax number one: You deceived me that I was minister of Polio. Then now I hear there is campaign to radicate all Polio from Uganda. Now if there is no polio I will be minister of what. That is not a question. You have found me looking. I withdraw my behind.

Fax Number Two: I told you desire was my private parts. Instead you members of NRM sharing the photo of her nakedity on the NRM Whatsapp. Me do I fwd pix of your side dishes? I just chaw them and keep quiet. See your lives.

Fax number three: You hoes ain’t loyal. I wasn’t borne last night. When Amama was dismitted from prime impex you could not even DM me to see if I wanted? Okay keep. #YOLO

Those are all the fax I give. Look at them.

Now, you want me to tell you where I am going now that I have relieved myself from NRM.

First of all, as you all a wear, Sseya is big pimping. I am going to get sectual entercose from famous sex cymbals. Yeah. Who needs English with game this strong? You talk in English while I shag in Luganda.

Secondry am going to make a new party. DP are wiseacring on me. They don’t know I slept with their side dishes last night.

So am going to join Gagamel we make gagamel a political party. Gagamel has power. They have a generater. Then we make Bebe stand in twenty thouthand sickisiteen. Then he make me Minister of Polio AND also coccodiosis.

Then NRM comes to put behind on me I will kick it.

Nice Time

How to Effectively Use Online Tools To Reach Property Seekers


For real estate agents, having an online presence is no longer optional. In a world where so much of our interaction is now online, the advantages of using property portals and social media to reach house-hunters cannot be ignored.

Global property portal Lamudi looks at six easy ways real estate agents and brokers can harness the power of the Internet to reach a wider audience.

  1. Pictures, pictures, pictures

High-quality photo are crucial for creating a strong first impression and, ultimately, to getting more house-hunters to attend a viewing.

Research from residential real estate firm Redfin shows that professionally photographed homes are more likely to sell – and for more money.

However, you do not necessarily need to fork out thousands for a professional photo shoot.

If you are taking the images yourself, keep the following in mind: use a good camera, make sure the property is clean and tidy, and try to take the photos in natural light where possible.

  1. Share your property listings

Use social media to spread the word about the properties that you currently have on the market.

To drive traffic to your listings, set up a Facebook, Twitter or Google+ account for your business, where you can post photos and links to your properties.

This is now one of the best ways to spread word about your catalog of available properties. And do not forget about your own social media accounts: share your top properties with your personal network as well.

  1. Be targeted with social media

With so many options for social media these days, how do you know whether Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn is right for your business?

Instead of spreading yourself too thin, select one or two of the networks where your customers are most likely to be active. Focus your efforts on building a strong following on these key channels before setting up additional accounts on other platforms.

  1. Engage with customers directly

More than any other channels, social media offers the opportunity for you to directly engage with your customer base.

Rather than only posting links to your property listings and promoting upcoming open house times, get creative with the ways you interact with potential clients.

For example, look for users on platforms such as Twitter who are actively searching for property to buy or rent; reach out to these users with suggested properties to match their needs.

  1. Post real estate news, advice and more

Share news about developments in your local real estate market, as well as tips and advice for property-seekers, on your various social media channels.

This is a great way to position yourself as a market expert and gain the trust of your client base.

  1. Try content marketing

Producing your own content is another way to build trust and convince property-seekers that you are a true market expert. Create a blog on your website where you answer house-hunters’ most frequent questions.

You could also produce a weekly newsletter that promotes new properties on the market.

Of New Year Resolutions

Lukwago Erias

Gen. Sejusa: My New Year resolution? Ah, let me see. I have quite a lot. I might re-change my name to something that evoke more fear. I might resume my letter writing if I land on the fool that stole my pen and my writing pads. How I miss them. Also, I might declare my intentions to get my jungle boots I used to own when we were still in the bush and run, not in the marathon, but for presidency. Don’t tell anyone yet. Will this get published?

Gen. Tinyefuza: Talk to Sejusa, silly. I am busy.

Zari: My New Year revolution? Haha. Kyoka mwe. Anyways, I want to dig deeper in the mines and, God willing, I will uproot gold, or copper..or carbohydrates. I have diamond so far. Also, this year, I plan to do more important things in life, like releasing a well-edited, worth the MBs, worth the eyes and time sex tape. Time of official release will be announced later. North Korea won’t stand in my way.

Nasser ‘Seya’ Ssebagala: My resolvement of this year is to first resign my advice I was giving it to the president. You see, I am a popular people. The president knows that. Even me, you see me, when I was the mayor and the people saw what I done, didn’t they? Let me tell you: that was shame, shame and a lot of shame because Desire, you saw the naked, not so? As her former mayor, I say no to that.

Amama Mbabazi: My New Year resolutions are quite a horde and if I let the cat out of the bag, I will be quoted wrongly which might go down badly. I don’t like that. Ask me the same question on 1st January 2016. I will be in a better position to tell you. I even lost my position as the Prime Minister even. I am not talking to press. Driver!

Loodi Meeya Erias Lukwago: I was greatly astonished and flabbergasted by my regrettable dismissal from office. It was hogwash and it was illegal. Jenny had absolutely no right to do that. Check in the Constitution. Tell the president to check chapter..ah, I have forgotten, but it is printed there. What was your question again?

Bebe Cool: Nothing will change. I will go ahead making a fool of myself. Gagamel ting this!

Bobi Wine: I can’t talk after Bebe Cool, mstchewwww. Busaaaabaaalaaa!!

Uganda Cranes: You know our thing.

Golola Moses: My New Year resolution is to still kick all the blooming flowers, smash all the anthers and stigma. I will get a little, skinny, rickety kickboxer from, this time round, Chad or Cambodia and kick his nuts. Then I will fall and crawl on the floor again. It’s my thing. Does the desert still have trees? I haven’t checked. But I promise to kick any tree there. I will look at Zari. Like this. Like this. And poof, something will be cast there, you know. I will use my mouth more. This year, I don’t want to be a joking subject, I will be a joke.

President Museveni: Do you still want raps? I might drop an album before 2016 comes. I might engage Kanye for a collabo. See, when we were still in the bush…Hold on: Besigye is calling.

Hima Starts Bulk Cement Business Line


KAMPALA, UGANDA-Hima Cement, a subsidiary of La Farge has said it has strategically positioned itself to meet demands arising from the construction boom in Uganda with the launch of their bulk cement business line.

Bulky cement business is a new delivery service that offers contractors a more efficient mode of receiving cement at their construction sites. This reduces logistics costs associated with handling bagged cement.

It involves having trucks that carry cement in large quantities direct to construction sites. Each truck has a capacity to transport 28 to 32 tons of cement.

This means a cleaner environment and faster completion of projects as less time is spent loading, unloading and emptying the cement from bags. This will also save contractors from pilfering and tearing losses.

“This mode of delivering cement is the standard practice in developed countries. Uganda is on a rapid growth path and as a key player we are ready to meet the demands in this market. We are evolving from being a producer of cement only, to a partner for solutions,” said Daniel Pettersson, Hima Cement Country CEO during the bulk cement launch at Kyadondo Rugby Grounds.

The introduction of the service comes as the country sees a rise in the number of big infrastructure projects boosted by high levels of public and private investments.

Investments in transportation infrastructure, power plants and utilities, commercial construction and property development are expected to rise further in the forthcoming years prior to first commercial oil production.

Pettersson said demand for Cement in the country is projected to grow at a faster rate of 13% outpacing GDP 7% and electricity demand at 10%.

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