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My Two Cents On Artists Meeting Museveni And “Angry” Fans


We hear statements like,”for me,i gave up on politics.so much drama for one to take”. “Why vote?wastage our dear time and energy”

List is endless!

However much many would like to hide their heads in the sand,politics is just like a pimple,all swollen and easily noticeable. May be a little ignoble to the”sensitive” i mean who would want to be reminded of the presence of this irritating swelling.

Yet ignoring it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Politics is something we may not be able to run away from,it’s part of our lives and how we respond to it makes a huge difference.

Enough of the detours,Last week President Museveni met with some of the top artists in Uganda among whom were musicians,fashion designers,actors and actresses as well as comedians.

The purpose of this dinner was to launch a campaign song for Museveni’s presidential bid,you’ve guessed right,he always come with a new hit every election time.

So one may ask,pshh what’s wrong with that?

Thanks to social media and whoever cared enough to plot twist,this went viral and has been reproduced into numerous versions.

From insults,to curses and even threatening to boycott the artists’ music has marred their fans’ reactions.

They feel that their “role models” have sold their country at the cost of tax payers money,they’ve been labelled greedy,hypocrites,selfish traitors and lots.For more info,just flock their facebook walls and witness for yourself,of course don’t be too taken up to laugh at the grammatical errors.

I honestly am yet to wrap my finger around what the artistes’ motives and all but this is what stood out for me in this whole thing.

  1. can there ever be a “hero”,just like in the movies where one forsakes all else to save his/her people from their “suffering” or everyone is only looking out for themselves and that the hero notion is for dreamers?
  2. Aren’t people expecting a little too much from these artistes? I mean if it is true that they were “bought” what would i have done in a similar position,self righteous and knowing-it all aside?
  3. So are artistes supposed to be neutral? or should they just silently support while pretend to do do what every their fans ask of them?
  4. What can be done about the continuous divide among artists in Uganda today? Has the “beef-strategy” now advanced along political lines?
  5. How much does ranting on social media yield results especially on Facebook where most people who claim to be patriotic don’t have the courage to use their real names but would rather conjure names from soap operas and the likes
  6. When will we wholly embrace the truth that Uganda is not what our politicians are doing wrong but us acknowledging that we too have a role to play?We do have rights to say and post anything,thanks to social media but with this comes responsibility and repercussions!

Lots of cents right? I hope you feel my heart though!

Enough of the drama,2015 and we still suffer from the same mindset that had dragged this nation through brutal bloodshed and no i’mnt saying we pretend that nothing is wrong but we can do better.Hate politics only hold us back from developmental reasoning and limits us to flared and injured tempers which rarely solve much.

Let’s learn to agree to disagree,express divergent views without losing capacity to reason.

Before i sign off,i must commend Ugandans on Twitter for being able to state their issues without derogatory comments and slamming anyone so far.I think that’s a better approach than dragging people’s private matters all in the name of “venting”.

Let me get back to my thinking cave,may be tempted to release a “two cents” chronology.

Keep being the change you desire to see and Uganda will surely be a better place for all of us!

Before i sign off,i must commend Ugandans on Twitter for being able to state their issues without derogatory comments and slamming anyone so far.I think that’s a better approach than dragging people’s private matters all in the name of “venting”.

Let me get back to my thinking cave,may be tempted to release a “two cents” chronology.

Keep being the change you desire to see and Uganda will surely be a better place for all of us!

Fantasizing Without The Cabbage

Sexual Fantasies

I was sending flirty texts to a potential lover when he asked me:

<So what’s yr fantasy?>

(If you’re not the type of person who texts in proper English, never shall our genitalia meet. Just saying)

Fantasies, eh? A dangerous topic even for couples who recognise the smell of each other’s gas, let alone those who are still squinting through tight trouser seams to hopefully get a glimpse of a package. Is he a grower or a shower? Are those all her, or is she just wearing an efficient push-up bra?

What’s my fantasy? I begin to type:

<well, I do have this revenge fantasy…

…where I seduce Cabbage Craig, tie him up, blindfold him, cane him within an inch of his life, pour a bucket of ice water over him and cane him again. Then stick a spiked butt-plug up his unlubricated rectum and leave him there for his housemates to find….


Even though just thinking about it had made my nipples hard, I needed a fantasy that was not the equivalent of bringing a crossbow to a first date. I tried again:

<I do have this fantasy where…

I am being endlessly orally serviced by a man with an untiring tongue, and I don’t have to worry whether his neck is cramping, or whether he gets that the morse code of my moans means “yes”, “don’t stop”, “less teeth” and  “do that again but faster and with more swirling action, you know, like an ice-cream”. This fantasy often involves Idris Elba, those Sounds of the Sea CDs they give insomniacs, and, for some unfathomable reason, bubbles.

I decided to keep that one to myself.

<I fantasise about being spanked…

I like the idea of wearing a short skirt and being bent over someone’s lap and being spanked with an open hand. Yes, the idea of confessing that I have “been a bad girl” and asking to be punished seems like too much of a cliché; it belongs in porn movies with long French-manicured false nails and breasts that look like balloons milliseconds from popping from too much pumping. It also screams of daddy-issues.


< I fantasise about…..

<I have this fantasy where….

<I fantasise about having sex… in the rain…?

I watched him cheat

He Cheated in My Face

Uncle Agony dear,

Whenever my husband goes out at night to watch a major football match, he doesn’t come back until the next morning claiming it was too late to come back and he had to sleep at a friend’s place. I thought it was suspicious so last weekend I followed him to a bar where I saw him kissing a young lady. I was so hurt that he had forgotten the love we shared. Should I leave him?


Stuck dear,

You watched last weekend’s match? Am I the only one or did the referee seem biased? It was especially clear with that last penalty. Just because the other team had more goals doesn’t mean they had to win the match, right? No, that wasn’t cool. And the way he served yellow cards like food to an IDP camp was despicable. I didn’t like last weekend’s results one bit and I’m glad I’m not the only one.

Always knew I would make it big – Mocah

Mocah - Ugandan Artist

Her name is Catherine Abwoyo an Acholi by tribe but her siblings and close friends call her Hala though she chose to go with Mocah as her stage name.

Mocah was born, raised and educated in Uganda. She reveals that she always loved music and being a hip-hop artiste has always been her dream. In order to realize her dream, Mocah decided to save money two years ago and invest in her dream. As a solo artiste it was difficult to get anyone to sponsor her career yet she needed lots of it n order to pay for the studio, shooting videos. When she had saved enough, she travelled to Uganda early this year and shot a video for a song she had recorded with her very good friend of called Robert whom she describes as a very talented producer based in south Africa and will definitely become hot once he establishes himself.

She did ‘I love Uganda’ featuring Brian Love whom she also describes as ‘another talented artiste.’ Check out the ‘I love Uganda’ video on www.ugandavideos.com or find it on youtube. Radio airplay for an upcoming artiste is not easy. But her closest friend and manager did her best by shopping the song around TV and radio stations who gave it some airplay.

‘I love Uganda’ was my first track. It was a good experience for me as I’m totally new to the industry. I am trying to promote my music out there…it’s not easy! But I’m putting my heart and soul into it.

I know I have a lot to learn but I will get there somehow with lots of hard work and determination not forgetting the love and support from my fans,’ says the singer. She is currently working on several other tracks which she believes will be well received once they are

Sanyu FM Lounge Edition: I’m Torn Between Two Men

Torn Between Two Men

Uncle Agony dear,

I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and 6 months now and we have had a very decent relationship. We love each other and he has been able to keep me happy and do all the things you’d expect your guy to do. We even have one of those relationships where people look at us with envy and want to be like us. The problem is he went to the UK a few months back for his master’s.

They say that with distance, relationships get tested. I have been faithful to the relationship thus far but the communication has been poor and he does not text or call as much as he should and when I ask him he says that it is costly and makes excuses of time difference, which is really small. Meanwhile when we talk he gives the impression that he is having very eventful nights full of partying.

Now I have met an amazing guy who is here on a 4-month contract. He is great and he even does some things my boyfriend is yet to do. I have told him I have a boyfriend and he mentioned that he will respect my boundaries and that a woman like me deserves to be treated like a queen. He has not even pressured me for sex. Now he leaves soon and is asking me if I would like to move to Nairobi with him and explore a life there.

He is willing to support me financially as his job pays him very well. I feel like I owe my boyfriend a chance to make the relationship work but what this guy has made me feel in 4 months I have never felt before in my life. What do I do?

Please advise.


Nakato dear,

He chose a happy future for the both of you over a relationship with you? You’re lying! What has this world come to?

Like there was this one time on campus when I was chilling in my hostel room with my girlfriend watching movies. It was class time but we stayed back for the sake of the relationship.

We did two movies but when I pressed play on the third movie, she yawned, stretched, got up and told me she had to go to class for a lecture. All this time I was staring at her with my eyes and mouth wide open in disbelief. My own girlfriend of two and a half years had refused to watch Kamasutra with me because she thought securing our future mattered more than this best selling movie?!

She said she’d come back after her lecture and be with me happily but you know how it is with long distance relationships. She went to class, we lost touch and I fell out of love with her. Besides, that movie taught me things that girl would never have given me. I’m still single and frustrated but at least I still have my DVD.

Since then I’ve known better than to trust girls with my heart and movies again. Naaka, if someone is so focused like that, they don’t love you at all. If he really loved you, he wouldn’t be trying to get rich and more intelligent. And we all know how poverty and misery are very romantic.

Uganda Tightens Border Checks over Illicit Brew


Ugandan authorities have tightened checks on the importation of alcohol from Kenya as authorities in Nairobi intensify the crackdown on illicit brew that has killed over 80 people since last year.

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) customs officials who man borders are on the lookout for this illicit brew to stop it from entering the country, a source in URA revealed.

UNRA’s assistant Commissioner for public and corporate affairs, Sarah Banage, said they have put in place strategies to contain the importation of illicit brew into the country, according to the New Vision.

“This killer brew as a far as we are concerned has not surfaced here in Uganda, but following the information from colleagues in Kenya, we are putting our staff at the borders on high alert. We are also going to undertake surveillance along the porous borders and towns to ensure that any attempt to smuggle it in is averted. All our enforcement teams at URA and other Government Agencies with whom we manage the borders are on high alert,” Banage stated.

The killer alcohol, commonly known as second generation brew, has become a subject of deliberation in Kenya given its fatal consequences once consumed, leading to government banning 385 companies making spirits.

Dan Marlon Nabutsabi, the Uganda Consumer Action Network coordinator warned alcohol consumers against drinking suspicious brews.

“You should only go for recognized and well labeled alcohol brands that have been approved by UNBS (Uganda National Bureau of Standards), have a quality mark and a specific address where you can address your complaints,” he advised alcohol consumers.

Nabutsabi observed that low-income earners were largely fond of going for cheap brews that they sometimes consume on empty stomachs, adding that, “this is dangerous to their lives.”

When contacted, UNBS executive director, Dr. Ben Manyindo, said he could not comment because he was locked up in a meeting by press time, while the bureau spokesperson, Barbara Kamusiime did not pick our repeated calls.

Over the weekend, eight people died and scores more were left wounded in a crackdown in Kenya on illegally brewed alcohol, the Kenyan media reported.

Hundreds of others were also arrested, business premises destroyed and thousands of litres of illegal brew destroyed in the operation, sparked by government concern over rising alcoholism and a recent spate of deaths linked to illicit drinks.

The crackdown focused on central Kenya and the capital Nairobi, where last year at least 80 people died and dozens more were blinded by concoctions laced with methanol – a chemical used for the manufacture of anti-freeze and used by some unscrupulous manufacturers to increase alcohol content.

The crackdown followed the personal intervention of President Uhuru Kenyatta, who a State House official said was “personally alarmed” by the situation.

Several local leaders also joined Uhuru in the crackdown. The increased consumption of alcohol has also been linked to violent crime and domestic violence.

While speaking at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Kiambu town on Sunday, Uhuru asked illicit brewers to start other businesses in their premises as there will be no slowing down on the fight against illegal alcohol.

But Uhuru urged Kenyans not to destroy property even as they scale up the war against illicit brews.

Uhuru said the crackdown on illicit alcohol would continue until the country was free of the menace.

Meanwhile, the Kenyan government has banned 385 companies making spirits (second generation) Uhuru to hold meeting with MPs on the progress of the campaign.

According to The Star newspaper, seven people died when a lorry carrying confiscated methanol exploded in the Nairobi district of Kayole, apparently after one of the persons on the truck lit a match. Another person was shot dead in a raid on a factory in Naivasha, west of Nairobi, reports said.

Quoting figures from the state-funded alcohol and drug abuse authority, The Nation newspaper said illicit brews accounted for more than three quarters of all alcohol consumed in some areas, with 62% of road accidents linked to drink driving.

Kenya has strict laws banning the public consumption of alcohol during much of the day and the sale of alcohol at certain times of day.

However, alcohol laws are rarely enforced in poorer districts and widespread poverty means that illegal vendors have no problem finding clients despite the health risk.

Locally-distilled alcohol, usually made from fermented maize or sorghum, is popular among the poor, as it is a fraction of the price of commercial and legally made brews.

In Nyeri, second-generation brew worth Ksh3.4m (over sh100m) was yesterday set ablaze at Othaya Stadium.

A trailer ferrying the brew was intercepted in Othaya town by police few minutes before offloading the cargo. Othaya MP Mary Wambui also led women in pouring second generation brew at Othaya Stadium.

Kiambu Women Representative, Annah Nyokabi thanked the President for the order against illicit brews.

Kabete MP, Ferdinard Waititu said the war against illicit brews has been effectively carried out in Central Kenya but had not been fought well in Nairobi.

Emirates to Increase Capacity to Uganda With Introduction of Boeing 777


Emirates is set to upgrade its services to Uganda with the deployment of larger Boeing 777-200LR on the daily Dubai to Entebbe route from 1stOctober 2015.

The Boeing 777-200LR will replace the current Airbus A330-200 used on the route, and increase the total number of seats across all cabin classes by 12 percent, offering eight private suites in First Class, 42 lie-flat seats in Business Class and 216 seats in Economy Class.

“The upgrade to a Boeing 777 reinforces our commitment to Uganda and offering travellers world class products and services,” said Jaber Mohamed Country Manager, Uganda.

“The aircraft provides an enhanced product offering, such as the First Class private suites which have electrically operated doors to ensure privacy, a flat bed, including a mini-bar and work desk, while Business Class has sleeperettes and Economy Class comfortable, spacious seats”, said Jaber.

The Boeing 777 is the backbone of the Emirates fleet and very popular with customers.

Emirates started services to Uganda in March 2000, with a thrice weekly service linked with Nairobi, and later with Addis Abba, until it was delinked in 2007 and became a direct daily service between Dubai and Entebbe.

Ugandan travellers can access more than 140 destinations around the world through a single and convenient stop in Emirates’ Dubai hub, offering multiple connections and frequencies to key destinations in Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and the Asia Pacific region, with many key points being served by Emirates flagship A380 aircraft.

Popular destinations for Ugandans are Dubai, Guangzhou, Ahmedabad, Beijing, Hyderabad, Mauritius, London, Bangalore and Bangkok, while inbound passengers are mainly from the United States, UK, India, Australia, China, Germany and Jordan.

Emirates flight EK 729 departs Dubai at 0920hrs and arrives at Entebbe at 1330hrs. The return flight, EK 730, departs Entebbe at 1610hrs and arrives in Dubai at 2230hrs.

Eddy Kenzo Writes History, Wins BET Award


Just as predicted, the big talent management boss has written history in the Ugandan books once again by emerging as the first Ugandan artiste ever to win a Black Entertainment Award. He beat a couple of top names including South African Novelist & Mzvee to take lead in the category in terms of votes.

Just a couple of days before Eddy was totally freaked out and revealed how hard he was finding it to step in Los Angeles ahead of the award. He also revealed how the pressure was closing in too much on him and asked his fans to pray for him. He is now all-smiles with a major accolade in his entire collection.

He had the following to say shortly after scooping the award: “Before I say anything let me dedicate this award to all Ugandans wherever you are in the world, it has been a long journey, it’s the first of its kind in East Africa. this is for Uganda, Uganda really needed this. To all my fans all over the world thanks for the support and the voting May God bless you. Am coming home God is the greatest. ‪#‎eddykenzoBETAWARDWINNER‬”

However, all this was predicted and it’s all because Eddy Kenzo was far popular than all the other artistes in the International Viewers Choice category. Thanks to everyone who managed to keep the hashtag trending and a big congs to Eddy Kenzo as well.

Angella Katatumba Drags Kampala Sun to Court


Angellah Katatumba has dragged Kampala Sun to court on defamation charges and is currently demanding for a whooping 200 Million lump-sum in compensation for the damages inflicted on her and a front page apology as well.

She claims before publishing her story, a Kampala Sun journalist identified as Solomon Muleyi contacted her and she made sure she explained to him the actual truth and what she least expected is the journalist publishing a false story about her. She further goes ahead and says she has lost loyalty and many other privileges her customers had in her hence, finding it hard to trust her again.

When contacted she had the following to say:

“I seldom respond to tabloids. After all, words like “allegedly” exonerate journalists behind these stories and personally, I’ve never gone after any media house because, I understand that it’s one of many ways for certain journalists and media houses in this town to make their money.
With that said, the most recent Kampala Sun stories published about me involve larger issues.
The Kampala Sun journalist, Solomon Muleyi, called me prior to publishing these stories and I gave him DETAILED accounts of the truth.
To my surprise and shock, this “journalist” decided to write distorted versions of the stories that have hurt my reputation and businesses in more ways than one.
The irresponsible and malicious tone that stated obvious lies as facts are at the very least negligent and more importantly illegal.
Luckily we live in a world where illegal acts are punishable by law.”

Meanwhile, Kampala sun lawyers are expected in court anytime soon. The photo below shows the letter drafted by a City advocate identified as Mulindwa & Athiang advocates.

Pray For Me Fans! This is too Big for Me- Eddy Kenzo


Eddy Kenzo is currently under a whole lot of pressure from his Black Entertainment Television Awards nomination which he is doing whatever he can to merge as winner in his International Viewers Choice category.

The singer revealed all this in an earlier statement that read: “Pressure is going to Kill me, pray for me my fellows! It’s just one day to go for the first ever international viewers choice category. Am not only representing Uganda but also all countries out of America. This is too big for me, am under pressure, i fear to even step there. Let’s vote till the last minute via Instagram… God is with us!”

The pressure comes in as Eddy Kenzo is appearing to be one of the greatest contenders in the group and one of his greatest competitors asked his fans to withdraw their votes from BET and concentrate on voting for him in MTV MAMA Awards.

Besides, Eddy Kenzo is currently topping all trends on various social networking platforms (Instagram, Twitter & Facebook).

The category he was nominated in is the International Viewers Choice Award category alongside Cassper, South African Mzvee, George, MiC, and Novelist.

It wont be no surprise is Eddy Kenzo wrote history in the Ugandan books to emerge as the first Ugandan artiste to win a BET award and remember we can help him bring home the accolade.

The hashtag #iPickEddy can help Eddy Kenzo bring home the award. You can type the hashtag as many times as you can on all BET Platforms on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook.

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