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Jovago Partners With AccorHotels In Africa


Jovago and AccorHotels announced the signing of an innovative partnership to incorporate all AccorHotels established on the African continent on the Jovago platform – Africa’s n°1 online hotel booking website.

The partnership would firstly involve the incorporation of 30 AccorHotels hotels located in 13 countries on the Jovago platform and then, the overall hotels of the Group in Africa.

“AccorHotels is one of the largest players in the hotel industry in Africa. As Africa’s leading hotel booking platform, we are proud to incorporate AccorHotels into our platform in order to provide our African customers with high quality hotels in the key cities of the continent” said Paul Midy CEO Jovago. “This strategic partnership confirms our passion for hospitality and hotel development in Africa.”

The AccorHotels’ portfolio will become a part of Jovago’s catalog of 25,000 hotels in Africa, further enabling customers to book a room directly through the jovago.com website and benefit from a personalized, locally based customer service available 24/7 in several languages.

“The partnership with Jovago highly contributes to establish our distribution strategy in Africa, says Souleymane Khol, VP Sales Marketing Distribution & Revenue Management for Africa & Indian Ocean. AccorHotels is in a continuous process of dynamic innovation aiming to always mix more efficiently the digital experience with our hospitality know-how… “

Jovago Makes Booking Easier With New App


Africa’s No. 1 hotel booking website, Jovago.com, is launching Jovago Extranet App, a mobile application that aims at giving more flexibility and independence to hotel managers.

“Jovago wants to give the best international standards of the hotel industry and the latest technologies to all our Hotel partners, we want to democratize these new tools for all our partners and make their job easier” said Paul Midy, CEO of Jovago.

The Android App will enable Hotel managers to confirm new reservations, see and search through all reservations, change rates for any time period and change room availability for any time period. They will also see customer reviews, confirm guest check in and get some unique stats about hotel performance, all this at their convenient time. This will create a better experience for both the hotel and the Jovago customer.

Jovago.com ensures that its inventory of 25,000 hotels in Africa is accessible to customers online, by tapping on today’s technology. For instance, with insightful data provided by the company, a hotel manager will easily know the pricing of his competitors, thus making informed decisions on how to remain competitive.

“Hotels on Jovago benefit from focused local marketing reach in Africa, generating business they could not tap into otherwise. We want to empower these partners to get the best out of working with us,” says Eduard Meyjes, Head of Revenue Management, Jovago.  He adds “Phone communication can be challenging in Africa. With the app, hotels can make fast and reliable changes exactly when they want to. Especially smaller hotels can now benefit from smart tools that were only available to larger hotel chains before.”

“We have lately launched the final version of our new extranet, available on every Android phones. It is a great achievement for us since it allows our partner hotels to easily update their Jovago profile whenever they want! They now also have access to statistics regarding their profile and can make sure they keep updating their profile to beat the competition!” – Louis Badea, Country Manager Jovago Uganda.

Following the launch of the Extranet mobile application, Jovago.com is now working towards unveiling the Web version of the App, to further improve user experience for potential customers. As a leading online hotel-booking website, Jovago.com is simply a one-stop-shop for hotels when it comes to their online marketing and operations.

When Trump Was Imprisoned By Obama After Elections


Voting went on smoothly in most parts of the United States of America; however there was rampant delay in the delivery of voting equipment in the areas predominantly occupied by white people like Alabama and Alaska. In the areas occupied by the black people like Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia, voting equipment arrived on time and it went on very smoothly ending in time.

Obama is contesting for his third term after lifting the constitution in America that limits presidents to only two terms. All countries in Africa are pretty much upset with this arrangement and are planning to impose bans on America. African Union is the most furious.

They had sent a team of Election observers to America and they realized that America is far from having free and fair elections. They decry the fact that Obama kept arresting Trump before, in the process and after the elections. They are calling for the results to be publicly declared and everyone in Africa supports this as they are the super powers and super powers always need answers.

While declaring the results, the states of Alabama and Alaska and over 15 predominantly white states weren’t included in the tally as the results hadn’t reached the Electoral commission of America. Speaking to a team of journalists and observers, the Chairperson of the commission said “The results wouldn’t change anything anyway. Obama would still be president”.

FBI and CIA are surrounding both the home of Trump and the Republican Offices. All the Republican agents and governors are being arrested and no one knows where they are. Journalists Christiane Amanpour and Richard Quest were arrested while reporting live for CNN by teams of FBI. They later released them but they haven’t been charged with any offence.

While in prison without any charge, Trump said, “I don’t see why I am being arrested by that black man. Has he forgotten his history? This is why I don’t like immigrants. They over stay their welcome.

I can’t believe that it’s him now arresting me, the white man. All because he wants to hang onto power!”

Trump continues to face house arrest and can’t access his lawyers let alone petition the election legally as the days are slowly ending. Teams from the African Union have visited him and also the Asian Embassy delegates have gone to his home to forge away forward in America.

The only Independent candidate Clinton, however, in a twist of events was able, through her lawyers to hand in their petition in time and Trump hopes to have talks with her team and forge a way forward.

That is where I had reached with my dream when a rat gnawing at my feet woke me up. I realized my American dream was far from a reality and I was dreaming in Africa, the continent, like my room so dark that night brought the harsh reality to my brain like a stench hits the nose.

What if Africa switched places with America for a day anyway!

How Did You Celebrate Museveni’s Victory?


In Kampala, when there’s a match, for example, Arsenal Vs. Chelsea, after one team wins; the male roars, cheers, excitement and little chaos from ‘boda’ guys consume the town.

That is the kind of reaction I expected on 20th February after the winner of the 2016 presidential elections – His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, was announced. Unfortunately the mood was quite different.

Just a few people, police and army men were on the main streets. Of course, basing on the previous incidents that happened in various areas, days before the election , most people avoided the streets and stayed at their homes. Did you hear about what happened in Wandegeya? Yes- such incidents.

Nevertheless, if you stayed at home, how was it in your neighborhood? Was it the young ones cheering on, the adults or the silence was just too loud?

Surely all those 5 million voters must have rejoiced and jumped up and down! Or they just smiled and continued with whatever they were doing?

How did you celebrate people?

She Flirted With My Workmate

She Flirted with my Workmate

Uncle Agony dear,

Recently, I attended an office party with my fiancée where I caught her talking to a workmate in a way I thought was somewhat flirtatious. She stayed with him almost all evening and kept acting cozy. I tried talking to her about it but she brushed me off saying I was only being paranoid and unreasonable. Was I really being unreasonable? Should I just ignore it?

Concerned B.

Concerned B dear,

Woah! I’ve heard people being called a lot of things but “unreasonable”? That’s way out of line and, quite frankly, very disgusting. You cannot take such a foul-mouthed woman to meet your parents. She’s the kind that has used the F-word so much that the factory of vulgar words recalled it for recycling and gave her the word unreasonable as an upgrade. And according to the Bible that’s the only unforgivable sin. Calling someone unreasonable. I wouldn’t marry her.

A Toast To An Amazing Country Called Uganda


The things that go on in Uganda are simply amazing. Regardless I do love this country. It is simply one of a kind. Democracy is the norm. Should Mr. Museveni lose the elections, Eng. Badru Kiggundu will indeed announce the actual winner. It isn’t like he is appointed by the president, is he?

It is also obvious that if Museveni loses, he will simply relinquish power. He  won’t cling to power like Gbagbo did in Côte d’Ivoire or Nkurunziza is doing in Burundi, and even if he tries, our army the Uganda People’s Defence Force  is extremely professional.

It really does defend the people. We never have cases of red tops beating up civilians on the streets of Kampala.  The army will take whoever wins the election as its commander in chief so Museveni can only wish in his wildest of dreams to use it as tool to cling to power.

It is 100% independent. It is simply a coincidence that most the top army generals are Westerners and those from other regions were childhood friends of the president or proved their loyalty to him. Many Generals actually freely come out to criticize the government and still retain their army ranks and responsibilities. Gen. Sejusa is a perfect example of that.

Our elections are free and fair and there has never been rigging. It is simply a myth. In fact  top  Generals like Sejusa who retained his responsibilities even after criticizing the government have always come out with witness, 1st hand, credible information to prove that that there has never and will never be rigging in Uganda.

Ranks in the army are given out according to merit. It is extremely legitimate. It is simply coincidence that most of the army generals’ are westerners. Even the president’ son, Brigadier Muhoozi Kainerugaba has slowly risen through the ranks at snail speed just like a normal Ugandan.

When people graduate, job opportunities are in abundance, just like the Nile pours water into the MediterraneanSea.  Employers have serious battles in order to acquire employees, and the economy is simply flourishing. It would take a great depression for the pound to hit 5,000/-.

An area where Museveni has more than scored is security. Cases of people like Aine disappearing are unheard off. Aine is busy protecting Mbabazi. Our state prosecutors like the Great, Joan Kagezi are given too much security and yet they don’t even need security because the country is safe.

The safety has enabled them convict Al-sha- bab terrorists. Assassinations cannot be attempted because the country reacts with brute force to such things. They cannot let such a case go cold, because such cases are serious and clear hostility towards the government.

The Children of today don’t even know what a murram road looks like. Roads all over the country, be it Kisoro, Busia, Karamoja or Arua are all tarmacked. The Children of today don not even know what its like to have no electricity. Rural Electrification has come to pass and UMEME has reached all corners of the country, but what else would you expect considering all the dams being commissioned.

Our Education system is so up to date. The children of today study things that are completely different from what Museveni studied in the 1950s. Our History classes and SST classes don not stop in the colonial era and independence but rather go way past the Amin rule and even touch the Museveni government that started less than only 3 decades ago.

The president is very neutral as he appoints his officials. It isn’t like 21 of the 32 cabinet ministers are from the West .His wife isn’t even a Minister.

The Police motto is to protect Human rights. Journalists are never beaten into commas or bloody pulps. Unarmed demonstrators peacefully deliver their messages on the streets of Kampala, protected by the police from any violence.

In fact Dr. Kizza Besigye often asks “What is this tear gas people are always talking about?” This man doesn’t even know what tear gas is. This is simply because the Ugandan government doesn’t waste tax payer’s money importing tear gas tanks. The police are very respectful during arrests; there are no cases of pepper spray or brute force.

The IGP, a man appointed by the president, a very neutral man ensures that everyone enjoys freedom and peace. Despite the president appointing him, he is a man of principle and fights for what is right whether M7 approves or not. We have no cases of opposition leaders being unjustly subjected to House arrest.

Presidential aspirants campaign freely. They are never blocked from going anywhere and their campaigns are never cut short. Mr. Besigye freely enters any of our healthy, flourishing hospitals and health Centre across the country at will. The Government has nothing to hide.

Magical Realism is defined as what happens when a highly, detailed, realistic setting is invaded by something too strange to believe. It would be Magical realism if the above were actually the situation in Uganda.

However with time, it can become a reality. Regardless I still do love Uganda but it would be a great payment for me if this realism transformed to reality.

8 Occasions to Use The Hellofood App


1 | When you are Living on a Budget

This occasion takes first priority, because it is January a time of the year when most are very frugal with their finances, meaning a strict balancing of all expenses.

Eating out is now more of a luxury, therefore being able to save on transport and time trying to drive to a restaurant when at home or office; one can instead just place an order for a meal intheir budget range and also be able to get more from the many meal deals on the hellofoodplatform.

2 | When you need to look busy

You know that awkward moment when you’re at a party in company of other people and everyone else is busy on their phones or when you arewaiting for someone who hasn’t reached and you take out your phone to look like you’re busy? Yes we’ve all been there. What’s more awkward is pretending to be on a call and have your phone ring mid-way.

Here’s a better idea, open up the hellofood app and order food. Then when your friends are done with whatever they are doing on their phones or when they finally show up, tell them you’ve suddenly got dinner at home and leave.You get to have your revenge on your anti-social or tardy friend for being late, and you get to go home to a hot meal. Win win!!

3 | When you’re lazy to cook

This goes without saying. Everyone is lazy to do something at some point in their lives. Even boiling or frying an egg is a hassle sometimes and you do not feel like punishing your palates with just bread and water. hellofood solves this by delivering what you are actually craving for. It’s as simple as that.

4 | When you have a hot date

Am sure we have all read or heard that a date that knows how to cook is a keeper, well that is changing to a date that knows how to order for the right meal is a definite keeper (times have changed or a changing).

How about the option of a boring, awkward date at a crowded and noisy restaurant,plus an even heftier bill after? We’re having none of that! Order food home, get some candles and dig in with hands.

It’s so much more personal and intimate, and you can have much better conversation and even add a touch of the music you and your date actually prefer.

Also, they’ve just given you the ultimate win of getting them in your house already even before the date commences. Smooth or what? (Forget about the Netflix and chill, this is 2016)

5 | When you give up on food altogether

Frustrations run high when you’re just so done with the same old food and can’t decide what to eat. Even worse if  you walked into office expecting the cafeteria food to be different seeing as it is a new year.

Here’s why the hellofood app saves the day: open up the app, close your eyes, pick something, order and you’re done! (Surprise Your-self, with over 25 different cuisines on the platform, you are bound to be surprised) everyone loves a surprise.

You can thank us later. Also, watch this space for Valentines campaign coming up in February.

6 | When you need an excuse to not go out

Do you know when you are at office with a heavy work load or at home in pajamas and ready to laze up on the couch and do absolutely nothing, but then your pesky friends call and force you out for meal? Use our hellofood app and order in.

So when they call and try to force you out, you now have a legitimate reason to stay in because you have food on the way.It’s definitely NOT because you are too broke to buy your-self food lazy or too lazy to shower.

7 | When you need to surprise a friend or family member

One of the unique features with the hellofood app is that it allows you to order food for someone elseand surprise them; this is the option to pay for the meal using MTN mobile money.

Nothing says ‘I love you’ or “I care about you” like warm meal or confectionery at their door. So even if you are miles away, you can still surprise that special someone. Order a meal or cake for them and it will be delivered with tender loving care.

8 | When you’re just plain hungry

For as long as you are human, hunger is part of life, though we do not live to eat, we all eat to live, meaning everyone has a reason to use the hellofood app.

You’re hungry?  hellofood hasan app for that. You place your order and it is delivered to your home or office, you are happy.

The 12-Step Guide: How To Fight For A Taxi And Win

Kampala City

One of the challenges of living in Kampala city today is how to get the hell out of this shit hole at the end of the day.  The daily struggle of the working man and woman in this city is nothing compared to the eveningly struggle. That’s why you need this guide. How To Fight Your Way Into A Taxi.


  1. It is redundant to tell you to identify the stage where you can find the taxi that heads to your suburb. Of course you know where that creased and crinkly and crowded and cockroach-infested contraption pauses to feed. That’s the place where you spend two hours of every evening in a sad huddle with fifty equally forlorn and frustrated bastards staring at exhaust fumes and hating  your life. But You have to mark this post. It is a starting point.
  1. Measure 200metres from that spot. Uphill if you trust your calf muscles, although the organ you should be most concerned with is not down there. It’s a bit higher up. We’ll get to that later.
  2. Measure four hours from the time you  are supposed to be at the stage. Four hours is the average time it takes for an onion/garlic byenda /green pepper sandwich to find its way into the perspiratory system of the average human male. If you are female, make that three hours. Women can stink faster. The fact that they don’t means they know how to hide it. But it is a biological fact that they can.
  3. For every foot above five-eleven and every five Kg above 70 add fifteen minutes. For every foot and five kg below, subtract five minutes. But eat that sandwich.
  4. And then wash it down with crude waragi mixed with aloe vera gel. Then digest the whole thing. By digest, we mean, allow the worst elements of this noxious concoction seep through the walls of your belly and into the blood vessels which will carry them up to that most vital of bodily organs: the sweat gland supreme.
  5. Now, it’s time to go to the taxi stage. Remember that place we spoke about in point two? When you get there, start sprinting! RUN as fast and hard as you can towards the stage.
  6. By the time you get there, you will be sweating profusely.
  7. And when the taxi arrives, and everyone surges towards it in a bid to squeeze into the single limited scratchy door before the taxi gets too full
  8. And when everyone has poised their elbows and handbags and in some cases that we have all experienced, their baseball bats in place to beat away the competition as they struggle to enter the taxi
  9. When this happens, raise your hands upwards and shout. Shout anything. It doesn’t matter.
  10. Shout: Urban Legend Kampala Dot COM!! No harm in us getting some free publicity out of this.
  11. You will be immensely gratified to see the crowd in front of you melt away. They will grab their noses and run away, probably in urgent search of the nearest church. Those around you will not run away. They will collapse into unconsciousness and maybe die.
  12.  This leaves the taxi empty and the doorway clear. The driver and conductor will be out looking for the police so you will have to drive  yourself home, but I don’t think that’s a disadvantage. They usually leave the keys behind.

MTN Marathon: Tracing The History Of Uganda’s Oldest Marathon Event


Ahead of the Pope’s visit next month, all roads will lead to Kololo Ceremonial Grounds in Kampala as an expected 20,000 people will grace the 11th edition of the MTN Marathon.

While the winners will have Shs100million to share amongst themselves, participants have found various reasons to be part of the marathon, beyond the prize money.

“It started as a normal marathon event. But over the years, it has evolved into a lot of things: to some people, it is a social event; to some corporate companies, it serves a team-building purpose while to some other people – especially those interested in philanthropy– it is a way of giving back,” noted Aggrey Kagonyera, one of the MTN Uganda staff that conceived the idea.

The Marathon was launched in 2004, and has been held every third Sunday of November since – with the exception of the 2007 edition which had to be adjusted to cater for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) held in Uganda that year.

While the inaugural edition attracted just 1,500 participants, subsequent editions have averaged 20,000 participants. MTN limits participation to 20,000 in order to allow for seemless traffic traffic flow around the city on the day of the Marathon.

Year No of Runners
2004 1500 runners
2005 2500 runners registered
2006 3500 runners registered
2007 6500 runners registered
2008 18000 runners registered
2009 22000 runners registered
2010 18000 runners registered
2011 20,000-Capped
2012 20,000-Capped
2013 20,000-Capped
2014 20,000-Capped


“On average, the leading participants take about 37minutes to run the 10KM race; by which time some participants are still getting ready to leave the starting point. So the numbers need to be managed to maintain systematic flow, both for participants and the rest of the road users,” added Kagonyera.

The proceeds from the marathon are used for good charity causes, ranging from resettling families that formerly resided in IDP camps to providing safe water in the Karamoja region.

Most of such proceeds come from MTN and other corporate companies that take part in the event. About 18000 – 20000 participants register every year to take part in the event.

At last year’s launch, MTN CEO Brian Gouldie noted that the success of the MTN marathon is testament that Ugandans care about others.

“It is not us who contributed the money but the thousands of runners, who made sure that they touch people’s hearts. We take pride in seeing that the participants of the MTN Kampala marathon make a difference in the lives of people of Karamoja,” said Gouldie.

Among other key milestones, the Marathon prides itself in having acted as a platform for local athletes that have gone on to perform exceptionally at the global stage.

Reigning Olympic marathon champion, Stephen Kiprotich was won the MTN Kampala Marathon before going on to win gold at the 2012 London Summer Olympics. Dorcus Inzikuru, one of the pioneer participants at the maiden Marathon in 2004 also went on to win the inaugural world title in women’s 3000 m steeplechase, as well as the first Commonwealth title in the event.

The 2015 Edition will take place on November 22nd, a week before the highly anticipated visit of the Pope. Registration opens on October 20th 2015.

Elite Athletes For MTN Marathon


Save for well-wishers who would want to donate to Kampala region public schools towards attaining clean water and sanitation, Uganda Athletics Federation said they expect elite athletes to take part in the MTN Kampala Marathon taking place on 22nd November.

Dominic Otuchet the Uganda Athletics Federation president revealed that save for athletes who are vying for a slot to represent Uganda at the World Half Marathon to be held in UK, March next year, athletes like Moses Kipsiro will be part of the marathon.

“Elite athletes like Kipsiro are expected because they are preparing for the Olympics games next year,” said Otuchet, adding that Kipsiro would want to go there prepared.

“He has been in Europe trying to be part of each and every marathon to keep fit and tested so I hope even this MTN Kampala marathon will be a real test for him and I expect him to take part,” Added stated.

“Competing alongside athletes vying for a slot on the national team can really give you a test these world class athletes look for before stepping on big stage like Olympics and that gives me more hope for much more elite athletes,” added Otuchet.

Registration is still going on by use of mobile money and first part of registration will be ending on 8th November. For Uganda athletics federation so far they said they have confirmed entries for more than 30 athletes who will compete for a national team slot in MTN – Kampala marathon.

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