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Beneath the lies review: Reflections of us.

Beneath The Lies

I could watch Flavia Tumusiime in anything. If she was in every program on UBC t.v, that would be my favorite television. If she returned to teen’s club on WBS, that station would stop being a relic in my eyes. If Flavia had starred in a movie about how wet paint dries, it would be the greatest movie ever made. Anyway, this completely rational obsession is what drew me to Urban t.v (a station whose existence is still baffling to me) for the premiere of Beneath the Lies, a show which stars Flavia and other human beings. I review the premiere and try to offer guidance on whether you should watch or find better things to do on a Sunday night.

The episode opens with a break-in at Amaru`s (Cedric Babu) house in the night, a ninja takes out the guards (who to be honest weren’t doing any guarding) and proceeds to steal Amaru`s laptop. Amaru wakes up in time to see the Ninja escape and jumps out of bed. Strangely, he is wearing khaki trousers and black shirt, iam not an expert but I think that makes for very uncomfortable night wear. Jumping out of bed with him is Hellen (played by Hellen Lukoma), yes, apparently whoever was in charge of names couldn’t be bothered find another first name for her. Amaru apparently wasn’t aware of Hellen`s presence in bed with him (Hellen, that is creepy) and fumes at her while he calls Abby (Gaetano) and his lieutenant, Paul (Daniel Omara). They play the security tapes and the ninja, we find out, is Kamali Amaru (Flavia) who is indeed Amaru`s wife. Why Kamali should go to all the trouble of killing guards instead of just walking into what should be her house is beyond me but Amaru asks Abby to make sure he retrieves the laptop.

Meanwhile, we see where Kamali has taken the laptop; it is to Suuna (played by Faisal Seguya but who you know as Rabadaba). This Suuna guy is a wrong character and iam instantly inclined to hate him, he is threatening Kamali because she doesn’t have the right password to access the laptop. The truly terrifying thing is that he is very believable when he is threatening Kamali, great acting by Rabadaba, (who knew!!)

Kamali is not feeling well, this is quite understandable, she had quite the hectic night on top of being threatened and then we are given a flashback of when, I assume, Kamali together with Keitesi (Natasha Sinayobye) were still young and under the care of Patrick “Salvador” Idringi. The camera work and setting of this scene is great, it captures the bleakness and unsettling nature of what is going on. Salvado is into child trafficking and sells the two girls to Suuna and back to the present day, we see keitesi bringing some pain killers for Kamali.

Next scene is a house party, Kamali and Keitesi are making their entrance and Abby immediately takes a liking to Kamali. Chemistry is definitely in the air between Abby and Kamali although a bit too much in the case of Kamali who I am assuming is being forced into prostitution against her will but hey, Gaetano happens to be a suave dude. They retire to the bedroom and in a blink and you miss it scene, they are done with the “bedroom activities”. Hopefully, everyone got their money`s worth. However, this had been a trap, Abby and Paul already knew Kamali and Keitesi were thieves but Abby still went ahead and got himself some stuff (what a douche!!)

Fast forward to the morning and after what was a night of vigorous interrogations, Kamali tells them where the laptop was and Paul after realizing his boss`s questionable behavior i.e. sleeping with a suspect directly calls Amaru to pick his laptop. We get a scene of Amaru interrogating his wife and threatening to shoot her…somehow I don’t believe him probably because Rabadaba is much more convincing in threatening physical violence than Cedric. Iam intrigued by what happened between Amaru and his wife though and I look forward to finding out.

When the laptop is given to Amaru, it has been wiped clean and then he goes into some speech about being a hunter, wanting to hunt, blah blah blah and thus ended the episode. Maybe Cedric`s acting will grow on me, it seemed lackluster in the premiere.


Overall, an okay start. There is enough mystery and intrigue to tune in again and you will not cringe all the time over the acting. I hope there is more screen time for Hellen, Salvador and Rabadaba plus more romantic scenes between Flavia and Gaetano.

Meanwhile that flashback scene, how come only Flavia and Natasha grew up? Could Salvador and Rabadaba be vampires? Now, there is a twist for you…

Stella Nyanzi Lands Research Job in South Africa


Despite her suspension from the University, Stella Nyanzi is set not to look back at Makerere University even when her suspension elapses. She has already been named a researcher at Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies in South Africa.

“I am very excited about starting my Research Fellowship at Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies. It is great to join an academic space that values the role of research and researchers in Africa. I am grateful to resume and plunge into producing academic research knowledge without any encumbrances,” she said after her appointment.

Stella Nyanzi today morning revealed she has only spent one day in office, but is amazed by the openness of different scholars to listen and engage with the issues that led to her protest. Unlike the general Ugandan response in which her nudity and profanity barred people from delving into the managerial, administrative, institutional, structural and systemic issues I protested against, academia in South Africa are keen about critically inquiring into the underlying issues.

7 Reasons Why Museveni Was Seated by the Roadside in a Bush

Museveni Seated by the Roadside

Our president has gone viral; the iconic photo of him by the roadside should by now be framed in the Uganda museum for the benefit of generation as they discuss the history of Uganda and behavior of its presidents. We at ULK convened a crisis meeting to discuss this momentous occasion and fabricate reasons as to why the president decided to have a phone call by the roadside. Seven reasons (wink wink) were identified by our brilliant staff and are detailed below.

Reminiscing the bush war days.

We all want to remember our glorious past escapades and we can all agree, the president had a very adventurous past. He must have been passing through Isingiro when suddenly a bout of nostalgia hit him hard, those days of sitting and sleeping under the stars. But of course our president can’t sit on the ground anymore (those days he was a rebel, sorry, revolutionary but now he is a general) so he had to get a chair. And he could not just sit there and do nothing (that’s for crazy people and presidential advisers) so he got a phone and called some of his remaining bush war comrades to chat about the bush days.

Ordering a rola

Unreliable information reaching us is that the president indeed likes eating rolexes. Recently however, he realized that Sula, his rolex guy, had not been putting enough tomatoes and onions in his rolex. He therefore had to sit by the roadside and call Sula to make a complaint about his rolex making skills and threaten to leave him if he did not change his ways. After Sula promised to add more tomatoes and onions, the president them made an order and instructed Sula to deliver the rolex to state house for his supper.

MTN Zone was 100%

Do you know what is rarer than Ziza Bafana singing things that make sense? It is MTN zone being at 100% during the day. As the president approached this particular spot, he realized that MTN zone was 100% so he had to sit and witness this miracle. Also, he tried moving to another spot but zone just kept going back to 30% so had to sit in that spot and utilize the opportunity.

Talking to Lyanna Mormont

If you do not know who Lyanna Mormont is, congratulations are in order for having arrived safely on earth from whichever planet you have been on. The next step as you get used to earth is to go to Zai plaza and get a pirated copy of Game of Thrones, season 6 from Papa`s video shop. Then you will know why the president had to sit down on the roadside as he talked to the ruler of Bear Island in Westeros.

Chatting on WhatsApp

There are those times when group whatsapps are on fire, everyone is chatting and jokes are flying around or two people are going at each other in a group and the insults are flying faster than you can say, awkward. This was clearly one of those times and the president being distracted by the sound of speeding vehicles decided to have a sit and properly participate in the WhatsApp chats.

Just Chirrin

Dude runs an entire country, he must get tired also. He just wanted a few minutes to rest his soul and mind and what better way to do it than sit by the roadside and breathe the clean countryside air as you answer a few phone calls.

Stealing Besigye`s thunder.

Mbu, after realizing that Besigye had been set free on bail from jail, the president took a page out of the how to steal other people`s thunder playbook…if you want people to ignore your rival`s being released from jail, take a photo seated by the roadside in a bush and making a phone call. That will get people talking about you more.

Removable Vs Embedded Phone Battery: Pros And Cons


Battery life is one of the most important things to consider when buying a new smartphone. How you use your smartphone greatly determines its battery life .Big, bright screens, 3G/4G,GPS, Wi-Fi, NFC, and Bluetooth modes enabled makes your battery run out fast and further added that you should look out for the battery material type and the power capacity usually rated in mAh. The higher the mAh, the higher the phone’s power capacity.

Although Non-removable (Embedded/in-built) batteries are not very common, they are of high value and fashion. These are batteries designed not to be taken out of the phone/tablet by the consumer. For example, all Huawei premium smartphones like MATE8, P9, GR5&Gr3 and tablets come with inbuilt (embedded) batteries. Our reporter had a one-on-one with Samuel Cris Ayo, Devices Service Manager, Huawei Uganda who cited the advantages and disadvantages as below;


  • Fewer parts that can break– It is very difficult to get inside the phone and tamper with delicate parts that could cause damage.
  • Less gaps– Literally less room for dust or dirt to access the device, and no chance for dirt to be transported in through changing a battery
  • Slimmer battery– Phone manufacturers can make their phone slimmer as the battery unit is designed and seal together.
  • Single frames or ‘unibody design’are usually more solid than phones with battery ‘doors’ and often look far sleeker.


  • Battery issues are terminal. This is the big disadvantage of sealed units, if your battery malfunctions or begins to fail, you’re stuck with it, as it cannot be (easily) replaced. In most cases you’ll need to replace the whole phone for a simple battery fault.
  • No Battery Boost. As you can’t remove the battery it’s impossible to swap it out for a spare or even upgrade to something more powerful.
  • No hard restart– if the phone freezes as you can’t whip the battery out, you’ll just have to wait for the battery to die or hope the manual restart works.
  • Water damage. Ok, this one is a little on both advantage and disadvantage because it’s difficult to prove, but in our experience, getting water in a non-removable sealed phone is terrible. Unlike a removable battery, where you can attempt to dry out the innards before the battery can short the phone, sealed units with non-removable batteries struggle to dry out before damage is done.

On the other hand, removable batteries are batteries that are designed to be taken out of the host device.


  • Hard restart. The old adage “Have you tried turning it on and off again” is often the fix for many of the world’s tech problems. Although whipping your battery out at the first sign of trouble if not often the best idea (it can be damaging in some circumstances) this ‘hard restart’ method is proven to work when all else is frozen and the manual restart won’t work.
  • Easy to dry. If you do happen to get a little too much water on a phone, removable batteries have a slight advantage over their sealed counterparts as you can try and get said battery out before it has time to short. You can then dry the separate component and pray to the god of tech for compassion.
  • Replaceable. Unfortunately, batteries don’t last forever, and frankly modern batteries don’t last that long at all so buying a replace is a good fix for when your old power source is just not holding its charge.


  • Untraceable– this might be an advantage for some, but for most people, if your phone is stolen and the battery is removed, it’s effectively untraceable (digitally).
  • Damage– removing a battery usually requires the phone to be literally cracked open, meaning the internal working of the phone have a higher chance of damage or contact with dust and dirt
  • Size–Phones with removable batteries tend to have a slightly larger frame size as the battery is not sealed or manufactured into the closed case.

For every smartphone owner out there, he mentioned the following tips as ways to save power on your smartphone battery

  • Turn Off Vibrations
  • Dim Your Screen
  • Shorten Screen Timeout
  • Switching Off When Inactive
  • Charge Your Battery Correctly
  • Close Unnecessary Apps
  • Disable GPS
  • No Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G/4G When Not in Use
  • Minimize Notifications
  • Maintain Cool Temperature as a high temperature may damage your phone battery
  • Use a charger that has the right specifications to charge your phone

We Need These Ministries Too. Asap!!!

Kampala Traffic

Minister for blocking out social media

Since blocking social media channels is now a thing, we also need a minister to preside over this important matter. We don’t want to buy our weekly bundles and then, just like that, you hear social media blocked. We work hard for the money to buy MBs so they can’t just go to waste like that. Also, the minister should sensitize the nation about VPNs. What are these things? Where do we find them? Why do the people who use them think they are geniuses? Will you be charged with treason if found in possession of one? These are critical questions requiring a knowledgeable response from a minister.

Ministry of Traffic Jam

It’s about time we realize traffic jams as a crucial constituency within this country. Everyone has been in that traffic jam where they say ayayayaya…kika!!. The kind where the taxi driver gets out of the taxi and goes to eat some katogo at a kafunda while the conductor yawns in the taxi. The ideal minister should be a taxi driver and a conductor to be a minister of state. They could introduce popular measures to reduce the stress and burden of traffic jams. For example, how about hiring Sheebah to sing during the jams, she can roll around on the cars while singing nkwaatako and then it rains, so she gets soaked  and you can see….wait, where was I?  Yes, entertainment during traffic jams.

Minister for youth unemployment

This thing of youth unemployment is everywhere yet it is not represented at the highest levels of government. We need a minister to develop policy and strategy for the unemployed youth to engage in unemployment activities. What are unemployment activities, you ask? Ask Al Hajji Nadduli, I feel he would have the right answer for you.

Ministry for Besigye detention and prosecution

This is surely overdue, the resources and effort required to keep Besigye in check should be consolidated and a ministry created for efficiency. It is a critical effort and therefore should be given the effort it deserves. These ministerial duties should include but not limited to the following, checking when Besigye wakes up, checking whether he brushes his teeth in the morning, finding out whether he prefers tea or porridge for the breakfast, how does he maintain that long distance relationship with Winnie? critically examining how many times he goes to the toilet (if it is more than five times, that would be weird). A report of these and other activities must be compiled and examined daily.

Presidential adviser on Stella Nyanzi affairs

You never know what Stella Nyanzi is going to do or post on her Facebook page so it is imperative that the president is kept aware of Stella`s affairs. One day it could cause a rebellion in this country and the president wouldn’t even know.

Minister for Ludo Affairs

You know, just for just.

Interview With The 15k Rolex, What Makes It So Special?

Ugandan Rolex

Recently CNN did a piece on the number one economic activity for the Basoga as well as the staple food for campusers, bachelors, bachelorettes, corporates, born-again, musicians, Eddy Kenzo (he sings or he thinks he does but I refuse to call him a musician), broke people, anyway all Ugandans because we might sleep here. Then lo and behold we got a rolex that was priced more than chips and chicken. We had to search out this rare specimen and ask it why a sane Ugandan would forego ten rolexes (fifteen, if you are a good bargainer) for the price of one.

Me: Tell us, ridiculously priced rolex (RPR), are the eggs used in your making golden or is the flour sprinkled with diamonds?

RPR: That goose that laid the golden eggs was killed and don’t be silly, you don’t eat diamonds, you wear them.

Me: So then, the chef that made you must have been the original musoga, he then went to rolex school where he graduated with a first class degree in chopping tomatoes, onions and green pepper. For his masters, he learnt the delicate art of mixing all those ingredients in a cup and indeed he graduated summa cum laude from whence he pursued a PHD in….

RPR: DUDE!!! slow your roll. Chef guy was called Ruhweza and his relation to a musoga is that they all emerged from the Bantu ethnic group. Also, he was expelled from primary school for peeping at the Headmaster`s wife when she was bathing during evening prep.

Me: Which means that the knife used in your making was forged in the depths of Mount Doom. The sigiri from which you were fried was designed by Leonardo Da Vinci and thereafter handcrafted by Michelangelo. It was then carefully preserved over the centuries and eventually handed over to your chef who then brought you to delicious life.

RPR: Mount Doom doesn’t exist, and for you to mention the word sigiri in the same sentence as Da Vinci and Michelangelo is outrageous blasphemy. You should be prosecuted for treason in the Ugandan courts of law.

Me: Does that mean therefore that the fire with which you were fried descended from the heavens?

RPR: No, the fire was generated by a matchbox, made by Mukwano industries Uganda limited.

Me: The oil used must have been for the purpose of anointing but was then borrowed to aid in your making.

RPR: No, we used BIDCO cooking oil.

Me: So what makes you worth 15k?

RPR: We are moving to a middle income country and my price must also reflect this steady progress.

Kadaga Talks To The Ancestors: What Really Went Down

Kadaga Visits a Witch Doctor

Rebecca Kadaga (aka Becky with the wig hair) caused outrage in the country by going to “thank” her ancestors in Busoga for winning the speakership. She says she was just promoting tourism but that excuse is not just lame, it requires life support to even be considered an excuse. I however think that the speaker should be given a break, after all, no one is out there stoning Maama Fiina and she makes her living giving “ancestral blessings” which is a highly profitable business by the look of things. In order to convince Ugandans that their speaker is not a witch doctor, I have obtained a transcript of the conversation between her and the ancestors which should clear the air.

Ancestor 1: Becky, thanks for coming to appreciate our efforts. There are those people who never come back after getting what they want or they sneak in here in the night and wake us up when we are dreaming. I hate those people.

Ancestor 2: Speaking of people who never come back, have any of our branches received a one Bukenya Gilbert? Former mahogany now burnt charcoal.

Intern ancestor checks on visitor logs and finds no record of a visit by Bukenya.

Ancestor 2: Let’s keep that fellow confused until he learns some manners. Intern, go reduce his reasoning capacity further.

Intern: But it is at zero, no one takes him seriously anymore.

Ancestor 2: okay, we shall convene a meeting to discuss the next steps. Sorry Becky, we are not paying enough attention. Intern, go prepare some lemon juice for our girl.

Ancestor 1: Eh, but Becky those ancestors of Omoro were not easy, they had refused to accept defeat. Can you believe they even awakened Gipir and Nyabongo and we all know those two never really got along.

Ancestor 2: If it wasn’t for the intervention of Kintu, stuff had jam. That ka-Gipir guy came waving his spear and we had all scattered. But Kintu came in and put him in his proper place, told him to stop being too greedy or he would face the music. He was like mbu trying to refuse again and Kintu just pulled out a 600 mm caliber RPG-7V2, reloadable launcher.

Ancestor 1: We all know you cannot bring a spear to an RPG fight. Hahaha, you should have seen the look on Gipir`s face.

Intern: It was like some expendables shit!!

Ancestor 2: So you are watching movies instead of the work we give you. Be careful, I will not give you a recommendation letter when your internship ends.

Intern: There isn’t any work anymore. Everyone prays to Jesus nowadays and they get what they want. You don’t even have to pay anything. Your business model is very obsolete.

Ancestor 2: What do you know? You just died a few years ago, for us we have been dead for centuries and know much more than you do.

Ancestor 1: You guys, where has Becky gone? Don’t tell she has already left!!

Ancestor 2: Kale, I wanted to talk to her about Besigye. He looks like he could use our services.

Intern: Me, I want to get saved.

Ancestor  2: GET THE F*** OUT OF HERE!!!

5 Trends that Make Cities Safer


Rapid urbanization has made public safety a top priority of city governance. Governments worldwide recognize that urban safety plays a vital role in protecting people’s lives and property, and is the cornerstone of economic growth in modern cities. To make cities smarter and safer, they are adopting innovative information and communications technologies (ICT) designed to prevent and react to evolving threats.

Safety risks can be effectively addressed by leading new ICT, particularly Wireless Broadband, Cloud Computing, and Big Data. Ms. Rose Moyo, the Director of Enterprise Wireless Solutions of Huawei in East and Southern Africa shared the following five trends which Safe City Solutions can be driven at the KCCA East and Central African Cities development Forum at Speke Resort Munyonyo.

Internet of Things: Comprehensive Situational Awareness, Intelligent Protection

Video surveillance systems are essential to enable Safe Cities by providing live and recorded videos at key locations. Safety agencies can analyze the videos to predict potential risks, and take appropriate measures to prevent incidents before they occur. When an incident happens, safety agencies can access and watch recorded videos to find valuable insights for handling the incident quickly and safely.

Video is a collection of people, vehicles, and environments based on image sensing technologies. However, video collection alone can no longer adapt to increasingly complex environments. Government agencies need a holistic Safe City system that capitalizes on a variety of sensors and smart technologies to facilitate comprehensive situational awareness and intelligent protection via the Internet of Things (IoT).

A holistic Safe City system covers a wide range of areas including residential communities, banks, postal offices, roads, and vehicles. At key locations, such as airports and metro stations, the Safe City system can adopt state-of-the-art IoT technologies to perform data collection, wireless communications, and tracking and analysis, achieving comprehensive security protection.

Video Cloud Storage: Large-Scale Video Networking and Sharing

According to IMS Research, more than 56 million cameras were shipped in 2014 alone, generating over 1,600 PB videos on a daily basis. Government agencies are facing significant challenges in managing and using this immense amount of data, such as:

• Sharing and searching vast amounts of data in traditional ways is time-consuming, inefficient, and challenging across agencies and regions.
• Video reliability is compromised by non-professional storage methods. Valuable videos may be lost or corrupted, negatively influencing case clearance efficiency.

Siloed video storage system architecture hinders video usage efficiency and reliability, and needs rethinking. One effective solution is video cloud architecture, which uses cloud storage technologies to enable large-scale video networking and sharing.

Wireless Broadband Trunking: Prompt and Accurate Emergency Response
Effective cross-agency resource scheduling and unified command are critical for prompt and accurate emergency response. To achieve this, government agencies urgently need a unified wireless communications platform that converges video, voice, and data services for unified dispatching, accurate decision-making, and efficient command.

Today, narrowband digital trunking is evolving to broadband multimedia trunking with a focus on 4G Long-Term Evolution (LTE). LTE broadband trunking delivers a downstream bandwidth of 100 Mbit/s and an upstream bandwidth of 50 Mbit/s to achieve real-time video transmission. Its latency and security also comply with professional standards and adapt to industry-specific scenarios. When a public safety incident occurs, a broadband trunking system allows first responders to receive videos from, send on-site videos back to, and join a video conference with the command center, drastically improving emergency response accuracy and efficiency.

Converged Command Center: Efficient Emergency Response

A command center functions as the central system that coordinates police, fire, and medical departments for unified actions. A traditional command center is challenged in the following ways:
• Lack of on-site videos impedes decision-making accuracy of the command center.
• Different agencies have different communication systems making cross-agency information sharing and service collaboration challenging.

To address these challenges, a future-ready command center must integrate diverse systems to achieve service interoperability and information sharing:

• By interoperating with on-site video collection, broadband trunking, and conferencing systems, the command center implements real-time video sharing and stays informed of on-site conditions.
• The interoperability of cross-system terminals facilitates unified voice and video conferencing across agencies, enhancing collaboration and decision-making efficiency.
• A converged command center will broadly use voice, video, and data services for accurate, efficient decision-making.

Big Data Analytics: Scientific Command, Rapid Response

With the continuous development of Safe City systems, government agencies are concerned about how to use and manage a growing number of devices, data, and application resources. Big Data technology opens up new possibilities for efficient data searches, analysis, storage, and usage. The technology helps police officers analyze behaviors, movements, and social relationships of suspects, and identify their biological features. By doing so, police officers can make effective decisions in scheduling police forces and rapidly responding to emergencies.

As cities continue to develop, government agencies are under pressure to ensure public safety. The priority of Safe City development is shifting from site deployment to intelligent management. Innovative ICT is helping government agencies to strengthen safety management capabilities and make cities safer.

These Safe City Solutions have been widely deployed across the globe by Huawei a leading global ICT solutions provider. For example, Huawei helped Kenya improve public safety by establishing safe city systems consisting of a Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, broadband trunking eLTE, video surveillance, and intelligent analysis (license plate recognition and traffic violation detection). According to Kenya’s annual police report, the crime rate in the regions covered by the system declined by 46 percent in 2015 compared to the previous year. In particular, the solution played a vital role in ensuring the safety of Pope Francis during his visit to Kenya on November 26, 2015.

Huawei has successfully implemented solutions worldwide to help build greater levels of Public Safety for more than 100 cities in more than 30 countries serving more than four hundred million citizens.

Huawei Targets the Low Income Market With The GR5 And GR3


Initially smartphones were made for the comfort of professionals and high income earners who would afford the prices, but today an average Ugandan with a regular income can afford a smartphone.

In their latest bid to reach the low to mid-level market, Huawei recently introduced the GR5 and GR3 affordable smartphones. We sat down with Jean Baguma, the Huawei Uganda Marketing Manager on the changing trends of smartphone usage in Uganda as well as the distinct features of the Huawei GR3 and GR5 that have made it affordable yet smart.

Just recently Huawei introduced the GR3 and the GR5 phones to the Ugandan market. What is your market segment for these two smartphones?

Since the Ugandan market is extensive and diverse, the GR3 and GR5 are carefully designed to accommodate our spectrum of consumers with their different tastes putting in consideration the varied income levels. The GR3 and GR5 phones are price friendly yet come with exciting features that appeal to people who are always on the go, have growing careers or business but also very exciting social lives.

Can you clarify on the unique features of the GR3 and GR5?

The Huawei GR3 features outstanding photographic functionality giving the user the power to capture life’s moments. Part of its uniqueness lies in its appearance which is an elegant frame, inlaid in an aluminium alloy unibody, finished with a ceramic-sand-blasting process, making the Huawei GR3 a true piece of fashionable art.

Technically the Huawei GR3 comes with a 5.0-inch HD screen display and is powered by a 1.5 GHz 64-bit Octa core MediaTek MTK6753T processor paired with 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of inbuilt storage.

Huawei GR5 on the other hand is an easy to use phone, it has a fast responding 2nd generation fingerprint scanner with the 360-degree sensor that allows the user to control their device with a simple touch. This device has a long lasting battery, 3000mAh Li-Polymer, and is designed for convenience and single-handed use. It comes with 16 GB memory, 2 GB RAM, expandable memory with microSD, up to 128 GB (uses SIM 2 slot) and 64-bit octa-core MSM8939 processor.

There’s a popular misconception in Uganda with individuals believing a touch screen ia a qualifying factor for a smartphone. How can one differentiate a smartphone from a regular cell phone?

Basically, a smartphone is a device that lets you make telephone calls, but also adds in features that, in the past, you would have found only on a personal computer or laptop. Unlike regular cell phones, smartphones should at least have an operating system, for example Android OS. In addition, smartphones should have web access, QWERTY keyboard where keys are laid out just like a computer keyboard; they should also have messaging as well as apps services.

Why are more Ugandans adopting smartphones?

There is a surge in social media communication on networks such as Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook in Uganda. Many Ugandans appreciate the affordability, ease and fastness of these networks for both their communication needs as well as to receive both local and international news. In addition, smartphone apps for services such as car trading, online food ordering among others have simplified day to day living.

What makes Huawei phones different from other brands on the market?

Huawei phones have a world class camera that consumers world over have grown accustomed to. In addition, in 2015 we unveiled a super battery prototype, demonstrating its tech advancements on two prototype removable lithium-ion batteries that can be fully recharged in only a few minutes. Now this battery expertise is filtering down to our everyday handsets. As well, Huawei phones are well designed and have a high end performance at affordable prices.

Besides data, voice and social media, how can Ugandans fully maximise their smartphones?

Smartphones can be fully optimized thoroughly utilization of app services. With the right apps uploaded, a smartphone can be a useful not only for communication purposes but also health wise, in business and other areas.

Mid-level smartphones usually come with security challenges such as identity thefts, what has Huawei done to ensure optimal security?

The Huawei GR5 for example comes with a 2nd generation fingerprint scanner. This is a rear-mounted fingerprint scanner that provides enhanced phone security.

From where can I purchase the GR3 and GR5?

The GR3 and GR5 can be purchased from our dealers such as Fonexpress, Simba telecom, Go phones, Nilecom, among others.

Why Museveni Should Choose Kenzo As Minister Of Education

Eddy Kenzo

Some people are about to be fired from their ministerial posts as the president ushers in a new and unprecedented era of steady progress. As concerned citizens, we are forwarding a list of potential nominees to the president as he ponders who to give stones and who to send back to the village.

Minister of Housing: Bebe Cool/ Moses SSali

Mr Ssali will bring his vast experience in building a house to the cabinet. Sources say the president has been impressed by Ssali`s attention to detail and desire for perfection which has seen him take a century to construct a house. Apparently he thinks he is constructing a pyramid. Bebe Cool`s perfection is such that he put a hold on construction so that he could import sand from the sahara desert  after refusing to use sand from lake Victoria. Mbu, he couldn’t use sand from a lake where Bobi wine has a beach. This is the kind of determination that the president is going to require from his ministers as Uganda makes the leap to middle income status within 5 years

Minister of Education: Eddy Kenzo

Surely this appointment makes the most sense, if Kenzo is not willing to acquaint himself with knowledge of basic math, being a minister of education should at least give him some knowledge through being mentioned in the same sentence with the word education. Just don’t expect him to account for the ministry expenditure.

Minister of internal affairs: Maama Fiina

Renown traditional/witch doctor is a busy body. She is a such a fixture on Bukedde news that a maama Fiina desk should be created at New Vision. She is renting a house for an ex-kifeesi  gang member in bwaise today, tomorrow she is intervening in a domestic quarrels for people in Kabulasoke, the other day she is battling spirits that have gone rogue in Mukono (as they always do in mukono). Her services to this nation should be rewarded by a ministerial post, In fact, having a government car and a police escort will enable her go faster to the places where she is needed.

Minister of Ethics: Father Lokodo or Franklin Emuobor

This is a tough one, these are both epically useless fellows and Emuobor having called out Father Lokodo on his blatant lies should give him some marks. But as a patriotic Ugandan, I second Father Lokodo to bounce back so he can continue to be useless as before. Father Lokodo must have invented the phrase barking dogs do not bite. The last thing he must have bitten so hard was the last Eucharist as he left fatherhood in order to measure the length of skirts and scrutinize nude pictures.

Minister of Defence: Jon Snow

Jon Snow is out of a job after being knifed (literally) in Game of Thrones. And if you can fight the white walkers (not to be confused with the walkers of the walking dead, white walkers are much cooler), you can crush opposition protests while eating a rolex with two chapatis and four eggs as well green pepper.

Minister of Finance: Sudhir Ruparelia

We joke way too much here at ULK but this appointment should be considered seriously. I mean this dude can really throw a party, imagine the parties he can throw if he is in charge of the treasury, that way, we can really enjoy the taxes we pay and the residents of Bwaise won’t even mind canoeing to work daily.

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