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Uganda Safari- A Way to Discover The Hidden Secrets of The Pearl of Africa


Uganda qualifies to be Africa’s most exciting holiday destination for a list of catching safari reflections. The small East African country is a sun-setting paradise, with vast game parks, and reserves, unbothered cultures, peaks of cordial folks, inland beaches, an adrenaline adventure hub, the untamed rolling landscape, and whatsoever to mention.

Uganda is a land of extraordinary natural wonders when mentioned just mark an ear-to-ear smile and leave you marveled. Well, get to know about Uganda safari and mark what would be your next type of interest when opting for that special moment in the land.

The British Premier considered the land to be a nature basket for Africa and renamed Uganda the “Pearl of Africa.” According to the RTI report described that “Uganda is home to an incredible array of animals and plant species, making it one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet.”

Not much that you would find missing on Uganda safaris, and unlimited to find only here and will not catch anywhere else. Less, count the Big Five, wildlife species, boasts over the highest concentration of mountain gorillas, best chimpanzee tracking experience, track tree climbing lions, untouched cultures, and varies of landscapes, 3rd and 4th Africa’s peaks, the warm weather throughout the year, sand beaches. The list still counts the Nile Adrenaline adventures, one of the annual overcrowded events, and many considerations.

The incredible part of taking up a Uganda safari, you either go for a guided tour or self guided one. The guided tours involve visiting and exploring the different tourist sites on your itinerary under the stewardship of a safari guide. These kinds of expeditions are tendered by local tour operators who organize, most of the tour items into a package.

Whereas a self guided tour also known as a self drive safari involves hiring a car to discover the pearl of Africa on your own. Self drive safaris are offered by car rental in Uganda which arranges a 4×4 vehicle and can also advise on the lodges to stay, the parks to visit, and the activities to do.

Both kinds of safaris are exciting and breathtaking in equal measure. The onus is on the tourists to choose the best expedition to take if they wish to explore Uganda and discover its hidden secrets.

Why Uganda Safari?

A list of natural wonders that always have been the puller for digits of vacationists imminent to the realm. The marketing of Uganda as a natural tourist/safari destination has been extremely concerted on these brands, which are particularly national parks. Uganda has 10 national parks that offer various series of adventures, a safari adventure in the realm will never miss any of them. These national parks include;

–         Murchison Falls National Park – is most known for the world’s most powerful waterfalls

–         Kidepo Valley National Park – the true African wildness being the remotest park in Africa

–         Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – Ultimate gorilla experiences with about 50% of the world’s gorillas

–         Kibale National Park – the world primate capital with about 13 recorded primate species

–         Queen Elizabeth National Park – the medley of wonders

–         Lake Mburo National Park – the whispers of the wild

–         Mt Rwenzori National Park – the magical challenge

–         Mt Elgon – the world’s largest mountain caldera

–         Semuliki National Park – the true birder’s haven

–         Mgahinga Gorilla National Park – where gold meets silver

The warm weather mixture of rainy and sunny seasons that each doubles a year. That stature of the country a chilly destination with a warm day and cool nights, the weather also observe the landscape varies and the mountainous western region receive the highest amount of rainfall, and nights here are much cold than other regions, we ass the flat northern region also dominate in warmth, especially during day time. The moderate description of weather in Uganda enables safaris activities to be done throughout the year.

A variety of adventures also brands Uganda an admirable safari terminus, bearing in mind the mentioned parks, just discern they offer varying adventure undertakings. Among these most catching is the mountain gorilla trekking which is next to wildebeest, and game drives which is the major safari consideration to the huge number of travelers. Thirdly, chimpanzee tracking next, wild boat cruises, mountain climbing, tracking the tree climbing lions, bird watching, visiting upcountry designated communities for cultural experiences iconically the Karamoja people northeastern Uganda and the Batwa of Bwindi and Mgahinga parks.

Hiking and adrenaline adventures are naturally mindful, hiking mountains to the peak of Margarita suggests the best and most challenging magic in hiking. The source of the Nile River, always makes it perfect for adrenaline adventures like rafting, kayaking, and bungee jumping among several considerations.

The question of why Uganda safari? Is summarized for easy noting when outlining your travel highlights for the next trip.

–         The endless breathtaking sceneries in the tropics and savannah orders

–         Spectacular wildlife watching with endless landscape

–         A spot of endangered species that are as well endemic (gorillas, chimpanzees, golden monkeys, certain bird species, etc.)

–         Amazing people and their authentic cultural displays

–         Organic cuisine tastes (matooke, luwombo, Rolex snacks, and many more).

–         Honeymoon hideouts islands (Kalangala Island)

– Bird-watching spots

–         Real African City tours

Special Adventures to do on Uganda safaris

Trekking mountain gorilla

Routinely recognized as Uganda’s most catching adventure undertaking, and marked as Africa’s highlight for the rest of the adventures. Gorilla trekking offers visitors a kind of jungle ownership sense when searching for these human closest cousins. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park monopolized the adventure being endemic volcanic forests for the endangered mountain gorillas.

Not like the wildlife game drivers where everything is comfortably enjoyed within your 4×4 safari car rental, for gorilla trekking, the comfort tops on restrictions as one has to wander through the tops and lows of the impenetrable within these Alps imitators.

Gorillas in Uganda are fully habituated to ensure an up-close encounter, that is next after hours of wandering in search of the species. The trek can last about 30 minutes to 4 hours to encounter the gorillas depending on the location of where the gorillas are found.

Mountain gorillas are endangered species, that are endemic to only two volcanic tropical forests of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and the Virunga Conservation Areas shared among triplets (Uganda, Rwanda, and DR Congo). Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is famously the capital of gorillas with about 50% of the world’s population and the rest of the population splinted into the Virunga Massifs (Mgahinga Gorilla National Park Uganda, Volcanos National Park Rwanda and Virunga National Park DR Congo).

Opting to undertake gorilla trekking tour, then must have a permit that costs $700 to trek for a day. Your day starts with a briefing on trekking etiquette, rolling into the thick tropic Alps, starting a search for the gorillas, and finding there is an hour left for you to interact with the species.

Wildlife game drives

Uganda’s highest point of safaris, reputedly the most adventure activity is done on Uganda Safaris. Wildlife game drive is the birth adventure for African safaris and Uganda boasts in. well, 5 of the 10 national parks have availed space for encountering and watching plenty of wild animals. Wildlife game drives stature the most adventure done within the Pearl of Africa and the most rewarding on safaris to these parks of Murchison Falls National Park, Kidepo Valley National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Lake Mburo National Park, and Semuliki National Park.

Done seated in your safari 4×4 vehicle with a pop-up for the 360-angle viewpoint, and the most catch here are some of the Big Five, Prides of Lions and Leopards, herds of Buffalos, African Elephants, several antelope species, zebras, towers of giraffes, schools of hippos, warthogs, hyena, monkeys among a great number of wild animals. Also bird species where Uganda is rated as the 4th with the highest bird population on the African continent meaning a wider range of view, especially with a safari birding guide.

Taking an adventure to Uganda without doing a game drive, is considered an incomplete safari. The wildlife abundance of Uganda avails an opportunity to undertake wildlife game drives.

Tracking endangered chimpanzee

Another amazing moment of rolling into the forest and start seeking out the unbothered creatures. Tracking chimpanzees in Uganda is considered the best around the continent, Kibale National Park is a premier mention on matters concerning chimpanzee tracking in Uganda. Chimpanzees here are habituated, they are aware of human presence and guarantee an up-close encounter. Also in Uganda chimpanzees are tracked from Budongo forest reserve, Kyambura gorge in Queen Elizabeth, and Toro Semuliki game reserve.

Hiking the Mt. Rwenzori challenge

Right after Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya, Mt. Rwenzor comes next in Africa’s heights, with hiking experience Mount Rwenzori has always suggested that more challenging magnificent hike. Mount Rwenzori is located in western Uganda sharing regional borders with DR Congo. Mount Rwenzori is a special snow-capped mountain one of the few remaining snow-capped peaks on the African continent due to continued global warming activities.

The mountain was formed with various folds (ranges) and the highest fold being Margarita peak which suggests the longest hiking trail in Africa to reach the peak. Walk-through folds to the 5109m elevation can last between 6 to 7 days to and fro which is the longest hike. However, various trails can last for hours, days, and a week. For your Uganda hiking safari, Mt. Rwenzori presents the best.

Boat cruise in the wild

Some savannah parks are dotted with significant water bodies which are channels, rivers, and lakes. For this case, Uganda safari presents three parks Murchison Falls National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, and Lake Mburo National Parks for the wild boat cruise/rides. Taking a wildlife boat cruise is a breathtaking and relaxed adventure, seated or standing on the boat balcony you got to watch a full scale of wild species as they display.

A boat cruise in Murchison Falls National Park is done along the Victoria Nile leading to the bottom of the falls to gaze at how the rapids fuse right through a narrow gorge. At Queen Elizabeth National Park the boat cruise continues on the amazing Kazinga channel that connects the two lakes of Gorge and Edward great view of wildlife and hippo pools. And the Mburo is a perfect naming as well for a boat ride as another major undertaking in Lake Mburo National Park that is aimed at mainly game-watching and birding opportunities.

Visiting communities for culture

Uganda’s diversity continues with people who hold on to various backgrounds and beliefs. People and their communities have now become one display expected on the menu of Uganda safaris. The upcountry mainly has kept people in love with what their grand were taught and not willing to turn. The authenticity of culture makes sure an ideal destination to consider for safaris. Almost all parks have availed community-based tourism and activities which has turned into a significant role in sustainable conservation.

The Karamoja people are authentic and none staged that only tells what these people are indeed are. And the Batwa pygmies have become famous for opposing the recent government action of denying them and evicting them with land heritage without compensation. Today, these people are displaying their cultures in which they earn money for a living.

Other adventures to do on Uganda safaris

Uganda is naturally a basket of adventures, besides most adventures, there is a line of enchanting safari activities. These include golden monkey tracking, gorilla habituation, tree climbing tracking, and rhino tracking at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is very crucial when opting to count the Big Five mammals, birding safaris, horse biking, quad biking, volcanic hiking, trekking the Sipi falls, source of the Nile adventures, Kampala city tours, visiting the honeymooner Kalangala island, sport fishing, sunbathing along the beaches on lake Victoria, visiting Sempaya hot springs, a drive through chain of crater lakes among other adventures.

Top 5 destinations to consider on a Safari to Uganda

Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is currently the most visited tourist destination in Uganda, the park is majorly famous for having the world’s most powerful waterfalls. Located in northern Uganda, also is the largest protected area in the country and an adventure here is an opening to watch the Big Five mammals. The park is crossed by the Victoria Nile which bisects the park into the northern and southern sections.

The golden savannah is dotted with acacia thickets and a relatively open landscape, particularly on the northern court of the part that stretches along the Victoria Nile joining the Albert Lake to form an amazing Nile delta a hub for a larger concentration of wildlife. A drive to the park introduces you to watch some of the big five mammals and the park avails a wider chance of spotting all the big five alongside Ziwa Rhino tracking.

Wildlife game drives, boat cruises to the bottom of the falls, driving to the top of the falls, wild camping, nature walks and chimpanzee tracking at Bundongo forest reserves, and spots fishing are the major adventure undertakings on Uganda safaris leading to Murchison Falls National Park.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

At the rim of the Western Great Rift Valley in southwestern Uganda is this fabulous volcanic tropical forest. The park is a UNESCO world heritage site that was declared due to the ancient and very biological ecosystem rainforest that dates to more than 25,000 years.

This is a biodiverse packed forest that boasts of about 450 mountain gorillas as per the 2019 gorilla census approximately half of the world population, about 400 plants species are recorded and about 360 bird species are recorded, other mammals include various primate species, forest elephants, buffalos, forest hogs, bushbucks to some 120 mammals are recorded here.

Gorilla trekking safaris started at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in late 1999. This ancient rain-tropical forest bargains the highest opportunities for seeing the mountain gorillas with about 17 fully habituated gorilla families. There are 4 trekking sectors of the Buhoma sector in the northern that also hosts the headquarters of the parks, the first sector where gorillas first trekked before other sectors were open. And the other sectors include Ruhija, Rushaga, and the amazing hills of the Nkuringo sector.

To trek gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable must have a permit which costs $700 per permit to trek per day. As well, Bwindi Impenetrable also avails habituation adventures which are uniquely done here only for $1,500 per permit and have a 4-hour experience, the offer is a great experience compared to the Rwanda one-hour experience that equals the rates.

Kidepo Valley National Park

African authenticity and wider wild background outlooks are the boasts of Kidepo Valley National Park. The park is located in northeastern Uganda sharing a border with South Sudan. The park is the most isolated considering its accessibility by land, CNN termed the park as Africa’s remotest park. The virgin part of the world is here, almost everything about the park is authentic right from nature to people who have negligently rejected the global trends of civilization.

The park is spread about 580km by road from Kampala using the Kampala –Gulu – Kitgum – Kabong road which can take about 10 hours’ drive. Advisably, when driving to Kidepo Valley National Park not consider a one-day trip but can consider an en-route night. But also can take a scheduled flight from Entebbe Airport or Kajjansi airstrip to Apoka airstrip which can take about an hour.

The special treatment of the park lies along the Narus Valley and Kidepo valleys which houses higher concentrations of wildlife, the Nga’Moru wilderness campsite, communities, and the extinct volcanos of Morongoru are special consideration on a safari to Kidepo Valley National Park.

The park is a spot-on nugget of wildlife profusion with some of the endemic species which are not listed in other parks, and hosts about 75 mammals species among these include some of the Big Five, zebras, giraffes, hyena, fox, warthogs, many antelope species among other mammals. About 450 birds are recorded with Ostrich being the premier particularly seen in the Kidepo valley, and the secretary bird at Narus Valley.

The wide range of wildlife and vast landscape avails space to take various adventures at Kidepo including; Wildlife game drives, nature walks, cultural community visits, mountain biking, and wild camping.

Jinja Source of the Nile River

The source of the Nile is a unique spot of greater adventures in Uganda. Located in Jinja eastern of Kampala, the city can be reached via the Kampala-Jinja highway about 80km. Jinja is theoretically named the East African capital of adrenaline adventures. River Nile is a unique world drainage system that accelerates right from Lake Victoria in Uganda and pours to the Mediterranean Sea via Egypt. African countries that benefit from the Nile River drainage system include Uganda, South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Egypt.

The source of the Nile stretch with various features particularly waterfalls and cliffs that have influenced several adventures. The rapids here are better places for adventures; the world-class white water rafting to the advancement grade 4 and 5, kayaking, tubing, and incredible bungee jumping are rewards of the source of the Nile River.

Along the Nile rewards, cultural performances like at Bujagali, horse riding and quad biking, and boat ride to the source point where you water springs. As the water continues through the rush chlorophyll backdrop it leaves a series of spectacular features of rapids and beautiful scenes that have attracted a huge number of travelers making Jinja a capital of adventures.

Queen Elizabeth National Park

The paramount domicile to spot lions, Queen Elizabeth for decades has lingered in the most popular park in Uganda. The biodiversity of Queen Elizabeth National Park with gust terrific savannah grasslands, forests, gorges, water bodies, series of craters, and wetlands are home to a vast number of mammals, birds, aquatic life, and insects among others.

The park got its name to commemorate the visit of Queen Elizabeth of UK visit to Uganda in 1954 turning from Kazinga national park. The park is located in Western neighboring Mt. Rwenzori National Park and Kibale National Park. Queen Elizabeth is adjoined with Kyambura reserve in the eastern, Ishasha in the south, and Kigezi wildlife reserves to form the larger queen Elizabeth conservation area.

The vast land is home to a variety of natural wonders that accommodate over 95 mammal species, the highest concentration of bird species in the country with about 600 species recorded, and about 10 primate species are counted at the park with several aquatic life.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a park with a long list of adventures done just in one park. Expectations at the park are high, one can do, wild game drives, boat cruise adventures, cultural community visits, chimpanzee tracking, tree climbing lion tracking, visiting the salt mining Lake Katwe, lion tracking experiential, mongoose tracking, hippo census, birding all are adventures which can be done on a safari visit to Queen Elizabeth National park.

Another destination to go on Uganda Safaris

When opting for the safari in Uganda, the list of destination natural and cultural destinations includes Lake Mburo National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Ngamba chimpanzee sanctuary, the source of the Nile, Mt. Rwenzori National Park, Kibale National Park, Kasubi tombs, Uganda Wildlife Education Center and many other destinations.

Uganda is listed in CNN’s top travel destinations for 2023.


After ranking the East African nation as one of the greatest locations to visit this year, CNN Travel reinstated Uganda to the honored list of top travel destinations to visit in 2023.

According to CNN’s list, Where to Travel in 2023: The Best Destinations to Visit, Uganda’s emphasis on adventure and community tourism explains why a visitor should not pass up the chance to visit the country in 2023 as part of a tour of the African continent.

According to CNN Travel, “significant change is currently percolating in Uganda’s travel offers, with the nation increasingly going beyond the traditional staples of Uganda safaris and wildlife viewing to appeal to both regional and international travelers.”

According to CNN, Uganda is a stunning wilderness destination with opportunities for adventure safaris including treks through the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest or up to the craters of the Virunga volcano chain or whitewater rafting along the Victoria Nile. The country is also home to the expansive shores of Lake Victoria and the snowy Rwenzori Mountains.

It has shifted to selling its other qualities to revive post-Covid tourism throughout the nation, not just the high-end operations providing wealthy tourists with views of the Big Five animals or mountain gorillas.

Uganda has also been touted as the ideal location for hosting international conferences, meetings, and events.

Additionally, there is a focus on introducing tourists to Ugandan communities through the promising sampling of the country’s cuisine, music, and culture.

The 1,600-kilometer Uganda Cycling Trail, a 22-stage route designed for cyclists of all skill levels—from dedicated solo bike packers to fully guided easy riders—was introduced last year.

Top tourist attractions in Uganda

Uganda, the pearl of Africa is a small country in East Africa and its diversified terrain includes the snow-capped Rwenzori Mountains as well as the enormous Lake Victoria. Chimpanzees and other unique species of birds and animals can be found there in large numbers. The remote Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is renowned for its mountain gorilla population. The Murchison Falls National Park is located northwest of Uganda and is famous for its 76 different animal species and cascade waterfalls that are 43 meters high.

It is home to the world’s longest river, the Nile, which originates in Uganda. It passes through several other nations, including South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Egypt, and finally empties its waters into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile is the world’s longest river. Mountain Gorillas, which are critically endangered can only be tracked in two of Uganda’s national parks, (Bwindi impenetrable and Mgahinga) are the country’s most popular gorilla destinations and draw visitors on a variety of safaris

The breathtaking scenery of Uganda’s mountains and hills is an absolute must-see on any safari to the country. Not only that, but the country’s 10 national parks and game reserves are home to some of the world’s most incredible animals. In addition to its culture and wildlife, Uganda is known for its wonderful and favorable weather and climate, which draws in a large number of tourists who wish to experience all that the country has to offer.

A Weekend Excursion Around Kampala City with Family


Kampala is a wonderful city steeped in history, leisure and tradition. With so many places to go and entertainment to enjoy you will never be without something to do. Kampala’s places of interest is vast as there is so much to see. Whatever your interest are, you are sure to find somewhere in and around the capital. There are many interesting cultural centers leaning against Buganda Kingdom, the largest tribal grouping in Uganda. If culture or history is not your thing, there are also local markets, theaters, night clubs among other places to explore.

With so many activities and places to visit it’s hard to know where to start your weekend retreat with family or friends once you have decided to go for a Kampala city tour. Whatever your interests are, this list should start you on your way to getting the most out of Kampala.

The City Centre

Kampala city a commercial and administrative capital of Uganda spreads over more than twenty hills. It is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa. Its architecture is a mixture of the modern, the colonial and the Indian. Kampala is a city that simply buzzes with life. There is much to do, first of take in the atmosphere of the city, the people, the shop, the activity in the market area of Nakesero.

Kabaka Tombs visits

There are various tombs found in Buganda kingdom. Tombs are burial grounds for Buganda Kings. These include; Kasubi, Wamala, Walusi to mention but a few. Kasubi being the main tomb, it is located on kasubi hill, where the four kings of Buganda were barried. The tombs were constructed using local materials; grass, poles and wattle. They have great historical, cultural and spiritual importance to the Baganda because all the remains of their kings are laid there.

Walking the Royal Mile

The royal mile mainly comprises of the Lubiri Palace and the Bulange parliament all located in Mengo. These two have magnificent architectural designs that please all the tourists who take a glance on them as they walk the royal mile learning about the unique Buganda culture.

Slum Tours

You can take a Kampala slum tour as well. To the ordinary man living in Kampala, a slum means those congested water-logged small dwellings. These places have a lot of stagnant water with shabby houses. The most notable slums in Kampala include Bwaise, Makerere Kivvulu, Katanga, Kimombasa, Kisenyi and Wankulukuku.

However, slums in Kampala are defined by outstanding characteristics including Inadequate access to safe water, inadequate access to sanitation and other infrastructure, insecure residential status, Poor structural quality of housing and overcrowding. These areas attract a high density of low- income earners and or unemployed persons, with low levels of literacy trying to make ends meet. The cost of living in such places are literally very low and living conditions remain very poor. High crime rates & drug abuse, high levels of noise, immorality (pornography and prostitution) are also other characteristics of slums in Kampala.

Uganda museum tour

The Uganda Museum is an ideal place to start with in order to get solid ground about the country, its people, cultures and traditions. It was first opened in 1908 at a place called Ford Lugard in Old Kampala, then transferred in 1942 to Makerere University however, today it is found on Kitante hill. The museum displays Uganda’s indigenous culture, Archaeology, history, science and natural history.

Shopping in the local markets

A Kampala walking tour can take you to local markets including the ever crowded st Balikuddembe market better known as Owino market, Nakasero market and the Craft markets where you can buy souvenirs for your stay in Kampala. While visiting these markets, you are always advised to keep your valuables such as cell phones, cameras, money purses and small bags safe.

Visiting the Bahai Temple and other religious places

You cannot forget talking about Religion while on a city tour around Kmapala. Uganda has many people believing in different religions attending their services in various Religious places. Among the most popular iconic religious places in Kampala is the Baha’i Temple that is located on the Kikaya Hill 7 kilometers from the city center. It is the only Bahai Temple found in Africa. It is also referred to as the mother temple of the Bahai faith in Africa. Other places include the Rubaga Catholic cathedral, Namirembe Cathedral, the Gaddafi National mosque and Namugongo Martyrs Shrine among others.

Food & drink

Kampala prides itself on the diversity of restaurant offerings it provides. All types of foods are available in this buzzing city including Indian, Chinese, Italian and Spanish foods as well as the usual fast-food outlets. Whatever your tastes are, you will be catered for in Uganda’s capital.


So you’ve enjoyed a day of sightseeing, had a bite to eat and the night is upon you getting the best of it with family. You can enjoy the vast amounts of entertainment in Kampala. Whether you enjoy night clubs with grown up friends, live music or the dramatic presence of a theater show with family, Uganda’s capital is the place to be. There are also cinema halls, bars and pubs as well as lounges.

How to get around?

If it is your first time to drive in Kampala, expect some challenge. A Kampala city tour would be more fun if you are driving with a local guide thus Car hire being reasonable. Walking in the city centre can also be fulfilling as you can visit a number of interesting places such as local markets and slums. You can also rent a bike to travel round the city or use local taxis.

Where to stay

There are lots of different choices from hotels, B & Bs, and guest houses. You can choose to stay in the city center, or in the surrounding areas as transport to center are frequent. Accommodation is available to all classes of people economy wise.

  • If you need luxury, there are many 4 and five star hotels to try out. There is Serena Hotel, Protea Hotels, Sheration hotel Kigo, Hotel Africana and Hotel Boulevard among others.
  • Standard accommodations such as Tri Hotel, Grand Imperial, Royal suites Bugolobi and Silver springs hotel, Golf course hotel, Golden Tulips, Acadia suites among others.
  • If you need low budget, there are a number of back packer lodges such as Bush Pig Backpackers, Fat Cat, Red Chilli for camping, Nateete Back packer among others.

Self-drive with a Car Rental in Uganda

Self Drive in Uganda

There is nothing interesting than seating behind the wheels and decide on the rest of your journey. The best side of enjoying this kind is considered to take a car rental and do a self-drive across borders. Uganda is branded as one of the best destinations where self-drive is perfectly done without interference.

To partake an incredible vacation that is eloquent to offer your traveling dreams. Yes, we’re letting you know why the best option to wander around Uganda by self-drive is to limit farther expenses and hire a car. This is presently the prominent and most adored by travelers craving for such exploration.

Self-drive is highly escalating in the region facilitated with various car rental fleets. When to wander across with on a self-drive in Uganda, there are various options or ways to experience this amazing grant. And these can be hiring just car and drive, hiring a car with a rooftop tent or even hiring a car with a rooftop pop-up.

Is Self-drive with Car Rental Worthy?

Being honesty, the worthiness comes with the desire for something. For esteemed self-drive travelers, a chance to take a self-dive with a car rental is worth. Imagine bypassing several charges, driving at your own tunes, making your own breaks and many enjoyments. When on a guided trip, the chances of missing out so many exciting things are more being in a fixed schedule, rather than spotting out everything you would wish on a relaxed self-drive. Self-drive is less worrying and it worthy especially with a car rental.

What is necessary to do a self-drive with a car rental?

All you need is having this strong, in good mechanical condition and customized for travelers vehicle. First and foremost, car rental for a self-drive in Uganda is common for safari vacations. When looking forward for a remarkable safari, the must consider renting a car. There are various 4×4 car rental fleets available for the self-drive, you take is determined with place of travel, number of people moving with and the budget.

All you need to do a self-drive with the car rental is knowing how to drive, this is proved with a valid driving license. For foreign travelers should possess an international driving license. Must passport and valid which is presented or its copy when hiring a car depending on the policy of the company handling you. Should be 18 years and above, for drivers below the age of 18 are not allowed to drive in Uganda.

Why a self-drive with a car rental?

Reduces the cost

Taking a self-drive with a car rental means some of the costs are ruminate neglected. You don’t need a driver, profits of a fully-guided trips but you still get the best out of your decision. A self-drive is a self-service without a driver, no company’s markup, an implication for condensed costs. There is no worry repairing a car after the trip, you just need to hire one of your choice and return afterwards.

Driving your own ways

There is no limitations when driving on a self-drive. The only limitation is your car rental agreed period, but the experience are never on limit. Wandering on a free wheel is one amazing benefits of self-drive trip, one grips a sovereignty to drive around deprived of any kind of restrictions. Only have to be careful with the hurdles of the roads to drive through especially upcountry with unpaved rough roads.

Wide range car options

With extensive sort of car rentals that suggest comprehensive ranges of vehicle fleets to select from are slots of best choice. Depending on the budget, there are various car rental modes for your freedom of choosing a best fleet for your journey. Most probably 4WD are sure scores for the adventurous self-drive. Fleets to enjoy your self-drive with are 4×4 RAV4, Land cruiser (TX and V8), safari land cruiser, Nisan Patrol and minibus for smaller groups.

Limited restriction

A self-drive is a free will drive for any traveler, and they can decide on which way to use the hired car. If you have rented car for your safari there’re limited restriction when using the vehicle. However, it’s advisable not to divert the car rental purpose to another use not agreed upon the agreement signed.

Free wheel drive maintenance

Renting a car for a self-drive in Uganda to search for the own way through the guidance of the GPS, there is limited restrictions only if you don’t violate the renting agreement. An exclusive self-drive adventure trip is an exotic opening to explore any place of interest on your own tune. Also hiring a car with an experience driver they are always well informed and equipped with knowledge of the region. Hiring a car with a driver also helps when encountered uncertainty can do the fixing when you’re relaxed but you remain under full control until the end.

Renting a car is easy

Securing a car to rent for self-drive in Uganda is converted so tranquil due to the broader integer of car rental companies that avails wider range of fleets. Booking for a car rental online makes the process of reservation so relaxed with no struggling of hinting the offices but make all bargains at you convenient place. The process of picking up and returning the car is simplified just make arrangements which can cost just little cost adds.

Unlimited mileage

A self-drive with a car rental in Uganda means driving on the unlimited mileage. The charges consider a 24hours rental arrangements on mileage to cover. And this does not restrict on the use of the vehicle, however, when hiring you should define where you intend to drive your vehicle.

Self-drive in Uganda for adventure introduces you to a lot of encounters and some can’t be encountered elsewhere in the world. Among the encounters include; trekking the giant mountain gorillas, tracking Chimpanzees, mountain hiking, and many great wild safari adventure encounters across the region. So, secure your car rental for the unnegotiable propose for the region.

How to Determine How much to Charge for Your Product or Service


It’s often difficult for business owners to know how much to charge for their product or service. Charging too much or too little can be equally disastrous.

Pricing is a crucial element in developing a successful strategy for your business. Your pricing reflects your value proposition and reinforces your brand and needs to be consistent with the value you deliver.

This checklist will help you determine how much to charge.

  1. Do research into what your competition charges. You can do this via the media, online or by networking with other business owners in your industry.
  2. You may want to start out charging a slightly lower rate and raise the fee as you gain in experience. However, do this with care as customers may not be prepared to pay more for your product or service if you hike your price. To counteract this issue, you should consider launch with a special introductory discount offer, rather than a standard lower rate.
  3. Structure your rate to cover things like overheads and insurance. If you’re working to a tight delivery deadline you could load the fee to reflect this.
  4. Consider rewarding loyal customers who place larger orders or repeat orders.
  5. Be clear about your rates and any surcharges before accepting an order from a customer. Also know whether or not you are prepared to negotiate ahead of time so you’re not taken by surprise should the customer ask for a cash discount.
  6. Re-evaluate your pricing structure on an ongoing basis to ensure it keeps pace with fluctuations in the interest rate, import duties, the petrol price and so on.

How Power Can Be As Addictive As A Drug


Being in control feels good and to be “out of power” is a very tough transition to make especially after experiencing all the benefits of power.

Power really does corrupt minds, as scientists claim it is as addictive as cocaine.

In social science and politics, power is the ability to influence or control the behavior of people.

I believe that’s why leaders who have served for a long time find it hard to let go. The thought of them being controlled or under someone’s influence is unbearable and impossible. So even if they are to voluntarily choose to retire or leave, is a tough transition to make.

Scientists say the feeling of power has been found to have a similar effect on the brain to cocaine by increasing the levels of testosterone and its by-product 3-androstanediol in both men and women.

This in turn leads to raised levels of dopamine, the brain’s reward system called the nucleus accumbens, which can be very addictive.

Ian Robertson, a founding director of the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience in Dublin writes that too much power can disrupt normal cognition and emotion, leading to gross errors in judgment and imperviousness to risk, not to mention huge egocentricity and lack of empathy for others.

Author Jeffrey Pfeffer, in his book Power: Why Some People Have It and Others Don’t tells it all that it is devastating when power is taken away.

“Power is addictive, in both a psychological and physical sense,” says Pfeffer in his book.

He says the rush and excitement from being involved in important discussions with senior figures and the ego boost from having people at your beck and call are tough to lose, even if you voluntarily choose to retire or leave and even if you have more money than you could ever spend.

“In a power- and celebrity-obsessed culture, to be “out of power” is to be out of the limelight, away from the action, and almost invisible. It is a tough transition to make. And because it is, some executives seek to avoid switching to a less powerful role.”

In Africa, we have a number of leaders who have been in power for a long long time and are not about to leave anytime soon.

This illustrates yet another price of power–the addictive quality that makes it tough to leave powerful positions.


Robert Gabriel Mugabe of Zimbabwe is Africa’s oldest and longest-serving president. Having spent 34 of those years as president of Zimbabwe, he’s not done yet.

We have our own President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who was late last year nominated to stand for re-election in two years-time. Museveni has been in power since 1986 and if he wins the next election and serves his full term, he would have served 35 years in power, easily becoming one of Africa’s longest serving presidents.
Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir seized power in 1989 in a bloodless coup and became president in 1993. He has been in power since them.

However, everyone eventually has to step down, and the druglike nature of power makes leaving a powerful position a truly wrenching experience for some.

Take a look at Libya’s ex-President, Col Muammar Gaddafi, he was a de facto ruler of Libya for 42 years until he was killed on 20 October 2011 during the Battle of Sirte.  Gaddafi was found hiding in a culvert west of Sirte and captured by National Transitional Council forces and killed shortly afterwards.

Power has almost identical effects to cocaine and too much of it can produce too much dopamine leading to more negative effects such as arrogance and impatience.

So power may be a drug, but it isn’t killing your braincells, as we are used to being warned about illicit substances. But that doesn’t mean the addiction is good for you — or for those around you.

Big question is, now that power has become an obsession, how can it be checked?

6 Words You’ve Probably Been Using Incorrectly


My workmates describe me in a lot of ways: But more recently, there seems to be consensus that I tend to be particular when it comes to use of the proper English. Or in more unkind words, that I tend to choose my words in a way synonymous with politicians. Am not a politician and don’t intend to be.

But I get irritated by carelessly written emails that seem to disregard the existence of Proper Nouns in the English language; or the fact that all modern keyboards have a space bar or its representative; and that a full stop wasn’t ever intended to act as the space bar’s alternative.

So today I’ll pick six of the words people have tended to continuously misuse, with hope that you’ll share this post with a friend that may have been guilty of any of the six offenses in the past. Keyword: past.

1. Apparently

Apparent is a word that first appeared in O’Level Physics; and for purposes of this article, a Physics example will be the best illustration for the actual meaning of the word.

Refraction, in Physics, is the phenomenon of light (or other waves) being deflected in passing obliquely through the interface between one medium and another or through a medium of varying density. It’s the topic that explains why, for example, swimming pools appear shallower than they actually are. It explains that light rays are deflected once they hit the surface of the water in a swimming pool, causing it to look much shallower than it really is. It gets two depths. The real depth and the apparent depth.

A lot of people tend to use the word apparently to mean “currently“. You cannot be asked where you stay, and you say, “apparently, I stay in Ntinda”, because there is nothing apparent about where one lives – or lived, if they’re the ones speaking with no intention of sounding vague.

Something is said to be apparent if it appears as such but not necessarily so.
2. Literally

Literally is frequently used to add emphasis. The problem is literally means “actually, without exaggeration,” so, “He literally died when he saw the invoice,” cannot be true unless the customer did, in fact, pass away moments after seeing the bill.

The only time using literally makes sense is when you need to indicate what is normally a figurative expression is, this time, truly the case. Saying, “The boss literally kicked their a**es,” can only be valid if there was involvement of the bosses legs hitting their back sides.

3. Assume

To assume is to suppose to be true, especially without proof, and presume: to take for granted as being true in the absence of proof to the contrary.

If you visited a mother who had just given birth in hospital and found only one baby in the room with her, it would be presumable  that that’s her baby. But if there were two babies and two mothers in the room, you would assume  that the baby sharing the bed with your patient was her baby.

Presume can also mean “take excessive liberties”, as in the adjective form “presumptuous” [Thank you Wikipedia].

4. Successfully

Here’s the king of redundant words, often used to add a little extra oomph: “We successfully launched our new product.” Wait: in order to have launched, you have to have been successful. (Otherwise you unsuccessfully launched.)

If you create, or develop, or implement, just say you did. We know you were successful. Otherwise you wouldn’t tell us.

5. Your and You’re

While they sound the same in many dialects, in standard written English they have separate meanings. You’re is a contraction of “you are”, and your is a possessive pronoun meaning “belonging to you”.

“Your telling me to come back later” can only be correct if there’s something called “telling me to come back later” and it’s owned by the person you are talking to.

When in doubt, check whether the word in question can logically be expanded to “you are”.

6. Can

Can is used to indicate what is possible. May is used to indicate what is permissible. I can offer kickbacks to certain vendors, but unless I’m ethically challenged I may not.

Telling your staff, “You can not offer refunds without authorization,” sounds great but is incorrect. They certainly can even though they shouldn’t.

Yes! Women Do Like Football


I like football, I have always liked it, in fact I love it. My love for game was not inborn but when you come from a family of six, and you are the only girl, you tend to rhyme with the boys. So my brothers except one who is obsessed with basketball would watch football day in, day out.

The then UTV would air football Mundial, world cup, Africa cup among others, so I found myself watching football with my extended family as well.

When I was in high school, the love matured from meager liking, my school bought us DSTV and the rest is history, Arsenal were dominating, I would watch the games and read the papers and it didn’t hurt that the players were handsome, Thierry, Bergkamp, Pires, Mayer, Viera. So I started understanding the game, each rule, semi rule and regulations, the off sides, penalties, free kicks the tackle, the sliding tackle so that I would not be caught off guard.

That was over 14 years ago, and I am still hooked to the game. I love to watch Arsenal because it’s the team that made me love the game. I share the same passion for my Country side, the Uganda Cranes though they break our hearts many times, they  unite us,  bring us together as a nation, all religions and tribes cheering to a common goal is the best feeling a patriot can have.

I always watch our national games hosted in Mandela National stadium- Namboole because of the dancing and singing and the stadium euphoria is not the same as watching on television.

Let’s face it, Football is perfect, it has lots of beefy handsome guys mixing it up, a divisional system that creates exciting rivalries, odds-makers who produce underdogs and some amazingly good-looking players- a girl’s dream. My dream football player is Gonzalo Higuain who currently plays for Napoli)

Maybe it’s because they don’t know enough about the game or the individual teams to decide which team they’d like to see win.

I believe that any sporting event is more fun to watch if you’re rooting for one side or the other because of the competitive spirit among the other fans in the stadium, sports bar or in the living room.

I encourage those girls that do like or love football, to always watch with other friends who share the passion for the sport so that they can discuss at half time or at the end of the game the talking points of the match. It also doesn’t hurt that making new friends and having a great time with a few beers may lead to great relationships that last the taste of time.

One may not like football but for a few of us who do, we certainly enjoy every moment of it. We stay up late to watch late night games, some of our boyfriends may think we are have “extra-curricular activities”  but in the end it’s the love of the game with family and friends that makes the moments magical and memorable.

I’m an African Consumer, You Should Understand Me


I am an African consumer; therefore you should understand me and stop pushing stupid and silly products in my face because you think I need them.

What happened to understanding my needs as a consumer before you flood our markets with fake and lame goods?

Instead of hiring my continent’s people who understand my needs more properly, you send ‘expatriates’ who have no idea what I need or even what matters to me and then you call it ‘development’?

Adock Ingram’s Managing Executive – Africa, Mr Kofi Amegashie once wrote:

“To understand any consumer, you have to put yourself in his or her shoes. That’s why you need people who understand, live and breathe the consumer environment in any given market.”

Now that should be the investor’s driving force when investing in Africa.

By the way, we are not stupid as you tend to think. Yes we might be ‘poor’ and less developed but that doesn’t mean we are stupid.

Why don’t you hire people with knowledge about my continent when you set up an office in my country?  Why do you have to flood our markets with fake items and price them highly? I am poor but you still go ahead and exploit me.

Amegashie says the greatest issues faced by lower income people on the continent are affordability, accessibility and acceptability. You understand that, right?!

He gives an example;

“Let’s take man on the street in Africa – the equivalent of a security guard or gardener here in South Africa – affordability is a major issue and purchases are based on absolute cash in pocket. This person is not going to buy a 100ml or 200ml bottle of fever or cough suppressant when his child is sick. He is lucky if he has a fridge at home – so where does he store the product once it has been opened? In South Africa we sell product in 100ml and 200ml bottles.”

“Our entire manufacturing process is geared towards producing this product, but we can’t assume it is what we should be selling on the continent. The vast majority of people on the street are immediate consumption people – when they get a headache or cough, they want something immediately. They have limited cash in their pockets and don’t want to buy something that might go to waste.”

Do you understand that the way you package your products matters to me? These paper bags of yours that you use are for the lesser few who can purchase your products from shopping malls and supermarkets.  As an average consumer I buy my products on the street, market stalls and small shops.

In regard to data, you love it as investors since it is the new mechanism to analyze consumer’s behaviours but what have you done to improve it? By the way, I’m talking to you Telecoms.

Thank you for the internet infrastructure set up but pricing your data highly doesn’t help me.

Understanding the customer also means knowing what is acceptable to them.

God is Much Interested in What You’ve Got at Heart Than at Hand

Uganda Cranes Players

Why does God make us to go into a range of problems and does at an hour we don’t expect?

This is a question someone dropped in my inbox and I thought of carrying this response out of the mail boxes, here we go.

It’s a good acknowledgement that God lets (not necessarily makes) us go through them, some it’s his own making, other our mistakes or the devil but with whichever God let’s it happen.

God is Omniscient meaning all knowing, even before anything comes our way, He foresees & foreknows but lets it. God is Omnipotent, meaning all powerful over everything. He stops or controls any/all situations in accordance to His will.

This reminds us that there could be a reason why He lets all this our way & our response is not to complain but approach Him in truth to learn and understand this mystery. Taking a closer look, Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Never look at yourself as the end of it all, rather God’s purpose of these hard & easy dynamics is, to the end of His purpose that is His glory.

He has given us His promises; Jesus said, You will be persecuted (John15:20-21, Mat 5:11, 10:22) but He will never leave us alone (meaning He will always carry us through these hardships not necessarily take them away) – Mat 28:20. He promised to give us Peace not like what the world gives rather that surpasses all understanding (John 14:27) that is peace amidst the storm.

Also these hard situations refine our Faith i.e. drawing us closer to God, strengthening our relationship & dependence on Him. This’s what God desires. If he can mold u through hardships unto the person He desires u to be for His Kingdom, the better than you enjoying the whole world & yet lose your soul. However God’s ways are not limited to this our response so if you can heed this from Him even without waiting for hardships the better but God chooses. This sounds like the moment when you should run fast away from Him but the best way of doing so is by running to Him.

Taking an example from daily life, pure gold is purified from its raw core using fire, very high temperatures of fire about 7000c. If gold core had feelings it’ld be the worst thing it’ld desire to go thru yet its owner wants pure Gold from it to show its value. Hard situations are the fire, we are the Gold core, God is your owner, and He wants us to be Pure Gold, Fit for his Kingdom.

The Psalmists testify of this; David in Psalm 139. See how much God knows you and what u go thru even before u taste it. Pray, seeking him the more, delight in him more (Psalm 37:2-6), Listen from Him frequently through reading & studying His Word, The Bible. You’ll be a testimony to many around you.
Jesus promised that, if you remain in Him & His words remain in you, ask for whatever you need & He will grant it – John 15 (because you’ll have asked out of His will/word)

My dear God is in control, do not loose heart, Job persevered till the end & indeed God rewarded him not because of his (Job) faithfulness but because God is Faithful to His word. Also God is much interested in what you’ve got at heart than at hand. God has placed eternity at the hearts of men, set your mind above the earth, work hard in Him, and He will surely bless the works of your hand. He will reward you in due time.
Matthew 6:32, “but seek first the Kingdom of God & his righteousness, and all these other things will be added unto you” – Jesus

So time to ask rightly, Why DOESN’T God make us to go into a range of problems and does at an hour we don’t expect?

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