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Things Not To Do When Renting a Car in Uganda


Hiring a vehicle is such a common part of the travel experience that you would think the process would be straight forward and transparent, yet somehow it is anything but. Do I need to buy additional insurance? What about paying the refuel of the car? Do I need all the extras offered at the rental counter?  The above questions come up every time we rent a car. Below are the things you shouldn’t do when renting a car in Uganda whether traveling for business or leisure.

Prepaying for the gasoline; the prepaid gasoline charges appeal to our desire for simplicity while  traveling, and the concerns about being late for the flights, since every few minutes added to the trip to the airport creates more risk for arriving too late to board. Rental companies have come up with new options for car refueling, and are giving them the hard sell at the rental desk. Unless you are sure that you will return the tank empty, or you gave got a pre dawn flight that will make it worth the money not to have to refuel yourself, don’t go for this.

Failing to check on your way out for a place to refuel on your way back; the best time to find a place to refuel your vehicle is immediately after you have picked it up. As you are driving away from the airport or rental agency, take note of the local gas stations, and make a plan to return to the most easily accessible or the best priced of them at the end of your rental. Those near the airports can be confusing and unfamiliar, so you don’t want to be driving in circles looking for gas station as your flight time approaches. You can figure this out on your way out, when you are not on pressure. However, in case you opt to hire a car with a driver to take you around the different destinations in Uganda, it would be the responsibility of the driver to advise on the best places to refuel while you enjoy your journey.

Buying insurance and your own auto insurance covers you, before accepting this one at face value, it should be emphasized that auto insurance policies can vary considerably, so you will want check with your own insurer directly. In case you have the minimum legally permissible coverage, it might not include coverage for the rental cars while if you have what companies call full coverage, it almost certainly does. You can all or email your insurer to find out. The main point is that the coverage you have for your main vehicle extends to your rental vehicle, because the rental is considered a replacement vehicle under the policy. In case you have a comprehensive coverage on your own car, your policy would also give you comprehensive coverage for the rental vehicle. Most policies will cover you even if the rental car is a better or more valuable than your own car, you don’t have to worry if you get an upgrade or rent a much better car than the one you insure at home. Note that an accident in a rental car will typically raise your rates if you have to make a claim on your own insurance policy.

When buying insurance, your credit card covers the rest, anything that is not covered by your insure is covered by your credit card. In most cases the credit card coverage is as good as or better than your auto insurance; in others it’s intended to be secondary insurance to help cover anything your auto insurance doesn’t. But of course, you will need to pay for your car rental using that card; just having a qualifying credit card doesn’t give you any protection.

Ignoring one possible caveat; loss of use insurance, in case a car is damaged, loss of use charges are applied to cover the potential revenue lost when the vehicle is off the road for the repairs. This is typically charged in the amount of a day’s rental for that vehicle, and most auto insurance companies don’t cover this fee. Many credit cards do but American express, master card and visa all offer loss of use coverage with rentals paid for with most of their cards.

Ignoring potential offers for upgrades. In the past, you can recommend reserving a low priced car and then inquiring about upgrades at the rental desk. This works best at busy times when the garage is running low on its cheapest vehicles, and may offer you free or very affordable upgrades to a larger car class due to inventory management issues. In most cases, the agent has got considerable discretion in setting upgrades, so if he or she asks if you are interested in a larger car, you can respond that it depends on the price, you can get a bigger car at a minimal additional cost.

Failing to check on the discounts; the rental car discounts are typically listed on the organization websites, some car rental companies are members of AAA and other reward programs, so have a look before booking and you could find a great deal.

Making too brief an inspection upon departure. When you pick your car, check it inside and out for anything that could potentially be considered damage before you drive away. You can look for scratches scuffs, loose parts, working power windows as well as mirrors. Always keep an eye out for problems both small and big; the tendency is to take a quick walk around the car looking for the blemishes and the scratches, thinking that big problems would have already been noticed, but it’s not always the case. You can take photos or a video of a slow walk around the car and kick the tires so to speak.

Leaving the final inspection to chance; recently the procedure of returning cars has come to resemble checking out of hotel. You need to return the car in the presence of the agent since the disputer of damage later becomes your word against theirs. Also you can take your best protection here for taking photos or a video of a slow walk around the car.

About crossing the international boarders; many car rental agreements don’t allow you to drive the car across international borders. The credit card companies may help here, as most do offer coverage in many international destinations. In case you drive across international borders without authorization and you have a problem, the protections of your rental contract, insurance and other sources may be negated.

Sex And The UniverCITY; A Campuser’s Diary

Assaulted in Office at Makerere

Dear diary,

I have come to you in my darkest hour because if I go to the internet, it may leak like that sex tape everyone is talking about. Funny thing about that incident, the only thing that leaked was the tape. I don’t know if anyone else noticed that… even the tap water was not flowing. Kyoka campusers. LOL {Lots of Libido}.

Anyway, me I’m not amused, as in, what was up with the soaping action? I’m surprised Sempa hasn’t come out to decry the potential sodomy that was there. Wabula, people can be dry, at least in prison movies they fast wait for you to drop the soap. This guy didn’t want to wait. Naye I get where he was coming from, campus can be hard. You get?

As in, coming…hard… I wonder what soap he used.

I think Lifebuoy is the one they usually use for such dodgy acts, but I don’t think he would have been able to sustain his attention with the smell of that soap. Munange diary, I remember those days of Lifebuoy. The thing would even stain your hands. Kale he should have just used Geisha, he would have lasted longer, oba.

But campusers can also be competitive. Not in class, obviously, but outside…or inside, depending on how you look at it. Kati guys are saying there are 400 more sex tapes that leaked. None of them is from that ka-boy Chris Thomas which sucks. Me when I skive classes on campus it is to watch movies, not to star in them. Things can change.

But you know what, I think maybe I am speaking from a place of beef. I think if I had a smartphone I would have also experimented. But I can imagine already…

Eh, but that can chew my airtime mob, but at least it won’t leak in the papers or facebook. But who would recognise me anyway? Zerros can overtie on me though. It’s like that time I jumped the wall. Fithe was on my fresh, mbu I had climbed the wall. I told him to prove it and he pointed at my freshly broken hand. I was in pain, but I convinced him it was April Fool’s. Kyoka Old timers!

But how did they convince that chick also them? Oba what’s the going rate? She didn’t even look high, but the way she just bent over, proper pro just! I think she has been to prison before, no one bends with such gas without experiencing the penile code… oba is that supposed to be the penal code. Kasta it’s a code of some sort.

Naye now, this other dude who was filming them, is he bisexual? How can he conc be there looking at his peeps. Atte in clothes. At least he would have lied mbu he will join them in a bit, then, when they are not looking, he screams that soap has entered his eyes. Then, when the pals are there telling him mbu, sorry, what, he would have said to the guy, me I’m easy, now even you enter her eye. Vibing 101.

A Campuser

Uganda’s Coffee: Here’s the Scoop


Uganda’s resident Coffee Expert, Roberts Mbabazi, shares with us some of his detailed knowledge about Uganda’s coffee and the coffee industry. Read on and you’ll be able to pass for an expert on Uganda’s favorite crop as well!

How much coffee does Uganda produce a year?

“Between 3 to 4 million (60kg) bags of coffee. Coffee, as a commodity, has continued to play a leading role in the economy of Uganda, (contributing between 20 – 30% of the foreign exchange earnings). Though large scale coffee producers are gradually emerging, the coffee sub-sector is almost entirely dependent on about 500,000 smallholder farmers, 90 percent of whose average farm size ranges from less than 0.5 to 2.5 hectares.

Where does it all go?

“98% of Ugandan coffee is exported with the major buyers being European Union countries. Sudan is the second biggest buyer. We also export to other countries like Ecuador, India, USA and Vietnam among others.”

How many people work in the coffee industry in Uganda?

The coffee industry employs over 3.5 million families through coffee-related activities. The policy of the Uganda Government on coffee production since liberalization in 1991 had been (and still is) to gradually replace the old, diseased coffee trees with new, genetically pure, and high-yielding coffee varieties at a rate of 5% per annum for Robusta and 2% per annum for Arabica for 20 years. This was expected to replace all old, unproductive coffee trees and optimize foreign exchange earnings to the country and payments to farmers.”

What makes Uganda so ideal for coffee growing?

“By the mere fact that it’s located astride the Equator, and this alone comes with its benefits like abundant rainfall and abundant sunshine, some of the primary factors that affect coffee growing. Uganda receives rainfall ranging between 1,500 and 2,300 mm per year.  Uganda is more temperate than surrounding areas due to its altitude. The country is mostly plateau with a rim of mountains. This has made it more suitable to agriculture and less prone to tropical diseases than other nations in the region.”

What types of coffee does Uganda produce?

“Two types of coffee: Arabica and Robusta are grown in the ratio of 1: 4. Robusta Coffee is grown in the low altitude areas of Central, Eastern, Western and South-Eastern Uganda up to 1,200 meters above sea level while Arabica coffee is grown in the highland areas on the slopes of Mount Elgon in the East and Mt. Ruwenzori and Mt. Muhabura in the South Western Region (1500-2,300 m above sea level).

Unlike Robusta whose native habitat is the Lake Victoria Crescent, Arabica coffee is an introduced crop originating from Ethiopia. Arabica coffee is more competitive on the international market because of its superior quality. Uganda Robusta too has intrinsic quality attributes, which attracts a premium on the international coffee market.

On the other hand, the new Arabica variety, (Tuzza), commonly referred to as catimors perform well in low altitude areas of the country predominantly zoned for Robusta coffee, (1,200-1,500 m). At high altitude this variety succumbs to Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) and yields are poor. The origin of catimor Arabica is Papua New Guinea and the variety is known for its high yielding capabilities, drought resistance and tolerance to diseases.”

What is the process for processing coffee and where is it done?

“All Ugandan coffees are processed from here. The ripe coffee fruits (cherries) go through a number of operations aimed at extracting the beans from their covering of pulp, mucilage, parchment and film to improve their appearance. The resulting clean coffee (FAQ) can then be roasted and ground to obtain the coffee powder which if fit for human consumption. There are two main techniques used to obtain the clean coffee: wetting and drying processing. The process chosen depends of the variety of coffee.”

How does Ugandan coffee compare to the coffee from other countries?

“The fact that Uganda lies across the equator contributes to the high quality of our coffee and distinguishes it from coffee grown in other regions across Africa. It cannot be fair for me to compare our coffee to other regions in terms of production and marketing, but quality-wise, I can comfortably say that Ugandan coffees are raising eyebrows around the world with some major coffee companies in the USA like Green Mountain Coffee, which has introduced a blend of purely Ugandan Coffee called the Rwenzururu Blend. This blend was made as a way of paying respect to the Rwenzururu kingdom in western Uganda, Kasese district.”

What do you wish more people knew about Ugandan coffee?
“I wish people, especially Ugandans, were interested in learning more about coffee because it is a product that contributes significantly to the economy. I wish to dispel many of the myths about coffee that have been passed on for generations and inspire people to indulge in the trade and habit of drinking it. It has both health and economic benefits which should be communicated to increase the percentage of Ugandan coffee consumers.

Buyers of Ugandan coffee already know the rare unique qualities of Ugandan coffee, like the intriguing sundried tomato flavors, dried vanilla aromas and floral notes you experience when you taste some of the best washed Arabicas from Eastern Uganda, the natural raw molasses, nutty and creamy mouth feel you feel when you taste some of our best natural Robustas. We need to share this information and inform consumers so that they appreciate and yearn for more of Ugandan coffee. I also wish that Uganda as a country would strengthen its position on the world coffee market. It can manage to do this through the continuous sensitization of farmers on good agronomic farm practices, welcoming potential investors so that our annual production of coffee increases, and continuing to promote the coffee to the local markets.”

How can more people get involved in learning more about coffee?
“A few coffee shops offer coffee tours. Places like 1000 Cups have tours where they take some of the interested clients to different farms around the country. Café Pap has recently started taking some people on coffee tours as well. I believe with time, other companies will join the movement. The bottom line of such tours is to give the consumers a feel of what happens to coffee all the way from the farm to the cup, before they enjoy their coffees as Espresso or Lattes.”

Choosing a Car for Corporate Transfers in Uganda

Luxury Transfers

Choosing the best car to help you achieve your dreams in most cases puzzles most travelers on business or wildlife safari in Uganda and at times leaves them out of choice up on landing in the airport. If you are planning your vacation to Uganda, you ought to be keen when making decision on which means of transportation to use. When it comes to travel, you will need to hire car that offers you total comfort from a reputable car hire company and for excellent and corporate airport transfers, we have variety of vehicles to help you realize your dreams. With several car rental companies that are widely distributed within Uganda, you have to be very careful while choosing the ideal company to deal with. To help you make your safari memorable, we have listed some of the factors that you need to put into consideration when choosing a corporate airport transfer in Uganda.

Company efficiency

One of the vital factors to consider when looking for corporate airport transfer services in Uganda should be efficiency of car hire service provider. No visitor enjoys discomfort after a long journey in classic aero plane. You therefore need that luxurious VIP vehicle that offers you that classic and excellent experience to and from hotel or business meeting. The car should have excellent interior together with better air conditioning and professional driver to ensure that you are comfortable and you are not inconvenienced while on a road trip. Cross check online and read through the previous travelers’ reviews to ascertain what they have said about the same company that you intend to deal with.

The category of car

Before selecting the vehicle to use for your travel interests, you need to know how many visitors need an airport transfer and where possible you can even contact the transportation service provider for more details. You need to hire a vehicle that accommodates all travelers with no discomfort and above all, it should be pocket friendly. For over 30 visitors the best car to hire should be the coaster bus and if there are around 15 you can get one of the stylish Mercedes Benzes or Land Cruiser that takes around 2 to 3 visitors per transfer.

Look at other options

This is another important factor that you need to put into consideration. You need to consider the price as well as other offers from other car rental companies to help you make comparisons so as to come up with the best choice for your transfer to and from the airport. You can call more than five companies and choose only one with the best services and pocket friendly prices.

In conclusion, if you plan to book a car for transfer in Uganda especially business meetings or hotel or even the safari lodges, simply contact us and we shall be at your service. We are trust worthy, reliable and reputable car hire company that you consider if you are planning to hire a car for corporate transfers in this country.

Why Most Good Men End Up Marrying Sluts

Kampala Slut

These days, women keep complaining that too many Good Guys are ignoring Good Women and marrying “Sluts” instead. Let me muse on this for a while.

My take: Ladies, instead of complaining and pointing fingers at the the so called “Sluts” or “Loose Women” as the problem, let us first find out what the Sluts are DOING RIGHT that is landing them a lot of good men and taking them to altar.

We need to understand that Good Men are in short supply. The type of guy that most women want ( i.e a guy that’s single, practically intelligent, slightly hood, Godly and financially on point) is a rare breed. Such men are a scarce commodity. Not only are they scarce, but they also know that they are scarce. So they dont sell themselves short.

Now where Good Women lose to the so called “Sluts” in the fight to catch such Good Men, is in knowing how to treat a man. The so called “Sluts” may be vilified by society, but one thing they are good at, is in knowing how to treat a man. By knowing how to treat man, i dont mean giving him sex as Ssaka Mark told me last time, no, although that has a role to play in marriage. Precisely, i’m referring to knowing how to cater to a man’s deepest need i.e his EGO. Like it or not, every male has a huge EGO, and its in the nature of every man to protect his Ego. As a matter of fact, if worse comes to worst, a man would rather lose a woman than lose his Ego. That is the way Men have been designed. Men define themselves by their ego or dignity. In fact, i put it to you that a man’s greatest need is NOT love but RESPECT from his woman.

Now the “Sluts” as society calls them, maybe morally bankrupt but one thing they are good at, is in knowing how to satiate that EGO of a Man.. They know how to make a man feel respected and valued. Perhaps, this in part, explains why some Good Men leave a comfortable mansion and a beautiful wife to seek refuge in a slam of a Slut who respects and values them. Get this, every man yearns for RESPECT. This is critical because this need for respect is multiplied 1000 times over in men who are accomplished in life( men who are single, successful, educated, rich good looking and godly) i.e the type of men most women want. This then, explains why most Good Men would rather marry the so called “Sluts” or settle for less beautiful women who give them respect, than to chase after or marry the so called “Good” or Beautiful women who know nothing about preserving a man’s dignity.

This dilemma is made worse by the fact that the majority of the so called Good Women or beautiful women out there know little or nothing about how to treat a man or give him his respect. They spend too much time looking beautiful they have forgotten the art of keeping or catching a man. Now i know feminists out there will argue against this and insist that men ought not to receive respect. Some will even suggest that I’m promoting subservience of women. Far from it. Really, this isnt about keeping women subservient to men . You dont have to be un-educated as a woman for you to respect your Man. You can be a smart working-class woman who is making her own money who at the same time knows how to satiate her man, win him over and give him his biggest need- RESPECT.

So the choice really is with the Good Women. You can preach independence (which has its own limits), challenge the man in your life, compete with him in every sphere, and make him feel useless as a husband, boyfriend or admirer, and then watch him leave and marry an uglier woman than you who will give him respect. Or,you can make the man feel valued, satiate his ego, make him feel like a king,and toy to his antics, and watch him give you as a Woman your biggest need -LOVE! . I put it to you that If you give a man what he needs the most – RESPECT, you will find that he will give you as a Woman what you need the most – LOVE!

Source: Faridah Nakazibwe

The Truth Behind Batooro Saying “Omusaija Tayangwa”

Batooro Culture

Many People Requested Us To Clear The Air About The Word “OMUSAIJA TAYANGWA” As it is so much trending about we (Batooro). here is what it means…

Tooro women are known for their beauty, jolliness, attractiveness, soft speaking and easy way they handle themselves and those around them.
Their way of living mostly in relationship has been misinterpreted by others as women who easily give away their bodies.
So many people refer them as the most attractive and intimate when it comes to relationships mostly when sex is involved. They are known to be soft speaking, very calm and very gentle in the way they do or behave around their loved ones.

We conducted a survey in a good number of Batooro women aging between 24 to 65yrs to get to understand the relevancy of ‘OMUSAIJA TAYANGWA’ (meaning a man is never rejected) word and also find out how it has impacted their relationships.

THE TRUTH BEHIND ‘Omusaija Tayangwa’ WORD

We decided to ask the elders and luck enough Kababiito Beatrice 67, a business woman in Fort Portal Town, a mother of 8 and grandmother of 6 sat us down on a long talk of how Omusaija tayangwa term started and why they emphasize it as isenkatimugole “Sengas” during the marriage or Kweranga preparations for Tooro women.

Beatrice narrates “I have given away more than 20 girls in marriage as isenkatimugole and I always emphasize omusaija tayangwa term to the brides. This mainly introduces them to how best they must behave while in their relationship or marriages.

Any tooro woman must be respectful, very obedient to her husband, never raise her voice while the husband is at home and always submissive to him during the intimate moment(s). However she adds that girls are always taught to stay faithful to their husbands no matter the situation or changes from his behavior.

Omusaija tayangwa ( a man is never rejected) is a saying they use to teach married women never to reject their husbands sex and so many other things in marriages that make them successful.

Kababiito told us that when she was getting married 45 years back, her aunt kabahweza immelda (RIP) told her the same things she’s telling young women. She said reason why she has been successful in her marriage for all the 45yrs is because indeed her aunt taught her well on how to behave as a true mutooro woman around her husband Alituha Amooti 75.

She added, when a woman fights with her husband and he later asks for something like food, tea, hot bathing water, clean clothes or better sex the woman should always accept and do it, not rejecting him because they fought or disagreed on something. Peace and happiness will always be in home and in that marriage.

Kababiito blamed people who depend on hearsay and avoid finding out facts. she added that such people twist such meaningful words and make fun and make fun of others hence causing more problems. She advised them always to contact the elders for information.

Isenkatibaana advised batooro women to love their tribe, be proud and stop feeling bad about it, giving them the following tips in their relationships:-

1). A woman is supposed to obey his husband and do what he requests sometimes not because you want to but for the sake of your marriage.

2). Women should always be calm, respect their husbands to the maximum even if your husband shouts at you, keep calm and quiet. Avoid talking or shouting back at him which could cause breakups in your marriage / relationship.

3). A woman should be the first person to know what her husband wants;, like the type of dish he loves, clothes to wear not letting the maids to do it all.

4). A man is always a man regardless of tribe, size, religion, rich or poor, once you accept to marry him, he must always be the best and your one and only, love and care about him to the fullest, never compare him to any other.

5). Communication is very crucial in marriages, know what both of you want and always resolve your problems amicably. Avoid 3rd parties in relationships.

6). Know each other’s weaknesses and try to overcome them by helping each other.
Your husband should be your best friend to have a successful marriage, don’t keep secrets because once he finds out from other people, it will be had for you to convince him, and in all, always pray to God to guide you in everything.

Kababiito concluded advising Batooro women to keep respecting themselves and continue being faithful to their husbands to prove others wrong.

She told all girls who are planning to get married to always marry the men they love and follow their heart plus her tips for a successful marriage.

Source: Mutumba Derrick Ategeka

Top 5 Things to Do in Uganda

Road Tripping Uganda

Uganda is an upcoming destination in terms of adventure travel. Many tourists flock to Uganda to take several adventure activities such as gorilla trekking in Bwindi impenetrable forest or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, chimpanzee tracking in Kibale Forest, Budongo Forest or Kaniyo Pabidi, white water rafting along the Nile River, Bungee jumping in Jinja and more.

Uganda is regarded as an exciting place that can be visited any time of the year. You can visit this country any time of the year regarding on travelers interest and time of travelling. However the best time to visit Uganda is between January and February, as this is the most time when the countryside is green after a rainy season in August. For the nature lovers and those in need of Adventure of a life time in Uganda, this best time to get all this. This is also the time when pasture in the park is in plenty and animals can be spotted in groups and chances of seeing big cats hunting are high.

However the rainy season makes difficult to do mountaineering, gorilla tracking, and other forest walks as the trails becomes very muddy and very difficult to pass through making those activities very difficult. For a visit to the west – mountainous regions of Uganda, the months of April to October better suited as temperatures tend to be cooler.

Exploring south part of Uganda the best months are between November and January as the south is coolest in these months. Let us examine the most five things you must not miss when on a safari to Uganda.


Gorilla tracking is regarded as number one most done activities in Uganda and Uganda is regarded as the best gorilla safari destination in the world as it hosts almost a half of the world’s population over 400 individuals live in Bwindi impenetrable national park and the 80 lives in Mgahinga forest national park totaling about 480 individuals living in Uganda only out of 980 in number world wide, the rest is shared by Rwanda and the democratic republic of Congo. Most people have never got chance to see gorillas face to face and other even do not know how they look, and if they have ever seen one its mostly likely they saw them in a zoo. And if it was in a zoo, that was not a mountain Gorilla for mountain Gorillas can only be found in Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic of Congo and only in the wild. Arrangement can be done with a gorilla trekking company to book your gorilla permit in advance for a period of about 2-3 months prior to your safari to either Uganda, Rwanda or democratic republic of Congo where gorillas can be tracked safely in their natural habitat and in Uganda a gorilla permit cost at $600 and in Rwanda $ 750 per person and you are only allowed to spend only one hour with the gorillas observing their behaviors, taking photos and also enjoying watching them playing, feeding making next among others. And for this reason it makes Gorilla Tracking in Uganda a number one on “MUST DO” activities in Uganda.


Your safari to Uganda would be considered the best ever if you choose to take on a challenge to raft on the source of the World’s Longest River “The Nile”. The Nile near jinja is taken as one of the most striking place in Africa to go white-water rafting. This is a very simple activity even if you never engage in this activity you can still do it as You do not need to have skills to raft in Uganda, all you need is to know how to swim and must be in love of Adventure in life, in Uganda there professional companies that can conduct your experience on the Nile and even at the Nile their experienced people (rafters) who can take you through the activity or they can join you during the activity. The activity takes up to full day or two days rafting on the Nile. If you book a family float will includes; All necessary rafting and safety equipments , breakfast, Snacks and buffet meal at the end of the day rafting , Cold Beers & Sodas. For an overnight you can sleep at the Nile or in Jinja town, come and explore Uganda’s wonders we are ready waiting you to take you through this wonderful and breathtaking activity.


Uganda is considered one of the best birding safari destinations not only in Africa but also in the whole world. When you look at Uganda on the world map, she looks very tinny and probably one of the smallest countries in the world covering an area of about 241,038 sq. km, but when it comes to bird list it transforms into a mighty giant as so far it has a birding check list of approximately 1000 bird species and in these include the Forest and Forest edge Birds, savannah grassland and savannah woodland Birds Fresh water and salt water birds all falling in either Resident or migratory Birds. Some of these birds are endemic to the country; mainly in the Albertine region these constitute 67% of Africa’s and 11.1% of the world’s total population hence this has made the country the must visit for bird lovers. To mention some of the most interesting birds in Uganda include; the crested crane (recently named ‘Gray crowned crane’), Shoebill, Wattled plorer, Africa Fish Eagle, African Jacana, Saddle Billed Stock, Pelican, African Pigmy Geese and Narina’s Trogon. The Shoebills very difficult or very impossible to find elsewhere. Uganda has some of the best bird watching expert (Guides) in the country there young people who are not only do bird watching as a career but also passionate in the field of birding they include both birding safari guides and site guides (By site Guides I mean guides that take you around a particular site of your interest). Many lodges, hotels, access roads and forests trails have been established and establishment of bird guides training programmes through the Uganda Bird & Safari Guides Association to facilitate all bird watchers across the country. All these have been done to make the activity enjoyable. To mention some of the places where bird watching activity can be carried out include in Queen Elizabeth national park, Lake Mburo national park, Kibale national park, Semulik Park, Bwindi impenetrable, Murchison falls national park, Kampala city in tall trees; Kidepo national falls the list is endless


Uganda has very many cultural sites, some of which you may not have all the time to visit all , it’s always advisable to visit Kasubi tombs which is just about 5kms from Kampala, Uganda’s capital and its largest city for that matter and see how it was back in the day before modern civilization took over Uganda. This interesting site is where the dead kings (Bassekabaka) of Buganda kingdom are buried including Mutesa1 (1865-1884), Daniel Mwanga11 (1884-1897), Daudi Cwa11 (1897-1939) and Frederick Mutesa11 (1939-1966). Uganda has got many tribes and each tribe has different traditional customs and norms, they differ a little from each other and if you‘re that person that has no much time in Uganda kasubi tombs is the ideal place for you to visit and learn at least something about African tradition in Uganda and the great role it placed in people’s lives back then. It is really worth to visit


This is indeed an interesting and challenging activity in Uganda, finding your self at the top of the mountain is really breathtaking. Mt.Rwenzori is some times called mountains of the moon it has got the longest ranges in Africa and permanent snow-capped peaks that offer great trekking experiences for Mountain climbers, Rwenzori is the highest mountain range in Africa with the highest peaks; Margherita (5,109m) and Alexandra (5083m) on Mount Stanley. Formed by faulting, the Rwenzori Ranges stretch out from Lake Albert to the volcanic Mountains of Democratic Republic of Congo. Not only climbing but the mountain ranges also supports a variety of animals including mammals like several species of antelopes, buffaloes, elephants can also be seen just to mention but a few and over 170 bird species, several of the latter being Albertine Rift endemics.

A Letter to Nanyonga, My Valentine’s Day Date

Valentine Date

Dear, Nanyonga,
First off, I am sorry to address you by your biological, ancient, ancestral, mother-tongued name. The other name skipped my mind. Will you allow me call you Nanyonga for now? Okay. I am writing this letter with my heart in my palms. I plucked it out of my chest because every time I thought about Valentine’s Day, it would slap, kick, thump, pinch, mstchewww, beat and clobber me. And I hate slaps. Can I fax it over to you, sweet Nanyonga?
Nanyonga, my sweet binyebwa. My calendar told me mbu Valentine’s Day is soon.

At first, I thought it had lied, but on close inspection and consultation from National Valentine’s Day Council (NVDC) settled the argument. Will you be my date, Nanyonga? Forget that silly TV show hosted by that thing with nice legs and swollen things on her hips. Be my date, Nany. I have been waiting for this opportunity to pour out my feelings to you. You know I love you, don’t you? Remember when I beeped you late at night? It was a sign of love. And the silence meant that I never wanted to bother you. I hate bothering people I love. Yes, yes, your phone call I switched off, I never wanted to chew your airtime.

Val’s Day is on Sato. I am consciously constipating myself, waiting for the big day. On that day, Nanyonga, you will know that nze wuwo like Jamal. NRM, oyeeee! Kati, I am these ends combing Owino Market for the best garments to unleash on that day. I want us to be trendy and dapper. I want us to show Kanye and Kim that we own this shit. I want Jay and Beyonce to sing a song about us in abject nuggu.

I am looking for red garments; stockings, handkerchiefs, et al. What should I get you? A purple half-petty? Will do. Forget that roses claptrap. I will get you something bigger. If possible, I will carry a tree. Or a bush.

We shall walk on the streets, holding hands. The street kids will beg us mbu ‘Sebo, sebo..’ I won’t listen to those haters. We shall walk to the cinemas. Have you heard of Sixty Greys of Shades? It is a new film. Oba by Van Damme. But I hear it is romantic. We shall watch it as others will be boring themselves to death. Thereafter, we shall have a candlelit dinner. I have already bought my packets of candles. And packets of matchboxes. I haven’t bought the dinner yet, but in this era of Rolexes and all food, we will be covered. I might not buy you an acre of land in Lake Victoria. That shit is overrated, by the way. What if you drown in that little piece of land? Loss. I might not buy you a car. Cars are stressful. In this traffic jam of ours. But Nanyonga, sweet baibe, I will buy anything on that day. Even chewing gum. I will buy.

Would you be my Valentine’s?

Guide to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is one of the best places to visit for an adventure! This impenetrable forest in South Western Uganda is one of the few places where to see the endangered mountain gorillas in the world and it is one of the only three UNESCO heritage sites in the country.
The renowned forest is home to nearly half of the remaining mountain gorillas. Most visitors looking for gorilla tracking in Africa choose to go this amazing park given its terrain which offers hikers the ultimate experience of hiking through the wild. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park covers about 32,000 ha and is known for its exceptional biodiversity. The park has more than 160 species of trees and over 100 species of ferns. Many types of birds and butterflies can also be found there. No wonder many tourists visit this park for a gorilla trekking safari into the wild to try out their luck of watching the gorillas in their natural wild.

Entrance points of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Traveling to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park to visit the gorillas is a highlight for every single traveler going to Africa for a wildlife tour. The Bwindi Forest National Park has 4 different entrance points which include Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, and Nkuringo where you can start your gorilla trek from. Therefore before booking and paying for your gorilla permit and accommodation it is very necessary to make research on which side of the the park you would like to track gorillas from. This depends on your gorilla permit. Make sure your lodge is located next to the starting point so you do not have to travel on this potentially long and tiring day.

The Buhoma entrance point of Bwindi National Park

Loacted in northern Bwindi, Buhoma is the most popular sector of the park and gorilla permits of this area are the first to get out of sale. This part is favored mostly because it has a number of other activities to participate in while in Bwindi apart from gorilla trekking, this part of the park had a variety oaf accommodation options to chose from and at a better price as compared to the rest of the park, this could be mostly because Buhoma region was the very first area of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest that was open for gorilla tracking safaris.

Popular Gorilla Families within Buhoma region

There are 14 habituated gorilla families in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park that can be visited by tourists taking gorilla safaris in Uganda. Each gorilla group can be visited by a maximum of 8 tourists. Tourism is highly regulated given that Uganda developed its industry following the guidelines of ecotourism. At the inauguration of tourism, the carrying capacity was first set – with each group permitting only 6 visitors.

Mubare Group also called M Family

First habituated gorilla family in 1998. At the beginning the group comprised of 12 family member but when the head silverback Ruhondeza died, it left only 5 family members. In 2013 the Mubare gorilla family received four other members making it now nine family member.

The Habinyanja Gorilla Family – H Group

Habituated groups was first discovered near a swamp hence the name of water. Tracking this gorilla family can normally go for a whole day – from upto five hours or more to track the Habinyanja Gorilla Group. These gorillas move daily over a wide range in the forest. Nevertheless there are harder groups to track that take a bit more energy. This group is also large comprising of over 18 members which change from time to time as gorilla babies arrive, old members die or move to another group and other factors.

Rushegura Family – R Group

One of the larger groups comprising of 16 members and can be tracked from the Buhoma area of the park park headquarters. The Rushegura family offers a short trek since the daily is staying in the area of This group slit from Habinyanja group and is found in the Buhoma area split off some years back to form its own family. Today these two families and the Mubare Gorilla Families cross each others paths and the meetings are mostly peaceful in nature.

Is Uganda Safe for Self Drive?

Game Drive in Uganda

Self drive safaris in most of African countries have become the most sought after experiences by most travelers today. It is a remarkable a new option that most travelers have consider after guided safaris. Self drive tours are more of adventure for first time or even repeat visitors on safari in a new destination like Uganda. While it is exciting to go on self drive in Uganda, it is also wise that you research more about the destination if it is safe for you to navigate independently.

For first time travelers, Uganda has enjoyed its prevailing peace and security for many years now making it one of the safest and secure destinations for one to embark on self drive tours while on safari in Africa. It is ranked one of the safest nations across Sub Saharan Africa and besides it comes along with its most warmly welcoming, kind and sociable people.

Security starts all the way from Entebbe International Airport, as there is thorough check up on arrival and departure and all this is intended to make sure that you are safe. However, safety starts with a visitor him or herself.

After the usual check up process at the airport, you find a tour company driver waiting for you, welcomes you and after, he will hand over the car keys to you and your safari will instantly begin from there. Along the way, you will still meet security or traffic officers who are monitoring how people are driving and making sure people are safe on the road as well as ensuring that all the road/transport rules and regulations are observed by travelers.

Also cases of visitors getting lost have not been registered because there are just handful principal roads in Uganda. You will have a road map with all the details of the car and country information. You have to drive defensively and within a minimal speed possible, with your car windows/doors closed and please avoid driving during night hours. Never leave important items in the car when the car is unattended and most important of all have your cash, water and charged mobile phone in your hands or bag.

You must also keep the left hand and don’t over speed or drink while driving. Focus and concentration are key factor that you must observe if you are to stay safe while on self drive tour in Uganda. Within the city center and other major towns, the roads are well built and most of them are tarmacked unlike those in the remotest areas and they are essential areas where most of Uganda’s star attractions are concentrated and most the route linking to these areas are a bit dusty because of murram. Based on East African standards, Uganda’s roads are better. The tarmac roads stretch from Kampala, to west and east to Jinja, Busia, Mbarara, Tororo, Mbale and Soroti

For risk free and safe safaris, contact us for a 4 by 4 wheel cars for hire for self drive and any kind of tour or business in Uganda. Our fleet of cars range from Land cruisers, Supper customs, to Rav4 and many others. Renting a car with us will certainly make you realize your dreams in Uganda. For visitors who feel insecure or scared about self drive, you can also hire car and a driver to help you achieve your dreams. We have well trained, skilled, experienced and above all professional drivers who are readily available to take you through your exploration in Uganda. They are up dated with all driving conditions in the country and definitely your work will be to relax and enjoy your ride as you head towards Uganda’s remotest national parks to enjoy your wildlife safaris more so the mountain gorilla experiences, birding, boat cruise among others which will fill you with authentic experiences of a life time.

Ugandans are equally the most sociable people and visitors can feel free to interact with them while on their safaris in Uganda. If you have ever thought about authentic African experiences in the world, then getting into Uganda for a safari is worthy. Combine your wildlife safari say gorilla trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest or Mgahinga Gorilla National Park with the Batwa cultural encounters and you won’t regret in life.

Most car hire companies provide rescues for cases of out break-down while on the road, there are machinists especially in developed towns or centers to help you get total satisfaction and if the mechanical problem is a bit demanding, they can exchange rented car with another vehicle. At this point, you should not be worried because your safety and security is every stakeholders’ responsibility.

In conclusion, Uganda is safe and secure for self drive tours. However, safety starts with travelers themselves. Never drive at night because you have heard that the country is safe anything can happen and this will spoil your travel experience. Rent a car with our trust worthy and reputable Car Hire Company and you will certainly enjoy a self drive tours in Uganda.

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