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Airtel Strengthens Boost Network with 2,000 Masts Across the Country


Just a year after communications giant –Airtel Uganda revealed presence of nationwide 4G LTE connectivity following complete transformation of their network, the telecom this Wednesday morning through its upper leadership stated that it has upto 2,000 network masts across the country.

The announcement is just another step in Airtel’s journey to provide excellent telecommunications services across Uganda. Besides the 2,000 masts, the Airtel Uganda network also consists of over 3,900 kilometers of fiber across Uganda covering 95.9% population, making it possible for subscribers around the country to enjoy an improved experience in internet-based activities.

Addressing Media in an E-Conference on Zoom platform and Social Media online launch, Airtel Uganda Managing Director Mr. V.G. Somasekhar noted that Airtel has played a fundamental role in preparing Ugandans for a fully digital Uganda and this has never been more relevant than today when the majority of Ugandans are staying at home and relying on the internet for work and entertainment.

“We have made a firm commitment to ensuring 100% access to our superior network in Uganda. Today, we are happy to announce that people across Uganda will be able to improve their lives through trade, education and commerce and enjoy the full offerings of Airtel Uganda’s reliable network whether on 2G, 3G or 4G,” he noted.

“With the availability of our countrywide network, we are mitigating other factors such as affordability of voice and data bundles, quality smartphones and Airtel Money transaction rates,” he added.

Eng. Irene Kaggwa Sewankambo, the Ag. Executive Director of the Uganda Communications Commission congratulated Airtel upon another accomplishment in their journey to provide superior network in Uganda.

“In order to transform the Ugandan society, we are ready to collaborate with the private sector and organizations like Airtel Uganda are playing an important role in ensuring reliable, affordable and always-on communication across Uganda. As the regulator, we are committed to developing a modern communications Infrastructure in Uganda, in conformity with the operationalization of the Telecommunications Policy. Congratulations Airtel,” she noted.

How to Plan a Thrilling Gorilla Trek to Bwindi Forest

Bwindi Gorilla

Uganda is one of the few countries that have these rare primates and they are largely found in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga National Park. However, it is not obvious that a visitor must view the gorillas in Uganda as he/she is required to obtain a gorilla permit. Obtaining a gorilla permit is the only way through which one can get a chance to see the gorillas.

All permits for primate safaris in Uganda can be obtained from Uganda Wildlife authority at their offices. Alternatively one can purchase a Gorilla permit online before going for A gorilla safari to Uganda. A gorilla permit in Uganda costs USD 600 per person, per day. A visitor is required to book these gorilla permits in advance to avoid inconveniences since at peak seasons, its competitive to acquire one. There are very many tourism agents that can help visitors from overseas to obtain these gorilla permits.

At the park, the gorillas were grouped into two special units for easy identification, the Katendegye group and the Mubare group. These groups are comprised of many gorillas that keep on multiplying every year. 

Though there are many Gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, found in the southwest of Uganda, it is not obvious that one must see the gorilla without knowing how to trek them. Meeting a gorilla in this thick forest requires a tourist to know how these elegant primates behave and how they spend their day.

Gorilla tracking requires one to have some energy because of the long distance that is moved while searching for the primates. A visitor is advised to have enough breakfast in the morning as he/she prepares for the trip. For treks that take more than a day, visitors are asked to carry food with them before setting off to the forest. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is a large park and therefore gorilla tracking takes many hours (a half a day – a full day).

The guides will group you into groups of six people and each group will take a different direction. This is done so as to avoid overcrowding at the paths which can irritate the mammals in the forest.

While in the forest, avoid making noise because it can scare away the Gorillas.

Sometimes seeing these gorillas becomes a hustle especially at mid-day (12:00 PM) when they are looking for food. But in order to be the first to see a gorilla while trekking, keep your eyes up in the trees. These gorillas often hide in the leaves while feeding and they only come down when its evening. Apart from feeding on leaves, they also play on the trees jumping from one tree to another.

In case you meet the Gorillas on your trek, don’t scare them away. Always keep about 10 meters away. You can take photos with them but make sure that the flash is off.

It is advisable that you avoid direct contact with the Gorillas unless if you are sure that it is treated and pest-free.

You can friend a gorilla at the park by persuading it to like you. This can be done by giving it food preferably sweet bananas.

Apart from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, mountain gorillas can also be found in Mgahinga National Park but the biggest number is found at Bwindi. While planning for a gorilla safari to Uganda, you can extend the adventure to Rwanda where these primates can also be found. In Rwanda, mountain gorillas are found in Volcanoes National Park. At Volcanoes National Park, there are 11 mountain gorilla families.

SWITCH Africa Green Regional Conference: Delegates Tipped on Investment Opportunities in Green Business


Earlier this Week, Regional policymakers and stakeholders from across the Seven (7) member states in Africa assembled at Speke Resort Munyonyo in a conference scheduled to last for three days from the 25th – 26th February 2020 as all discussions were focused on doing green business on the African Continent,  Business opportunities and  Investments.

This year’s theme ‘’Advancing Green Business and Circular Economy in Africa’’ was geared toward supporting and providing services to Medium, Small and Medium Enterprises in Africa.

The SWITCH Africa Green program was designed to support Seven countries as these include; Uganda, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa and Mauritius to accomplish sustainable development by engaging in the transition towards an inclusive green economy based on sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns.


This year’s SWITCH Africa Green regional meeting discussions held at Speke Resort Munyonyo were mainly based on designing techniques in tapping into green business opportunities in Tourism, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Mining and Integrated Waste Management as the programme aims to turn environmental challenges into opportunities based on the understanding that an inclusive green economy is at the core of sustainable development and has multiple benefits next to environmental protection, notably growth and jobs creation, poverty reduction, economic diversification and income generation. The programme also focuses on key enablers for the transition, including access to green financing, enabling policies and standards, circular practices, awareness and skills on eco-entrepreneurship, and innovative solutions.

United Nations Environment Programme Regional coordinator, Resource Efficiency Africa Office Mr. Patrick Mwesigye  said that, ‘’ The green business component aims at supporting transformation towards an inclusive economy by providing Services to MSME’s that enable them to start and develop resource-efficient and green business based on sustainable practices’’.

He added that, ‘’The United Nations Environment programme Green business key priority sectors include, Tourism, Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing  and Integrated Waste Management’’.

Charles Arden Clarke, Head at One Planet Network Secretariat said,’’ We have three demand side programmes looking at sustainable Tourism highlights for 2015 – 2019. Removing barriers that create challenges for Green Business development in Africa is now our main agenda’’.

Since its inauguration, SWITCH Africa Green has immensely built a pool of resources, knowledge base and expertise within the four priority sectors; Agriculture, Integrated Waste Management, Manufacturing and above all Tourism sectors. The transition to an inclusive green economy requires scaling up on the cooperation and collaborations among countries as well as creating synergies with emerging trends to achieve the objectives such as circular economy approaches, exploring a workable mechanism for access to finance for green investments etc.

The Beat Goes On

The Beat Goes On

This guy had just told a joke and Stella was mid-laugh, her mouth frozen open in a snapshot when she saw something across the bar.

Excusing herself from her friends she went in the opposite direction of whatever had caught her attention, towards the writhing mass of bodies on the dance floor. There she danced, alone, simply turning whenever a guy tried to approach her, hips-, or worse, crotch-first.

She would whirl, keeping time with the driving diwali riddim, to place a hand upon their chest and push them off, or a withering look upon their egos. Then she shouldered and shoved her way deeper into the vortex of humid, gyrating figures, to twerk near the woofer, to think in the quiet between each booming bass beat.

When she emerged, her brow a little damp, she left a heady scent of pheromones that left the men in her wake watching; attempting to theorise what it was about her that drew their eye. Was it the quick wit of her hips or the promise of heavy sighs in the curve of her lip? At the bar she ordered a Smirnoff Black and appeared indifferent to the double-take the tall, dark man beside her had done on seeing her.


“Joe, hey.” She gave him a glance that spoke nothing of the depth of feeling between them, the sweat they had shared and the chasm of quiet that had stretched between them over the past year.

“You look great,” he said, and she believed him. He could say the corniest, most clichéd lines since Casanova made them famous and she would smell his bullshit a mile away. This, however she knew was true.

“Why, thank you,” and she allowed herself and him, a playful smile. “You don’t look half-bad yourself.”Indeed he looked great in his small, yellow t-shirt that told of hard abs beneath. She had seen him in it many times, back when the two of them would meet regularly in crowded bars, and then slip out to a lodge, or to her flat… but never to his place. He lived with his “saved” older sister, he had told her, who would not approve. She thought it more likely that his sister would not approve of Joe cheating on his girlfriend with 3 am booty calls and side dishes and probably a few one night stands.

“It’s too hot in here, let’s go outside,” he grasped her arm just above the elbow; a smooth motion, as though just one part in an inevitable sequence of events, the first lever of a Rube Goldberg machine.

She gently twisted out of his grip, “How’s the baby? Joseph Junior”. She would not make it that easy for him. “He’s fucking adorable,” she added, as always taking a perverse pleasure in the hard ‘k’, “I saw the pics on FB”.

“Yeah, and then you stopped talking to me.”

She shrugs like she doesn’t remember the reasons for it, or like she remembers and the reasons don’t matter anymore.

“I’ve missed you” he says, just above the roar of white noise of a loud, 1 am bar in Kampala; bottles clinking and crashing to the floor, drunks yelling more moisture than volume into the faces of patient bartenders, and always, the ever-driving ¾ beat. The ridiculous idea occurred to Stella that should the music stop, everyone would collapse to the floor like toy aliens in a Disney cartoon. She smiled almost inadvertently. Joe placed his hand on her thigh, her skin tingling where his mouth almost touched her neck as he leaned in to ask if she’d like another drink. She tipped her bottle, surprised to find it almost empty and nodded her head.

As happens in a club it became easier not to talk; conversation is quickly driven underground by the beat, the march of feet against wooden floor, and eventually one ends up talking with one’s body. Stella shifted ever-so-easily until she was leaning against him and they were grinding lazily to one delicious, sweat-drenched dem bow riddim after the other. This time when he took her elbow and began to lead her toward the door, she did not resist.

They ended up in the backseat of his friend’s car. Stella was being reminded that she liked the way Joe kissed her, like he was physically hungry for her, taking each of her fat lips into his mouth in turn. She let him suck on her neck, and paw at her blouse until her breast popped out like a ripe fruit, which he took in his mouth. Ripples of pleasure coursed across her body.

She did not resist when his mouth moved lower, encouraged him to keep moving when he spent too long around her navel by gently flexing her belly. He responded, lifting her skirt up and pressing his mouth on her clit through her rapidly-soaking cotton panties.

Stretching her long limbs so that her heels touched the driver’s headrest, he peeled her panties off and then, pausing, skipping one endless beat, he dove between her legs.

Christ, he was good at going down! Stella had missed this. He pressed his mouth hard upon her pubic bone, his tongue whirling around and around her most aroused parts. For a moment she worried that she was too drunk to cum but then she felt that familiar sensation of her body falling away and becoming only this glowing ball of pleasure in her pussy.  Her hands on the back of his head she pulled him into her, for once not caring if she suffocated him. And then she came. Wave upon glorious wave, she rocked, and shuddered and sighed and clenched…And released.

As her breathing steadied, he climbed up and kissed her mouth and she tasted herself, triumphant.

“That was fantastic” she told him.

She reached downward and found him, hard as a rock, straining against his jeans. He held himself above her, leaning on one hand as the other went to his unbuckle his belt. She took the opportunity to climb quickly into her panties.

“What are you doing?”He asked.

“Leaving” she answered, hand already on the door handle. He only stared at her in disbelief, mouth opening and closing like a fish. She stepped out, adjusted her skirt and blew him a kiss.

“Thank you,” she told the thousands of expressions moving and gathering across his face like threatening clouds. Then Stella walked away from Joe, back towards the insistent beat of the bar.

Uganda is Blessed Unique Natural Beauty – Migereko


On Tuesday, the fifth edition for the Pearl Of Africa Tourism Expo (POATE) organised by Uganda Tourism Board and sister Government Agencies, a gathering of international, regional and domestic players in the tourism value chain opened up and brought together Exhibitors, hosted buyers, international and local media, tour operators, hoteliers, crafts people, traditional dance troupers among other key stakeholders in the tourism and travel fraternity at Speke Resort Munyonyo in a three days Tourism Expo.

The Expo well positioned at the shores of Lake Victoria, Africa’s largest freshwater with cool breeze, ran under three main pillars; Discover, Showcase and Connect destination Uganda despite the fact that Uganda is arguably the unbeatable number one tourism destination both in Africa and the entire world.

While addressing guests and delegates at Speke Resort Munyonyo, UTB Chairman, Hon. Daudi Migereko tasked to the question that; How do we take advantage of our excellent weather, peace and tranquility to market and share with the world our unique and diverse tourism attractions? The answer lies in discerning, articulating and amplifying the opportunities that Uganda presents for everybody attending this POATE 2020- and going back to market the same.

He further added that, ’The key question on our minds today should be how we take advantage of our excellent weather, peace and tranquility so that we are in position to market the unique and diverse tourism attractions that this country has to offer as organizing this expo is an opportunity to interact and bring in more business for our hotels’’.

Hon. Daudi Migereko  further said that, ’What you have found on the ground through Fam trips and the growing tourism figures show that Uganda is arguably the most well-endowed country in Africa and possibly the world. For example, compared to our neighbors, although Uganda is only 25% of Tanzania’s land area; 2.4 times smaller than Kenya, and 9.7 times smaller than DRC, we do possess 39% of Africa’s Mammal Richness (7% of the Global Mammal Diversity) and this includes: 19 species of primates- amongst which is the mountain gorillas out of which 53.9% of the World’s remaining population of mountain gorillas is resident in Uganda.

Added to the above, 11% of the world’s recorded species of birds or half of Africa’s bird species, 19% of Africa’s amphibian species richness, 14% of Africa’s reptile species richness  and 40 recorded species of butterflies are all resident in Uganda. Uganda is also home to the Source of the mighty River Nile and its magnificent features; 11,000 square miles of Lake Victoria with beautiful beaches and green islands as well as the Rwenzori Mountains, a UNESCO world Heritage site’’ he concluded

Tourism Statistics in Uganda

Over the last five years, visitor numbers (arrivals) have grown by 19% from 1.27 million to 1.5 million- on average by 4% every year. The number of leisure visitors- which is the real measure of tourism has grown twice faster- by 38% from 220,219 visitors in FY2014/15 to 301,134 in FY2018/19- a compounded annual growth rate of 6%.

Forex earnings from the visitors grew by 22% from USD1.31 billion to USD1.6 billion in the same period- an average growth of 4% per year, according to statistics from the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities.

According to Uganda Hotel Owners Association (UHOA) average hotel occupancy for Kampala and Entebbe hotels, stood at 58% in 2018. It has however, been established by UHOA that on average, an occupancy rate of 40% would enable a hotel in Uganda to break even. Indeed, investment in the hospitality sector is welcome and will give you positive returns.

Jumia Dominates Uganda Online Shopping Space


In a recently released study published by GeoPoll, online shopping platform Jumia has emerged as the most dominant e-commerce site in the country with 76% of the country’s online shoppers using the platform to make their purchases.

The study conducted in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Côte D’ivoire revealed Jumia as the number one online shopping platform in all countries except Tanzania.

It also revealed that trust and prepayment for orders as one of the leading barriers of online shopping; a barrier that Jumia is breaking down with its cash on delivery payment option & 7 day cash back return policy.


While shopping online, Ugandans purchased more electronics, with fashion coming second and finally groceries as the most popular categories. A trend that echoes Jumia consumer trends during last year’s successful Black Friday campaign.

Why Murchison Falls Should Also Go!!

Murchison Falls

No one is losing sleep over how much mercury, lead, sulphur and other heavy metals are in Lake Nalubaale (‘Victoria’) alone thanks to the factories, a flower farm, a brewery and processing plants which release untreated effluent into that freshwater source daily.

And we wonder why cancers are all the rage.

We also seem to forget that over the past thirty-four years, hundreds of acres of wetlands and forest have illegally been reclaimed and cleared by the cabal of untouchable, armed and ‘connected’ Ugandans or their proxies—often disguised as investors for whom land grabbing and environmental destruction are a hobby.

Only last week, the diverse ecosystem that is Bugoma Forest was given away for sugarcane growing.

NEMA is deaf, blind and dumb!

Perennially underfunded and understaffed, the environmental watchdog is no more virile than a castrated bull.

It sees, speaks and hears no evil.

Eron Kiiza, a lawyer who has been defending the environmental and land rights of thousands of families in Mubende is being fought by an unholy trinity that features a corrupt judge, compromised MPs and armed men deployed to protect the vampires.

The rest of the country, particularly the elite Murchison Falls crowd, is conspicuously mute about this nationwide assault on the environment.

It will hurt to see the beautiful falls in Murchison Falls National Park go but I will not make noise against the proposal to dam the scenic Falls. The problem on our hands is way taller than the one hundred and forty-one feet of the Falls.

The campaign to save the Falls is pretentious and myopic.

Pretentious in the sense that it is motivated by the threat to narrow commercial interests (lodges, hotels and safari company owners) and not about the broader political questions that have led to environmental destruction at the scale we’ve seen under Gen. Museveni’s rule.

Myopic because the proposal to build that dam is a decision that has (already) been made by the powers that be. To petition the same people is to entrust the keys to the chicken coop with the fox, or in this case, the leopard, and act surprised when the chickens go missing!

The campaign ignores the fact that to save Mabira Forest from sugarcane investors, Ugandans staged three-day protests which were brutally suppressed by the armed forces—commanded by the same man who is now being implored to save Murchison Falls.

Months later, large swathes of Mabira (which are not visible from Jinja Highway) were given away for sugarcane growing!

If he didn’t care about Mabira, which I believe are the lungs of the Great Lakes region, why should he care about a ‘mere’ Murchison Falls?

An analysis of the people behind the campaign reveals a checklist of regime-backed social media influencers and hangers-on. I do not want to take part in a psychological operation disguised as a campaign which, knowing Museveni’s mastery of guerrilla tactics, may be designed to portray him as a saviour.

After months of online and offline advocacy against the proposed dam, he will take to the media, feign ignorance about the project, blame his Cabinet and everybody else but himself and then order a halt to the construction, thereby earning himself some cheap political mileage from unsuspecting and gullible sections of the public.

Lest we forget, Hillary Onek, an engineer of hydrology and Minister for Energy and Minerals at the time authored and presented an expert opinion in opposition to the catastrophic proposal to build a dam at the picturesque Bujagaali Falls.

Onek was ignored, accused of being “anti-development”, a collaborator of the LRA’s Joseph Kony and years later, over a billion dollars broker, we’re suffering the very effects he warned about.

Economists have continuously presented evidence to show that Uganda’s energy problem will not be solved by the construction of dams; the problem arises from the privatization of the electricity value chain which has made the cost of power so high that it is simply unaffordable for most Ugandans.

Ergo, you can build fifty more dams but the domestic tariff will not come down for as long as you’re leading an impoverished, agrarian and largely unproductive population which only uses electricity for lighting, charging phones, running a few other basic appliances and perceives washing machines, electric ovens and bathroom water heaters as luxuries.

Museveni is not an imbecile. He knows what the problem is and fully understands the futility and adverse effects of a dam at Murchison Falls. If, as usual, he ignores the experts and the campaigners and goes ahead, it will not be because he doesn’t know or is ignorant.

Please don’t sanitise him by sending him petitions, as if to say he cares about the environment. His record (on environment) proves the contrary.

Instead, we should confront the big picture political questions that have led to the personalization of institutions and institutionalization of Museveni…so much so that every issue, from boda boda—KCCA wrangles, lecturers’ salaries, which parts of the body to have sex with, to the role of pastors in society must be addressed by him.

If we don’t tackle the real issue head-on, we might save Murchison Falls in the short term but will lose more national treasures in the long run as we blindly take part in his perpetual mind games and tomfoolery.
This piece was written by Andrew Karamagi

Semyekozo by Eddy Kenzo Lyrics


muliwa ba semyekozo abakolamu
obulamu bunyuma bwoba nga wakolamu
silina biseera nze ngenda eh yi
ekindeese kwekubusa abo oye
ebigambo tebigula matta
atalina sente erindaazi talifumita
ebintu bya buseere make up n’ebizigo bya buseere yo yo
ebintu bya buseere make up n’ebizigo babiseera eh eh

ba nga ffe ba love nigga
abagaba love n’ensimbi
omwana asaba milliver nomuwa milk nabuuka
semye semye semye semye semye
semye semyekozo eyakolamu
semye semye semye semye semye
semye semyekozo eyakolamu
semye semye semye semye semye
semye semyekozo eyakolamu

life bwekuwa lemon ng’okola lemonade
ng’olinya grade ndowooza yakiroodi
eh Sabula njabala digida osobola
berayo ng’omanyi (eyo)
wotankola nsimbi gw’omanyi (leero)
love ya leero eya kati (eyo)
ebintu bya kiwani

omukwano gwadda kunsimbi
so nga tegwali gwa nsimbi
omukwano gwadda kunsimbi
so nga tegwagulanga nsimbi

muliwa ba semyekozo abakolamu
obulamu bunyuma woba nga wakolamu
semye semye semye semye semye
semye semyekozo eyakolamu
semye semye semye semye semye
semye semyekozo eyakolamu
semye semye semye semye semye
semye semyekozo eyakolamu

osanye nowuuwa maama w’abaana (nowuuwa)
kilunji nomuuwa oyo omwana wa maama (nanyuuma)
osanye nowuuwa ye maama w’abaana (nomuuwa eh)
kilunji nomuuwa oyo omwana wa maama (anyumirwe)
osanye nowuuwa ye maama w’abaana (nomuuwa eh)
kilunji nomuuwa oyo omwana wa maama (nanyuuma eh)

yah man kenzo Ronnie pro
huuu…eba..yah man …yah
acha maneno otafite pesa ..okay

Baloope by Chosen Becky Lyrics

Baloope by Chosen Becky

eh eh hey hey chosen becky eeeeeh
mukwano yegwe gwendowooza day by day
nsibye mu kasaati ko nga nkambadde
jangu jangu ewange ouuhh
ani akulimba nti mwegomba ah
oyo anakuvirako okunesamba
baleke baveeko abo

nkwagala nga mwana nze gwenfaakooo
jangu nkulere male nkuliseko
jangu jangu ewange eeh
bansekerera banji bakwepimamu naye
webakubuuza baleete ewange
webakunyiiza baloope ewange
nabyona byofunye jogenze bileetere nze
ewange eh kuba oliwange

nkulinda nga mwana alikusomeero
bwalinda esaawa y’ekijanjaalo
onyumiza obuboozi obuwunya akawoowo
onsembeza nga kumpi n’akazindaalo
jangu nkulere male nkuliseeko
jangu jangu nawe eh
otunula bulunji gwe nekumakya
simanyi oba abawala ba ba batya
eyo wobeera eyo eh

nze manyi nti banji bakwepimamu naye
webakubuuza baleete ewange
webakunyiiza baloope ewange
nabyona byofunye jogenze bileteere nze
ewange eh kuba oliwange

mukwano gwange ntwala ng’ekyokusimba
omulimi n’ensigo ontalize onkoleerenga
onandizenga ate onfukirirenga
kimuli kyange kireme okuwotokanga
ebyange byona nsimye njabikuwanga ye
ngenda kumera ate nebibala ojja kulya, baby

webakubuuza baleete ewange
webakunyiiza baloope ewange
nabyona byofunye jogenze bileetere nze
ewange eh kuba oli wange

webakubuuza baleete ewange
webakunyiiza baloope ewange
nabyona byofunye jogenze bileetere nze
ewange eh kuba oli wange eeeeh!

Single By Weasel and Amalon Lyrics

Single by Weasel and Amalon

Amalon Weasel now we rolling made beats goodlyfe we rolling
fire fire burn now we burning (made beats on the beat)
bulibongo zawe yo di best nyemerera mfate kuri waist
rekana naba young boys bo ni fake
ngwino nguhe sample love test (same way)
I’ve been feeling this lovin ye ye
nyemererwa nkore kurizo wezere
hirya hino nshakisha umubebe finally gal mbonye wo we
nobody can love me now for yo love baby gal me can’t be without
nobody can love me now way u love me gal you’re criminal
mupenzi we iyi mpeta nkwambitse, ubyamere it’s only u only u woo
sinkiri single ayo single ayo sinkiri single ayo single anymore
sinkiri single ayo single ayo sinkiri single ayo single anymore
ummm mukobwa mwiza Weasel ndagukunda
mukobwa mwiza Weasel njyewe ndagukunda
ummm mukobwa mwiza Weasel ndagukunda
ummm mukobwa mwiza Weasel njyewe ndagukunda
am your number one guy na you rake me
you put me ina yo oven na you bake me
I never run away gal never leave me
me love is like a fire can’t stop me mmmhhh
omukwano njakugukuwa byona byoyagala baby nja kubiguraaa
abalala tebakusanira nzayina ebirunji byona byotasubiraaaa
nobody can stop me now for yo love every time can’t do without
gal you control me now yo mi love doctor gal you heal me now
mukobwa mwiza Weasel ndagukunda
ummm mukobwa mwiza Weasel njyewe ndagukunda
ummm mukobwa mwiza Weasel ndagukunda
mukobwa mwiza Weasel……….
sinkiri single ayo single ayo sinkiri single ayo single anymore
sinkiri single ayo single ayo sinkiri single ayo single anymore
Amalon Weasel now we rolling madebeats goodlyfe we rolling
fire fire burn now we burning hmmmm ayoo

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